Travis Alexander's Journals and text messages

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I think that Jodi was trying to dupe Travis into thinking she was pregnant. She mentioned Calendar dates etc and not to worry , she messed up on dates.

Wouldn't put it her past her to try that. Except they only had intercourse maybe 2 times, the last time (or only time) in Jan or Feb 2008.
The following had been added to chapter 14 of "Our Friend Travis" by Chris and Sky Hughes, paperback version:

"Thanks to Beth Karas and, text messages providing us with further insight have become available. On May 22, 2008, Travis knew that Jodi had done something and wanted her to admit it. These are the text messages between the two of them (We have not edited these texts.):

May 22,2008:

Travis: I’m not mad. But I know what you did and until you will admit we won’t talk.

Jodi: Alright call me then I’ll tell you everything I know.

Travis: Are you going to admit it. If not then we r not talking.

Jodi: You need to hear about what happened and why. Am I guilty? Yes. But it’s more than just that. The stuff involving you is just a fraction of what has happened. I’m in a BIG mess. I have a lot of apologizing to do to a lot of people. I didn’t even see this one coming, and I can’t believe how stupid I was! I really really screwed the pooch on this one. So badly I have to call Parker Stan tomorrow.

(“Parker Stan” is the Parker Stanbury law firm in California. With her Pre-Paid Legal membership, Jodi could call them and get legal advice.)

Jodi: What’s the deal? Call me and we’ll talk. This is serious, you need to know.

Travis: In a minute.

Okay, here are the rest of the texts.
These are from May 26, 2008

Travis: Put it in a email.

Jodi: I can’t. It’ll literally take less than 5 min. Maybe only 4. It’s important because it effects us both.

Travis: Then leave it on a voicemail. I’m not speaking to you leave me alone about it.

Jodi: Let’s just say it’s too incriminating for an email/voicemail whatever. Just let me say it and I’m done.

Travis: I don’t really care. You haven’t seem to care about privacy in the past. Just leave the voicemail or nothing.

Jodi: Well I’m not going to leave you the incriminating part on the voicemail or anywhere. So we can forget that part. I’ll tell u the other part but I need a response from you about it. Deal?

What is so odd is how they wind up discussing the relationship so much instead of whatever "this" is. I'm am wondering, like another poster, if she did something hinky to get him some memberships for PPL and that is biting her in the butt? It just sounds like it involves a lot of people, not just Travis. I really don't know.
After finally and at last seeing the post- May 26 through June 4 texts record I'm positive T didn't invite her to AZ, am confident that he in fact wanted NO contact with her, pretty sure that he didn't feel any guilt whatsoever for blowing up on her (so couldn't be manipulated in her usual way), and am questioning again whether or not they had sex on June 4th. The only scenario I can believe....

I haven't wanted to think about it - and still don't, but it makes sense to me that Travis was SCARED the whole time she was there. That he didn't buy into anything she said after she woke him up and surprised him that she was there.

He must have sensed things were very wrong. Maybe he did everything she suggested or asked just praying with all his might that she would be satisfied enough to leave, and to leave him in peace.
What is so odd is how they wind up discussing the relationship so much instead of whatever "this" is. I'm am wondering, like another poster, if she did something hinky to get him some memberships for PPL and that is biting her in the butt? It just sounds like it involves a lot of people, not just Travis. I really don't know.

I, too, believe whatever JA did involved scamming through PPL. A couple of things ... Here's a great article looking at PPL in the early 2000s. The author maintains PPL (as then structured) was an illegal pyramid scheme, with the recruitment of 'downline' sales associates taking precedence over sales of the actual product. Note the section re: how an associate could "game" the system.

Here's another article written in 2009, examining PPL's claims to stockholders: (PPL has since been taken private and goes by the name of Legal Shield.)

A comment in that second article caught my eye. The person is talking about a conversation with a PPL rep/associate: "... I heard him tell someone that he represented LEGAL AID! ... and that is not what he was doing. He had a notebook of all his leads with all their vital info, names, birthdates, addresses, credit card or bank info, everything anyone would need to commit identity theft on all those people." BBM

Makes a person go, "hum."
LOL, I know just what you mean!

In some ways, Travis's May 26th text isn't all that different from some of his previous angry text messages to her, just maybe a little longer. I'm beginning to wonder if it isn't the May 26th text and whatever she'd done that caused her to finally put in murder plan in action (because I think she'd been at least fantasizing about it for weeks). Maybe it was just her back in Yreka, living her crappy life in her crappy bedroom at her grandparents. Maybe it didn't take something specific to set her off, just the realization that this is what her life is now and since she can't blame herself for where she is, all the chances she blew, she decided it must be Travis who's to blame.

Same boat about being obsessed with the what happened that made this unfurl.

Maybe it had something to do with this:

05/30/08 (unaltered, except the smilies)

Travis: That hurt. I put a picture of you and I up on facebook!!!
Marie: Really! I don't have facebook! Out it on myspace! ; ) I wanna c
Travis: We are totally making out in it.= )
Marie: Wow! I really wanna see ; )
Travis: Do you want me to post it on myspace or would you rather me keep it on the myspace D.L.
Marie: Out me on blast ; )jk I jus wanna c ; )
Travis: Its actually just a picture of jus with myarm around you ill put it up in a couple minutes = )

I know it's from 5/30, but if Travis was liberally putting up pics of him and other chicks then, he was probably doing it throughout the time Jodi was gone. If she hacked back in his FB, there's no telling what she saw in the "message box."

This is where I think our beloved Travis was thick-headed. It's like when he put Chaitanya and Jodi in the same room for OKC convention. It was like he had no clue that Jodi would wrap herself around Chai like a snake and squeeze info out of her. Chai might have even told Jodi about the night Chai spent with him in May!

If he knew "Jodi, uhm, that girl..." would snoop, hack, spy, etc, why would he give Chai over to Jodi like that? It was like giving a baby to a wolf. Chai didn't know anything about who Jodi really was.

It's not a stretch for me that Jodi cranked up the sex calls and snooping after seeing something that had to do with one of these women and Travis getting close to them in May.
I, too, believe whatever JA did involved scamming through PPL. A couple of things ... Here's a great article looking at PPL in the early 2000s. The author maintains PPL (as then structured) was an illegal pyramid scheme, with the recruitment of 'downline' sales associates taking precedence over sales of the actual product. Note the section re: how an associate could "game" the system.

Here's another article written in 2009, examining PPL's claims to stockholders: (PPL has since been taken private and goes by the name of Legal Shield.)

A comment in that second article caught my eye. The person is talking about a conversation with a PPL rep/associate: "... I heard him tell someone that he represented LEGAL AID! ... and that is not what he was doing. He had a notebook of all his leads with all their vital info, names, birthdates, addresses, credit card or bank info, everything anyone would need to commit identity theft on all those people." BBM

Make a person go, "hum."

Yes, I'm going to have to look at this as soon as I clean my kitchen. I made a deal with myself that I wasn't allowed back in hereon websleuths until I cleaned the kitchen! You might not see me until next week! The kitchen might eat me whole! :scared:
After finally and at last seeing the post- May 26 through June 4 texts record I'm positive T didn't invite her to AZ, am confident that he in fact wanted NO contact with her, pretty sure that he didn't feel any guilt whatsoever for blowing up on her (so couldn't be manipulated in her usual way), and am questioning again whether or not they had sex on June 4th. The only scenario I can believe....

I haven't wanted to think about it - and still don't, but it makes sense to me that Travis was SCARED the whole time she was there. That he didn't buy into anything she said after she woke him up and surprised him that she was there.

He must have sensed things were very wrong. Maybe he did everything she suggested or asked just praying with all his might that she would be satisfied enough to leave, and to leave him in peace.

My theory all along... NO SEX on June 4th. I know that not many have this thought, but there have been a few of us. ;)
Just looking at how many times he crossed her (every itty bitty disagreement would be that in her way of thinking) and how she cannot deal with being crossed, I think she thought often of making him pay. I think she fantasized about murder before she knew herself that she would actually do it. I think she killed him in her mind every time he pizzed her off by not calling right away or not showing up where she wanted him to, or being with another girl even just as friends.

But by the time she left Arizona in April, she had figured out that she might be able to kill him. I don't think she had an actual plan in place but the wheels were turning. She was probably going over all the ways she had dreamed of doing this and in doing so she came to realize that this was something she could do, should do, wanted to do. He was moving on and she had no ability to deal with what she saw as abandonment.

But...I think something happened on May 26 that changed the killer from wanting to kill to needing to kill. He had to die--not only because he deserved it for having the audacity to not love her--but because she perceived him as a danger to her if he was not silenced.

What happened on or around May 26 that signed his death warrant? Even if she knew before that date that she would kill him, I believe that date is when she realized murder was no longer an option but a necessity. If all she wanted to do was ruin Travis she could have done that easily unless he had something that would discredit her. I think things came to a head on May 26 and I am aching to know what happened that made her know for sure that she did not have much time to act.

The murder happened to protect Jodi's reputation and maybe even to keep her out of jail for whatever it is that she had done. The brutality of the murder was to satisfy her fantasy.


I've forgotten.... When was the gun stolen? When did she announce that she would visit SLC or start making arrangements with Burns?
I've forgotten.... When was the gun stolen? When did she announce that she would visit SLC or start making arrangements with Burns?

IIRC, the gun was stolen May 28th (2 days after blow up on the 26th). Ryan Burns told detectives she started making plans with him two weeks before ... HOWEVER, I was never clear if that meant 2 weeks before he talked to the detectives or 2 weeks before JA showed up to visit him.
Whatever she was alluding to on May 22 , it couldn't have been all that terrible or sensational because T told her even then that he knew what she'd done and wasn't mad.

He essentially tells her that again on the 26th. Whatever it was, the part he found disgusting was that she refused to own up to it, had tried to cover it up even after he told her he knew, and was still lying about it, in an attempt to cover her own arse, as he put it.
I think "I'm not mad" coming from Travis has way more dimension to it than you or I might have:
1) he was evidently afraid of anger because of his childhood
2) it always sounds to me like "methinks he doth protest too much", much as a kid might say to mom, on being denied dessert, "I'm not mad at you", when the "mad" concept is a non sequitur and can mean "I am very mad indeed at you". I would think this is a classic domestic violence victim response.

Although Travis seems to be a WYSIWIG kind of a guy—ALV's BS notwithstanding—I'm not convinced that's true when it comes to anger. He never seems to want to be mad, and beats himself up rather than admitting the full effect of what is very likely to have been serious rage.
BBM - I have no way to know what this means or is about, but it did perk my interest when I first saw it.

2. 12-Jun-2015 FILED: Additional Record on Appeal
<snipped to the last entry, Page: 8 of 14>

Sealed Items:
Confidential Criminal History Addendum in Sealed Manila Envelope

What does CA-CR mean: Criminal Record in the State of California? Is the case number the same as the Mesa murder case?
After finally and at last seeing the post- May 26 through June 4 texts record I'm positive T didn't invite her to AZ, am confident that he in fact wanted NO contact with her, pretty sure that he didn't feel any guilt whatsoever for blowing up on her (so couldn't be manipulated in her usual way), and am questioning again whether or not they had sex on June 4th. The only scenario I can believe....

I haven't wanted to think about it - and still don't, but it makes sense to me that Travis was SCARED the whole time she was there. That he didn't buy into anything she said after she woke him up and surprised him that she was there.

He must have sensed things were very wrong. Maybe he did everything she suggested or asked just praying with all his might that she would be satisfied enough to leave, and to leave him in peace.

Yes, agreed, as we have seen, she is not a good liar, prolific maybe, but not convincing. You don't travel covertly hundreds of miles to kill someone, show up on their doorstep at 4:00 a.m. with a gun and knife in tow and not give off strange, noticable vibes. Nor have that person, who knows her so well after all he'd been through with her, not detect that something is so seriously amiss that he'd sleep completely vulnerable next to her, have a picture-taking sex romp with her, get naked and in the shower for a 'Calvin Klein' photoshoot while this bad liar is pretending not to be minutes or hours from committing your murder - she simply was not that good of an actress nor Travis that blindly trusting. I think he knew the minute he laid eyes on her that this was bad, and only going to get worse.
What does CA-CR mean: Criminal Record in the State of California? Is the case number the same as the Mesa murder case?

That's her Court of Appeals case number, her MCSC case number is CR2008-031021.
Yes, agreed, as we have seen, she is not a good liar, prolific maybe, but not convincing. You don't travel covertly hundreds of miles to kill someone, show up on their doorstep at 4:00 a.m. with a gun and knife in tow and not give off strange, noticable vibes. Nor have that person, who knows her so well after all he'd been through with her, not detect that something is so seriously amiss that he'd sleep completely vulnerable next to her, have a picture-taking sex romp with her, get naked and in the shower for a 'Calvin Klein' photoshoot while this bad liar is pretending not to be minutes or hours from committing your murder - she simply was not that good of an actress nor Travis that blindly trusting. I think he knew the minute he laid eyes on her that this was bad, and only going to get worse.


Sadly, yes, I think he must have thought that.

Though I think he sensed things were very wrong, he couldn't have had any inkling she'd come there to kill him. He must have had the opportunity to call for help over those few hours after he was awakened by her, and didn't. How could he have known??
I, too, believe whatever JA did involved scamming through PPL. A couple of things ... Here's a great article looking at PPL in the early 2000s. The author maintains PPL (as then structured) was an illegal pyramid scheme, with the recruitment of 'downline' sales associates taking precedence over sales of the actual product. Note the section re: how an associate could "game" the system.

Here's another article written in 2009, examining PPL's claims to stockholders: (PPL has since been taken private and goes by the name of Legal Shield.)

A comment in that second article caught my eye. The person is talking about a conversation with a PPL rep/associate: "... I heard him tell someone that he represented LEGAL AID! ... and that is not what he was doing. He had a notebook of all his leads with all their vital info, names, birthdates, addresses, credit card or bank info, everything anyone would need to commit identity theft on all those people." BBM

Makes a person go, "hum."

Are you thinking JA was guilty of identity theft/fraud and Travis was one of her victims,but certainly not the only one? Since she was getting all kinds of personal information from her memberships?
I'm done wrestling with the question of May 26 and when thoughts of murder arose, done until JM's book comes out (please JM, please discuss May 26) .

My last guess- only a guess is possible- is:

She left Mesa thinking Lisa, the main threat, had been contained if not knocked out of contention. She knew TA was burned out on her, wasn't helping financially, and she was broke. She was forced to retreat, but in her mind it was on her terms, and a temporary parting.

I think that from the time she left through April she swung back and forth between seeking painful revenge and trying to make Travis see that she was a good enough candidate for a wife...interested in the Gospel, supportive of him, chaste.

Meanwhile she snooped and spied, and just like in the beginning, when he was genuinely interested in her, she went too far and violated his privacy and trust enough that he just couldn't overlook it yet one more time. He already felt everything he'd worked for was slipping away, as were his chances to find a wife.

I think that until mid-May it is entirely possible she believed she could force him to come back to her by destroying his every other relationship, and that is what motivated her to fabricate sex tapes and texts.

I think she underestimated the anger Travis began feeling openly and in earnest by late March. After all, he had told her multiple times before he never wanted to hear from her again and yet was casually chatting with her hours later. She likely didn't have any idea this was different.

But it was. As alien a concept as it was to her and still is to Nurmi, I believe Travis always did his best to be honest with himself, and that he genuinely cared about being a better person. I think that in April and in May he braved facing his demons, at last, because he knew he had to in order to find an Eternal Companion -- and peace within himself.

She seems to have scammed him and perhaps others, but whatever she may or may not have done in that regard was clearly no where near as important to him as what he perceived as her effort to destroy him personally.

Yes he became angry on May 26, but for most of that chat he wasn't. He just wanted her to tell the truth, no matter what it was. It was the lies he couldn't tolerate any more. Not hers. Not his own. No matter what the consequences were, he couldn't tolerate any more anything but the truth.

I think he realized, acknowledged, and accepted responsibility for his role in whatever destruction she intended to inflict upon him for having been unchaste. What was most painful to him wasn't whatever consequences there might be, but that he had compromised his own integrity and broken vows based on her lies, not for love, but in service of her hate.

I don't think the sex tape came up.I think she had intended that at first, but was caught off guard by his utter repudiation of her and didn't play that card.

After all these months and months of trying to figure it out it is a bit of a surrender, but uncle uncle I give up. If not from JM then never.

Sadly, yes, I think he must have thought that.

Though I think he sensed things were very wrong, he couldn't have had any inkling she'd come there to kill him. He must have had the opportunity to call for help over those few hours after he was awakened by her, and didn't. How could he have known??

If we presume the nudes were taken at another time and accidentally on that memory stick she put in T's camera, it's possible his first sighting of her was when he looks surprised in one of the shower pics. I would logically think it was before and she drew a weapon and made him get in (one reason is because his shower sandals are in the bedroom, not in the bathroom where one would usually wear them before getting into the shower on any typical day) but he doesn't look at all disturbed in the first several photos, only the one where he's turning around.

And then everything starts to happen quickly, 4 minutes and 52 seconds of pics until he turns, then 2 minutes and 2 seconds until the sitting full face shot (not forgetting he either got to a seated position so quickly he banged his nose and lip on his knee or she hit him making him bite/abrade his lip and causing blood to trickle out of one nostril [I go with the banged on knee personally]).

Also, there's the floor cleaner he put together and moved furniture off the floors earlier, I don't believe she was there when that occurred, so I don't think she made her presence known until right around the shower - maybe he did the prelims for the floor, went to take a nap before showering and getting ready for the conference call and she woke him from that nap, had her say and ordered him into the shower, but I don't see that in his face in the early pics.
If we presume the nudes were taken at another time and accidentally on that memory stick she put in T's camera, it's possible his first sighting of her was when he looks surprised in one of the shower pics. I would logically think it was before and she drew a weapon and made him get in (one reason is because his shower sandals are in the bedroom, not in the bathroom where one would usually wear them before getting into the shower on any typical day) but he doesn't look at all disturbed in the first several photos, only the one where he's turning around.

And then everything starts to happen quickly, 4 minutes and 52 seconds of pics until he turns, then 2 minutes and 2 seconds until the sitting full face shot (not forgetting he either got to a seated position so quickly he banged his nose and lip on his knee or she hit him making him bite/abrade his lip and causing blood to trickle out of one nostril [I go with the banged on knee personally]).

Also, there's the floor cleaner he put together and moved furniture off the floors earlier, I don't believe she was there when that occurred, so I don't think she made her presence known until right around the shower - maybe he did the prelims for the floor, went to take a nap before showering and getting ready for the conference call and she woke him from that nap, had her say and ordered him into the shower, but I don't see that in his face in the early pics.
I found this entry from JA's journal
June 30, 2008
'I was afraid of insulting the detective's intelligence but I humbly offered some ideas for getting date out of Travis' camera, which was smashed and ruined somehow. He didn't sound hopeful about recovering anything, but time will tell.'

Do you think maybe she was trying to make a point that the nude pictures were from different dates?

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