Tony's Statement Tied to 6/15

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My questions:

How many days according to the timeline was Casey really away from the house?

As controlling as CA is did she REALLY let 30 days go by without going to look for Casey and Caylee?

At what point did Casey tell Amy that her car was being fixed?

I never understood how Casey could run out of gas and back car in next to dumpster. I know she said she got help,,,,why haven't those people come forward if that was the truth?

I know I have asked this question before on another post and never really got an answer,,,,,,,,,but it eats and eats at me. That question is.....

How in the heck did she get Zenaida Gonzalas's name???? I understand what people are saying about zanny the nanny,,,,,,,that just doesn't sit well with me because it would be toooooooooooo cooincidental too have Casey take police to the sawgrass apts, where a Zenaida G just happen to put in info for an apt...............there is something more to this,,,,,,WHAT IS IT?????? Casey must have known someone in the apts office,,,,,,,,something....

And another thing,,,,,,the use of the term "nanny",,,,,is that common place in Orlando for people to say "nanny"??? Up here in the great white north, we use the term "day care provider" Nanny is someone who comes into your home and takes care of your child. Why that term???
I wondered the same thing about the term "nanny". I'm a Yankee too, in Philadelphia. The "nannies" I see all the time are usually women who come to the child's home every day or actually live in it with the family. (I work in an exclusive (read that expensive) part of the city). Most of them are immigrants and they always are employed by one family only. Most working mothers take their kids to day care facilities here.

I kinda think the terminology is Casey Anthony's attempt to elevate herself in other people's opinion. "Nanny" sounds like someone hired by a professional whereas babysitter is oh, so ordinary.
That picture has always haunted me.
Caylee looks scared and is cuddled up to Great-grandpa!
How can you look at that child and say she doesn't look scared?

Who could she be scared of? Well, who was there? Cindy! That's who was there.
That's who took her to the nursing home the day of 6/15! We've seen her temper.
What was going on that day even before they got back to her Mother's house?

It looks to me like already Great-grandpa was worried and Caylee was scared-
we can see it in their expressions how Caylee looks like she is crawling up on him,
as if to say hold me, help me!!

Earlier in this thread it was mentioned that CA was the last known person witnessed
in the company of Caylee, so why then was she not originally named a POI by LE???

I believe that woman at least knew Caylee was in danger!


I've written a few times about the same photo capturing an expression on Caylee's face that haunts me. She looks apprehensive, hunted and protective of herself AND her grandparent. I guess Cindy, who must have taken the picture, didn't see that or thought she just looked adorably clingy.
Other statement/interviews have suggested Tony's lease was coming due @ his Sutton apt., which would make sense if the semester was ending and he hadn't planned to have a shacked up girlfriend in Orlando...I dunno...anything on this is pretty much speculation on my part...although I would like to know the facts too.

Nate was staying w/ Tony shopping for another apartment too.

This is an old post but I'm answering anyway, because I'm just arrogant enought to think I've figured this out.

My theory: On June 17 Casey goes to Sawgrass to check out an apartment for Tony. She saw Zenaida's application lying on the counter and desk, and maybe the name intriged her, who knows why, but she makes note of it, and the apt # she was shown. She didn't know after that if Zenaida rented it or not.

I believe that because on June 19, Casey introduces Tony to Matthew Crisp, who had property of some sort to rent. Tony talked to him about renting and getting out of his lease.

Casey was trying to find Tony an apt, trying to make herself useful along with the laundry and cleaning. As always, just my humble opinion.
I honestly believe there is another, better way, of finding out if Casey stayed the night on the night of the 15th.

The neighbors.

If the neighbors heard the fight/argument then Casey stormed out I can rationalize that SOMEONE in the neighborhood heard her leaving or saw her leave. Her car was never in the garage according to one neighbor and definitely never backed into the garage.

So, pissed off Casey storms out, jumps in her car (with or without Caylee) and peels out or just drives away fast in a fit of anger someone had to have heard it or seen it. Which, if they saw her then they would know if she took Caylee with her. Also, the next morning, the neighbors had to have left for work. Was Casey's car there? I'm doubting it was.

I also believe that LE knows this already by talking to the neighbors and haven't released this information. An eyewitness account and CP pings could nail the date she left to the 15th and staying at Tony's I believe.

I very much doubt the morning of the 16th story from GA and CA. I also doubt the pool story. A huge fight then all of a sudden they are hanging out in the pool together and CA tucks Casey and Caylee in? Yeah, I think not. :rolleyes:
. What I'd like to know (and it hasnt been released yet) is what dates was she surfing the net about Cloraform? Now that would make all the difference to me. Plus where did it come from?

We pretty much know she shacked up with Tony suddenly around the 15th after the blow up with her parents.


I think Casey stayed over at Tony's while he was gone after faking to leave early she would return. I believe she also searched his computer and found on some page of his (not sure how to word this) it was like a picture of a postcard taken in a fancy restaurant with a waiter in formal dress mode holding a silver tray with glasses and a bottle of CHLOROFORM serving it to a woman. The caption reads ...something like : try serving your girlfriend chloroform.

I myself find this very sick....I guess Tony thought it funny. But it makes me wonder if it also upset Casey or at least piqued her interest enough to start doing her own searches on it. So she may have found out about its use with drugs and as a cleaning agent which she then may or may not have used later on.

What I now wonder about is did Casey have a laptop that she took with her? or did she just rely on her friends computers to access her favs and to email?

If she was no longer living at home and with all that time on her hands if Tony didn't take his computer with him every day she had plenty of time to be on-line...Is LE searching their computers?
. What I'd like to know (and it hasnt been released yet) is what dates was she surfing the net about Cloraform? Now that would make all the difference to me. Plus where did it come from?

We pretty much know she shacked up with Tony suddenly around the 15th after the blow up with her parents.


I think Casey stayed over at Tony's while he was gone after faking to leave early she would return. I believe she also searched his computer and found on some page of his (not sure how to word this) it was like a picture of a postcard taken in a fancy restaurant with a waiter in formal dress mode holding a silver tray with glasses and a bottle of CHLOROFORM serving it to a woman. The caption reads ...something like : try serving your girlfriend chloroform.

I myself find this very sick....I guess Tony thought it funny. But it makes me wonder if it also upset Casey or at least piqued her interest enough to start doing her own searches on it. So she may have found out about its use with drugs and as a cleaning agent which she then may or may not have used later on.

What I now wonder about is did Casey have a laptop that she took with her? or did she just rely on her friends computers to access her favs and to email?

If she was no longer living at home and with all that time on her hands if Tony didn't take his computer with him every day she had plenty of time to be on-line...Is LE searching their computers?

I never saw anything about that postcard thing being on Tony's computer. Where did that come from? I mean where did you find out about it? Every time I think I have caught up on it all, I find out something else!!
I know it seems like those are key dates in the case. What I'd like to know (and it hasnt been released yet) is what dates was she surfing the net about Cloraform? Now that would make all the difference to me. Plus where did it come from?

We pretty much know she shacked up with Tony suddenly around the 15th after the blow up with her parents. She had a place to run to, ( a place to feel "safe" ) We have Georges account for the 16th which can be taken or left, ya know? So is Tony refering to the 16th of June- it doesnt say. The 16th phone records, locations, receipts are going to matter for the 16th & 17th. Not to mention the other two key dates stick out in my mind is the 24th of June until the 27th, when she dumped the car. I am thinking she dug up the body around the 24th and took her a couple days to dispose of it. Then on the 27th ditched the car @ amscot.

Hard to say Mr. Bond what happened on the 16th ( I was celebrating my birthday!) but as far as Casey, you have Georges account for that afternoon and you have her chipdish boyfriend who ommits dates, times and cant talk with any clarity whatsoever. Casey told Tony a line of crap and he just is the type of guy not to think anything of it. Afterall here she was playing house and being a very good girlfriend and he was just thinking he had a good piece and a maid all in one package- so I think Tony had blinders on. he's too young to know any better. His roommates were more accurate than Tony was. We arent hearing too much from Tony in the media, his former roommates are speaking out, but he isnt and he is like a deer caught in the headlights whenever the press tries to get anywhere near him. Either he is feeling that ashamed of the relationship he had with Casey or he is a key witness and has to keep a low profile.

Also the other night on NG, the former roommate Nate skirted around the question of contacting Casey since her arrest. Nate was clear he hadnt spoken to her, but does not know whether Tony has any communication with her. My speculation if I had a crystal ball, I know Casey will attempt to contact him while she is out on bail. Whether he buys her lies & stories, we'll never know unless it comes out in trial.

So casey did start living there on the 16th for sure, the 15th is unclear...because Cindy & George are stating she was home......and I dont beleive it.

The timing of the move-in with Tony and clothes is critical. I remember reading someone say they heard KC say she was looking for an apartment by herself because moving in with Tony was too soon. Ergo, she couldn't have Caylee there with her. So in absense of a real job to pay for an apartment she was stuck with Caylee at her Mother's house.

Something happened on the 15th. KC could no longer stay over-night at her parents house without Caylee, so she went "missing" along with Caylee at that point.
KC took caylee the night of the 15th muttering the whole time, speculation here, I'll be damned if you are kicking me out and keeping caylee, IMHO. And she probably blamed CA (to herself, of course) for the child's death. No wonder CA is in denial, she feels responsible for this. So sad :nerves:[/QUOTE

Not according to Lee's testimony. Casey blames herself saying: "maybe I am a bad mother" as Cindy told her over and over and then she calls herself : "a spiteful ".
because she won't tell mother where Caylee is.

I don't think Casey killed her. I think some accident happened and that she cannot tell her mom about it and she wants to forget it in spilled paint, move on. i think she also knows her mother can't accept the truth.

Casey isn't confessing to killing Caylee but at least to not being watchful enough as in 'bad mother'.

Casey needed desperately to get away from her mother and father but if she left without Caylee her mother wanted custody. She knew she had no real home to take Caylee so life surely was uncertain. Accidents do happen at precarious moments like that when the mind is preoccupied and plans are unclear.

I think Cindy is absolutely disgusting for lauding herself as a caring mother who took her grandchild in and simultaneously debassing and humiliating her daughter to her face in front of her friends as having made a mistake...that her daughter (Caylee) is nothing but shame and disgrace and her daughter is therefiore a piece of s...t.
That picture has always haunted me.
Caylee looks scared and is cuddled up to Great-grandpa!
How can you look at that child and say she doesn't look scared?

Who could she be scared of? Well, who was there? Cindy! That's who was there.
That's who took her to the nursing home the day of 6/15! We've seen her temper.
What was going on that day even before they got back to her Mother's house?

It looks to me like already Great-grandpa was worried and Caylee was scared-
we can see it in their expressions how Caylee looks like she is crawling up on him,
as if to say hold me, help me!!

Earlier in this thread it was mentioned that CA was the last known person witnessed
in the company of Caylee, so why then was she not originally named a POI by LE???

I believe that woman at least knew Caylee was in danger!


Little children don't get to see great grandparents often. We then tell them to hug and kiss these strangers or grandma and grandpa say come let me hold you and they allow this but have that same look of uncertainty. It takes hours sometimes to warm them up to grandma and grandpa and some never do. I am a grandparent and when my mother or my husband"s parents come for Thanksgiving etc. it is the same look on the younger children. The older ones grow accustom and warm up a lot sooner. Don't read anything into this picture. It is a normal picture of grandchildren reacting to people they don't really know. I identify with this picture fully and if you go through some of ours you will see much of the same with those under 5.
My questions:

As controlling as CA is did she REALLY let 30 days go by without going to look for Casey and Caylee?

************* **************** *************

Cindy's rational is mindbending. How on earth can she write on some web page how her daughter has no job, no money and no future and then believe a pack of lies her daughter tells her? How can she possibly believe that her daughter who didn't even graduate high school (by half a credit) now after having her first minimum wage job for less than a year now has some high end position as an event planner who can work her own hours and call her own shots and afford a nanny?

How can she be so stupid to let her daughter walk out of the house everyday with her granddaughter when she knows she is a total diabolical lier and a sociopath? She ndoes next to nothing to help her daughter. She doesn't provide counceling or help her to find an apt so she can leave home.?

She has no concern about it at all till her bank account is drained. Hey, if a daughter can't get attention one way she will try another. And does Cindy press charges against her? No, she just demoralizes her more ...doesn't address any reasons or try to have a better relationship or listen to her daughter she takes everything into her own hands and makes a piece of crap out her.

Casey left home and pulled the same ole 'best friends routein' on Amy. Finally she will be held accountable. Her mother still won't do it. There is nothing worse you could do for a crook
The last Anthony family member to be seen with Caylee that can be officially collaborated is Cindy Anthony on June 15, 2008 at her father's assisted living care facility.

After this date, Caylee was never seen again by anyone outside the Anthony family that we know of, correct?


GE swore he saw KC and Caylee leave their place at around 1330 on 6-16.
people are saying she wasn't in the car, that she somehow managed to get groceries otherwise and then have tony pick her up by her car.

I had been wondering about the groceries too but if you read Tony L's report the so called 'groceries' was nothing but food she had taken from home and it wasn't in grocery bags. So she had to have been home the night before ....I don't exactly get the time frame here of her going home to get groceries and running outn of gas and calling Tony early morning...she must have spent the night in the smelly car.
I know it seems like those are key dates in the case. What I'd like to know (and it hasnt been released yet) is what dates was she surfing the net about Cloraform? Now that would make all the difference to me. Plus where did it come from?

We pretty much know she shacked up with Tony suddenly around the 15th after the blow up with her parents. She had a place to run to, ( a place to feel "safe" ) We have Georges account for the 16th which can be taken or left, ya know? So is Tony refering to the 16th of June- it doesnt say. The 16th phone records, locations, receipts are going to matter for the 16th & 17th. Not to mention the other two key dates stick out in my mind is the 24th of June until the 27th, when she dumped the car. I am thinking she dug up the body around the 24th and took her a couple days to dispose of it. Then on the 27th ditched the car @ amscot.

Hard to say Mr. Bond what happened on the 16th ( I was celebrating my birthday!) but as far as Casey, you have Georges account for that afternoon and you have her chipdish boyfriend who ommits dates, times and cant talk with any clarity whatsoever. Casey told Tony a line of crap and he just is the type of guy not to think anything of it. Afterall here she was playing house and being a very good girlfriend and he was just thinking he had a good piece and a maid all in one package- so I think Tony had blinders on. he's too young to know any better. His roommates were more accurate than Tony was. We arent hearing too much from Tony in the media, his former roommates are speaking out, but he isnt and he is like a deer caught in the headlights whenever the press tries to get anywhere near him. Either he is feeling that ashamed of the relationship he had with Casey or he is a key witness and has to keep a low profile.

Also the other night on NG, the former roommate Nate skirted around the question of contacting Casey since her arrest. Nate was clear he hadnt spoken to her, but does not know whether Tony has any communication with her. My speculation if I had a crystal ball, I know Casey will attempt to contact him while she is out on bail. Whether he buys her lies & stories, we'll never know unless it comes out in trial.

So casey did start living there on the 16th for sure, the 15th is unclear...because Cindy & George are stating she was home......and I dont beleive it.

The cartoon "Woo her with Chloroform" was on JG's computers, not TL's.
Outside of the immediate family, the last person to see Caylee was Cindy's mother @ her home in Mt. Dora, FL, over dinner after the visit to the nursing home.

Outside of the extended family, the nursing home staff provided witness of Caylee @ the home w/ no notable signs of bruising, etc.

Inside the immediate family...the account was Cindy & Caylee went for a swim @ home 6/15 evening, and Cindy indicated she 'heard' Caylee & Casey behind the closed bedroom door the morning of 6/16.

All of the above is simply my recollection.

Did Cindy put Caylee to bed on the night of the 15th?

IIRC Cindy states during the interview that she tucked both casey and caylee in bed that night.
Little children don't get to see great grandparents often. We then tell them to hug and kiss these strangers or grandma and grandpa say come let me hold you and they allow this but have that same look of uncertainty. It takes hours sometimes to warm them up to grandma and grandpa and some never do. I am a grandparent and when my mother or my husband"s parents come for Thanksgiving etc. it is the same look on the younger children. The older ones grow accustom and warm up a lot sooner. Don't read anything into this picture. It is a normal picture of grandchildren reacting to people they don't really know. I identify with this picture fully and if you go through some of ours you will see much of the same with those under 5.

I thought she looked scared when I first saw that photo too. Then I saw the video, and changed my mind immediately. The way she snuggled up to his chest while he sang "You are my sunshine" brought tears to my eyes. Then she kissed him and gave him a big hug (which didnt look forced whatsoever)

IMO Caylee desperately needed a positive loving male role model in her life. Has anyone seen videos of George interacting with Caylee?
I've written a few times about the same photo capturing an expression on Caylee's face that haunts me. She looks apprehensive, hunted and protective of herself AND her grandparent. I guess Cindy, who must have taken the picture, didn't see that or thought she just looked adorably clingy.

IMO it looks like nap time.
Did casey forget that June 15th was Fathers day? In her statements, she couldnt remember if Cindy took Caylee to visit the GGP on saturday or sunday. I would imagine Cindy made a production about going to see HER father that day.
Wouldnt you think that Lee and Casey would have been at the A house to celebrate with G and wouldnt this day stand out from any other "normal" day to them?

Did Casey or Lee even bother to get their dad a fathers day card?

Seems like they want to wipe that day off the map. The only thing that tripped them up was the photo and the videotape.

Hinky Meter on high!
Tony L. took part in a Q and A over at Scared Monkeys here http://.net/index.php?P...0&topic=3434.0

and says Casey did NOT stay the night June 15th.
I think this is the photo from Father's Day that was posted on one of the Anthony myspaces, photobucket or whatnot. It is poignant when you consider it is the last photo ever of this little girl.


You Are My Sunshine.............
I am crying all over again. I have always kept my tears in-check until this video was released then I fell apart.
You Are My Sunshine.............
I am crying all over again. I have always kept my tears in-check until this video was released then I fell apart.
you know i dont know where you guys are getting the im scared look at all she looks like she is listening to him sing .. her eyes are so big and wide and innocent and i think that knowing that she may be gone has a lot to do with what people are thinking along the line of her being scared .. i just dont really see it now that i have watched the video of it

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