Travis Alexander's Journals and text messages

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Whoa. Didn't catch that. Definitely weird. Maybe another hint that's it's for an audience is that the whole email overstates their "relationship." Why would she be complaining to him- he knew the truth- about not being recognized as a girlfriend when the "relationship" such as it was had ended almost a year before?

I do need to read the whole vomit inducing trainwreck of an email again, but it also struck me how she went out of her way to show 'FRIENDSHIP'.

'No, we weren't an item, we were just friends! Here, here's an email to prove it!'
The Lisa/Mimi muddle in April-May 2008 could have been because Jodi was intercepting messages.

In the Flores report Zach B tells that Jodi was the reason the relationship didn't work out with Lisa. He then says that the new gf, MiMi didn't like Jodi hanging around and until Travis dealt with the Jodi situation they would just have to end the relationship
The thing that stands out the most to me about the relationship between Travis and Arias is that he was willing to forgive so much. So, so much. I think he saw the best in people, and really believed that he could help her become her best. It breaks my heart every time I dwell on it.

Anyways, we've seen him take her back over and over again, forgive her all her vile deeds.

Until May 26th.

She stalked him, he forgave. She lied, he forgave. She manipulated, he forgave. She violated his privacy repeatedly, he forgave.

It would have had to have been something pretty vicious to earn the responses he gave her on 5/26.

Respectfully snipped from one of Hope's kicka$$ compilations.

5/13 TA journal: Mimi was cordial, Lisa ignored me (at FHE). Met (a woman online). I am very intrigued.” Really, how can I not be? It’s better to trust too much than not enough. So the plot thickens as I run the blind race to the altar.”

I wonder if she created a fake profile to reel him in and keep him from focusing on real life marriage potentials, and he found out.

I could see that being worthy of so much fury from Travis. Once last HUGE violation, that broke the camels back.
Towards the end, he didn't want her in bed, either. I don't get what happened on June 4.

Why he slept with her on June 4 and what happened to provoke the May 26 fight will always be, for me, the two biggest questions. IIRC, she called him over a dozen times while driving her murder route, and all or mostly all were short enough calls to say that he wasn't responding to her. But then they did talk by phone, and I think one of the calls was close to an hour.

I think whatever she said to him then was the reason he didn't throw her out when she showed up (I still think he had no idea she was coming). The nude photos from that day show two people who look both unhappy and unrelaxed. I don't think sex was his idea and I don't think he enjoyed himself. One scenario I can imagine is that JA conned him into believing she had genuinely moved on (Burns), and that she regretted everything she had done to mess with his GF's. I think that's what he needed to hear from her, and that it dropped his defenses just enough to be persuaded into sex. She obviously didn't push it past some thresholds of "trust:" the photos were on his camera, not hers, for a reason, IMO.

It's also possible, though a really sad thought, that he slept with her partially out of self-loathing. Travis had told Taylor as early as mid 2007 that he "hated himself"for being intimate with her after she moved to Mesa, because it indicated to him he lacked self discipline and self-control. Travis wasn't in a good place in May 2008. I think he felt like he had failed in ways that mattered most to him. On June 4 he was probably more vulnerable to her emotionally than he had ever had been. She'd have known that, and how to use his feelings against him. :(
to steal from Kadoober's post above, thank you so much Hope for these ".....kicka$$ compilations."

I really appreciate all the time you've put in!:tyou:
I'd like to state first that I'm a newbie to WS's and was so excited and impressed with this forum and having been lurking everyday! Thank you all for all of your informative comments. I to believe that JA started to formulate her plan to murder TA long before she left Mesa. She was absolutely fuming that he had rejected her. Thanks to WS's...I've gleaned the following; JA steals TA's journal because it reflects the truth of their relationship. 'JA writes in her journal that Matt was in Mesa before she left the final time? and that he saw bruises around her neck and told her to get a restraining order and she said she was leaving in two days.' ( I think if there is any truth to this she could have used make-up to make it appear as if she had bruises to sucker in Matt as a witness after the fact.) It was the beginning of her diabolical plan to fabricate evidence with emails/texts/recordings and manipulate poor TA into coming to Yreka to fulfill the little red riding hood/big bad wolf fantasy! In the original trial I often wondered why she used the ridiculous excuse for the knife being readily handy for her self's because that was going to be the excuse used in her original plan... ie...we brought the knife to cut the rope for the tied to the tree fantasy...that went so terrible wrong...I knew TA was jealous/had double standards/had some anger issues but if you read my journals you will see how much I loved him and could never say no to him and I never realized just how troubled and disturbed he really was! He attacked me and thank god the knife was handy....I was only defending myself when his fantasy turned into a real life nightmare of him attacking/raping me/
Thus she believed she could kill two birds with one stone....murder him and forever tarnish his reputation. (she didn't need a gun...because somehow she had a plan to convince him to also be tied to the tree where he would be disabled, stab/kill him, stage the scene. Her plan went awry when she realized that he was not going to be lured into her plan of him coming to her.....she went into panic mode May 26/08 because her window of opportunity was closing and quickly formulated plan B which included the stolen gun to overpower him only if needed....I believe because of her rage and past M.O. she always intended to murder him using the knife and that's why I believe that the gun shot was last. There is so much more to say but I am unable to express all of it in this post. If my syntax does not make sense to some it is because I have a deficit that affects the way I write and express myself(I have been very reluctant to state my thoughts)....I work daily to overcome this very frustrating deficit but I'm not always successful. Anyways I know sleuthers will correct me if I'm wrong or off track...that's what I love about this forum, everything that is posted is a search for the truth and a honest dialog to reach that goal.

Your thoughts are perfectly clear! :)

I'd forgotten about her push to get him to Yreka on May 24th. Were there texts/emails about this, or was it in only in the sex tape (?) about wanting him there to hear her sing the National Anthem wherever that was to happen. Hmm. The tying up to a tree thing as a means of murdering him. I can see why you think that's possible., especially if she had already begun thinking about murdering him, before May 26.

Maybe a piece of the puzzle to add to that is she apparently originally told Ryan Burns she'd be visiting him in Utah in the last week of May. (hmm). I think she definitely was in panic mode from (at least) May 26 on in part for the reason you're thinking....the window of opportunity was closing. I'm sure she thought that if he went to Cancun, Travis would have spread the word about her enough to destroy her reputation and chances of landing any PPL-Mormon.
Hope, I think your observations are spot on. I have to consider though the duality of her love/hate mentality. I think she continously fluctuated bewtween the two. I think what I mentioned upthread regarding what went down bewteen the May 16th email, the blow up at the end of May, and the tragic road trip to June 4th is also a consideration. June 4th is the culmination of her obsession. She dolled herself up for a reason. Wanting to win him back. She could have easily shot him when he was leaving his house without having to color her hair, brazilian, frappes, gas cans, selfies, etc. She documented her efforts by taking those selfies in the rental Ford Focus hours before the showdown. Make or Break. It ended up being a bust. Kill the obsession so she, herself could survive.
jodiarias diary entry about wanting it dead.jpg screenshot of JodiArias' brother.jpg Lisa Andrews interview snippet about Jodi Arias slashing Travis' tires two nights in a row.jpg Jodi was the one texting requesting the dirty things like  on face. sodomy.jpg You have her figured out!
It is a seriously sad thought, but I too think it's very possible. He had a very difficult month of May, he was at a low point, and she took advantage (like she always did).

Prior to that, I was trying to determine when the last time they had sex - but it's fairly unclear, to me anyway. I'd guess Jan 2008, but he was in the on/off with Lisa at that time. He did seem to really love Lisa, and hated himself for letting Jodi interfer in that in any way.
to steal from Kadoober's post above, thank you so much Hope for these ".....kicka$$ compilations."

I really appreciate all the time you've put in!:tyou:

Thanks, and you're welcome, to everyone who has said this. :) I've really been looking forward to hearing what other WS'ers think about May 26 in particular, but also what happened over the last months Travis was alive. Putting everything in a timeline makes it so much easier to see that she never stopped stalking him, and the degree to which her craziness increased after she left Mesa.
To have everything in one place: The May recognize email from JA to TA:


Hey, there, I feel like sharing this with you. After all, you are my friend. It’s been a bit of a sore subject for both of us in the past and sometimes it feels like it continues to be, but I hope you’ll understand where I am coming from. I really hope you can stretch your mind and heart for this and put yourself in my shoes for the moment. I’m not saying you have to stay there nor do you have to agree with me, but I think if you give it an honest and sincere effort you will surely understand the way I feel, and why it is I sometimes feel this way.

I know the tone of an email or text message can sometime be ambiguous since the receiver is only interpreting what the tone of the sender would be if it were spoken, so please know that the spirit in which i send this is that of love, camaraderie, and amistad (friendship).

Here goes...

I realized after further introspection why it is that I asked you to give me a little mention in your next post as credit for the task of editing and grammar and typing the lengthly thing out. Partly, it is obvious. You gave your friend Katie a mention, and that was just for the intro. Logically, I am your friend, too. Your first chapter is at length and much longer, and so being the human that I am, it would make me feel good to have a little recognition thrown my way. But it goes deeper than that. I know I should be over this by now, and on most levels I am, really. But I feel that I never got the proper “credit” or recognition I deserved as your girlfriend. You say it is because you’re a private person. you say it was because of Deanna. You say it was because you were rather attached to the reputation of being a single, eligible bachelor. I understand all of that. I really do, and that’s okay, hon. I don’t harbor bad feelings over any of that stuff. I’m serious. You may be asking yourself why then the lengthly email detailing all of this, if that is in fact the case? Well, it’s a good thing this is in “writing” because if that is your question it has already been answered in the first paragraph of this email. Refer back to it if you wish. But my cry for a little recognition comes from a place within me that feels it was never adequately gratified in that it thirsted to be validated not just as some girl friend that you associated with, but as your girlfriend. I wasn’t asking for you to give me credit for all of your greatness, no. If I had anything to do with that then only a very tiny part, if at all. Though I was beginning to wonder if you were going to be able to subscribe to the philosophy that behind every great man there is a great woman, then that philosophy is a two way street, by the way.

I find myself now wishing to be recognized as your friend, and I think that comes from the fact that there is a hesitancy on your part to grant me that recognition within your entire circle of friends.

I’m going to digress a bit but I’m going to try tie it all together. Either way, this isn’t so much about flowing as it is purging.

About your mode of operation with Deanna, I both appreciated and despised it at the time. I could care less now. It was a double-edge sword for you. I know. For me as well. If Deanna was happy, Travis was happy, Jodi was Happy. True, you didn’t want to deal with her interrogations and emotions, and in large part, you wanted to protect her. Easily understandable for me, having the soft heart that I do when it comes to matters of romance and broken hearts. Protecting her? That is very characteristic of your sweeter, caring, considerate side. You’ve shown that to me as well on countless occasions. You are a bit of a people-pleaser, and that has been to my benefit and not. Again, it is a double-edged sword. You go out of your way to do things for me that will make me happy and you consider my feelings when doing certain things. I also realize it gets you tied up in certain ways. This incident about your blog, namely, where you don’t even want to give my name a mention because of the unwelcome crap and comments you receive by your friends, Chris and Sky Hughes. So there is a bit of people-pleasing going on it seems with more of your friendships beyond just the spectrum of ours.

Well, I’m going to make it easier for you. Given our history and the fact that we’ve dated and all, if any of your friendships should take the back burner it should be the one you have to hide from others. Don’t misunderstand me (remember the spirit in which I am saying this). I value our friendship as one of the greatest treasures I’ve ever had the fortune of having, knowing and experiencing. Have I mishandled it in the past? Guilty. Both of our track records have been tarnished, but that doesn’t diminish how much we value each other and the inherent divinity that is within us.

When you are scrutinized, criticized and question about being my friend that’s one thing. It hurts both, yes, but it is easily rectified by standing strong and firm in defense of our friendship. You’ve done that plenty of times. Even perfhaps when I was underserving of such defense. But when you have to censor our friendship for fear of the criticism you will receive as a result of it, then it becomes awkwardly and embarrassingly apparent that something is not right, especially when all it is is a friendship. A friendship. We’re not secret lovers. It’s a friendship.

I am proud to call you my friend. I am brag about you to whoever will listen, to promote you, speak highly of you and give you all of the accolades you’ve ever deserved and any chance I get. I’ve never had to hide our friendship from anyone. Never. I would publish it in major newspapers nationwide and broadcast it on syndicated radio and national television.

You see. I have no shame in being your friend. And if anyone every tried to guilt me, judge me, criticized me, harrass me or otherwise give me an ounce of crap over it, I would put them in their place so fast they would never think to open their mouths on the subject again.

I’m not saying you should feel or do the same. But because I am your friend first and foremost and because I care very much about your happiness and well-being. I think you would be better off if you had one less person to worry about pleasing. I’m sure you can agree with that much. It is so simple to please me, it really is (it’s the little things that just make my entire day!) but I haven’t always made it easy for you.

So I’m going to be proactive and remove myself from the list of people you have to worry about pleasing. Still friends? Of course, silly! We’re not about to dissolve a friendship that was firmly formed almost 2 years ago (likely before that in the grander scheme of things, aka: the Pre-Existence). But here I am with the proverbial scissors cutting the proverbial strings of our friendship. We remain friends only now because of our free will to do so, not because we feel as though we are still tied to each other and have to be because of some imagined obligation or nicety.

This, I believe will make our life a lot less stressful and all around easier. If anything, it will be a weight off of your shoulders, one you’ve shouldered like a champ, believe me *)

You’ve done more for me than some friends that I’ve known nearly 20 years! I love you and I will always be here for you as your friend and confidant. Take comfort in that if it brings you any.

Faithfully Your Friend

Jodi Arias

On re-reading, it's clear now that this email is literally dripping with internalized rage - full of veiled threats. The second paragraph is quite ironic, given her eventual defence strategy:

'I know the tone of an email or text message can sometime be ambiguous since the receiver is only interpreting what the tone of the sender would be if it were spoken, so please know that the spirit in which i send this is that of love, camaraderie, and amistad (friendship).'

If only the dates matched up, I would think this is the 'dire' email that Travis was referring to. Dire: adjective disastrous, urgent, woeful, or terrible. Strange term to describe any correspondence, but I suppose it fits.

This was written, IMO, as her rage reached its peak. From then on, she put her murderous plan into effect.
It just occurred to me....didn't she report the Helio stolen on May 16? The same day she wrote the "recognize me" email to him? What does THAT say?!

Going back to May 26. We know she sent him a text or email telling him something. He wrote back to her, she pretended that she hadn't received it. He told her that she would respond to what he had written if she had any human emotion at all.

In the May 26 fight she told him that she was "100% responsible" for what had happened. ?? It's possible all she means is that she's responsible for the two of them ever being intimate, because she also says (lies) that she'd have been content just to cuddle with him, but that she'd been too weak.

I think it means something that a lot of the text we have relates to sex. IMO it's about sex because sex is what she wrote to him about in the "dire" email she first sent. I can think of only two possibilities for what she wrote him. One is that she told him she was consumed by guilt for having sex with him and she was going to talk to her Bishop. She wrote in her journal (related to Rachel urging her to confess sex) that she believed her Bishop would tell his Bishop about her confession.

If she told Travis that, Travis would understand it as a mortal threat. Not only no marriage in 2008, but possibly even being excommunicated. Hence, writing her an email telling her that his life would be ruined, to please not talk to her Bishop.

The second possibility I see is that she told him she had taped their phone sex on the Helio, and that the Helio had been stolen. She couldn't have threatened him outright that she had the Helio with an incriminating sex conversation on it, because she actually had reported the phone stolen. Telling him it was stolen would actually have been far more vicious- a way of toying with him , telling him sorry, but it's out of my control now.....

That he seems to have been pleading with her in his email, though, makes me think it more likely she was threatening to go to her Bishop.

(Took me awhile to figure out....he had caught her hacking, but the email she wants him to look at can't be one she is directing at a GF in his name or anything like that. She's asking him to look at it/comment.)
I think her rage peaked when she started formulating the move to Yreka. I think she only floated the idea of the move to him so that he would beg her to stay (maybe in one of his spare bedrooms). Her manipulation failed. When he didn't offer to bail her out (yet again), she was furious. She took her anger out on her mother and Travis during the week of the move. The reason it took a full week for her to move was she was hoping to delay the whole thing - Travis was going to BEG her to stay a some point and offer to pay her living expenses, right? When he didn't, she had a 1000 miles of travel to plan his fate. When he didn't come to visit her in Yreka in May, she laid the plan for Mesa/Utah.
It just occurred to me....didn't she report the Helio stolen on May 16? The same day she wrote the "recognize me" email to him? What does THAT say?!

Going back to May 26. We know she sent him a text or email telling him something. He wrote back to her, she pretended that she hadn't received it. He told her that she would respond to what he had written if she had any human emotion at all.

In the May 26 fight she told him that she was "100% responsible" for what had happened. ?? It's possible all she means is that she's responsible for the two of them ever being intimate, because she also says (lies) that she'd have been content just to cuddle with him, but that she'd been too weak.

I think it means something that a lot of the text we have relates to sex. IMO it's about sex because sex is what she wrote to him about in the "dire" email she first sent. I can think of only two possibilities for what she wrote him. One is that she told him she was consumed by guilt for having sex with him and she was going to talk to her Bishop. She wrote in her journal (related to Rachel urging her to confess sex) that she believed her Bishop would tell his Bishop about her confession.

If she told Travis that, Travis would understand it as a mortal threat. Not only no marriage in 2008, but possibly even being excommunicated. Hence, writing her an email telling her that his life would be ruined, to please not talk to her Bishop.

The second possibility I see is that she told him she had taped their phone sex on the Helio, and that the Helio had been stolen. She couldn't have threatened him outright that she had the Helio with an incriminating sex conversation on it, because she actually had reported the phone stolen. Telling him it was stolen would actually have been far more vicious- a way of toying with him , telling him sorry, but it's out of my control now.....

That he seems to have been pleading with her in his email, though, makes me think it more likely she was threatening to go to her Bishop.

(Took me awhile to figure out....he had caught her hacking, but the email she wants him to look at can't be one she is directing at a GF in his name or anything like that. She's asking him to look at it/comment.)

I might be wrong, but I THINK the Heliophone was reported stolen on May 18, not May 16. Dunno.

BBM. ITA she was threatening to expose TA in some way, in direct response to TA's 'I'll tell everyone all the crazy stuff you've done' text sent on April 7th. In fact, IMO her trip to Pasadena to get the Heliophone was ALSO in direct response to TA's threat.

If you read her May 22 journal entry, where she is hoping no one finds the “scandalous” text + phone sex recording ... Yeah, her little plan was well underway.
I might be wrong, but I THINK the Heliophone was reported stolen on May 18, not May 16. Dunno.

BBM. ITA she was threatening to expose TA in some way, in direct response to TA's 'I'll tell everyone all the crazy stuff you've done' text sent on April 7th. In fact, IMO her trip to Pasadena to get the Heliophone was ALSO in direct response to TA's threat.

If you read her May 22 journal entry, where she is hoping no one finds the “scandalous” text + phone sex recording ... Yeah, her little plan was well underway.

Correct. Helio was stolen 5-18-08 according to Jodi:

Jodi writes that her Helio had been stolen on May 18th. She mentions she told “Ryan, Steve and Sam” via e-mail and/or MySpace. She also notified Gus.
Val....check out part 4 of the chronology. I have same dates for Travis meeting Brooke at UFC (May 24) and for church (May 25). My reading of what Travis wrote in his journal, though, was that Brooke friended him on FB on the 25, and the two began exchanging "flirty" FB emails the same day.

Where do you see the May 27 date for FB friends/flirty emails? If May 27 is accurate I don't see how JA could have known about Brooke. If May 25th is accurate, JA most likely knew of Brooke because she was hacking into T's FB account.

TA's journal entry for May 29 says "two days ago" Brooke friended him on FB and they had been exchanging flirty emails since then. So it appears May 27 is correct. But why wouldn't JA know about Brooke if the date was May 27?
Val....check out part 4 of the chronology. I have same dates for Travis meeting Brooke at UFC (May 24) and for church (May 25). My reading of what Travis wrote in his journal, though, was that Brooke friended him on FB on the 25, and the two began exchanging "flirty" FB emails the same day.

Where do you see the May 27 date for FB friends/flirty emails? If May 27 is accurate I don't see how JA could have known about Brooke. If May 25th is accurate, JA most likely knew of Brooke because she was hacking into T's FB account.

Vol.6, P.18/19(TA's P.35/36) Entry is dated May 29/08. "The good news is on Saturday I met cutie pie on Saturday at my UFC party. I saw her Sunday again at church. Two days ago she requested me as a friend on Facebook. We have been sending email flirts ever since, I got the phone number. We've been texting and now we are hanging out tonight."

Don't forget though, if JA was tracking his Facebook and email, she would have known all of that.

Also, in his journal, the term "two days ago" could mean like "a couple of days ago". Meaning that it could have been 3-5 days before May 29th. My impression on Travis's journals was that he jotted his observations and feelings down quickly, while Jodi Arias was more methodical with hers.
Your thoughts are perfectly clear! :)

I'd forgotten about her push to get him to Yreka on May 24th. Were there texts/emails about this, or was it in only in the sex tape (?) about wanting him there to hear her sing the National Anthem wherever that was to happen. Hmm. The tying up to a tree thing as a means of murdering him. I can see why you think that's possible., especially if she had already begun thinking about murdering him, before May 26.

Maybe a piece of the puzzle to add to that is she apparently originally told Ryan Burns she'd be visiting him in Utah in the last week of May. (hmm). I think she definitely was in panic mode from (at least) May 26 on in part for the reason you're thinking....the window of opportunity was closing. I'm sure she thought that if he went to Cancun, Travis would have spread the word about her enough to destroy her reputation and chances of landing any PPL-Mormon.

I'm sure JA would have been furious that TA had gone out and met the "cutie-pie" instead of going to watch her big singing debut ...
Did she send a copy of the email to herself (see header)?

This is the one that I noted she must have written it on his program, note the footer on the last page and yes, it was sent to her. As for when she actually wrote it? She could have done it before she left Mesa, sent it to herself, then emailed it back to him when she decided it was time, unless there's proof she had done it remotely(this was my first suspicion and something I would definitely have checked).

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