Trial Analysis

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DNA Solves
You just know that GA and CA must HATE Baez - they probably think he's brainwashed their daughter to say all the horrible things she has about them.

I'm sure GA and CA feel betrayed. For three years they've been under the impression they were working with Casey's attorney for a common goal. But it would appear that he was only using them and planned on making accusations against them.

If the state had not forewarned the Anthony's attorney, GA and CA might have found themselves being ambushed in that courtroom during opening statements.
I agree she will not get the DP. LWOP will allow her to continue to be the victim as she sees herself, much like Diane Downs, who has played the victim for 25+ yrs now. Her parents & brother will visit her and she'll cry about how everyone was out to get her and that will be the theme song for however many years.
Fine by me. And if her parents are right there by her crying their song, so be it. She's ruined her family's life with their permission. So be it.

I agree. I'm not for the death penalty. I want to watch her grow old and weary of all she has committed. I want to see her lose her youth and what she thinks is her "beauty" all behind bars. That's so much better than putting her out of her misery with death.

One of the reasons I feel this jury won't impose the death penalty is because this case is unique in that the grandparents, George and Cindy, have lost their granddaughter and as such are victims. But, with their daughter being the defendant, they would be victims twice if the jury opted for the death penalty. I think the jury is sympathetic towards Cindy after seeing her fall apart on the witness stand, and they won't add to her pain by giving her daughter the death penalty.
The Defence already revealed their implication in their OS. They stated that LA's DNA was taken to determine paternity; and blatantly left out any information about GA's possible paternity. They are also the only ones who have thus far brought up the fact that Caylee's father remains unknown. As such, they're implying that perhaps KC did not know who the father was; and that the father could have been a non-family member or a family member.


I noticed that JB was the one who asked CA about the paternity of Caylee, establishing that the father is unknown. So it's left hanging out there as far as the jury is concerned.
love how Casey told the detectives that ZFG used to tell her what a good kid Caylee was, " and how well she was raised. Actually all my friends used to say that."
And she tells them she used to call Zanny often to check on Caylee. What a headcase. I am actually surprised the psychologists did not find she was batzhitt Krazy.
I don't know why they'd have any reason to call Cindy's brother Rick. He was just mean to Cindy at his own wedding and was really nationally tv mean to her after Caylee went missing. Are the thefts from Shirley going to be able to mention during the trial? That's the only reason she would be called. Jesse may be called by Baez to confirm what Casey told him about Lee, but then they open up all the other lies about paternity, the fake babysitting, wanting to go party at the end, and accusing him of loving Caylee more that her (jealousy). Baez already got Tony to testify that Casey told him about Lee, so that may be it. Any person who is called will be able to make Casey look bad, because she mistreated, lied to, and used every person in her life.
What about RK and the deputies that were at the site, and Dr. G.
I wouldn't put it past JB to try to accomplish what you mentioned-but I think both CA and GA will be prepared for Baez and, as previous posters mentioned, I think the jurors have already had enough of Baez's antics.

I agree with you. JB already tried this with George, but George stayed strong and did not buckle under the pressure. Praying if either one is called back on the stand they have continued strength to withstand JB's tactics and that they remain calm.
I agree. I'm not for the death penalty. I want to watch her grow old and weary of all she has committed. I want to see her lose her youth and what she thinks is her "beauty" all behind bars. That's so much better than putting her out of her misery with death.
The problem is I don't think she is miserable. jmo
I agree with you. JB already tried this with George, but George stayed strong and did not buckle under the pressure. Praying if either one is called back on the stand they have continued strength to withstand JB's tactics and that they remain calm.

The Anthony's attorney, Mark Lippman, has obviously prepared them well for this trial. It was fortunate that the state let him know what the defense was planning so he could prepare his clients. Otherwise George and Cindy would have been in that courtroom on the day of opening statements and would have been reeling from the shock of what JB was saying.
The problem is I don't think she is miserable. jmo

I agree. I think she loves all this attention. It doesn't matter if it's negative....she just thrives on attention. I feel she enjoys seeing her parents in pain and suffering.
I'm not sure where to post this, but "Trial Analysis" sounds like it might be the right thread.

I thought this was an interesting moment, during JB's cross of Ms Lowe. Actually (to use ICA's over-used word) it was pointed out by our astute member, fifteen89, on yesterday's morning live trial thread. (Kudos to fifteen89!)

You can hear and watch on the video linked below, at about 4:15 minutes in, where JB asks Ms Lowe the question, "The child was still missing at that time, was she not?"

But, but, but, but ..... in his Opening Statement, on 5/24, JB stated:

"How in the world can a mother wait 30 days to report a child missing? It's insane. Something's just not right about that. The answer is relatively simple. She never was missing. Caylee Anthony died on June 16, 2008, when she drowned in her family's swimming pool."

Quote source:

Soooo :waitasec: JB! Which is it? :waitasec:
I agree. I think she loves all this attention. It doesn't matter if it's negative....she just thrives on attention. I feel she enjoys seeing her parents in pain and suffering.

Unfortunately, I entirely agree w/ you.
JB's BS opening statement may well have accomplished what it set out to. It made my brain go "tilt" -- I knew it was BS -- and now when I listen to the trial testimony, the State's case has my decidedly divided attention. My concentration has been diluted with swill. I can't help comparing what is being said during testimony to the absurdity of what JB said. Doesn't matter that I don't believe JB (I've been following this case since day 31 - ICA alone is guilty). What matters is, it put my head in a spin. I can't imagine how it must be for these poor jurors. If confusion was the aim, he achieved it IMO. :banghead:
I agree that dumping on Cindy could backfire big time . The jury is only human and alot of the jurors are in that same age group and the younger ones have moms that age .
Plus if they don't know the case and know hardly anything about the A's then she is VERY sympathetic .
I think she is in mourning now for real after hearing her daughters 'accident' theory .
One of the reasons I feel this jury won't impose the death penalty is because this case is unique in that the grandparents, George and Cindy, have lost their granddaughter and as such are victims. But, with their daughter being the defendant, they would be victims twice if the jury opted for the death penalty. I think the jury is sympathetic towards Cindy after seeing her fall apart on the witness stand, and they won't add to her pain by giving her daughter the death penalty.
That had no effect in Scott Peterson's case- his parents Lee and Jackie also lost a grandson, he still got the Death Penalty.
For those who don't think ICA will get the DP consider this.....It's a majority vote by the jury for recommendation,not unanimous.It only takes 7 of the 12 jurors to vote for the DP.

Also consider Judge Belvin Perry's history and experience as a Prosecutor.

Judias Buenoano was convicted in 1985 of poisoning her husband with arsenic and received the DP.
Belvin Perry prosecuted the case and even witnessed her execution (the electric chair! ).
As the judge in the Casey Anthony case he makes the final decision.

Buenoano was also sentenced to LWOP for drowning her paralyzed son in 1980.

I think there is a good chance ICA will get the DP. Judge Perry really knows his law.

Link to some info on Buenoano.
Newbie here.
I strongly believe that ICA enjoys seeing others suffer, especially her parents, the moment that proved it for me was during a jailhouse visit with GA and CA where her mother tells her that "dad lost his temper with the media" ICA's reaction was to laugh, the expected reaction should have been one of concern or empathy.

The jury is watching her reactions vs those of her parents and other concerned citizens that searched in vain for her child, her partying it up while her child was dead, this coupled with the evidence will do her in.

The jury may go for life, but I suspect that the DP will be the punishment.
Newbie here.
I strongly believe that ICA enjoys seeing others suffer, especially her parents, the moment that proved it for me was during a jailhouse visit with GA and CA where her mother tells her that "dad lost his temper with the media" ICA's reaction was to laugh, the expected reaction should have been one of concern or empathy.

The jury is watching her reactions vs those of her parents and other concerned citizens that searched in vain for her child, her partying it up while her child was dead, this coupled with the evidence will do her in.

The jury may go for life, but I suspect that the DP will be the punishment.
Welcome to WS, Great first post!:clap::clap::clap::wagon:

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