Tony Lazzaro's testimony

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Tony NEVER said he did not like children. What he told KC was that his apartment was not a proper place to bring a child. You're talking about a group of young men still in college doing what young men in college often do. Tony was acting in a responsible manner by telling KC basically the child should not be around their smoking. jmo

I agree LambChop.

I am betting had their " relationship " gone any further he would have figured her out. I thought he did very well on the stand and perhaps had a hard time hiding his feelings. Good for him for laying down the law on Caylee not staying the night at his place w the monster. I'm floored over all the bs ICA got away with for so long and will never understand why the Anthony's didn't intervene sooner. Sigh.
I was seperated with young children 1 /12 years old for about 1 year.

they never were exposed to any dates I had...never...until I met my current husband

NEVER!!!! I cannot imagine dragging my child thru a series of bedrooms like this...

and I was a wildchild...

hate to be judgemental....but my god...and I have many regretable moments...all young mothers do. But regardless of her arguments with C and G...she should have left Caylee out of it, and left her at home.

so selfish.

You and me both minazoe!!
I was seperated with young children 1 /12 years old for about 1 year.

they never were exposed to any dates I had...never...until I met my current husband

NEVER!!!! I cannot imagine dragging my child thru a series of bedrooms like this...

and I was a wildchild...

hate to be judgemental....but my god...and I have many regretable moments...all young mothers do. But regardless of her arguments with C and G...she should have left Caylee out of it, and left her at home.

so selfish.


I'm sure Casey just wanted to spend quality time with her daughter, after all...she was working all those hours and poor Little Caylee spent so much time with the nanny.
I missed TL testimony. Did they question him at all about what his conversation was all night long on June 15th? According to cell records, they called and texted until the wee hours of the morning and AFTER the big fight with her mother.

I've waited years to see what they talked about that night and hoped it would provide some insight on ICA's mood towards her mother, towards Caylee ...
A lot of people seem to be giving Anthony Lazzaro the "what for"?
He seems like an average college guy, like ones I dated when we were on summer term.
Friends with some awesome benefits for the summer, and then back to our regular lives after.
Not all girls have a problem with summer flings. I know I didn't.
many new mothers do have PPD and if not treated or they are not able to discuss it , chances are the condition gets much worse/and developes into full blown insanity.:twocents:

Respectfully websurfer, much love and respect! I am not attacking you! Just the idea that keeps being put forth that she had PPD.

I had PPD. There is no way that I could have even had the tiniest bit of strength do to the carousing, shopping,lying,stealing,and partying that ICA did. Even before poor Caylee was gone.

She may have a mental illness ( insanity is a legal term actually) but I just cannot fathom that she has PPD. Most women who have PPD know they should put the child first but just can't. ICA has never, IMO, put anyone before herself and she sees nothing wrong with it.:twocents:
I like Tony. He does not seem like a total and complete jerk. He seems more sincere than I expected for a college aged guy that was dating Casey.

I have been watching his testimony over and over... because he REMINDS ME OF SOMEONE... and I cannot figure out who.

Does Tony look like/act like anybody else? Or am I just totally losing my mind?

I really notice it when he talks... he REALLY resembles somebody. It is going to drive me completely nuts.

Hopefully it's a celebrity & not someone I know, so someone can tell me who it is. :banghead:
I like Tony. He does not seem like a total and complete jerk. He seems more sincere than I expected for a college aged guy that was dating Casey.

I have been watching his testimony over and over... because he REMINDS ME OF SOMEONE... and I cannot figure out who.

Does Tony look like/act like anybody else? Or am I just totally losing my mind?

I really notice it when he talks... he REALLY resembles somebody. It is going to drive me completely nuts.

Hopefully it's a celebrity & not someone I know, so someone can tell me who it is. :banghead:

Shia Lebeouf~


I seriously feel for all these young ladies and young men.
Will TL be back on the stand again?
I'm surprised the DT didn't ask him about waking up to KC crying while looking at video of Caylee.

TL seemed so much 'softer' today. Yesterday he came off jerky imo.
I missed TL testimony. Did they question him at all about what his conversation was all night long on June 15th? According to cell records, they called and texted until the wee hours of the morning and AFTER the big fight with her mother.

I've waited years to see what they talked about that night and hoped it would provide some insight on ICA's mood towards her mother, towards Caylee ...

nothing on big fight yet. i'm kinda thinking it will come with Amy: soon.
Will TL be back on the stand again?
I'm surprised the DT didn't ask him about waking up to KC crying while looking at video of Caylee.

TL seemed so much 'softer' today. Yesterday he came off jerky imo.

I thought the state brought this up yesterday and <modsnip> put a big ol' objection on it, that wasn't overruled... I may have misheard, my "ears" aren't working - it's the puter not the headphones so I'm struggling through for annoyed.

I thought Tony did a good job - better once I realized he wasn't being a jerk and yes, he was even better today.
Regarding the testimony about abuse...I thought it was determined yesterday that Tony couldn't give details about the family secret told to him.
Can someone set me straight on something? I was in and out today - maybe I missed it - but is it confirmed that Casey was cheating on Tony or at least interested in/seducting/sleeping with other men when she was supposedly so into him?
Regarding the testimony about abuse...I thought it was determined yesterday that Tony couldn't give details about the family secret told to him.

hjjp held a hearing outside the presence of the jury to see what the secret was

turns out, it WASNT sexual abuse by GA, but that GA "hit" ICA some, which TL interpreted tp mean= discipline.

also ICA told TL that LA tried to feel her up, but didn't succeed.

the SA needs that testimony IN, IMO.
I'm sorry if this thought has been posted before, as I have only skimmed most posts, but something struck me as idk, an oxymoron of sorts...

When Tony gave his statement this evening, when the jury was out, and the DT desperately wanted him to say that GA had sexually abused ICA, how would that jive with the DT's opening statement that ICA had hidden the "accidental drowning" just like she had hidden everything that had to do with the sexual abuse by GA? If anything, that blows the DT's statement out the door, because if ICA had admitted to people that GA had sexually abused her, then why not admit to those same people she trusted so much as to admit having her father's P**** in her mouth @ 13, that her daughter had drowned and seeking advice or help from them?

I hope what I'm saying makes sense, because I think, even if they could find someone to go along with ICA's sick lies and say that ICA had told them about the abuse by GA, then the jurors could ultimately question why she would keep the accident a secret.
After most people in the gallery left for the evening... after jurors were excused...

starting at 24:22

Followed by Tony Lazzarro returning to the stand.

HJBP will rule on whether or not the jury hears this testimony.
Of course, TL has no idea what the DT's opening statement contained, correct? He may, in fact, think he really helped her out. jmo
Honestly, I get the feeling that the last thing Tony would want to do is help ICA out. I think he's doing what he is obligated to do, just like he has all along, and that's it. I think he has no ulterior motives, and that he just wants to put all of this behind him ASAP. He's probably been one of the most truthful people involved in all of this mess, with nothing to hide, and not trying to help or hinder the defense OR the state. He's like Switzerland.

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