Travis Alexander and Jodi Arias - What do you believe?

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Some of this we had already surmised. What interests me is that the forged letters, according to this account, were sent electronically to Jodi's defense, which is especially odd since they were handwritten and had been sent to Jodi. This might indicate the sending the letters themselves might have made it even more apparent that they were concocted. And it might also indicate that Jodi was attempting to distance herself from the letters if they were revealed as forgeries.

She couldn't have done that from behind bars. There is an accomplice on the outside who could make a very, very good witness for the prosecution.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED continuing Trial from 08/29/2011 to 09/27/2011 at 10:30
a.m. in this division.

Yet another delay
She couldn't have done that from behind bars. There is an accomplice on the outside who could make a very, very good witness for the prosecution.

Good point, BryanWD. I imagine that the forgery itself was done by Jodi; she and her defense would likely have copies of his handwriting and heaven knows that she would have time on her hands to simulate a note. But as you say, transmitting the document would have necessitated some outside help. Unfortunately, it is probably a family member or close friend who sent it from a public library or cybercafe. And they might be relatively unaware of its exact legal significance or their possible culpability. And even if they had such knowledge, they might have been motivated by the looming possibility of a death penalty for a loved one.

Of course, a digital copy of a scan would limit the tools that a forensic examiner would have to determine a forgery or identify the forger. But at least the first two experts who perused it were able to conclude that it is not authentic.
pssht, try Feb 2012. Maybe she's waiting for the world to end, first.

Hi and thanks, BryanWD. February 1st indeed. For three reasons, I am not worried by these postponements: 1. They indicate that Jodi's improvisational defense still doesn't have together. 2. I would wager that the new witness is an expert on post-traumatic stress and how it can instill avoidance behavior. 3. I think that Jodi will spend the next several month contemplating the end of her world. Arizona juries don't seem hesitant on death penalties.
If her defense is going to be that she had to kill him stabbing him 27 times, then she will need to take the witness stand to explain this. I hope she is planning on wearing her clown suit for her performance because she is really going to need one.

I feel sorry for the victim's family and friends because it's going to be hard on them to sit and listen to this testimony and to hear the defense telling that she had to kill him because of (fill in the blank).
If her defense is going to be that she had to kill him stabbing him 27 times, then she will need to take the witness stand to explain this. I hope she is planning on wearing her clown suit for her performance because she is really going to need one.

I feel sorry for the victim's family and friends because it's going to be hard on them to sit and listen to this testimony and to hear the defense telling that she had to kill him because of (fill in the blank).

Hi, UdbCrzy2. I cannot claim to possess psychic powers, but I would bet my new red sneakers that this will be the gist of Jodi's defense: After she arrived, he persuaded her to have sex, but it was an unpleasant experience because he forced himself on her. Later, he emerged from the shower nude and attempted to rape her. He had a gun; she grappled it from his hand or he dropped it. He was still coming and in a panic, she shot him. He was wounded, but still pursuing. Terrified and acting almost in a trance she stabbed him several times. When she came to, she was in shock. She cleaned up the scene almost reflexively and left the scene, still in shock. After she arrived home, she was still deeply traumitized and, for her sanity, had to pretend that it hadn't happened.

It won't fly with the jury, but it might save her from the death penalty. In effect, she's already testified: Her statements to the police and her televised interviews put her on record. As a witness, she will be more poised than most.
Is it true that someone is going to write a book about this case?
Is it true that someone is going to write a book about this case?

I dont know for sure iluvmua, but I wouldnt be surprised at all. The public info on this case, as well as some WS'ers, and friends of Travis' have such factual and inside info already out, I would bet that someone has already started it, and are just waiting to finish it up with a chapter or two about how she ended up on DEATH ROW!!!! JMO, :twocents:

Im sure 48 hours will run another show or follow-up, but this time with more info from the few years she has stalled, and the verdict/sentence-

Maybe she is hoping by trial, she will pull a CA and get time served plus a few weeks- FAT CHANCE
I dont know for sure iluvmua, but I wouldnt be surprised at all. The public info on this case, as well as some WS'ers, and friends of Travis' have such factual and inside info already out, I would bet that someone has already started it, and are just waiting to finish it up with a chapter or two about how she ended up on DEATH ROW!!!! JMO, :twocents:

Im sure 48 hours will run another show or follow-up, but this time with more info from the few years she has stalled, and the verdict/sentence-

Maybe she is hoping by trial, she will pull a CA and get time served plus a few weeks- FAT CHANCE

Hi, Chicogirl36. On the Travis Alexander tribute Facebook page, a true crime writer named Shana Hogan left a message announcing that she was writing a book on the case. This is her website:

On another note, the same website had a statement today (but misdated September 6th) that jury selection had actually started today, but it was later unfortunately determined to be untrue.
It will def. be an interesting book to read. I would love to know more about Jodi's background...... What she was like growing up, what she was like in relationships etc.

The prosecution wins a pre-trial battle and the defense gets another postponement:

Argument is heard on State’s Motion to Preclude the Introduction of Hearsay Statements
(Google Mail and Instant Messaging).
IT IS ORDERED that no reference to google mail or instant messageing shall be made
during opening statements.
Argument is heard on Defendant’s Motion to Continue trial.
After argument and for reasons as stated on the record,
IT IS ORDERED vacating trial set on February 1, 2012 and resetting same to February
21, 2012 at 10:30 a.m. before this division

The messages at least tentatively excluded probably are hearsay impugnment of Travis' relations with women

The prosecution wins a pre-trial battle and the defense gets another postponement:

Argument is heard on State’s Motion to Preclude the Introduction of Hearsay Statements
(Google Mail and Instant Messaging).
IT IS ORDERED that no reference to google mail or instant messageing shall be made
during opening statements.
Argument is heard on Defendant’s Motion to Continue trial.
After argument and for reasons as stated on the record,
IT IS ORDERED vacating trial set on February 1, 2012 and resetting same to February
21, 2012 at 10:30 a.m. before this division

The messages at least tentatively excluded probably are hearsay impugnment of Travis' relations with women

The wheels of justice are certainly turning very slowly on this case.
This is the time set for Status Conference regarding Defendant’s Motion for Protective Order.

That's from the latest court docket.. does anybody have an idea of what this might be about?
I mentioned it on the other forum, but "protective orders" appear to be special restraint orders specific to domestic violence. The person has to have a specific relationship in order to qualify, like be a blood family member,married or formerly married, have a child in common, or a same-sex domestic partner with whom you lived in the same household.

It wouldn't surprise me if she is trying to get a domestic violence restraining order against Travis, four years after murdering him, because she's done a lot of other things that seem completely wacky.

Another possibility is that she wants a restraining order against her fellow inmate -- but I don't know if that qualifies as a same-sex domestic partner sharing a household.
I mentioned it on the other forum, but "protective orders" appear to be special restraint orders specific to domestic violence. The person has to have a specific relationship in order to qualify, like be a blood family member,married or formerly married, have a child in common, or a same-sex domestic partner with whom you lived in the same household.

It wouldn't surprise me if she is trying to get a domestic violence restraining order against Travis, four years after murdering him, because she's done a lot of other things that seem completely wacky.

Another possibility is that she wants a restraining order against her fellow inmate -- but I don't know if that qualifies as a same-sex domestic partner sharing a household.

Hi, BryanWD, if I had to make a guess, it would be that she wants a protective order against another inmate or that she wants one against one of Travis' friends who have been trying to visit her.
If what Travis' sister said about Jodi having a, "relationship" with her cellmate is true.. Then the protective order is most likely against her... Maybe that's what the attorneys have been discussing OUTside of the courtroom.

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