Travis Alexander's Journals and text messages

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Yeah so much for her low- beaten down, non existent self esteem- Alyce. My god that girl thought more of herself then most successful people I know- GMB!
I think there's a notice by Tricia on the JA forum index about BK's site, stating what's allowed?

The moderator will remove it if it can't be there. Leave it to them. WS has awesome moderators who are on their jobs. I trust them.
Yeah so much for her low- beaten down, non existent self esteem- Alyce. My god that girl thought more of herself then most successful people I know- GMB!

What I found kind of interesting while doing that search was this article, note the date it aired on the internet ... one day before all that crap went down, then the guy's name and the subject.... so unless there was real evidence withheld as to this person with the ability to hook JA up with a gallery willing to display her "art" next to a Van Gogh...
BBM ~ Anything possible with her manipulative ways. It very well could be his journals, but were they found at the house? Did Chris&Sky get them?

I think he didn't really care if she was going to stop in because their communication seemed to be hot and cold. He probably just wanted sex and Jodi "guilted" him into trying out his new camera and taking pics of each other for their "secret".
She also probably talked about RB (a new PPL/Mormon man in her life) and TA thought she moving on?

Oh, in the text messages, Travis begs, begs, begs, Jodi for his missing Journals. He was missing all the ones that had to do with Lisa and his relationship with Jodi. Starting in April, he was writing in a new book, saying that his journal had been stolen and it was bothering him. Then he discovered that more than one was missing. Sky and Chris might have had the one starting April 2008. They could have had ones prior to the Jodi period, but from his text, he was missing all that. Unless she did bring them back and left them on June 4th. I high doubt she would have left them, though.
BBM For someone looking for some "passive" type income he may come across as one, not just for his 100K Legal Shield(PPL) income but also I would think he might have some royalties coming in from his voice recognition patent.

Anyway, had anyone else caught this little tidbit? For some reason it had never registered with me before.. seems odd.
GS - "I was alone in a motorhome with Jodi five days before this happened and nothing happened to me,”

That is insane. I don't think Gus knows what he's talking about. He also claimed that he called Jodi or she called him or something like that--the very night of the murder. Turns out, it was the night Travis was found. We should look at his schedule and see where he was around that time. I know he was in Santa Cruz June 2 or 3, but she claims that she'd missed seeing him. Whateva, Jodi.
This is what she told the jury:

or if that link isn't allowed:
Jurors Ask Jodi Arias Questions
Aired March 6, 2013 - 19:00 ET

"VELEZ-MITCHELL: You haven`t missed a thing. We`re going right back into the courtroom, more questions for Jodi Arias from the jurors, and some of these questions are tough. Let`s listen.

STEPHENS: Sustained. "Why did you plan on going to see John Dixon when you were on your way to Utah to see Ryan?"

ARIAS: John Dixon was a friend, although there was somewhat of an interest there. It was nothing that I ever let grow, because he wasn`t a church member, so it would be kind of a poor investment of my heart to get attached to somebody who is not a member of the church.

What I was going down there for is he had a friend who either owned a gallery or ran a gallery where he hung some of the greats such as Van Gogh and Monet. And when I told him I painted, he said, "We could make a space in this gallery for you. I could hang it right next to a Monet or Van Gogh." It sounded like a very big -- it sounded like a very exciting thing for me, because one of my goals at that time was to get my paintings into galleries."

:giggle::giggle::giggle: I'd forgotten this specific claim of hers. It still makes me snort.

How many narcissists does it take to screw in a light bulb? Only one, because the universe revolves around her.
I subscribed to Beth's site and read May-June Texts. Here are some:

May 8 - Travis to JA: 'You are dead to me' (I believe this is when JA decided to kill Travis, for sure)

May 9 - Steve coverup fight. During this fight, JA suggests a don't ask, don't tell policy and Travis replies "How about we take one step further and forget each other exists".

May 14 - Travis accuses JA of viewing his LDS linkup account under bogus accounts.

May 17 - 21 - no text messages between them.

May 22 - Travis texts he is not mad but he won't talk until JA admits to something. JA says then call me, TA says we are not talking, JA says she is in a BIG mess, she has to call Parker Stan next. Travis texts 'In a minute'. The end of texts.

No other texts until May 25.

May 25 - Travis: Put it in an email or leave it on a voice mail. JA: I can't. Too incriminating.

May 26 - Travis: I sent you a response to your dire conversation that I hope you read............You are the worst thing that ever happened to me... etc etc.

No other text until
May 30 -
10:52 AM- JA : Hey I have about an hour today if you need any help.
12:23 PM- JA: I was way off! Call me later
12:24 PM - Travis: Way off what?
1:46 PM - JA: I was looking at the wrong calendar. Call me.

May 31 - JA wants to know if Travis got the picture with the sunshine and the rain,taken right after she sang the National Anthem. Travis texts 'Yeah, I got that'.

June 1-
10:49 PM - JA: Please call me later
10:52 PM - Travis: What is it?

June 2-
2:06 AM: JA: Hurry up! I'm getting sleepy =)
Then she sends him a poem she wrote.
2:26 AM- Travis: 'In the middle of something, I'll call you as soon as u can'. (his last text ever sent to JA)
2:27 AM- JA: 'OK, T-dogg, Night owl. Did u like my poem?'

No more texts until
June 6 - JA: "Hey, I need to know when you're going to deposit that check?'

There are only a few texts between Travis and JA after May 26. All are initiated by JA and Travis's replies are very short and cold.
Thanks so very much pocketaccent - so we're to believe that they were fighting for 2 days yet had the sex tape convo on the 10th? Esp. the Steve fight of the 9th happening before the fantasy tree tying supposedly happening in the sex call on the 10th, I think we have as much info as we need to conclude that tape was a compliation saved to the Helio on the 10th and not recorded on that date. I too believe she planned to kill him before the 10th, so why go to the bother of saving and hiding that phone? According to HLN's Roadmap this is how the late night of June 2nd went phone call-wise:

June 2, 2008:

Yreka, California

Phone records show several calls between Arias and Alexander in the early morning hours:

Arias called Alexander four times between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m.

These calls were all very short, the longest 17 seconds.

Alexander called Arias twice during the 3 a.m. hour:

The first call was just under 18 minutes, the second about 41 minutes.

Arias called Travis at 4:03 a.m. The call lasted 2 minutes, 48 seconds.

At 5:39 a.m. Arias bought $15 worth of gas at Shell Food Mart in Siskiyou, California

What in the heck did she do that's 'too incriminaring' to put into typed words?
I subscribed to Beth's site and read May-June Texts. Here are some:

May 8 - Travis to JA: 'You are dead to me' (I believe this is when JA decided to kill Travis, for sure)

May 9 - Steve coverup fight. During this fight, JA suggests a don't ask, don't tell policy and Travis replies "How about we take one step further and forget each other exists".

May 14 - Travis accuses JA of viewing his LDS linkup account under bogus accounts.

May 17 - 21 - no text messages between them.

May 22 - Travis texts he is not mad but he won't talk until JA admits to something. JA says then call me, TA says we are not talking, JA says she is in a BIG mess, she has to call Parker Stan next. Travis texts 'In a minute'. The end of texts.

No other texts until May 25.

May 25 - Travis: Put it in an email or leave it on a voice mail. JA: I can't. Too incriminating.

May 26 - Travis: I sent you a response to your dire conversation that I hope you read............You are the worst thing that ever happened to me... etc etc.

No other text until
May 30 -
10:52 AM- JA : Hey I have about an hour today if you need any help.
12:23 PM- JA: I was way off! Call me later
12:24 PM - Travis: Way off what?
1:46 PM - JA: I was looking at the wrong calendar. Call me.

May 31 - JA wants to know if Travis got the picture with the sunshine and the rain,taken right after she sang the National Anthem. Travis texts 'Yeah, I got that'.

June 1-
10:49 PM - JA: Please call me later
10:52 PM - Travis: What is it?

June 2-
2:06 AM: JA: Hurry up! I'm getting sleepy =)
Then she sends him a poem she wrote.
2:26 AM- Travis: 'In the middle of something, I'll call you as soon as u can'. (his last text ever sent to JA)
2:27 AM- JA: 'OK, T-dogg, Night owl. Did u like my poem?'

No more texts until
June 6 - JA: "Hey, I need to know when you're going to deposit that check?'

There are only a few texts between Travis and JA after May 26. All are initiated by JA and Travis's replies are very short and cold.

The May texts are there??! Yay! Thanks!
May and June texts as a whole aren't posted yet, but I love you Pocket for finding the May - June killer- TA texts tucked away in that separate link of all their texts. I looked there before but skedaddled without checking the last pages. Aaaarggh!
That May 10 exchange is a doozy. But it ends (if not tampered with) with T apologizing and saying I love you to her in return.
It is amazing that she plays the exact same game about texts with Travis over and over and seems to expect he'll believe her each time? Or maybe she knows he won't and its an easy way to provoke his anger.

In that May 10 exchange, after the don't ask don't tell comment and his one step further reply, she sends T text saying----i know you won't,, but don't tell him.

Travis says (paraphrasing...he is pissed) who are you going to pretend you really meant to send that text to?

She says she meant it for Angela. Not to tell Joey, because she's planning a surprise trip to take him on.

T says- such integrity you have. You owe me thousands and thousands of dollars and you're planning an expensive trip?

She says...please stop. we haven't decided on it yet, but my mother would pay for most of it if we go.

He says- stop? I haven't even gotten started yet. Its time you start paying for your shizz.
Yeah, doesn't quite set that "i'm in the mood for love" tone for this "sex recording."

I'm at the part where he asks her about viewing his LDS linkup account. May 14th. That got me wondering if she made up fake women and tried to chat with him. Pure speculation on my part.
May 14. After T says have you been snooping my LDSlinkup page (and she goes on and on and on denying it), he says- chill. It's just creepy.

The exchange ends on a friendly enough note.

Next comes May 22. (In her journal for this date she writes that they have agreed not to share passwords anymore).

Her saying she'd really messed up, etc.....that she needed to talk with him ASAP because it involved him too. He tells her he knows what she's done but refuses to talk with her about it unless she admits to it.

And to leave him a VM, text...(I think he wants documentation.. proof).

She says can't. Travis refuses to rise to the bait this time. That is a FIRST.

There doesn't seem to be any communication between them of any sort until the 26, and that exchange begins with her calling him, a call he says in the May 26 gchat was "disgusting."

In other words, she tells him it is urgent and dire she speak to him on May 22 and he does not reply for 4-5 days, and only then because she called him.

She must have been sooooooo pissed.
One of the links posted by Hope was to an old HLN article detailing Arias' week-long road trip.

According to Ryan Burns, she left his place in West Jordan sometime after midnight and her next documented activity was two gas purchases 13 miles away in SLC at 4.00 am. Does anyone have any idea what in the world she was doing for those four hours? Sleeping? Getting rid of the gun and knife? Hooking? She clearly wasn't on her way back to Yreka.

I don't recall anyone ever talking about that specific timeframe before, but I am curious. I had always assumed she got rid of any evidence before she even got to Ryan's house, but maybe not. She made three cash deposits to her bank accounts days earlier in Monterey so would she be in desperate need of cash and out cruising for Johns at 2 am? And I wouldn't think she was sleeping because why not just do that at Ryan's? It's another rather strange, unexplained mystery, but then again we are talking about Jodi Arias. Hmm...
It is amazing that she plays the exact same game about texts with Travis over and over and seems to expect he'll believe her each time? Or maybe she knows he won't and its an easy way to provoke his anger.

In that May 10 exchange, after the don't ask don't tell comment and his one step further reply, she sends T text saying----i know you won't,, but don't tell him.

Travis says (paraphrasing...he is pissed) who are you going to pretend you really meant to send that text to?

She says she meant it for Angela. Not to tell Joey, because she's planning a surprise trip to take him on.

T says- such integrity you have. You owe me thousands and thousands of dollars and you're planning an expensive trip?

She says...please stop. we haven't decided on it yet, but my mother would pay for most of it if we go.

He says- stop? I haven't even gotten started yet. Its time you start paying for your shizz.


What would ALV say to THAT? I also wonder if that exchange was deemed too prejudicial for Juan to use.

Now, for those playing along at home... who's Joey??? TIA in advance.
One of the links posted by Hope was to an old HLN article detailing Arias' week-long road trip.

According to Ryan Burns, she left his place in West Jordan sometime after midnight and her next documented activity was two gas purchases 13 miles away in SLC at 4.00 am. Does anyone have any idea what in the world she was doing for those four hours? Sleeping? Getting rid of the gun and knife? Hooking? She clearly wasn't on her way back to Yreka.

I don't recall anyone ever talking about that specific timeframe before, but I am curious. I had always assumed she got rid of any evidence before she even got to Ryan's house, but maybe not. She made three cash deposits to her bank accounts days earlier in Monterey so would she be in desperate need of cash and out cruising for Johns at 2 am? And I wouldn't think she was sleeping because why not just do that at Ryan's? It's another rather strange, unexplained mystery, but then again we are talking about Jodi Arias. Hmm...

I may be misremembering but I thougth Ryan said she left after 1:00, maybe closer to 2:00 (but well after midnight), but you're right, there is some time missing there. She did make 3 gas purchases in SLC though, JM had the Tesoro lady on the stand to prove the third purchse - she filled the gas cans on that stop but from tracking the rest of her trip with mileage and gas receipts, she never used the gas in the cans, at least not to put in her tank. Maybe she put it in her Intrepid tank when she got the car back in Redding? I don't recall if she bought gas then before going back in it to Yreka.

What would ALV say to THAT? I also wonder if that exchange was deemed too prejudicial for Juan to use.

Now, for those playing along at home... who's Joey??? TIA in advance.

Joey is the killer's brother. The one who didn't even bother to show up for his deposition by Nurmi, IIRC. No love lost there.
I'm truly baffled. I want to know what she did.

I see he said she stole or deleted his letter to Lisa? Marie asked him if his computer was fixed on the 26th. I think. He was talking to Marie all the way up to 6/2. Looks like they hooked up. And she still liked him afterward unlike Chaitanya.

He hooked up with both Chaitanya and Marie in last two weeks of May. And if Jodi was somehow infiltrating his stuff, knowing he did that PLUS seeing pics of him and Marie on his myspace and facebook sure would have curled Jodi's claws. it comes...a theory....:thinking:

Wonder if old "guilt-ridden" Chaitanaya talked to Jodi about the fooling-arounds with Travis? Remember how she was all "oh, I feel so guilty. Jodi was there first..." Maybe she talked to Jodi and felt guilty or Jodi played her little sex tape for Chaitanya who promptly stopped talking to him? This "i know what you dd..." Well, Travis, why didn't you type it out so we could know!!!!
What in the heck did she do that's 'too incriminaring' to put into typed words?

Or, that according to her, she needed to call Parker Stan for? I'm assuming that's Parker Stanbury of PPL.

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