Travis Alexander's Journals and text messages

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Anyway. Clues from tape about when it's made:

1. After she left Mesa.
2. After he knows he's going to Cancun.
3. After she has brought up idea of tying to a tree, etc.
4. After he has already seen the movie "Ironman."
5. After Travis has made plans to go to San Francisco
6. After Travis has spoken with peeps/ friends about going to Argentina. One of those folks being Danny Jones.
7. After Danny Jones has posted a pic of himself on FB scratching his crotch.
8. After Travis might have spoken to friends about visiting them in Washington State.

Travel plans portion of tape is obviously spliced, multiple times. In first minute of tape TA says he'll be super busy from the beginning of June through beginning of July..

She says me too, and might go to Utah at end of the month.

(Spliced bigtime right here, and clumsily). @7:40 in YouTube June, you're going to Cancun and coming here..(no response).

Conversation veers off or is edited, different topics until 17:04 on YouTube, minute 11:35 on the sex tape.

Travis says....I'm really intrigued by that whole little forest...
She supplies- adventure.
He mumbles, yah...

Another obvious splicing and a missed first part of a sentence-

JA......coming here before Cancun?
TA- that's the plan..
JA- so what's yr itinerary?
TA- going to do all that stuff
JA- SF or is that for another time, then you'll see me, we'll do the Oregon Coast, Crater Lake, Shakespeare.
(Big fake yawn)
JA- you'll go up to see friends in Washington...
TA- not all that. You're at the top of my list.
JA- so you'll still drive back
TA- yah. I'll fly to Seattle, see my friends, go to British Columbia...

Moves to....TA- I'm going to DC, might go to Argentina...

She actually did a really horrible job of splicing recordings. Maybe because she was feeling a wee bit angry after May 13.

Could the references to June and July and WA and CA travels have been spliced from a whole year earlier, i.e. 2007?

Could the sex stuff have been taped much earlier and/or when they were in each other's company. I just think none of this is what it seems, so questioning any and all assumptions might be enlightening.
Because TA found out she'd lied about spy Michelle and told her if she didn't tell him the truth, ASAP, he would out her as a sick wacko to everyone who mattered to her.

She confessed half way and with lies, her speciality, in order to stave off his finding out the whole truth.

Well, as I am reading the emails, on April 1, TA texts Michelle L asking if there is another Michelle in the ward, because Jodi has just told him she had a "spy" repeating back to him. He says Jodi told him this because she is "leaving today." At this point he seems taken aback more than angry and tells Michelle L he doesn't think Jodi slashed his tires.

On April 4 it sounds like Jodi is just leaving Mesa.

On April 6 at 7:57 p.m., Jodi texts that she's in Hollister. At 10:27 p.m., Travis sends very angry text demanding Jodi tell him who the "Michelle K" really is. At 11:22 p.m., Travis texts Elyse L that he just caught Jodi in a lie about the "magical Michelle" and that Jodi told him "a lot of crazy things" such as driving by his house every night.

So it sounds to me as if she started telling him some stuff, obviously much of it not true, BEFORE she left. I can't figure out what she thought she would accomplish with this latest game.

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I've been reading through the texts from January 1st through the end of May, just trying to get a sense of what was going on with Travis, I guess. One thing that never struck me before: in early April, after Jodi finally gets on the road to Yreka, she calls him to confess some of the things she did. That she would sneak into his house and sleep there, sneaking out before he woke up. That she drove by his house almost every night. That she had a spy, the "mythical Michelle" in his ward who was reporting his actions back to her. And so on.

I realise that some or all of these things may be just more lies from Jodi, but . . . . Why would she confess these things to him now? Why confess to him at all?

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Why indeed?

Just going with the idea that she doesn't think normally and I come up with maybe she believed TA would find these things endearing. Maybe she was sure that if she told him all this stuff he would suddenly see how much she wanted to be in his life, how hard she had tried to be. And that he would really miss her after she was gone.

She never understood that those behaviors are under most circumstances considered stalking.

IDK what else to think about it. She was and is an odd one and trying to figure out what she was/is thinking at any given time requires an ability to interpret like a psycho and that is something the average citizen learns only from experience, i.e., having had the displeasure of personal dealings/interaction with a psycho.

Well, as I am reading the emails, on April 1, TA texts Michelle L asking if there is another Michelle in the ward, because Jodi has just told him she had a "spy" repeating back to him. He says Jodi told him this because she is "leaving today." At this point he seems taken aback more than angry and tells Michelle L he doesn't think Jodi slashed his tires.

On April 4 it sounds like Jodi is just leaving Mesa.

On April 6 at 7:57 p.m., Jodi texts that she's in Hollister. At 10:27 p.m., Travis sends very angry text demanding Jodi tell him who the "Michelle K" really is. At 11:22 p.m., Travis texts Elyse L that he just caught Jodi in a lie about the "magical Michelle" and that Jodi told him "a lot of crazy things" such as driving by his house every night.

So it sounds to me as if she started telling him some stuff, obviously much of it not true, BEFORE she left. I can't figure out what she thought she would accomplish with this latest game.

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When Travis asked her how she found out what she knew about his dealings with Lisa and Mimi, She lied and told him she had a spy named Michelle K. (Only JA would view hiring a spy is somehow a better excuse than her snooping.)

The truth is that she knew what she knew from snooping and stalking him, reading his journals, texts, coming over uninvited to his house and sleeping on his couch, driving around his house, etc.

So on April 6, after sending her the angry text, JA finally had to admit to Travis there was no Michelle K, and had no choice but to 'confess' (probably told half-truth) that she gained her information about Lisa and Mimi from snooping.

She just keeps lying and manipulating. That's all she is doing

edit (oops, Hope stated basically the same thing above.)
How the heck did she see a love story in that? Or she didn't. Maybe she said that as a warning, with impunity, because she knew TA wasn't listening anyway.

And..Neflix and chill. :O

WS can be so very educational. :D
Well we all know JA preferred the Amazon prime counterpart;) (see Urban dictionary )

I wonder if JA did see herself as some type of "superhero". And why does she keep bringing up Spiderman? There's a theory that since (in the comics, as movies cast adults to play teens) Peter Parker was bitten & became Spidey at 15, that "becoming Spiderman" signifies the sexual awakening/changes one goes through at puberty to adulthood. We're adults here, so imagine what the spidey webs are. Yes. That. So, anyway, I wonder if it was a coincidence or if she imagined herself as this "spider" ready to "awaken" Travis? That's probably a dumb theory and she just thought "He likes Superman! Omg! He'll like Spiderman too! Squee!"

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Well we all know JA preferred the Amazon prime counterpart;) (see Urban dictionary )

I wonder if JA did see herself as some type of "superhero". And why does she keep bringing up Spiderman? There's a theory that since (in the comics, as movies cast adults to play teens) Peter Parker was bitten & became Spidey at 15, that "becoming Spiderman" signifies the sexual awakening/changes one goes through at puberty to adulthood. We're adults here, so imagine what the spidey webs are. Yes. That. So, anyway, I wonder if it was a coincidence or if she imagined herself as this "spider" ready to "awaken" Travis? That's probably a dumb theory and she just thought "He likes Superman! Omg! He'll like Spiderman too! Squee!"

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I actually think that's a great theory since I was sort of headed that way myself with it, even though I only have a vague sense of the Spiderman story.

I have also wondered whether TA's search for a tree is some sort of innocent Freudian goof for a "bush", that TA didn't have all the pieces to the tree fantasy, and the whole fantasy got kind of all mixed up because he didn't have enough experience either with sex or the sexual language. I could say it like this: there was urban dictionary language going in that fantasy and he didn't know that and took it all straight. And it came out funny. Just like we have a passel of new urban dictionary words in these posts here that I'm going to have to look up because I'm too innocent to interpret them as slang and if I try to use them in a context the words will seem veeeeery strange.
Why indeed?

Just going with the idea that she doesn't think normally and I come up with maybe she believed TA would find these things endearing. Maybe she was sure that if she told him all this stuff he would suddenly see how much she wanted to be in his life, how hard she had tried to be. And that he would really miss her after she was gone.

She never understood that those behaviors are under most circumstances considered stalking.

IDK what else to think about it. She was and is an odd one and trying to figure out what she was/is thinking at any given time requires an ability to interpret like a psycho and that is something the average citizen learns only from experience, i.e., having had the displeasure of personal dealings/interaction with a psycho.


Interestingly, Travis initially says something to Michelle to that effect. Like he should be flattered, this kind of thing happens to celebrities. So maybe that is what she was hoping he'd think. But as you point out, it's impossible to know what was going through that mis-wired brain of hers.

Sent from my KFSOWI using Tapatalk
I've been reading through the texts from January 1st through the end of May, just trying to get a sense of what was going on with Travis, I guess. One thing that never struck me before: in early April, after Jodi finally gets on the road to Yreka, she calls him to confess some of the things she did. That she would sneak into his house and sleep there, sneaking out before he woke up. That she drove by his house almost every night. That she had a spy, the "mythical Michelle" in his ward who was reporting his actions back to her. And so on.

I realise that some or all of these things may be just more lies from Jodi, but . . . . Why would she confess these things to him now? Why confess to him at all?

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Tis days before Christmas
and all through the house
computers are hidden
and every last mouse.

My family is pleading
Tis a season of joy!
No more talk of sex tapes,
Or regret for T-boy!

So, to you grand sleuthers,
Merry Christmas to all!
I'll see you next year
With my new crystal ball.

(Or at least a new laptop.. right, Santa? :D )

Tis days before Christmas
and all through the house
computers are hidden
and every last mouse.

My family is pleading
Tis a season of joy!
No more talk of sex tapes,
Or regret for T-boy!

So, to you grand sleuthers,
Merry Christmas to all!
I'll see you next year
With my new crystal ball.

(Or at least a new laptop.. right, Santa? :D )


LOL! Fair enough Hope - you've done way more than I ever could on a phone - or even on a laptop, and I thank you for all your dilligence! So much sleuthy information, I've been drawn right back in!

Now that I got my subscription to BK sorted out, I've been reading all the texts (slowly, because both my computer and my reading is slow). I've been taking notes, and will post anything interesting when I get through them all - yes, I'm way down the rabbit hole now! I've been ignoring my holiday prep in a big way, but willl sneak some reading in when I can.

Love the poem, and look forward to your thoughts after the holidays. Have a wonderful holiday, Hope - and all my WS friends!
After reading May texts, these are some of my observations:

1. JA is pain in the arse, she always needs a "reason" to initiate chat with Travis. He rarely texts her first, except when he busts her for her snooping. I think the "you scammed me" is that she went on LDSLinkup to make fake accounts to see how he responds.

2. He is increasingly wanting closure on Lisa, even though some of his friends advise him to forget about her.

3. He realizes Mimi is not interested and tries to change the name on the Cancun ticket to Regan H., but can't.

4. CL is no longer interested in him either.

I'll post more when I can think straight without this head cold!
During the first trial, Becky's keyboard was missing the "W" so she had to type 2 "V" to make a W. We laughed about that for a long time as you can see. :)

I kinda miss those days. You have no idea how difficult it was to ask a question without using a w word! But after my first timid posts (I vas afraid you vould all laugh at me) I didn't care and had a good time. It was fun!

I hope everyone here has a vonderful holiday with family and friends and filled with peace and joy.:santahat:
Could the references to June and July and WA and CA travels have been spliced from a whole year earlier, i.e. 2007?

Could the sex stuff have been taped much earlier and/or when they were in each other's company. I just think none of this is what it seems, so questioning any and all assumptions might be enlightening.

What I'm really surprised about is how sloppy it was done. Gus Scercy said he can make anyone sound like any person he want, and I can see Jodi maybe getting some advice on how to to create something by splicing it, but doing it in typical Jodi fashion, she screws up.
I kinda miss those days. You have no idea how difficult it was to ask a question without using a w word! But after my first timid posts (I vas afraid you vould all laugh at me) I didn't care and had a good time. It was fun!

I hope everyone here has a vonderful holiday with family and friends and filled with peace and joy.:santahat:

Ditto to your holiday wishes, Becky...Happy Holidays to all!
That "how dare you" was obviously a standing joke with Travis -- it is scattered throughout his texts with other people as well as Jodi. Someone would text him that they were heading off to work, for example, and he would reply "how dare you." I don't think in this instance it means anything.

Yeah, I was thinking that, too. Just like that "making babies" phrase always comes up. Another is "wow." I was trying to figure out if "wow" meant someone didn't pick up when he called or he felt as if hadn't heard from someone in a long time. Deanna "wowed" a couple of times in her texts to him.
Jodi has been known to contact the women or friends of Travis, impersonate people, and make up things or people:

1. "cuddling with Jodi" text to Lisa, impersonating Travis.
2. *advertiser censored* email to Lisa, impersonating a religious psycho.
3. Slashing lisa's tires.
4. Her newfound relationship with Chaitanya (though that was Travis' fault.)
5. Creation of her own stalker in spring 2007.
6. Manipulations through Skye and Chris.
7. Made up this Michelle 007 spy person.
8. Made up email to Abe.
9. Made up text messages regarding Josh Carroll.

So when I put all that together, it wouldn't surprise me if Jodi hacked Travis' linkup to:

1. Tell women to get lost, impersonating Travis.
2. use her own made up account to warn these new "*advertiser censored*" off Travis.
3. Get these women's personal information to do the above more personally than on ldslinkup.
4. Become a whole new woman and start a whole new relationship with Travis under another identity.

If she stepped over the line and contacted the women through LDS while impersonating Travis, that might cause legal problems.

It's just mighty strange that N/A 55, who was very interested, suddenly stops talking to him. Same thing with Chaitanya. Maybe it was easier to stop talking to him than tell him what Jodi told them about him.

Fear of Stalking

I have to say here that up until she moved, Travis only knew about the tire slashings and obsessiveness with Lisa. When he learned the rest of it in early April, she was 1000's of miles away. So he might not have felt so threatened. Jodi doing annoying stuff like hacking his accounts might not put him in fear because she's so far away. What can she do from that distance but be annoying? I'm guessing that's his thought until she escalated in May.

Total speculation. And I can't fathom why he keeps talking to her all the way up to June 2 or 3rd.


I wonder if Jodi knew Travis was trying to get Mimi off the trip. I wonder if that made her think she had a chance to go or a chance with him. It's mighty strange that she bought that suntan lotion at CVS. I still wonder if she'd planned to just stay with him the whole week and go to Cancun. She had her job for only a few days. I'm sure she didn't give a damn about it if she could with Travis.

Moving motive:

I think she moved thinking his heart would grow fonder, but only hers did. She gave him space because he was going through repentance, but imagine how she must have felt to see he'd picked up with other women instead of getting right with God.

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