Travis Alexander and Jodi Arias - What do you believe?

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Hi All!! So now Jodi is representing herself. I can't say that I am surprised. Jodi always believes she is the smartest person in the room even if that room is filled with experienced attorneys. I recall reading that Jodi has fired many of her lawyers along the way, or maybe they quit. I wonder why she didn't originally go through Pre-paid Legal for her counsel. HAHA!
Anyway, Has anyone seen anything on the news or on TruTv about this case? I haven't. I am hoping and praying that this case will be televised. I HAVE to see Jodi cross-examining forensic experts. Oh what fun that will be.
One more thing, I was surprised to see that Jodi only got through Junior year of High School. She may have been insecure about that. Perhaps that was a contributor of her feeling not "good enough" for Travis. IDK, just thinking out loud.

Let the trial begin!! :)

Jodi invoked the Rule of Exclusion which essentially excludes witnesses from attending unless they qualify in a few ways. This will probably serve no purpose for the defense except to exclude the attendance of supporters of Travis. (I assume that they can still watch the proceedings on television.)

Beyond that, she didn't seem to be have success with her motion. Some of the witnesses named were friends of Travis.

I think that most judges find most defendant lawyers annoying because they add layers of complications to the proceedings.

Jodi invoked the Rule of Exclusion which essentially excludes witnesses from attending unless they qualify in a few ways. This will probably serve no purpose for the defense except to exclude the attendance of supporters of Travis. (I assume that they can still watch the proceedings on television.)

Beyond that, she didn't seem to be have success with her motion. Some of the witnesses named were friends of Travis.

I think that most judges find most defendant lawyers annoying because they add layers of complications to the proceedings.

You put that so politely Chanler

This trial is going to be a circus!
Two major developments: 1. Jodi won't be defending herself. 2. She tried to enter into evidence apparently forged letters in which Travis Alexander supposedly admits that he's a pedophile! (Alibis having failed, it's apparently time to blame the victim.)

Jodi Ann Arias, who faces first-degree-murder charges in the 2008 murder of her motivational-speaker boyfriend, will not defend herself in her impending trial after all.

Arias, 31, admitted in Maricopa County Superior Court on Monday that "she was in over her head," after failing to convince a judge to admit into evidence letters she claimed were written by the victim, Travis Alexander.

In the letters, Alexander, 30, purportedly admitted being a pedophile. But prosecutor Juan Martinez alleged that the letters were forgeries and fought to keep them out of the trial.

Read more:
Two major developments: 1. Jodi won't be defending herself. 2. She tried to enter into evidence apparently forged letters in which Travis Alexander supposedly admits that he's a pedophile! (Alibis having failed, it's apparently time to blame the victim.)

Jodi Ann Arias, who faces first-degree-murder charges in the 2008 murder of her motivational-speaker boyfriend, will not defend herself in her impending trial after all.

Arias, 31, admitted in Maricopa County Superior Court on Monday that "she was in over her head," after failing to convince a judge to admit into evidence letters she claimed were written by the victim, Travis Alexander.

In the letters, Alexander, 30, purportedly admitted being a pedophile. But prosecutor Juan Martinez alleged that the letters were forgeries and fought to keep them out of the trial.

Read more:

I just saw this also and was about to post it. I guess that's good news for the witnesses, they won't have to suffer through her questioning them.
Hello! Ok, so I DVR'd In Session today and I saw a blurb ok Jodi. They said that the cameras WILL be in the court room for ALL of the testimony in this case. Today in court lawyers are discussing what evidence to allow at trial. I will let you know when more comes up! SO HAPPY this is gonna be televised!

Not much new here, though some welcome specific dates:

LET THE RECORD REFLECT the prescreen questionnaires will begin August 29, 2011

and voir dire will begin September 6, 2011.

A defense witness named Rosemarie Urbanski was also mentioned. I don't know who she is. Any ideas?

One interesting thing I just noticed: Jodi did not remove herself from being the lawyer of record until after Rosemarie Urbanski was interviewed, thus suggesting that she conducted that interview herself. It might have bheen one final act of stubbornness or it might indicate that she is familiar enough with Urbanski (a friend, perhaps?) that she felt comfortable asking her questions.

If anybody missed the 48 Hours mystery "Picture Perfect"...... next time they air it. Watch It!

It is very interesting

Not much new here, though some welcome specific dates:

LET THE RECORD REFLECT the prescreen questionnaires will begin August 29, 2011

and voir dire will begin September 6, 2011.

A defense witness named Rosemarie Urbanski was also mentioned. I don't know who she is. Any ideas?

One interesting thing I just noticed: Jodi did not remove herself from being the lawyer of record until after Rosemarie Urbanski was interviewed, thus suggesting that she conducted that interview herself. It might have bheen one final act of stubbornness or it might indicate that she is familiar enough with Urbanski (a friend, perhaps?) that she felt comfortable asking her questions.

I found these links ...

Hi, GladiatorQueen; thanks; great sleuthing! Ms. Urbanski does work in both polygraph analysis and document forensics, but because Arizona doesn't allow testimony about polygraphs in all but a few exceptionable cases (both sides have to agree), it is likely that Jodi wants her to testify about the probably forged documents that the judge won't let in.

One interesting thing about her credentials is that Ms. Urbanski seems more specific about her mentor than about herself. She does not name either the college from which she received her masters or the college at which she writes that she is now teaching.
Hi, GladiatorQueen; thanks; great sleuthing! Ms. Urbanski does work in both polygraph analysis and document forensics, but because Arizona doesn't allow testimony about polygraphs in all but a few exceptionable cases (both sides have to agree), it is likely that Jodi wants her to testify about the probably forged documents that the judge won't let in.

One interesting thing about her credentials is that Ms. Urbanski seems more specific about her mentor than about herself. She does not name either the college from which she received her masters or the college at which she writes that she is now teaching.
This is speculation, but it certainly looks like she successfully lied through a polygraph about the authenticity of the handwritten letters, and tried to use that to support their veracity (in the face of both side's experts describing them as forgeries).

To me, this proves that she is really good at lying. Two handwriting experts say the letters are forged, yet she passes a polygraph saying they are not.
This is speculation, but it certainly looks like she successfully lied through a polygraph about the authenticity of the handwritten letters, and tried to use that to support their veracity (in the face of both side's experts describing them as forgeries).

To me, this proves that she is really good at lying. Two handwriting experts say the letters are forged, yet she passes a polygraph saying they are not.

Hi, Bryanwd, I don't think that Urbanski's testimony concerned a polygraph. Arizona courts only allow testimony about polygraphs when both prosecutors and defense agree to admit them, which, for good reason, almost never happens. And Arias' lawyers hardly want to expose Jodi to detailed polygraph questions about the case itself.

Handwriting experts, probably with better credentials than Ms. Urbanski had already convinced the judge that the letters were forgeries. I suspect that Jodi's witness was simply testifying that she couldn't see any significant differences. It was a lost cause; the judge didn't change his opinion.
I think the most damning evidence is the bloody palm print containing both her and Travis' blood. No getting around that one, IMO.
I think the most damning evidence is the bloody palm print containing both her and Travis' blood. No getting around that one, IMO.

Hi, GladiatorQueen, you're right. Most prosecutors long for that level of forensic proof. The disposed camera with the time markers also contribute strongly to the case confronting her. And her ever-changing story won't help her.

On a different note, recent entries at the Travis Alexander memorial site on Facebook include some very moving stories and pictures of him as his friends remember him:
Taylor Searle posted this on the Travis Alexander Facebook memorial site (Boldface by me):

For the benefit of Travis’s friends, I am going to explain a few things:
1) Why Jodi fired her attorneys
2) What her current position is, and how she defends is

Jodi’s defense was electronically sent some letters in Travis’s handwriting that were claimed to have been written by Travis to Jodi. These letters were analyzed by experts for the prosecution and the defense. Both parties concluded that thes...e letters were forged to look like they were in Travis’s handwriting.

Jodi felt that these letters were necessary to her defense, but her lawyers, knowing they were forgeries, were not going to use them as evidence. It was for this reason that she fired her attorneys, so that she could try to force the use of the letters in her defense. The judge ruled however, that they were not going to be allowed as evidence.

Jodi has reinstated her defense counsel now that she has lost the letter dispute.

Her current story:
Jodi claims that she did kill Travis. She claims that she had to kill him because he was evil, and had admitted to her that he was a pedophile. She also claims that he was physically abusive to her. In her mind, Jodi’s defense is that she was doing the right thing, because Travis was a monster. The forged letters were her only “proof” of this defense.

At this point, without the fake letters allowed as evidence, it is unclear how she might try to paint the picture that she “had” to kill Travis, but there is no doubt that she will try.See More

Some of this we had already surmised. What interests me is that the forged letters, according to this account, were sent electronically to Jodi's defense, which is especially odd since they were handwritten and had been sent to Jodi. This might indicate the sending the letters themselves might have made it even more apparent that they were concocted. And it might also indicate that Jodi was attempting to distance herself from the letters if they were revealed as forgeries.
Taylor Searle posted this on the Travis Alexander Facebook memorial site (Boldface by me):

For the benefit of Travis’s friends, I am going to explain a few things:
1) Why Jodi fired her attorneys
2) What her current position is, and how she defends is

Jodi’s defense was electronically sent some letters in Travis’s handwriting that were claimed to have been written by Travis to Jodi. These letters were analyzed by experts for the prosecution and the defense. Both parties concluded that thes...e letters were forged to look like they were in Travis’s handwriting.

Jodi felt that these letters were necessary to her defense, but her lawyers, knowing they were forgeries, were not going to use them as evidence. It was for this reason that she fired her attorneys, so that she could try to force the use of the letters in her defense. The judge ruled however, that they were not going to be allowed as evidence.

Jodi has reinstated her defense counsel now that she has lost the letter dispute.

Her current story:
Jodi claims that she did kill Travis. She claims that she had to kill him because he was evil, and had admitted to her that he was a pedophile. She also claims that he was physically abusive to her. In her mind, Jodi’s defense is that she was doing the right thing, because Travis was a monster. The forged letters were her only “proof” of this defense.

At this point, without the fake letters allowed as evidence, it is unclear how she might try to paint the picture that she “had” to kill Travis, but there is no doubt that she will try.See More

Some of this we had already surmised. What interests me is that the forged letters, according to this account, were sent electronically to Jodi's defense, which is especially odd since they were handwritten and had been sent to Jodi. This might indicate the sending the letters themselves might have made it even more apparent that they were concocted. And it might also indicate that Jodi was attempting to distance herself from the letters if they were revealed as forgeries.

Thanks for this information Chanler, very interesting indeed. It makes me think that Jodi wrote them herself to go with her new "story". If he was such a monster, as she claims, wonder why she didn't go to LE for them to arrest him, also it doesn't explain (for me anyway) the nude pictures that they found on the camera at the crime scene. I actually feel sorry for her defence team, they would be better off just getting some sort of deal on the table instead of going through a trial with her, especially now if she claims to have actually murdered him.
Hello all! I just joined this site today. However, I've been following this case since it first aired on 48 hrs. There were a couple of reasons that I became interested in this. For one, how she conducted herself in her interview reminded me of how Scott Peterson was. No real emotion. No sadness. Just very articulate and upbeat. Seemingly happy with the attention. Another reason I'm a psychology and soon to be law student. It just so happens I live right here in the Phoenix area also. Anyway, I've read just about every page on this thread and there are a few things I wanted to touch on. (Sorry if they have already been mentioned).

1. I found it odd when Travis was found, his bedroom door was locked. Why would anyone do this unless they knew the dynamics of the home? A stranger or two as she said wouldn't do this I wouldn't think.. They would run out and be gone.. Doubt they would take time to do laundry either.

2. I found it odd she drove out to the desert.... and not call 911 or go to the closest business or neighbor to report it. It was after all early evening... UNLESS you need to dump the murder weapon and the Arizona desert would be the place to do it. But she ended up in another state??? Really?

3. She was on her way to see another man in another state that was a closer drive for her than swinging by Mesa. Most people don't even like to drive from one side of our valley to the other here. It can take about 2hrs at times because we are so spread out. She clearly was obsessed.

4. I do also think that Travis, being a man, wanted one last 'encounter' with her before going on the trip with the other girl. This happens. Not saying it's right but it happens.

5. I want to also clarify that she is in the Estrella Jail, not prison. If she thinks that Estrella is bad, she's really not going to like death row when she gets to prison. She is at the Hilton right now compared to only being able to get out of her teeny tiny cell 1 hour a day. She won't be able to have contact with anyone else and I think they are only allowed to go outside maybe 1 hour a week.

6. She's changed her story so many times now that I'm sure both sides of the table are trying to make sense out of the webs she keeps spinning. Prosecution needs to make sure they keep up with everything so they don't make any mistakes that could result in a mistrial. I'm sure the defense feels like puppets on strings about now.

7. Journals: I'm guessing if she did take them, they are in the desert with the murder weapons. Did she get the knife from the kitchen? or bring it with her? She could have had time to run to the kitchen to get the knife after she shot him.

8. The only thing that will keep her from getting convicted would be if the prosecution makes a mistake in the process and presenting. I see this as a good thing that they are taking as much time as they are to get things together. Well, not to mention all of the things Jodi has pulled has obviously slowed the process down too.

I served on a first degree murder trial about 15yrs ago in the same courthouse Jodi gets to have her day in. Anyway, the defendant had been in jail for a little over 3 years just as Jodi has been. I sat on that jury for 3 1/2 days and they declared a mistrial because the prosecutor made a mistake. We were never told what it was. The case was retried about 2yrs later and he was found guilty and living his life in one of our maximum security prisons. He was a gang member.

I want to also add, I don't know either party nor any of their friends or family members. My heart goes out to each and everyone affected by this horrible tragedy. From everything I've read, Travis did not deserve what happened to him.

Oh and one more thing..... I wonder if Scott Peterson, being the sociopath he is, actually has any remorse for what he did? Does he care that he is sitting in San Quentin in a dark cold cell until his time comes? We know OJ went on with his life... Casey Anthony is apparently hiding out here in AZ or was.. She's going on with her life.. I bring these three up because Jodi has the same on TV personality that these other three do or did. We don't see Scott or OJ because they are locked up right now. ;)

Sorry, if I seem like I'm rambling and also I want to apologize for any typos. It's actually late for me but I have so many thoughts about this, I felt I needed to get them out. Thank you for reading. :)
Hello all! I just joined this site today. However, I've been following this case since it first aired on 48 hrs. There were a couple of reasons that I became interested in this. For one, how she conducted herself in her interview reminded me of how Scott Peterson was. No real emotion. No sadness. Just very articulate and upbeat. Seemingly happy with the attention. Another reason I'm a psychology and soon to be law student. It just so happens I live right here in the Phoenix area also. Anyway, I've read just about every page on this thread and there are a few things I wanted to touch on. (Sorry if they have already been mentioned).

1. I found it odd when Travis was found, his bedroom door was locked. Why would anyone do this unless they knew the dynamics of the home? A stranger or two as she said wouldn't do this I wouldn't think.. They would run out and be gone.. Doubt they would take time to do laundry either.

2. I found it odd she drove out to the desert.... and not call 911 or go to the closest business or neighbor to report it. It was after all early evening... UNLESS you need to dump the murder weapon and the Arizona desert would be the place to do it. But she ended up in another state??? Really?

3. She was on her way to see another man in another state that was a closer drive for her than swinging by Mesa. Most people don't even like to drive from one side of our valley to the other here. It can take about 2hrs at times because we are so spread out. She clearly was obsessed.

4. I do also think that Travis, being a man, wanted one last 'encounter' with her before going on the trip with the other girl. This happens. Not saying it's right but it happens.

5. I want to also clarify that she is in the Estrella Jail, not prison. If she thinks that Estrella is bad, she's really not going to like death row when she gets to prison. She is at the Hilton right now compared to only being able to get out of her teeny tiny cell 1 hour a day. She won't be able to have contact with anyone else and I think they are only allowed to go outside maybe 1 hour a week.

6. She's changed her story so many times now that I'm sure both sides of the table are trying to make sense out of the webs she keeps spinning. Prosecution needs to make sure they keep up with everything so they don't make any mistakes that could result in a mistrial. I'm sure the defense feels like puppets on strings about now.

7. Journals: I'm guessing if she did take them, they are in the desert with the murder weapons. Did she get the knife from the kitchen? or bring it with her? She could have had time to run to the kitchen to get the knife after she shot him.

8. The only thing that will keep her from getting convicted would be if the prosecution makes a mistake in the process and presenting. I see this as a good thing that they are taking as much time as they are to get things together. Well, not to mention all of the things Jodi has pulled has obviously slowed the process down too.

I served on a first degree murder trial about 15yrs ago in the same courthouse Jodi gets to have her day in. Anyway, the defendant had been in jail for a little over 3 years just as Jodi has been. I sat on that jury for 3 1/2 days and they declared a mistrial because the prosecutor made a mistake. We were never told what it was. The case was retried about 2yrs later and he was found guilty and living his life in one of our maximum security prisons. He was a gang member.

I want to also add, I don't know either party nor any of their friends or family members. My heart goes out to each and everyone affected by this horrible tragedy. From everything I've read, Travis did not deserve what happened to him.

Oh and one more thing..... I wonder if Scott Peterson, being the sociopath he is, actually has any remorse for what he did? Does he care that he is sitting in San Quentin in a dark cold cell until his time comes? We know OJ went on with his life... Casey Anthony is apparently hiding out here in AZ or was.. She's going on with her life.. I bring these three up because Jodi has the same on TV personality that these other three do or did. We don't see Scott or OJ because they are locked up right now. ;)

Sorry, if I seem like I'm rambling and also I want to apologize for any typos. It's actually late for me but I have so many thoughts about this, I felt I needed to get them out. Thank you for reading. :)

Hi, FTG, and welcome! A great post. Just a few comments corresponding to your notes:

1. I think that you're right: The door was locked so that Travis' body would remain undiscovered for as long as possible, thus widening the possible timeline of the homicide, something very useful in creating an alibi. And, as you say, on-the-crime scene laundrying is seldom a preferred method for killers.
2 and 3. Jodi's itinerary does suggest not only that she planned to visit Travis, but that she planned to conceal the visit.
4. Travis referred to Jodi as sexy or hot several times, including at least once after their breakup.
5. I hope that Jodi realizes the discrepancies between her present and future conditions that you describe so well.
6. Jodi's lawyers are hard-working, but not especially high-powered. They are laboring under the worse possible conditions: Apparently very strong forensics and a defendant who has already put herself on the record several times in contradictory ways.
7. Many good Mormons keep journals; I think that Travis did. If Jodi was known to have kept one (and I think she is) and it is missing or partially destroyed, it might be brought up at trial.
8. One can never tell, but I think that the chances for a mistrial here are minimal. The prosecution has enough evidence to exclude doubtful material.

As I've mentioned before, I think that in Jodi's mind, the murder was an execution. (That it didn't immediately end with a shot or shots to a defenseless cornered Travis botched or blotched the plan.) I think that Jodi's very strong, twisted adherence to the Law of Attraction ("your thoughts and feelings create your life") made her believe that she could extract the negative emotions that Travis aroused in her by nullifying him. I think that this helps explains her washing down of his bloodied body in the shower, her washing the clothes and camera, and, paradoxically, her very affectionate, upbeat tributes to him.
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