Travis Alexander's Journals and text messages

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Im sorry, I am not really watching this because I just can't stand what is going on.
But were these messages admitted in this round? Please tell me yes. It so shows who she really is and that HE knew that she was dangerous and crazy.
May 26. Note- I’ve included all the times noted for parts of the exchange. They don’t make much sense as is, or at least, they don’t help in trying to piece together the order of what was said. Maybe someone else can figure out if time zone differences are part of what is confusing. I inserted pieces where times weren’t mentioned where they most logically seemed to follow, but those were just guesses.

4:08 JA: (text begins mid sentence) that part. I’ll tell you the other part but I need a response from you. Deal?

7:59 TA: I sent you a response to your dire conversation that I hope you read because you need to read it. Maybe it will spark some human emotion in you something that seems to exist only when it comes to your own problems. But everyone else is just a part of your sick agenda. By the way, your pic comment to Danny Jones makes you look like a pure *advertiser censored*, even more to the people who know you. You should be embarrassed by it. If he knew what I knew about it, he’d spit in your face. So would everyone else. I have never in my life been so hurt by someone. But why do I even say it because you don’t care. It doesn’t serve your evilness.

8:35 You couldn’t get off your lazy butt to read it could you. That’s the sociopath I know so well. It freakin figures.

9:11 TA: I don’t want your apology. I want you to understand what I think of you. I want you to understand how evil I think that you are. You are the worst thing that ever happened to me.

9:14 TA: You are a sociopath. You only cry for yourself. You have never cared (about) me and you have betrayed me more than any example I could conjour. You are sick and you have scamed me.

9:14 JA: I don’t have an email from you. Which email did you send it to?

9:17 JA: Hmm.. I did not get an email notice but I will check now.

238 JA: Only you would say that. Anyone else would see it for what it was-a joke. I was just razzing him.

TA: No- you were flirting with him and you know better. It’s Danny Jones. Maybe you are just on to the next dick and he’s an easy target.

TA: So you have checked with him. What a freaking *advertiser censored*.

2:42 TA: I’ve never dealt with a more solid form of evil. (you are) blatantly lying.

2:45 TA: I do realize I hate you. Hitler had more conscious. You have caused me more pain than the death of my father. How can a heart beat in such a corrupted carcass?
You are the lowest of the low. You are sick and evil and knowing you, I want to kill myself in punishment. You are scum. I'm so stupid. I don't even know if you are human.

JA - I am so sorry. If anyone should it is me. You are light upon this world. I can't even compare.

JA (tells TA she’s a bartender in a Mexican restaurant)

TA That’s a *advertiser censored*’s job. Maybe you can get tips for *advertiser censored*

TA Yeah, you are a three hole wonder, you are good for something.

TA: your parents must be proud of you

JA: They're not proud of me

TA- You never saw me of more value as a piece of **** unless I was serving some purpose to U. I am less than nothing to you.

TA: I was a dildo with a heartbeat to U

JA: I really did love you, but I let it get so distorted. I am so sorry. I have no excuse. None.

TA: I loved someone that never existed, what I thought was real never existed. Finish your worthless email

TA: Send your piece of **** lie fest so I can mock it

TA : We already know based on all the last emails you sent and then invaded my privacy that it is ********.

TA: I know you got into my computer and erased an email to Lisa

TA: You stole my journals, you slashed my tires, and I know it. You can never tell the truth.

3:14 JA: I may be a liar, *advertiser censored*, evil, a coward. I am most likely the most horrible person you’ve ever had the misfortune of knowing, but the one thing I am not is violent. I did not and would not and would never have slashed your tires.

3:22 JA: You deserve so much more than the crap I’ve given you. I deserve a pile of **** for what I’ve done to my friend.

3:24 TA: You tried to murder me from the inside out..... how could you? Why did you manipulate me into loving you? I was a good guy. Why did you have to do it to me? Why did you hate me? What was your objective, what was the point?

JA: I don't know what you mean ruin you? I would never set out to deliberately do that to you. I loaned you $200. I always wanted you to succeed. I am so sorry for what I’ve done. Those things don’t counterbalance what I did. I’m 100% responsible for this.

JA: There's no excuse for me to be alive

TA: I want a real answer

JA: There have been times I screamed so loud into the phone .I could only scream into the air-I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. I would sob until I couldn’t breathe. But I have done you more wrong.

3:49 (page 7 of chat) JA: I get so caught up in wanting to do the right thing then when you came around…I want to do a different version of the right thing. We shouldn’t be discussing this.

3:59 JA: The sexual part of me was an unevolved way of trying to be more loved. I knew you weren't in love with me. I knew you cared, but that it wasn't that kind of love. I convinced myself you were. It was intoxicating. You made it so good. But you weren’t just a piece of meat. I felt so, so loved. I would have been content just cuddling, but I wasn't strong enough. Again, I'm sorry for that.

(TA: have you had sex with anyone else)

JA: No, my sex drive is gone.

TA: I doubt that.

JA: The better I was, the more you wanted me and the more we got together. I was a *advertiser censored* for you because I was a *advertiser censored* for that feeling. I was a *advertiser censored* in general. I still am.

4:10 Of course not. Nobody else can do that. If being a *advertiser censored* for you is wrong I don’t want to be right. (says TA is her kryptonite).

4:11 JA: This is not an excuse for me to be alive (exchange between them about her breaking into his Facebook took place at this time -per BK)

TA: You know I’ll take you back. You know if you just equal the drama with my anger I’ll take you back, and that’s why you don’t hesitate to keep ruining me.

4:25 JA: Honestly, aside from what I wanted to say, it was me that wanted to hear your voice just once more. It's a little fix, your not the only one who is addicted.

4:30 JA: What’s the purpose? It’s not marriage. It’s just sex. . Here I come looking like an angel, speaking sweetly, acting nicely, pleasing you in many ways.

4:33 JA: You’re like an angel that gets snared by my evil influences. There’s really no point in my continuing to breathe.

BBM ~ Maybe JA sent an email (BCC'd) to Mimi/Lisa/and another prospect describing a 3-way with TA and this Steve Carrell guy?

She was trying to let them know HE *advertiser censored* the *advertiser censored* and not her. Just a thought.
I'm new to these communications of Travis'. Thanks Hope4More.

Several items jumped out at me:
1) All Jodi's apologies are so Domestic Violence Perpetrator 101. Do a lot of emotional damage and then make profuse and dramatic apologies combined with fake loving words, all of which invite the victim to come back with "Oh, no, you're not that bad......"

2) May 26, 4:08 sounds like the middle of a blackmail threat.

3) TA and JA really didn't communicate that often.... I realize phone calls weren't included, but I was surprised to see how scattered the communications are. Travis very obviously had a life that didn't include Jodi, and it had likely been in this pattern since the beginning.

4) Although IIRC, Jodi said she was staying at Travis' house for the first week in April, it sure doesn't sound like it from the communications.

BBM ~ Good observation! JA is the one that is victimizing TA. Maybe, ALV should revisit the "cycle of abuse".
this is great....thanks for doing all reference to jodi's journal entry on 3.2.8., she says she's at T'dogg's house cleaning while he is out on his third date with Mimi, and it went very well.....she was so exhausted she accidently fell asleep and was there when Travis got home.....did she often refer to Travis as T'dogg?
the text that jumped out to me was on 4.18 Travis text jodi that he had taken time to take care of crap for her on that day....."Ihave let you have a car, money, and a whole hell of a lot time." I don't think I remember ever hearing that....why can't Juan show how nice Travis had been to her.........on 3.18 Travis wrote in his journal that he'd lost his journal, of his time with Lisa, and ipod and a diamond ring....

I don't think they can use TAs writings in court because it is hearsay. Too bad.
What "crap" do you think he took care of for Jodi that day?

I think in general, just to help her move. When he says he "gave her the car", I think he means, he let her have it, and she can pay him when she has money instead of him selling it privately.

BBM ~ Maybe JA sent an email (BCC'd) to Mimi/Lisa/and another prospect describing a 3-way with TA and this Steve Carrell guy?

She was trying to let them know HE *advertiser censored* the *advertiser censored* and not her. Just a thought.

Yes, I do think she was trying to destroy his chances of marrying anyone, Elle.

Thanks so much for compiling everything that is available Hope, I tend to think there will be holes because some things may have been sealed due to content and what wasn't allowed in the first trial, I hope some day we'll see everything that JA didn't delete and have as full a picture as possible. I really would love those last few communications when she was on her way to Mesa but those are likely forever gone. I still don't believe he knew she was coming.
Hope - thanks so much for taking the time, your effort, your energy, and your passion to share this information with all of us! This was a major time commitment and you are truly appreciated!
They definitely did not make up. A huge amount of the text is missing, and as I said, I'm not sure of the chronological order, since the times don't line up as is.

I still have a last piece of the timeline to post, through May 25. Adding up all available pieces....JA was monitoring his online activity through May 25. She knew he was telling Taylor Searle that he was still in love with Lisa and trying to reach her to make amends. She knew things had not worked out with Mimi. She knew from the chats Travis was having with Regan that Travis was beginning to spread the word about her craziness, just as he threatened to do on April 7. And she knew that he had met a sexy very Mormon "cutie pie" who he seemed very interested in, and who he was flirting with via Facebook emails on May 24 and May 25.

We know Travis caught her hacking into his FB account. In the May 26 exchange Travis confronts her about that, and tells her several times, mockingly, to go ahead and send him an email he knows is full of lies.

The content of that email is what's most key, IMO, but it's gone. She erased both the email he sent to her, hoping to convince her to do the right thing, and the first part of the email she says she had sent him. Not sure if she sent part 2.....
To me, that's exactly what is happening. She sent him an email first, that upset Travis so much that he said it was full of lies. She wanted him to respond to it & he did. But according to Travis 'you couldn't get off your lazy butt to read it'. Remember that exchange? "I responded to your dire conversation." She said she didn't see his response, where did he send it" He said 'your facebook."
We need to find & put that part in here. That was the part where he said he was giving her a time limit to produce the 'imaginary' person who is lying & saying bad things about him. But without the initial email she sent to Travis & then his response we don't have a full picture. But she was starting trouble & setting him up & he was very upset.
One note-notice how many times ja states she shouldn't be alive.
2nd note- Travis statement 'you murdered me from the inside out' is heartbreaking.
Hope, You have done an amazing job of putting all of this together. Thank you so much for all of your work on this. It helps to get a picture
Please try to include a link with the journal entries or testing information. If one is not available because you are paraphrasing, please reference where you were able to find the information. And thank you Hope for suggesting this thread. It's a real eye opener. Thanks, Lambchop
Last of chronology:

5/10 GChat fight about Steve Carroll. JA “accidentally” sends Travis a copy of an email to Steve Carroll (not sure if he was even a real person). In it JA tells Steve her ex-boyfriend has her passwords. Travis once again calls her out, tells her she’s paranoid about privacv because she’s the one who is constantly invading his. Tells her- why don’t you have him tie you up to a tree and bleep you.

5/10 Date with Mimi. Phone sex tape allegedly recorded, Travis very sleepy during call (at night…when did his date with Mimi end? )

5/13 TA journal: Mimi was cordial, Lisa ignored me (at FHE). Met (a woman online). I am very intrigued.” Really, how can I not be? It’s better to trust too much than not enough. So the plot thickens as I run the blind race to the altar.”

5/15 Mimi tells Travis she just wants to be friends. Mentions to him when asked that she didn’t receive an email he sent her.

5/15 TA journal: writes of Mimi telling him let’s be friends.” Darn it. Darn it. What can a brother do?” I did the best I could….but nerves were my enemy. “Anyhow I am bummed but at least I can move on. “Unproductive week. Too much website obsession.”

5/16 JA sends TA the twisted “I just wanted to be recognized as your girlfriend” email

5/17 TA posts on his blog “Why I want to Marry a Golddigger.”

5/20 Travis journal entry: Thinking of Lisa. I miss her. I still love her. Mimi (took my mind off things) but it didn’t change my feelings about Lisa. “I thought by now I’d be over them, but I’m not.”

5/21 Travis journal entry: Freaking out right now. I’m calling Lisa in about 10 minutes. I doubt she’ll answer but that’s ok, I just hope we get to talk.

5/22 Travis journal entry:” Lisa has not called back. I am broken up. I made some big mistakes and I am paying for them now. I guess we are all our own worst enemies. It’s rough.”

5/22 JA writes in her journal (almost certainly after the murder) that she’s happy because she just got her new phone. (not positive this is correct date. Does anyone know when she reported Helio “stolen?”

5/23 Travis journal entry: No Lisa. I will call her. It’s gonna happen. Besides that yesterday was kinda lame. I’ve made a mistake as I often do and no doubt I’ll do it again. I can’t come to terms for the decisions I’ve made (that led to) the loss of my closest friend.

Long poem in entry ends with…”so let me tell you my friend this life has an end, and tomorrow is a day closer to that time.”

5/24 (From 5/29 TA Journal entry): Travis meets “cutie-pie” Brooke Rogers at UTC.

5/25 (From 5/29 TA journal entry): Travis sees Brooke at church, Brooke friends him on FB , they start sending each other FB “email flirts”

5/26 Extended text fight

5/27 Pop-up on Travis’ HD warning of attack attempt, Internet Explorer stops working, Travis installs Spybot
Last of chronology:

5/10 GChat fight about Steve Carroll. JA “accidentally” sends Travis a copy of an email to Steve Carroll (not sure if he was even a real person). In it JA tells Steve her ex-boyfriend has her passwords. Travis once again calls her out, tells her she’s paranoid about privacv because she’s the one who is constantly invading his. Tells her- why don’t you have him tie you up to a tree and bleep you.5/10 Date with Mimi. Phone sex tape allegedly recorded, Travis very sleepy during call (at night…when did his date with Mimi end? )

5/13 TA journal: Mimi was cordial, Lisa ignored me (at FHE). Met (a woman online). I am very intrigued.” Really, how can I not be? It’s better to trust too much than not enough. So the plot thickens as I run the blind race to the altar.”

5/15 Mimi tells Travis she just wants to be friends. Mentions to him when asked that she didn’t receive an email he sent her.

5/15 TA journal: writes of Mimi telling him let’s be friends.” Darn it. Darn it. What can a brother do?” I did the best I could….but nerves were my enemy. “Anyhow I am bummed but at least I can move on. “Unproductive week. Too much website obsession.”

5/16 JA sends TA the twisted “I just wanted to be recognized as your girlfriend” email

5/17 TA posts on his blog “Why I want to Marry a Golddigger.”

5/20 Travis journal entry: Thinking of Lisa. I miss her. I still love her. Mimi (took my mind off things) but it didn’t change my feelings about Lisa. “I thought by now I’d be over them, but I’m not.”

5/21 Travis journal entry: Freaking out right now. I’m calling Lisa in about 10 minutes. I doubt she’ll answer but that’s ok, I just hope we get to talk.

5/22 Travis journal entry:” Lisa has not called back. I am broken up. I made some big mistakes and I am paying for them now. I guess we are all our own worst enemies. It’s rough.”

5/22 JA writes in her journal (almost certainly after the murder) that she’s happy because she just got her new phone. (not positive this is correct date. Does anyone know when she reported Helio “stolen?”

5/23 Travis journal entry: No Lisa. I will call her. It’s gonna happen. Besides that yesterday was kinda lame. I’ve made a mistake as I often do and no doubt I’ll do it again. I can’t come to terms for the decisions I’ve made (that led to) the loss of my closest friend.

Long poem in entry ends with…”so let me tell you my friend this life has an end, and tomorrow is a day closer to that time.”

5/24 (From 5/29 TA Journal entry): Travis meets “cutie-pie” Brooke Rogers at UTC.

5/25 (From 5/29 TA journal entry): Travis sees Brooke at church, Brooke friends him on FB , they start sending each other FB “email flirts”

5/26 Extended text fight

5/27 Pop-up on Travis’ HD warning of attack attempt, Internet Explorer stops working, Travis installs Spybot

BBM Sure makes it sound as if the tree fantasy was hers.
I've thought long and hard about what JA did to make Travis so angry on May 26. After putting all this together, I've reached my own conclusion, but know we'll never know, especially since we're missing so much info, and because of her hacking, we don't even know who wrote what and when.

I think she knew by early March that nothing she could do or say would ever convince Travis to marry her. She was broke, stranded in Mesa, now facing an increasingly alienated Travis unwilling and unable to help her financially. She was humiliated and she was furious.

The next to last straw for both happened on April 7, when Travis confronted her about making up a friend who knew details about his life, and when he threatened to expose her craziness to all the people she wanted most to respect her. He'd had it with her intrusions. She felt extremely threatened at the possibility Travis would expose her, ruining her precious reputation and more importantly, her chance of landing her next meal ticket, Ryan Burns.

She took that long detour to Gus on her way back to Yreka because she wanted a phone with recording capability. I don't believe her first thought was to use a sex tape to scare off GF's, I think she wanted to have a big something to hold over his head. As in, tell those folks I'm crazy and I'll play this recording so everyone knows who YOU are. Including your Bishop. You'll never find a good Mormon wife after that exposure.

I think the fake texts and Myspace posts and emails were all planted to make her lie about still being Travis' dirty little secret more believable, as context for the blackmail sex tape call she was setting up, as well as out of less patient spite, and to ruin his GF chances.

May 26.......
This information is very interesting - thanks for posting!

Even though it is a bit jumbled up, these texts/chats/etc paint a very clear picture of Jodi's pathology. Travis was on to her and by May 2008, she realized she had finally crossed the line one too many times with him. She knew that if he told everyone all these details, she would be completely exposed for the sociopath she is AND she would lose this target-rich environment to find new men. She would be banished back to Yreka to live with her grandparents, alone.

I think the root of her rage toward him was the threat of being exposed. I think being rejected by him was secondary. Because if he simply rejected her, she could potentially still have the Mormon social network to find a new man. But if he exposed her, she would lose that network, and that Mormon social network was her lifeline to escaping her life of financial struggle, lack of status, etc.
I wonder if there was a real Steve carrel. There is an actor by that name.....
What "crap" do you think he took care of for Jodi that day?

If that's the day she picked up the UHaul, April 18th, might he be referring to lending her the BMW, travel money and time loading her 'stuff'?

As an aside, this heavy sarcasm shows me she was never afraid of him, physically or emotionally:

4/8 Text, TA to JA:

TA: 6:27 Thanks a lot for having me sign that drawing in ink and then deciding you were going to leave it. If its not one thing, its another. Always drama.
JA: 6:43 Hmm. Doesn’t sound like it’s me being dramatic dear. Call me ASAP.

Thanks so much for compiling all this, Hope. I so appreciate it.
Hope, this may have been asked and answered. Will all of these text messages go to the jury for deliberations? I hope they read every one of them and that they aren't already so exhausted that they vote without reading them. I want them to have all the information.
If she went back and forth erasing emails, text messages, journal entries and such, and then doctoring the last month of her own journals, we really don't know how long she was in the planning stages of murdering Travis. I fear it was long before April of 2008. Maybe she decided early on (2007?)
I'm wondering if it had to do with the car being destroyed by uhaul.....
Do you mean the reason for the murder? Then that would have made the reason financial. I doubt she murdered him because she could not repay him. I believe he was threatening to expose her. And I do believe a big part of the murder was her obsession with him.

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