Travis Alexander's Journals and text messages

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PS about the her phones. She had 2 Helios, at least, the one that wasn't stolen or missing and the 2nd Helio which she conned into by saying the 1st was stolen.

I think she also had at least one more phone- the Motorola RAZR that she didn't drop into a cup of cocoa in the UHaul.

Unless Gus paid all her phone bills, I'm guessing JM knows all about the multiple phones. Maybe he'll write about this too in his book. :)

Juan has her bank statements - he showed the June one that showed where Jodi filled the third gas. I wonder if we can see if she had an account or a pay as you go? Have those been released?
I think Travis gave her a PPL ring. There's a pic of her wearing it on her MySpace page.

The engagement ring didn't "go missing" until mid-March 2008. If I understood what I skimmed just a bit ago it sounds possible that the ring wasn't the one he had bought for Linda Ballard, but a new one he had in fact bought to give to Lisa.

I suppose that's possible though I was under the impression that PPL rings had to be earned, though he may have given her a church ring for her first year anniversary(Nov.26)? Just the way she had written it, making sure she had it while watching her mantra movie, seemed more fitting for having found the engagement ring while "cleaning" and using it to generate positive thoughts...
I think Travis gave her a PPL ring. There's a pic of her wearing it on her MySpace page.

The engagement ring didn't "go missing" until mid-March 2008. If I understood what I skimmed just a bit ago it sounds possible that the ring wasn't the one he had bought for Linda Ballard, but a new one he had in fact bought to give to Lisa.

Yes, I'm reading backwards. Travis gave Jodi a ring at Christmas 2006, along with a Bible? and a few other religious things. Christmas 2007 Travis gave her a Pea coat, She write of how much she loved it, and I wondered if it was the white or black coat she wore in some of the photos.
Just finished reading all the May texts. :)

There's a lot of info I'd like to post but want to do it right, which means not til tomorrow, condensed in one post.

One thing for now. Travis was genuinely happy after he finally spoke with Lisa. Turned a corner.

More tomorrow. :)

Ok, just renewed. 8.98 CDN?! WTH our $ has hit low.
Just finished reading all the May texts. :)

There's a lot of info I'd like to post but want to do it right, which means not til tomorrow, condensed in one post.

One thing for now. Travis was genuinely happy after he finally spoke with Lisa. Turned a corner.

More tomorrow. :)

I'll start. :D Mimi confirms with TA she is going with him to Cancun on May 1st.
"Tour guide in England" = "Tour guide in Yreka", Oregon coast, Crater Lake, Shasta, Shakespeare Festival.

Remember the owner of the Purple Plum said after Jodi got back from killing Travis she'd come on to men and tell them she was new to the area and maybe they could show her around?
I just reread Shanna Hogan's book -- she doesn't say exactly what date Jodi left Mesa either, as near as I can tell. There's just something about planning to leave and then remaining another two days, no reason given.

As to her renting a truck, I always assumed (shouldn't do that!) that the art materials she stored a Travis's included canvases too large to take in her car. So why not a van, which as people point out would be cheaper? Would a van not be up to towing a car for a long distance over interstates? I don't know anything about that at all.

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I can't imagine she had people-sized canvases, though. I can't see her "painting" on that scale and she'd be way too cheap to buy them. She was only not cheap when it came to "beauty" treatments, murder coverups, and trips to kill people. (Side note: do you realize how much those Othello tickets must have cost? $100 each....)
A longish narrative about first week in May, from texts, etc. All TA text info I reference came from the subscription Beth Karas website.

Brief overview of context for the week (note: context is also contingent upon whether or not one believes she had access to his phone/texts)

May 1 - TA hookup with CL at his house, second hookup lined up but TA greatly abbreviated (socialized, nothing more for 30 minutes) in order to get back to his house where CL was waiting.

May 2. Date of killer- manufactured sex fantasy.

May 5. Killer pressures TA to visit her that weekend. Travis posts the intro to his book on his blog.

May 6. Travis travels to southern CA for family. Returns to AZ on Sat May 10.

General: When she pressured Travis on the 5th she knew he would be in CA on the 6th. Either she knew he was returning on the 10th and was asking him to change arrangements or she didn't and was asking him to include a trip to Yreka as part of his CA visit.

Whatever her reasons were for wanting him to come on the weekend of May 10-11, it was important enough to her that she told TA - forget about coming up for the National Anthem, come now instead. Her Anthem gig was in the 3rd week in May.

He told her on the 5th that he couldn't because he had committed to going to Taylor's party.

It is no exaggeration to say she just wouldn't leave him alone on the 5th. She texted and texted, even when he told her he was in a movie theater with Taylor.

On the one hand what she is doing is asking for TA's help with HER blog, including asking him to look at photos of her and to tell her what be thinks of them. He obliges her.

On the other hand she is definitely lobbing passive- aggressive nasties. One is a text telling TA that (someone he probably knew from PPL) had just bought a Lambergeni car... "Sweet!" she says. Another is her telling him she can just hear him ooohing about (whatever) in that " girlie sound you make."

Travis spends May 5-10 with friends, then with friends and family in CA, going out, having fun, texting with other friends to play and about business. He is incredibly excited about posting the intro to his book. He does a mass text to a large bunch of peeps to tell them he's done so and to ask them to go check it out.

He gets a lot of replies about his blog...friends tell him they were moved to tears, they thought it was great, impressive, can't wait to read more. He says he's getting 100 hits a day on the blog.

Compare May 5-10 for the killer. No job, no friends, sitting in her cramped room at her grandparents' house. Her only outing seems to be to take grandpa for a DR's visit. She asks TA to come by when he's in CA, he says no.

The only person she is asking to look at her blog is Travis. All she really wants him to comment on are photos of herself. Travis is getting rave reviews for his blog content, she digs a few compliments out of TA about her looks , and 1 or 2 folks comment on her blog, no raves.

So.....context and state of mind for May 9-10 (next post).
May 9, 2008. (All info about texts may be found on Beth Karas subscription website).

Last day in CA for TA. He flies back to AZ the next morning. He spends the morning (8am on) texting with girl FRIENDS. He supports one who just lost a job, tells her how happy he is to be her friend, offers her a place to stay.

He flirts with Brooke B. who says she dreams about him. He tells a friend he feels- fantastic!! He tells another friend the only plans he has for the evening is that his brothers are coming over.

He's socializing like crazy, relaxed, feeling really good, perhaps in part because of the reprieve of getting out of Mesa, away from being alone in his house fixating over Lisa, literally losing sleep over her. All is well.

Then, just about noon, the killer interrupts his happy texting with a non sequitur question about what airline they flew to Surf City.
He doesn't reply. She texts him again in less than an hour demanding that he call her "ASAP," and that it is not blog related.

Apparently that isn't true (surprise!) because the next text is from TA telling her (paraphrasing) that her recent post was good, and that it balanced out the previous post. She doesn't like that response.

Contact again around 4:40 in afternoon. He asks her for a favor, she says she's very busy but what, and lo. Instead of her doing him a favor it would appear he did HER the favor of agreeing to link to her blog from his. She then ups the ante and asks him to link to her "fine arts" page too.

Between 5:17 pm and 6:40 she texts him repeatedly, no response. No doubt he is actually daring to spend time with his brothers instead of doing favors for her.

At 7:05 she texts him and complains- why won't you read my poem? No response.

Then it starts. At 7:41pm she "accidentally" sends Travis the fake text to Steve Carroll about her ex-BF getting into her Google acct.

Travis rises to the bait. On his last evening (ever, iirc) with his family he texts her back in anger and they text fight between 7:49 and 10:54 pm.

How to count the ways she is punishing and hurting him that evening? Robbing him of his joy and of his time with family. Distracting him from and trying to spoil what he is feeling best about- his blog. Accusing him of invading her privacy. Trying to make him feel jealous about another man. After taking up his precious time in CA with her constant demands that he help her (focus on her) with her blog, she is pretending that at the same time someone else is helping her with the blog.

His response to her is angry, rightly so, but there is zero doubt that she has deliberately provoked it. Ask yourself why.

Looking at the May 9 texts now, believing that she has been setting him up, I see this exchange differently (most of this text fight is available on multiple sites, as it was introduced into evidence during trial).

The most interesting thing she texts him, IMO, is the "let's agree
to a don't ask, don't tell policy". Huh? He most certainly is NOT telling her anything about any woman he is in touch with. Instead he's about to start warning women to expect slashed tires for even speaking to him.

So, why does she tell him this? And that she is trying to move on, will not listen to him criticize her for going out with other guys, doesn't want to deal with his jealousy.

Suspicious much?

She provokes then pokes again (read the whole text). She doesn't let go until he is in full anger mode.

He tells her she's a liar to her core, that he's shown her mercy up til now, but that she's "pizzed" away that reprieve, that he's going to start holding her accountable, that things are going to start getting tough for her.

He mocks her about her lack of integrity in planning an expensive trip when she owes him so much money, including for the car she destroyed. And more.

And - of definite note- he tells her- why don't you have (yr imaginary friend) go bleep you in the woods. HER idea. He's telling her, have him go act out that fantasy of YOURS.

Next post: conclusion to May 9 fight. Travis flies home.....on May 10, the day she demanded he come to Yreka, the day he has a date with Mimi instead that he most definitely did NOT tell the killer about. And the supposed day of the supposed sex tape.
May 10, 2008. (All info about texts comes from the Beth Karas subscription website. Thank you very much to the volunteer there who did all the work of making the texts accessible!)

The text argument the night before ended just before 11pm, with the killer giving TA one of her empty self-focused, self-pitying "apologies." She concludes by telling him she loves him. He says sorry, I love you too. Travis is allowed to go to sleep.

The most important thing to say about May 10 is that is 100% demonstrably IMPOSSIBLE for the sex tape to have been recorded on that day.

Here's the timeline:

10:48AM. TA texts that he will leave CA in 10 minutes.
2:00 Travis texts with Aaron for a bit around this time. He's likely home.
3:42. TA texts with Mimi about what movie to see on their date that night.

4:25 The killer texts T she has time on her hands, is sending pics. He tells her (curtly) he isn't receiving them,,doesn't reply to her when she says let her know when he does get them.

Shortly afterwards Michelle and TA text about reservations. Dillon is running late for their double date, she says let's meet there, reservations are for 9:45. She then changes the time to 8 and puts them in the name of "Alexander." Solo date with Mimi now?

At 8:19pm the killer texts to ask: "DID YOU MAKE IT BACK SAFELY?

(Doesn't make sense. Unless....the pics she was trying to send earlier were to phone?)

Travis does not text her back until 12:30AM, when he tells her (sarcastically?) that no, he crashed and died.

So, he's been on a date with Mimi (and will tell Taylor that he turned off his phone while on date, having forgotten T' s party), and doesn't answer the killer until 12:30AM (times are adjusted) which is technically May 11.

Even so. She texts him AGAIN about those pics of her that she insists he see. They exchange texts about the pics. These are NOT nudies or anything like that. They are supposedly for her frikking blog. Here are the times of the texts about those pics:

12:32, 12:35, 12:36, 12:50, 1:03, 1:05, 1:06, 1:08, 1:09, 1:11, 1:12, 1:13, 1:14, 1:16, 1:17, 1:18, 1:22, 1:23, 1:24, 1:32, 1:34, 1:37.

There is a 20 minute gap in texting, until 1:57AM. From the context of the texts before and after it is clear there were no phone conversations in between. (The sex tape in any case was supposedly over one hour long).

Texts - on same subject of pics, 1:59 and 2:00 AM.

At 2:01 AM Travis tells her he is falling asleep (remember he supposedly did so on the sex tape) and tells her good night.

She says good night to him at 2:03 and again at 2:06AM.

ETA. Does anyone remember whether or not she said the sex tape was supposedly made the night of SC fight, so May 10th as in the early morning hours of May 10th, after the fight?

That is theoretically possible, though entirely unbelievable. They would have had to get on the phone after a bitter text fight that lasted for hours, and after they had clearly finished with one another for the night.

Then, while on the phone, they would have had to discuss past encounters sentimentally, with no tension whatsoever, as well as travel plans, including hers, after he has just lit into her about just such plans. And, she would have had to bring up Abe and poke at Travis about her being in touch with him, right after she had just grandly announced a don't ask don't tell policy, and after just resolving a provoked fight about a (fictional) man.

Holy cow, Hope, that is an amazing amount of work. It's going to take me some time to absorb it all and get it all straight in my mind. I have to say that I have always thought the date of that sex tape was all wrong, but I never could see how any one could prove it. Maybe you've done it.

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Hope, I am with G&AMom, you are amazing.

The obvious level of detail, thoroughness, and intelligent thought you have put into finding the truth and exposing every single calculated, sickening and wrathful thing POS28 did to methodically destroy Travis simply because he didn't love her, is astounding.

You have my deepest respect and sincere appreciation for sharing your time and efforts with us here on WS. :loveyou:

Group sleuthing, group hug. :)

PS. Not done yet. The rest of May, soon. :)
I just can't thank you enough, Hope! I don't recall her testimony about the SC fight, and although I rewatched testimony about the tape, I don't think either Dworkin or Neumeister stated a time along with the date (didn't Dworkin pull it off the phone and Neumeister 'enhanced' and amplified T's voice?). I don't think there's a way in the world that sex tape was made on either the 9th (once it became the 10th) or evening of the 10th, thanks so much for the confirmation I've waited all these long months for.

It is bothersome that both defense and prosecution, after having gone over all of the texts, knew too that it wasn't possible, but they both agreed to agree on the tape (well, during the retrial JM said a couple things that made Nurmi think he was questioning the tape and Nurm flew into a rage until JM said he wasn't questioning it) but they both knew all along that tape was not done on the date stated (or phone-timestamped), and probably LD and/or BN knew it also was a compilation.

I am going to have to give some thought to other pieces of evidence they both agreed on without bothering to fully authenticate - like the nudies - and wonder if JA lets the appeals attnys do their job and not insinuate herself into their work, if she may actually get a new trial because of things like this.
I just can't thank you enough, Hope! I don't recall her testimony about the SC fight, and although I rewatched testimony about the tape, I don't think either Dworkin or Neumeister stated a time along with the date (didn't Dworkin pull it off the phone and Neumeister 'enhanced' and amplified T's voice?). I don't think there's a way in the world that sex tape was made on either the 9th (once it became the 10th) or evening of the 10th, thanks so much for the confirmation I've waited all these long months for.

It is bothersome that both defense and prosecution, after having gone over all of the texts, knew too that it wasn't possible, but they both agreed to agree on the tape (well, during the retrial JM said a couple things that made Nurmi think he was questioning the tape and Nurm flew into a rage until JM said he wasn't questioning it) but they both knew all along that tape was not done on the date stated (or phone-timestamped), and probably LD and/or BN knew it also was a compilation.

I am going to have to give some thought to other pieces of evidence they both agreed on without bothering to fully authenticate - like the nudies - and wonder if JA lets the appeals attnys do their job and not insinuate herself into their work, if she may actually get a new trial because of things like this.

Not sure why you think the killer would get a new trial? I'm not a JM groupie, though I sure I must sound like one when I say that I have 100% confidence that JM put all these pieces together from the very beginning. He knew every piece of evidence inside out and backwards. When listening now to any part of his cross of the killer I hear him for the first time making lots of veiled references to how she manipulated exchanges with TA.

IMO it was well worth accepting the May 10 call as is. I think he had a shot at excluding the tape, but why would he? Allowing it in shredded the defense's depiction of her as sex prey, etc. etc.

There was no other piece of evidence as compelling and effective in accomplished that goal. JM did, though, have other evidence to suggest she manipulated Travis by manipulating emails etc.

As I've said, I think he chose to tell a straight forward narrative of fatal attraction rather than the far uglier- and messier- full reality of obsessed borderline psycho.
Anyone with access to BK, could you please look closely at the very long running text exchange Travis had on May 13 and I think on into the 14th with an unnamed woman (means she wasn't in his address book).

What do you think is going on? Did she actually end up at his house?

Their conversation is amazingly WEIRD on her part. If she did go to his house it obviously wasn't the killer, but otherwise I'd swear it was. Whoever she was it sounded very much to me like she was trying to get him to put many "incriminating" things in writing, and putting some serious pressure on him to do so.

Among other things.....asking him how many gf's he had, why he wasn't married, did he want to be married, and saying what she did about looking like a 12 year old girl??????

I had such a creepy feeling reading that whole exchange, a feeling I haven't had reading any other of the texts. I'm thinking - is it possible the killer hired someone (a hooker) to entrap him??

Even Travis the trusting seemed to get suspicious off and on, even saying at one point- how do I know you're not just trying to get me to say something incriminating?
Not sure why you think the killer would get a new trial? I'm not a JM groupie, though I sure I must sound like one when I say that I have 100% confidence that JM put all these pieces together from the very beginning. He knew every piece of evidence inside out and backwards. When listening now to any part of his cross of the killer I hear him for the first time making lots of veiled references to how she manipulated exchanges with TA.

IMO it was well worth accepting the May 10 call as is. I think he had a shot at excluding the tape, but why would he? Allowing it in shredded the defense's depiction of her as sex prey, etc. etc.

There was no other piece of evidence as compelling and effective in accomplished that goal. JM did have evidence to suggest she manipulated Travis by manipulating emails etc.

As I've said, I think he chose to tell a straight forward narrative of fatal attraction rather than the far uglier- and messier- full reality of obsessed borderline psycho.

It has always given me pause that some pieces of evidence may not be what they seem (and knowingly so by whomever introduced that evidence) and how an appeals court may view it, it may not even matter that she looks even worse given the truth about the piece of evidence. It may come down to the wit of her attnys and how they plead unfair prosecution advantage with things both sides knew weren't what they were shown to be during the trial. I'm not nervous, just wondering if these will come into the appeal.
Anyone with access to BK, could you please look closely at the very long running text exchange Travis had on May 13 and I think on into the 14th with an unnamed woman (means she wasn't in his address book).

What do you think is going on? Did she actually end up at his house?

Their conversation is amazingly WEIRD on her part. If she did go to his house it obviously wasn't the killer, but otherwise I'd swear it was. Whoever she was it sounded very much to me like she was trying to get him to put many "incriminating" things in writing, and putting some serious pressure on him to do so.

Among other things.....asking him how many gf's he had, why he wasn't married, did he want to be married, and saying what she did about looking like a 12 year old girl??????

I had such a creepy feeling reading that whole exchange, a feeling I haven't had reading any other of the texts. I'm thinking - is it possible the killer hired someone (a hooker) to entrap him??

Even Travis the trusting seemed to get suspicious off and on, even saying at one point- how do I know you're not just trying to get me to say something incriminating?
I know exactly what you are talking about the strange n-something woman. So strange. I also felt creepy while reading about it couple days ago and reluctantly concluded they got together but wasn't sure.

Today was another busy busy day for me. Two MAJOR personal events going on. I'm going to read again later tonight when i have more time, keeping what you said in mind.
Maybe someone can cut and paste from other posts about the strange problems with incoming and outgoing texts between Travis and GF's. (All references to texts are from BK's subscription website. I've quoted more directly than usual about the text exchange relating to "delicious man"because there is no way to understand the exchange).

Add to that GF's having to replace phones altogether because theirs have gone so wonky. Add in Michelle on May 15 saying her computer has suddenly become incredibly slow.

Then, May 19. Brooke texts to TA she had a dream about teaching him how to kiss for "pictures."

He replies....I had a dream someone uploaded *advertiser censored* to my website last night. (!!!!!!!)

May 23. (Remember what happened May 21 and 22). Travis tells Taylor he has a virus on computer, bug eating screen.

Taylor tells him he'd just get rid of the computer if it were his. TA brought up using Spybot, but Taylor told him Spybot could locate bad stuff but not really deal with it. Taylor doesn't help with computer beyond that, as far as I can tell. TA installs Spybot, but not until May 26 or 27.

Last bit that I recall of May texts relating to phone or computers:

Phone strangeness: On May 25, within 15 minutes or so, another disconcerting series of texts.

Mandy sends TA a text saying (quote is from BK site):

"Travis Alexander is the most delicious man on the planet. kujw hpupsUps"

TA replies a thanks. Then he gets a text from Elyse which refers to him as the most delicious man on the planet.

TA says...thanks, but.? Elyse asks him- didn't you just send that to me from Mandi's phone? TA is baffled, asks why he would do that, why would he have Mandi's phone?

TA and Elyse text a bit more about this strangeness. Travis sounds edgy. Elyse says she texted "wow" to Mandi but didn't get a reply.

There is a Mandy that Travis texts with, but he never questions her (by text) about what happened.

ETA. Mandy cut TA's hair, she was recommended by Taylor, I think. She is peripheral at most. Not a GF.

Really, the May texts get weirder and bad creepier by the week.
I'm so glad you guys are still discussing this case, I'm just not ready to let it go yet. It took me 2 years to get over Caylee's and I still check in weekly to see if karma has caught up with CA yet.
Anyways, I just got finished reading Travis's May texts and I have a feeling that N/A 55 is Jodi. Unless I missed it, Travis never met her. What do you think?

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