Tracy e-mails ready to read

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SieSie said:
I can't seem to load either link - the Arrest Warrant or the Tracey Emails from these links - am I doing something wrong? I click on the link and nothing happens.
These are pretty big files. I even have RR and I gave up after about five minutes, LOL. Try rightclicking and Save File on your desktop and just let it load in the background. It might slow down all your other surfing, but if you want to read it, it might be worth it.
aspidistra said:
Is anyone reading the 420 pages of emails and the 98 page affidavit? I am and it will take a while.

One bit of evidence that Tracey thought might be significant was Daxis's knowledge of JBR's runny nose on Christmas night. I assume that it was checked out with the parents, or it was determined that was already in the news.

For those who can't read them, they are PDF files; you need to have Adobe Acrobat reader installed. It's in small print and it's annoying to scroll the pages. But this is the information that made them arrest him so I'm reading it all.
I've been reading the emails some.

Tracey seemed to forget that Jonbenet's body had dried mucus around her nose...indicative her nose was runny at some point during the night.
aspidistra said:
Is anyone reading the 420 pages of emails and the 98 page affidavit? I am and it will take a while.

One bit of evidence that Tracey thought might be significant was Daxis's knowledge of JBR's runny nose on Christmas night. I assume that it was checked out with the parents, or it was determined that was already in the news.

For those who can't read them, they are PDF files; you need to have Adobe Acrobat reader installed. It's in small print and it's annoying to scroll the pages. But this is the information that made them arrest him so I'm reading it all.

Thanks for the info, I'm still waiting for mine to download, I think. I have Adobe Acrobat and am usually able to view .pdf files (I hate how they scroll, too!!) - maybe since I'm on my laptop on a wireless router it's taking longer to download...I'm still waiting.

lighthouselover said:
These are pretty big files. I even have RR and I gave up after about five minutes, LOL. Try rightclicking and Save File on your desktop and just let it load in the background. It might slow down all your other surfing, but if you want to read it, it might be worth it.
I never thought about SaveFile - thanks! I'm just leaving the windows open and checking back every few minutes to see if it's loaded yet.
chiquita2 said:
December man is Karr. Remember, they didn't know who he was til recently.
Thankyou Chiquita.

It's so hard to keep up. I'm glad I discovered this forum. I used to lurk on another forum but.............:bang:
Stop it! Craig Silverman (Mr. 180) and Caplis (?) -on their radio program- say even in the emails Karr can't keep his story straight! Has given several different versions of how he got JonBenet down to the basement.

And Tracey thought this was the guy??????

I can't decide who really needs to be locked up here.
Lock all of them up and throw away the key.

From the emails JMK says he blocked it out for years and it wasn't until he talked to Tracey for 4 years that he recalled.:bang:

Knock knock. Is there anyone home?
People reading all his e-mails for hours ... the perv is gonna be loving this.
openminded1 said:
I'm just skimming it now. There was mention of a girl in Europe who was 8 years old and "seduced" him. Apparently he returned her to her home just before a SWAT team arrived at his previous location. Whether that is real or not, who knows.

This Karr is one twisted puppy.
I am reading it now.Taking a break because it is revolting reading. Put this guy away, somebody.
kazzbar said:
I am reading it now.Taking a break because it is revolting reading. Put this guy away, somebody.
Sick stuff. It sounds almost like he believes Patsy is the killer and in a sick twisted way he is being a martyr for her somehow. Page 677 is really creepy in that regard.
openminded1 said:
Sick stuff. It sounds almost like he believes Patsy is the killer and in a sick twisted way he is being a martyr for her somehow. Page 677 is really creepy in that regard.
I am only up to 40 and needa distraction.
It is like a pedo history to me.
This guy needs to be locked up
Do you think he was playing games with Tracey?
kazzbar said:
I am only up to 40 and needa distraction.
It is like a pedo history to me.
This guy needs to be locked up
Do you think he was playing games with Tracey?
I am on page 89 now at the part where he claims he kept part of the paintbrush, a lock of her hair and her panties, and hid them in a place they would never be found.

He also refers to having two asphixiation devices, and he left the one that killed her behind. He also suspended her for a while. This is making me feel sick...I may not finish reading it all at once.

I think he was playing games with Tracey as he says he won't reveal this or that, such as JBR's words to him etc.

But he really seemed to want to get in touch with includes his letter to her. He talks of his guilt and how he blocked it out and can't remember certain details.

Based on these letters, whether he did it or not, it he is a totally certifiably insane, raving maniac, and I don't know how he ever kept a job. And he has molested many girls before.

One thing: his two "proofs" that he was there so far were that JBR had a runny nose and that she was wearing a woman's perfume. Presumably the authorities and Ramseys ruled those out as proof he was there.

He also claimed to be a teacher of hers, though he was vague about it.
The cologne fragrance and the runny nose are the only real pieces of private infomation that he gave Tracy so far and I'm half way through the file....

Oh... and that no stun gun was used..............(but Tracy believes there was..)

I'm thinking reading this adds insult to injury...and is more absurd than our wasting weeks of our time on this crackpot.
Anderson Cooper is now saying that Karr's story is sickening but pure fiction because of the DNA.
Has anyone gotten past page 117 of the emails? Mine turned to mush after 117...

Also, did anyone catch what he said to Tracy about the duct tape? He references that he explained it but I never read his explaination...???? (and went back to scan to see if I missed it and can find no explaination.......)

He does say all vaginal abuse was done after her death.

Said he carried her down stairs asleep in his arms and she never awakened as he picked her up and carried her except to say "Mom?"

I would put money on it that JBR did not ever call her mother "Mom"... That is a term that most females do not use until much, much older than 6....

The expensive smelling fragrance was the single interesting thing in 117 pages of total BS...................

I'm done!
Whoa. He describes the book he is working on; the first chapter would talk about his own mother ("very involved and extremely graphic"), and the last chapter about Patsy.("Once you know the story of my mother you will see how I could have sympathized with Mrs. Ramsey even if she had killed JonBenet herself. Of course, she did not...")
angelwngs said:
Has anyone gotten past page 117 of the emails? Mine turned to mush after 117...

Also, did anyone catch what he said to Tracy about the duct tape? He references that he explained it but I never read his explaination...???? (and went back to scan to see if I missed it and can find no explaination.......)

He does say all vaginal abuse was done after her death.

Said he carried her down stairs asleep in his arms and she never awakened as he picked her up and carried her except to say "Mom?"

I would put money on it that JBR did not ever call her mother "Mom"... That is a term that most females do not use until much, much older than 6....

The expensive smelling fragrance was the single interesting thing in 117 pages of total BS...................

I'm done!
I'm on page 101. The stuff they are quoting on TV sounds much worse that the things up to page 101 so it must come later.
He does say that he and JBR said "I love you" to each other and hints strongly that he knew her before. Either it's a lie, the whole thing, or he did know her somehow thru the pageants or school.
I lied..... i didn't walk away from it...I ended up shutting down and bringing it back up... The darn thing reloaded............properly........

This guy is the most Narcissistic wordy saying nothing....human imanigable.......

No wonder Tracy was drinking heavily! How the heck did he not just tell this guy to go and call/email someone who cares............

Ok.. He says he only spent 4 hours total in the house.............
angelwngs said:
Has anyone gotten past page 117 of the emails? Mine turned to mush after 117...

Also, did anyone catch what he said to Tracy about the duct tape? He references that he explained it but I never read his explaination...???? (and went back to scan to see if I missed it and can find no explaination.......)

He does say all vaginal abuse was done after her death.

Said he carried her down stairs asleep in his arms and she never awakened as he picked her up and carried her except to say "Mom?"

I would put money on it that JBR did not ever call her mother "Mom"... That is a term that most females do not use until much, much older than 6....

The expensive smelling fragrance was the single interesting thing in 117 pages of total BS...................

I'm done!
Scary, Bs at that.really scary.Even worse when you think of how he was a teacher.How he desribes willing sex with an 8 yr old who'let' him tie her hands.I feel sick as i have a 7 yr old. Wish I had not read it but I DO now understand.Why they were keen to interview him.
Why did they just DNA him in THAiland? Heard he wanted to give DNA but they had no kit with them .This is a crock as the Thais offered to do the sample.I think they just wanted him home to question and face his kiddy *advertiser censored* time.
There is more to come out about all this.
I am feeling repulsed at the moment and grumpy!!!!

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