Tracy M. (girl from Leonard P. team who lived with the Anthony's) Speaks out

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Did anybody catch in the Tracy interview what she said about CA looking towards LA as the boss/person with directions?

Yes, TM said LA was the organizer at the time and she said CA was a bit afraid of LA- when that comment was questioned she explained,not really afraid, but more wary of him, kinda like respected him for what he was doing...
Last night I watched her interview on Dr. Drew and knowing that she spent 9 days with the Anthony's I put a lot of weight into what she had to say. She seems VERY sincere. Anyway point is based on her comments Casey is one rare animal and that's not a compliment. If you still have any doubts that she's a pycho then watch the interview.

has anyone got a link on the internets?
O/T, but another thing that bothers me is the carpet stain in Caylee's (or was it Casey's?) room that CA talked about in a letter to ICA. CA said she got the stain out, that it smelled because it was wet so long. I'm going to try to reread that letter. It seemed like a way to let ICA know that CA had hidden something incriminating. Anyone else remember what I'm talking about?

ETA: Letter to ICA from CA

I don’t know if Jeanine told you about the water pipe that broke Fri. We had water from the pipe outside of Caylee’s room leak into her room, mostly into her play corner---carpet was soaked and walls were damp. Everything is drying out but the carpet smells bad.
( I better watch how I describe it, they may come and take it into discovery !) It’s amazing how even clean water can smell rancid after it sits for awhile!
Fortunately, one of our church friends was able to come out and fix the broken pipe. I hated it was Caylee’s room, but at least nothing was ruined.

Yes that bothers me too. I get the feeling that Cindy helped cover up "after the fact" because she feels guilty/responsible in some ways for that bad fight that seems to be the trigger for Casey killing Caylee.

Cindy knows more and we don't know the half of it. :banghead:
There was an extensive thread about this on Hinky Meter at the time. Someone pulled the floor plans of the Anthony house and there was no water supply even close to Caylee's room.....
things that make you go hmmmm. :waitasec:

Whaa? There is a bathroom and kitchen that share walls with Caylee's bedroom. Without a basement, water pipes are commonly run inside the walls.

Click to enlarge.


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Does anyone here think casey has a problem? Parents have ignored it for years? just asking!

Not that it excuses any of her behavior, but yes - I definitely think she has problems. I remember a friend of hers saying that one time she spoke with Casey and Casey thought she was losing it and might need to go to a psychiatric hospital and then by the next day, Casey was acting fine and said she talked to her mom and everything was fine.

I got the impression that even if Casey told Cindy she needed help, Cindy would have been in denial and convinced Casey everything was ok. I don't think Cindy can acknowledge that anything she had part in creating could be flawed in any way.

Again, it doesn't excuse what Casey did...
Why is this woman referred to as Tracy M. when the article says her last name is Conroy?
Yes that bothers me too. I get the feeling that Cindy helped cover up "after the fact" because she feels guilty/responsible in some ways for that bad fight that seems to be the trigger for Casey killing Caylee.

Cindy knows more and we don't know the half of it. :banghead:

I agree, Sabrina. I'll never forget the hairbrush incident.
I am still a little hinky on Tracey. There are some things she said recently that she did not tell LE exactly, and I began to wonder if she was going to start embellishing. Seems she tightened it up a bit on Dr. Drew.
It also bugs me that she says all of this about KC, yet she felt she needed to send buddy-buddy letters to KC in jail-On more than one occasion. I remember she said she likes crazy people, but I personally would be hard-pressed to keep contact with a baby killer-unless maybe she thought there was something in it for her to keep in touch with KC? Just don't know, me & TM are on thin ice as far as whether I want to listen to anything more that she has to say.
Yes that bothers me too. I get the feeling that Cindy helped cover up "after the fact" because she feels guilty/responsible in some ways for that bad fight that seems to be the trigger for Casey killing Caylee.

Cindy knows more and we don't know the half of it. :banghead:

I agree, Sabrina. I'll never forget when Cindy tried to mislead the police by giving them the wrong hairbrush.
I'd be curious to ask Tracy if KC ever went into the backyard, get into the pool? Did anyone use the pool? I know she had an ankle monitor on but she did shower so it's either waterproof or she had to take it off.
I am still a little hinky on Tracey. There are some things she said recently that she did not tell LE exactly, and I began to wonder if she was going to start embellishing. Seems she tightened it up a bit on Dr. Drew.
It also bugs me that she says all of this about KC, yet she felt she needed to send buddy-buddy letters to KC in jail-On more than one occasion. I remember she said she likes crazy people, but I personally would be hard-pressed to keep contact with a baby killer-unless maybe she thought there was something in it for her to keep in touch with KC? Just don't know, me & TM are on thin ice as far as whether I want to listen to anything more that she has to say.

TM worked for LP. Need I say more. This was just a job for her and professionally speaking I would be surprised if her motive were anything other than getting info out of KC. But I could be wrong. No more letters after those jailhouse letters were released? If TM continued to write to KC it may be true it was just a odd friendship. I find it strange that a grown woman would want to be BF's with someone who had such a low immaturity level as TM describes. She works for LP....take it with a grain of salt. jmo
Definitely on all points. GA even told LE that he has a sister with issues and they wondered if it was genetic. I don't think they completely ignored it as much as not knowing how to deal with it. Casey strikes me as the type to do what she wants when she wants. Once Caylee came along she saw she could use her against her parents imo.

I wonder if George and Cindy were close to throwing her out when she turned 18. Then, ooops, she's preggers and they cannot throw Casey and her baby out. They're a package deal.
Whaa? There is a bathroom and kitchen that share walls with Caylee's bedroom. Without a basement, water pipes are commonly run inside the walls.

Click to enlarge.

It could have been from the outside wall, too. I have access to water on either end of the house to water plants. I can't imagine a house in Florida with out water available on the outside on both sides of the home. jmo
I am still a little hinky on Tracey. There are some things she said recently that she did not tell LE exactly, and I began to wonder if she was going to start embellishing. Seems she tightened it up a bit on Dr. Drew.
It also bugs me that she says all of this about KC, yet she felt she needed to send buddy-buddy letters to KC in jail-On more than one occasion. I remember she said she likes crazy people, but I personally would be hard-pressed to keep contact with a baby killer-unless maybe she thought there was something in it for her to keep in touch with KC? Just don't know, me & TM are on thin ice as far as whether I want to listen to anything more that she has to say.

I watched her w/Dr Drew on HLN twice now. The "detail" she described in her interaction with ICA impressed me and rang my "sincerity bell". Her statements were consistent, and where she COULD have embellished, she didn't. Just a spidey sense, there, on my part (old psych nurse here :D ).

It grosses me out, big time, but I totally understand her "buddy buddy" letters that continued after ICA went back to jail. I maintained a rather long (and now, embarrassing) email relationship with a very unstable woman who I'd initially sought to help with her domestic violence issues. Even after it became clear as a bell SHE was the offender, not her husband, I kept in contact for a time. Always hoping to be part of that "redemption". That's why I did it. I had to cut it off when she began to call human resources at my place of work, the state nursing board and the FBI in Seattle (yeah, I confronted her a bit :D ).

Tracy's continued contact with ICA could mean a couple of different things, so I give her the benefit of the doubt there. Overall, I found her reliable. She basically described a sociopathic personality (Casey's) without using those words, just her own observations, and THIS is stuff you can't make up.

THis is my first encounter with Tracy, so I may be missing things the rest of you already know.
One more thought about Tracy "liking crazy people".

Obviously, she wouldn't be doin' what she's doing with LP if she loathed them.

I was a psych nurse for 17 years, and I have to admit, I liked them too. You either "like" them (difficult to explain, trust me) or you don't. Period. SOMEBODY has to like them, you know? If I'm honest, it's just as much "like" as a gift of empathy and understanding, without buying into their BS.

I worked with many, many people like Tracy in those years with the psych patients. I watched quite a few try it and run screaming into some other discipline. For those of us who stayed around, maybe we are unusual, but definitely not "hinky". We're onto those goofballs more than anyone. We just aren't afraid of them, or overcome with loathing by them. Why? God knows :) I certainly don't!
Yes that bothers me too. I get the feeling that Cindy helped cover up "after the fact" because she feels guilty/responsible in some ways for that bad fight that seems to be the trigger for Casey killing Caylee.

Cindy knows more and we don't know the half of it. :banghead:

I always wondered if Cindy did something to Caylee to cause her death and Casey and George agreed to take care of it.. I know I am gonna get it for thinking that (not like I truely believe it but it creeps sometimes)

Anyway the last video shot of Caylee looks so creepy to me Caylee look sad and unhappy in a way she didnt look in pictures with Casey. We heard about a fight where she chokes Casey. Caylee is never seen alive. I also believe Cindy is much more insane then Casey in a much harsher way. I saw how many people in the first day thought their actions where off and then I saw a turn arround where people felt they had nothing to do with anything or didnt know anything but really they acted like something was up and it was more then we will ever know.

Even a book writen y each off them will not shed any light on anything because they all tell lies , and Cindy had to keep notes of things from court and what she said on the stand to make she she doesnt get caught in them by putting something in the book that is different.
I agree, Sabrina. I'll never forget when Cindy tried to mislead the police by giving them the wrong hairbrush.

EXACTLY. And I'm sorry, you don't do that if you're 100% being honest and trying to find your granddaughter that you claim to not know what happened.

I have concluded it is a family of liars and 1 murderer. (that we know of)

Nah you're barking up the wrong tree. There is NO WAY Casey sits in jail for 3 years to save her mother and that still doesn't explain the lying,lying lying.............

I always wondered if Cindy did something to Caylee to cause her death and Casey and George agreed to take care of it.. I know I am gonna get it for thinking that (not like I truely believe it but it creeps sometimes)

Anyway the last video shot of Caylee looks so creepy to me Caylee look sad and unhappy in a way she didnt look in pictures with Casey. We heard about a fight where she chokes Casey. Caylee is never seen alive. I also believe Cindy is much more insane then Casey in a much harsher way. I saw how many people in the first day thought their actions where off and then I saw a turn arround where people felt they had nothing to do with anything or didnt know anything but really they acted like something was up and it was more then we will ever know.

Even a book writen y each off them will not shed any light on anything because they all tell lies , and Cindy had to keep notes of things from court and what she said on the stand to make she she doesnt get caught in them by putting something in the book that is different.
EXACTLY. And I'm sorry, you don't do that if you're 100% being honest and trying to find your granddaughter that you claim to not know what happened.

I have concluded it is a family of liars and 1 murderer. (that we know of)


I believe Cindy knew all along what Casey was capable of. We'll never know all the horrible things Casey has done in her life because Cindy covered for her.

Casey learned her behavior at a very young age. I can do whatever I want and mommy will cover for me, because she doesn't want the embarrassment of people knowing what a monster I truly am. That would reflect poorly on Cindy, and she could not have that.

Remember, the words sociopath came from Cindy's own mouth. As a mom, that is a harsh thing to say about your own child. Cindy knows exactly what Casey is, she created her. She only pretends now to be on her side because of extreme guilt. It's my fault she turned out this way and it's my fault she killed Caylee.

IMO anyway...
Why is this woman referred to as Tracy M. when the article says her last name is Conroy?

In her interviews with police she went by the name 'Tracy McLaughlin'
In her letters to KC in jail she signed them as 'Tracy Dawn' (Maybe her middle name?)

Maybe she got married/divorced, hence the difference in last names. I really don't know.

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