Travis Alexander's Journals and text messages

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It just occurred to me....didn't she report the Helio stolen on May 16? The same day she wrote the "recognize me" email to him? What does THAT say?!

Going back to May 26. We know she sent him a text or email telling him something. He wrote back to her, she pretended that she hadn't received it. He told her that she would respond to what he had written if she had any human emotion at all.

In the May 26 fight she told him that she was "100% responsible" for what had happened. ?? It's possible all she means is that she's responsible for the two of them ever being intimate, because she also says (lies) that she'd have been content just to cuddle with him, but that she'd been too weak.

I think it means something that a lot of the text we have relates to sex. IMO it's about sex because sex is what she wrote to him about in the "dire" email she first sent. I can think of only two possibilities for what she wrote him. One is that she told him she was consumed by guilt for having sex with him and she was going to talk to her Bishop. She wrote in her journal (related to Rachel urging her to confess sex) that she believed her Bishop would tell his Bishop about her confession.

If she told Travis that, Travis would understand it as a mortal threat. Not only no marriage in 2008, but possibly even being excommunicated. Hence, writing her an email telling her that his life would be ruined, to please not talk to her Bishop.

The second possibility I see is that she told him she had taped their phone sex on the Helio, and that the Helio had been stolen. She couldn't have threatened him outright that she had the Helio with an incriminating sex conversation on it, because she actually had reported the phone stolen. Telling him it was stolen would actually have been far more vicious- a way of toying with him , telling him sorry, but it's out of my control now.....

That he seems to have been pleading with her in his email, though, makes me think it more likely she was threatening to go to her Bishop.

(Took me awhile to figure out....he had caught her hacking, but the email she wants him to look at can't be one she is directing at a GF in his name or anything like that. She's asking him to look at it/comment.)
Yet the stolen Helio phone with the recorded sex tape was the one they found hidden in her father/grandfather's truck by Aunt Sue??? So Jodi probably hid it there for safekeeping and directed Aunt Sue to find it. Jodi could have easily threatened either or both to make Travis angry enough to tell her off. The recorded sex tape was enough by itself without going to the Bishop, so it's hard to say.
What date was the sex tape made??
I'm sure JA would have been furious that TA had gone out and met the "cutie-pie" instead of going to watch her big singing debut ...
Him not coming up to watch her sing was probably one of the last pins to be pushed into her imaginary voodoo doll of Travis.
That is strange. I thought the circumstances of his suicide were he was accused of pedophila. But that sounds like he knew too much about Jodi. I've always wondered if someone helped Jodi do any of this.

IIRC Dan Freemans brother killed himself because he was sexually abused when he was a child. They have a site dedicated to him. Forward Walking .com
Oh crabapples! I knew it was something with sex abuse. My apologies. So my guess is that she was trying to pin Travis as the pedofile since obviously the family was shocked.
Your thoughts are perfectly clear! :)

I'd forgotten about her push to get him to Yreka on May 24th. Were there texts/emails about this, or was it in only in the sex tape (?) about wanting him there to hear her sing the National Anthem wherever that was to happen. Hmm. The tying up to a tree thing as a means of murdering him. I can see why you think that's possible., especially if she had already begun thinking about murdering him, before May 26.

Maybe a piece of the puzzle to add to that is she apparently originally told Ryan Burns she'd be visiting him in Utah in the last week of May. (hmm). I think she definitely was in panic mode from (at least) May 26 on in part for the reason you're thinking....the window of opportunity was closing. I'm sure she thought that if he went to Cancun, Travis would have spread the word about her enough to destroy her reputation and chances of landing any PPL-Mormon.

She wrote on May 24th that Ryan hadn't called her back

May 26 the texts

and then May 27th that Ryan" finally" texted her back after his phone not working and missing calls and he went camping that weekend and she writes that that solved his absenteeism. The May 30tht she made up her mind and she's goignt o Utah. To a man that doesn't retuning her calls. texts etc, and will let her come to him. Seems like Ryan wasn't going to put much effort forward to see Jodi.
Yesterday. I was watching some video from the guilt phase. I believe it was day 5. The officer that stopped her when she was driving in Utah with the upside down plates said a car pulled up in front of her when she was stopped. No more was given on that but I found that interesting.

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I'm pretty sure that was RB, they were traveling together when she got pulled over iirc.
(snipped by me) My impression on Travis's journals was that he jotted his observations and feelings down quickly, while Jodi Arias was more methodical with hers.

You are absolutely right. He is usually writing about what happened and what he is feeling, but she is plotting.

The journal entry where I think she really committed to the murder was in 2007, the " I could not possibly love him not, though I wish I could stop. Turn it off like a light bulb. Duct tape it down so it can't turn back on. Or better yet, just cut the circuit. Cut off its light source. Make it dead in a second. Lifeless." entry. After that, it was just delaying it in case he could change her mind. But she was on that path for a long time.

I wish I knew the date of that journal and this 2007 text Travis sent:

“It is a lose-lose situation. If I avoid her I deal with lots of tears. So I deal with it. Don’t get me wrong. She is an amazing girl. A better person than me but we are not right for each other. I don’t think she has that entirely figured out. It’s a tough spot to be in.”

I wonder if he was trying to get her to accept that they weren't right for each other, and her outer response was to cry and her inner response was to dehumanize him to the point that killing him was just turning off a switch.
Vol.6, P.18/19(TA's P.35/36) Entry is dated May 29/08. "The good news is on Saturday I met cutie pie on Saturday at my UFC party. I saw her Sunday again at church. Two days ago she requested me as a friend on Facebook. We have been sending email flirts ever since, I got the phone number. We've been texting and now we are hanging out tonight."

Don't forget though, if JA was tracking his Facebook and email, she would have known all of that.

View attachment 69961

Thanks for catching the date difference- I looked again and you're right, it says two days ago, which would make it May 27th that they began flirting via FB emails (T's handwriting is difficult to read- I thought he wrote "two days ......" as if he was chortling it had taken so little time).

The difference between May 25 and May 27 seems significant to me. If JA had read the flirty emails on May 25, that would have been one more reason for what prompted the May 26 fight. Not the case. And since the online flirting didn't begin until May 27, I doubt JA was even aware of Brooke before the 27th. Yes, she was tracking his FB and email up til the 26th -at least- but
I guess I can't see Travis posting on FB about meeting Brooke.

I'm guessing that Travis changed his passwords on May 26, cutting off her access to his FB account, but that's just a guess. His computer was attacked and Explorer crashed the next day, so it would seem she still access to his HD?
She wrote on May 24th that Ryan hadn't called her back

May 26 the texts

and then May 27th that Ryan" finally" texted her back after his phone not working and missing calls and he went camping that weekend and she writes that that solved his absenteeism. The May 30tht she made up her mind and she's goignt o Utah. To a man that doesn't retuning her calls. texts etc, and will let her come to him. Seems like Ryan wasn't going to put much effort forward to see Jodi.

That explains why she didn't go to Utah/murder Travis the end of May. The end of May to see RB plan seems to have been only in her own mind I love that she wrote about finding a reason for his "absenteeism." As if he owed her an excuse for not being where she wanted him to be when she wanted him to be there. He was already racking up demerits with her, even before their first meet-up. Yow.

But based on other texts with RB and RB's testimony, he was very interested in having her come visit. He just also had a life.
That explains why she didn't go to Utah/murder Travis the end of May. The end of May to see RB plan seems to have been only in her own mind I love that she wrote about finding a reason for his "absenteeism." As if he owed her an excuse for not being where she wanted him to be when she wanted him to be there. He was already racking up demerits with her, even before their first meet-up. Yow.

But based on other texts with RB and RB's testimony, he was very interested in having her come visit. He just also had a life.

I'm starting to get this funny feeling that she may have been planning his murder for the weekend Ryan disappeared camping, if that's what was meant when she told Flores '"The week prior had a lot to do with it..."
she of course wouldn't have been able to explain that her alibi skipped out on her. Also thinking the fight of May 26th might have been over whatever she had left to be found in the wake of his murder to destroy him to his friends/women and since she couldn't do the trip because Ryan was nowhere to be found, whatever she did Travis found out about and 'hurt him more than his father dying' - pieces are starting to fit and her deadpan reactions to his anger makes more sense, she couldn't very well explain he was supposed to be deceased and not know about whatever that part of her plan had been. Finally, on what looks to be the last day of trial it's starting to fall together, at least in my mind.

Thanks again Hope and all, for all of the work putting these pieces together, it used to bother me so much that during the first trial it seemed that no one thought any of what was occurring the week prior to his murder mattered much, I even posted after the trial that we knew nothing about those days leading up to his murder and what he was doing, who he was talking to, and was chided for wanting to pry and snoop into his life so I mostly dropped it but never stopped thinking it mattered a lot to understand why she did this. I'm deeply appreciative for the time and effort it took to finally have all this begin to make some sense.
I'm starting to get this funny feeling that she may have been planning his murder for the weekend Ryan disappeared camping, if that's what was meant when she told Flores '"The week prior had a lot to do with it..."
she of course wouldn't have been able to explain that her alibi skipped out on her. Also thinking the fight of May 26th might have been over whatever she had left to be found in the wake of his murder to destroy him to his friends/women and since she couldn't do the trip because Ryan was nowhere to be found, whatever she did Travis found out about and 'hurt him more than his father dying' - pieces are starting to fit and her deadpan reactions to his anger makes more sense, she couldn't very well explain he was supposed to be deceased and not know about whatever that part of her plan had been. Finally, on what looks to be the last day of trial it's starting to fall together, at least in my mind.

Thanks again Hope and all, for all of the work putting these pieces together, it used to bother me so much that during the first trial it seemed that no one thought any of what was occurring the week prior to his murder mattered much, I even posted after the trial that we knew nothing about those days leading up to his murder and what he was doing, who he was talking to, and was chided for wanting to pry and snoop into his life so I mostly dropped it but never stopped thinking it mattered a lot to understand why she did this. I'm deeply appreciative for the time and effort it took to finally have all this begin to make some sense.

((((Grandmom Geevee)))) It has mattered a lot to me too. Every piece that falls in place has revealed more about how evil JA is, and about the terrible pain and damage she inflicted upon Travis for many months before killing him. I fervently hope she gets the DP.
I feel like I'm slow. I'm not getting exactly what she did. I'm thinking she hacked, stole clients from PPL (which would explain the deposits ), created fake or sock puppet accounts to trash TA, created sock puppets to be Mormon women to entice him. But something big feels missing. I feel like there's something there that when I realize it I'll be duh.
I feel like I'm slow. I'm not getting exactly what she did. I'm thinking she hacked, stole clients from PPL (which would explain the deposits ), created fake or sock puppet accounts to trash TA, created sock puppets to be Mormon women to entice him. But something big feels missing. I feel like there's something there that when I realize it I'll be duh.

I also think there's something (or things) missing but I think it's been purposely kept out of the trial, once it's over and the judge unseals everything (unless Nurmi bullies her into keeping everything sealed throughout appeals) someone in the media will probably get it all and we'll know the full story.
Yeah. Thus far, we know-

-Travis meets Jodi while she's still with Darryl Brewer. He's interested, but not going to do anything about it since she's in a relationship

-Darryl Brewer moves out/breaks up with Jodi. Travis allegedly sends Mormons over. Jodi reads the Book of Mormon.

-This is when Travis and Jodi start going on trips, Starbucks dates, eating Cinnabon

-Jodi becomes friendly with the Hughes'. So much so that she confides that she's in love with Travis. Does he love her back? Omg. Travis gets "the infamous email" where he's called out for being a player.

-Sky is freaked out by Jodi and doesn't want her at their house anymore. Travis leaves with Jodi.

-Jodi snoops through Travis's phone/emails/myspace and finds he's talking to other girls. They break up, allegedly due to Trabis cheating. It's been 5 months.

- Jodi moves to Mesa. Travis's roommate hears Travis argue with Jodi about it.

- Jodi resumes her secret sexual relationship with Travis. She calls it treats etc. She cleans his house. He's cheating on Lisa Andrews with her. She journals that someone should tell her. Gosh.

- Lisa Andrews gets the "Daughter of God" email, her tires are slashed. Travis's tires are slashed. Jodi denies she did these things. But Lisa and Travis say she came in the house while Travis/Lisa were making out. The roommate said she came over.
-Deanna Reid catches her there while Travis is out of town

- Jodi borrows money from Travis/claims she's lending him money. They switch cars.

- April 2008 is weird. They fight a lot. She decides to move back to Cali. He's cool with it, but she's angry. He says she needs to pay him back.

-April fights include money, Jodi being intrusive, Travis rejecting Jodi, and someone named Steve and a Michelle

-The fights continue into May as Jodi is texting Ryan Burns and Travis is trying to date Mimi.

-Big blow up no one can quite decipher on May 26th. Travis kicks her out of his life. Says she's the worst thing that ever happened to him. After previously begging, crying, and spying, Jodi is whatever. It's odd.

-June 4, 2008. Jodi is at Travis's. She kills him.
I also think there's something (or things) missing but I think it's been purposely kept out of the trial, once it's over and the judge unseals everything (unless Nurmi bullies her into keeping everything sealed throughout appeals) someone in the media will probably get it all and we'll know the full story.

Do you think one big thing is missing? Or just key pieces to help the rest fall firmly in place?
Do you think one big thing is missing? Or just key pieces to help the rest fall firmly in place?

It is hard to tell, not knowing what you don't know, huh? Since we're not sure what all has been sealed (but we can make some guesses based on what's not been seen) I think it's both, let's say the 'big thing' is something financial (theft in some manner), and if all of Travis' financial information was kept out (as it seems to have been since we've heard none of it and only bits of hers - deposits on the 3rd, checks to Travis and the bank statement bottom section only), there may have been texts/VMs/chats that included mention of it that also would have been kept out and may include the rest (or beginning) of the May 26th fight. We know we aren't seeing the whole fight and JM hasn't been railing about why pieces are missing so he knows what's missing and why. I do think once we know the reason for the fight most everything else will fall into place.

Do you know if JSS does unseal everything after sentencing, will all the sealed minute entries appear on the AZ site so we can at least read those sooner and not have to wait for media to get whatever they plan to publicize? We might gain a lot of insight if we can read those.
It is hard to tell, not knowing what you don't know, huh? Since we're not sure what all has been sealed (but we can make some guesses based on what's not been seen) I think it's both, let's say the 'big thing' is something financial (theft in some manner), and if all of Travis' financial information was kept out (as it seems to have been since we've heard none of it and only bits of hers - deposits on the 3rd, checks to Travis and the bank statement bottom section only), there may have been texts/VMs/chats that included mention of it that also would have been kept out and may include the rest (or beginning) of the May 26th fight. We know we aren't seeing the whole fight and JM hasn't been railing about why pieces are missing so he knows what's missing and why. I do think once we know the reason for the fight most everything else will fall into place.

Do you know if JSS does unseal everything after sentencing, will all the sealed minute entries appear on the AZ site so we can at least read those sooner and not have to wait for media to get whatever they plan to publicize? We might gain a lot of insight if we can read those.

I'm not sure. But I'll be looking and will copy here whatever is relevant. I'm guessing it will be a long while, though.
I know this is a late entry. I've been too busy keeping up with the daily trial so its my first reading here in this section.. Isn't there a famous actor by the name of Steven Carroll or am I mistaken again ?
I wonder how June 4th came to be. When did Travis learn she was coming? Why was he okay with it? Did she catch him off guard?

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