Travis Alexander and Jodi Arias - What do you believe?

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So now Jodi is going to portray Travis as a rapist? This chick knows no bounds..... This is going to be one interesting trial.

The ONLY victim in this is Travis, NOT poor poor Jodi........ I hope the jury decides to send her to the DP.

She's Bat crap crazy and I think she and Casey would get along just fine.

She's not only going to play the rapist card, but the pedophile card as well.. The letters that she wanted to be submitted into evidence, (the forged ones) supposedly written by Travis to her, admitting that he was a, "pedophile".. Cause after all, that's the reason she, HAD to kill him.. because he was evil.. so that, paired with, "He tried to force sex on me" I believe is going to be their defense strategy.
wow,just wow,she really is Casey times ten.I bet just dragging his name through the mudd anyway possible during the trial will give her tremendous satisfaction.Maybe that's where the head tilt and the little smile came from.Unlike Casey I don't think her lawyers will be able to keep her from testifying.
Here's about a 7 minute clip from Dr. Drew's episode about Jodi and Travis from last night... So crazy to me that they are referring to an old friend of mine as, "the next Casey Anthony"... But then again, "they" compare German Shepards to CA.. heh. Anyway.. Here ya go:

Oh! Also, the public defender's office has filed a motion to withdrawl.. (AGAIN) Dunno if they'll grant this or not..
But I'm REALLY hoping it's not going to cause any further delays!
Tonight is the first I heard of this case. After seeing her interviews tonight I seriously believe she has whatever KC has.

Me too. Running this case and the Caylee case at the same time would have blown the air the only reason I can think of no national media coverage. First words out of my mouth..."She's wacked!" I don't know if she's just acting or is truly not all there, but either way....something within her is missing. IMO

It will be a very interesting say the least.
Here's about a 7 minute clip from Dr. Drew's episode about Jodi and Travis from last night... So crazy to me that they are referring to an old friend of mine as, "the next Casey Anthony"... But then again, "they" compare German Shepards to CA.. heh. Anyway.. Here ya go:

Oh! Also, the public defender's office has filed a motion to withdrawl.. (AGAIN) Dunno if they'll grant this or not..
But I'm REALLY hoping it's not going to cause any further delays!

Thanks for the link on Dr. Drew. It was a little creepy watching her and CA side-by-side, where they are both smiling away like it's just another ordinary day and not that both of them (at least at that point for CA) were on trial for their lives. It must be very surreal for you to hear the way the media is talking about your old friend.

I see the motion is going to be heard today regarding the defense withdrawing, so hopefully they will post something in the court minutes before Christmas. I wonder why they keep trying to withdraw.
It must be very surreal for you to hear the way the media is talking about your old friend.

I see the motion is going to be heard today regarding the defense withdrawing, so hopefully they will post something in the court minutes before Christmas. I wonder why they keep trying to withdraw.

It's VERY surreal to me, from the get go and I've been following this very closely since August 2008.. Everytime I read new information or see the case talked about on TV, this is my face through the entire thing... :eek:

I think they keep trying to withdraw, because well.. I don't blame thing.. it's pretty hard to want to represent someone who can't keep the same story longer than the next breath that is taken.. Also, I think they want to run for the hills because they are seeing just how HUGE this case is becoming with the media and all.. I don't blame them. They are just public defenders, not crazed lunatics like Jose Baez who is willing to represent anyone, just for the publicity. I'm sure they are concerned for themselves in their own personal lives and for the safety of their families.. No matter whether she's convicted or found innocent, (highly unlikely) people are going to voice their hatred towards them, solely based on the fact that they are representing her.
OK on the Facebook page in support of Jodi, Jodi's sister is claiming that Jodi has plead guilty????
Sorry I had been trying to catch up before I posted but I was confused by this post.
OK on the Facebook page in support of Jodi, Jodi's sister is claiming that Jodi has plead guilty????
Sorry I had been trying to catch up before I posted but I was confused by this post.

Yep..apparently she is changing her story to self defense. She tried submitting letters that would supposedly prove that Travis was a pedophile and had raped her too. Major fail. CA's evil twin.
I would imagine that the defense lawyers are attempting to withdraw because they are stuck between a rock slide and a tsunami.

Jodi's latest attempt to cope with the evidence would almost necessitate that she herself testify about the sexual attack that she supposed fended off before she stabbed and fatally shot Travis. By testifying though, she would expose herself to withering cross-examination about her multiple, improbable story revisions to align her account with new evidence.; not to mention her own continuing absorption with this supposed rapist.

By comparison, the circumstantial evidence against Ms. Anthony offered many more possibilities to create a counter-narrative.

If Jodi had more sense than misplaced self-confidence, she would had pled guilty and begun her sentence already.
Self defense, uh huh. Shot while in the shower. 27 stab wounds and his throat slashed from ear to ear, photos taken, sheets washed. Flees the scene. Yep. Sounds like self defense to me. 'Defending' her hurt feelings of rejection with a callous, cold blooded physical counter attack is the only 'self defense' she is really talking about. They call that murder.
Yep..apparently she is changing her story to self defense. She tried submitting letters that would supposedly prove that Travis was a pedophile and had raped her too. Major fail. CA's evil twin.

Pip, you are right on with this. Jodi wants to run the show and her attorneys want to run away from that. She couldn't keep her original stories in order, does she really believe she knows better? She is a disaster waiting to happen. With the proper jury (I think you know what I'm saying), she's asking for a lethal injection.

Unless she has a slick, pro-bono attorney in the wings, waiting to embrace her latest story, I just can't see the judge let these attorneys go just before the trial.

I'm sitting on pins and needles for the early January hearing result.
Well, they did... According to the new court dockets, the court has granted the public defender's office to Mr. Nurmi and Mrs. Washington to withdraw from the case.. I was almost as certain as you Chanler, that they wouldn't let them.. but I guess it should have been expected.. they just keep pushing it off. I'm beginning to think that it may not even go to trial.. anyway, the next hearing will be to assign her new defense counsel, investigator and mitigation specialist.
Well, they did... According to the new court dockets, the court has granted the public defender's office to Mr. Nurmi and Mrs. Washington to withdraw from the case.. I was almost as certain as you Chanler, that they wouldn't let them.. but I guess it should have been expected.. they just keep pushing it off. I'm beginning to think that it may not even go to trial.. anyway, the next hearing will be to assign her new defense counsel, investigator and mitigation specialist.

Hi, SheStartedIt, you're right; I am surprised. It must have been frustrating for the lawyers; they were already saddled with what seems to be convincing, CSI-worthy forensic evidence and Jodi's multiple, contradictory accounts. They were probably embarrassed too by the forged letter(s) and what I am certain is a still very willful defendant who insists on calling the shots.

The fact that the request for withdrawal by the lawyers was a sealed proceeding probably indicates that it mentions something that might detrimentally affect Jodi's defense; for example, the lawyers might have based their decision wholly or partially on Jodi's intractible views of their defense strategies.

I do think that by the time the case does get to trial, it will receive extensive national media coverage.

The fact that the request for withdrawal by the lawyers was a sealed proceeding probably indicates that it mentions something that might detrimentally affect Jodi's defense; for example, the lawyers might have based their decision wholly or partially on Jodi's intractible views of their defense strategies.

I do think that by the time the case does get to trial, it will receive extensive national media coverage.

I should have also noted that obliging a new team of public defenders to take on this very difficult case at this late stage steepens the climb for Ms. Arias.

Honestly, I think that a more realistic defendant would have pled guilty by this stage. (I'm thinking of Raymond Clark, the killer of Yale's Annie Le, who saw the writing on the wall and changed his plea.)
These may sound like stupid questions:

1. Did Travis die immediately or was he still alive when Jodi left him in the shower?

2. How would have the first shot incapacitated him? He was shot first in the head right?

I hope he went quickly and did not suffer........ I'd hate to think that he was screaming for help while he was left in the shower to die.
These may sound like stupid questions:

1. Did Travis die immediately or was he still alive when Jodi left him in the shower?

2. How would have the first shot incapacitated him? He was shot first in the head right?

I hope he went quickly and did not suffer........ I'd hate to think that he was screaming for help while he was left in the shower to die.

Hi, iluvmua. Not stupid questions at all.

1. I don't think that we know the answer to that question. As I remember, Travis was outside the shower at some point; I think that one of the photographs and some of the forensic evidence indicate that. I think that there was some suggestion that he was dragged back to the shower, perhaps to wash him off.

2. The bullet did hit his head, but did not kill him. Surprisingly, there are many ways that someone struck by a bullet in some part of the head (e.g., the jaw, a glancing shot near the turned eye socket) would not be killed. Jodi is shorter than Travis and it's possible that she shot at an upward or side angle.)

I think that the savage knife attack would have likely killed him or sent him into shock fairly quickly. I can't imagine feeling that level of hatred and violence. To me, her calmness is eerie.
Was anybody else in the home when Travis was being killed?
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