Trial Analysis

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I am absolutely cringing in anticipation for when the defense team takes their turn. I can barely watch most of the cross . . . must mute Baez and peer in horror through my fingers as Cheney Mason speaks with the voice of a certain cartoon rooster. I wonder if it will be like staring helplessly at an airplane crash or stumbling upon very graphic photos on the internet? I don't want that stuff seared into my brain, but here I go anyway.
I personally think that the tattoo guy will be the state's last witness to bring in the beautiful life. This is how LDB finished her opening statement by saying she wanted to live the beautiful life. So I think that is who they will call last.
Yes, the defense can spin it and say it was a memorial to Caylee, but again, with her behavior over the 31 days combined with this tattoo, I think there is not one person who first heard the news of the tattoo that thought.. oh that is a memorial to her daughter. We all thought she was excited about her her new life. IMHO, the jury will too. They already do not have a very favorable opinion of her. They will not go to the best case scenario.

The only way out of this is to put Casey on the stand to say it was a memorial. Otherwise it is extremely damning evidence that Casey wanted to get rid of her daughter.
The only way out of this is to put Casey on the stand to say it was a memorial. Otherwise it is extremely damning evidence that Casey wanted to get rid of her daughter.

I honestly dont think they will put ICA on the stand but even if they did IMO the jury isnt gonna buy it. Not to mention putting ICA on the stand where the state can tear her up and spit her out makes me believe the DT wont go there.
Hi Sheri, welcome aboard! My understanding is that the defense will be calling the tattoo artist, and for precisely the reasons you list. The cross by the state should be interesting.

Quite a few people have said that KC seemed to be a good mother. I don't think I've heard anyone say otherwise. I'm sure KC was very careful to act like a good mother in front of other people--I think it was a point of pride to her. In the twisted world of KC-think, that in no way precluded her from getting rid of Caylee when having her around got in the way of what KC so wanted to do: move in with TonE and get away from Cindy for good (while still punishing CA by denying her access to the granddaughter she so obviously loved).

Yeah but we kind of did hear people say otherwise. Some of the same people who said she was a 'good mother' also said she brought her child to parties, left her child alone on an apartment balcony while she was back in another room with her boyfriend, and allowed her little girl to sleep in bed with ICA's lover. I think her friends didn't have much of a frame of reference for what a good mother in ICA's circumstances might look like, and ICA's family wanted desperately to see a good mother in her (at times). Even still, CA reportedly said that she'd take Caylee away from KC, or that KC wasn't being a good mother because of the partying, etc.

FWIW, I was also a very young unmarried mother, and at least in my experience my friends just didn't "get" that I could no longer be the person I was before, socially. They understood I had a baby, they understood the baby required a lot of care and was in theory a 'life changer', but those two things didn't add up in their heads to a realistic view of what was appropriate or not in my life. So they would still ask me if they could have the annual "cherry bomb" party at my house, or if some particularly sleazy couple could crash on my couch, or if I could take off for a 3 day party boat cruise with them. When I would say no to these things they were annoyed, completely not thinking (because they didn't have to) about life from a parenting perspective.

So I think about that when I listen to ICA's friends say she was a good mother, but then also freely volunteer things she did with Caylee that pretty much anyone would agree is bad parenting. And I get why that is, since I saw my own friends sorta understand (but completely not understand) what parenting entailed.
The defense seem to be pursuing an all or nothing stance -- going for broke! They already have a tough challenge with the OS which was put together so that ICA has no responsibility or accountability. They are fighting hard to keep evidence of a body in the trunk out when there is so much evidence and testimony. They are struggling to mitigate the duct tape.

The house of cards is going to come crashing down. Common sense has to prevail because there are too many holes in the reservoir dam and not enough fingers to plug them.

If ICA accepted some responsibility in the accident scenario then the Defense could concede the trunk, they could also concede the duct tape as an admission of cover-up due to panic and fear of parents. ICA could get away with murder if she conceded some responsibility, some role, fell on a sword.

To go for broke as one card falls so does the credibility of the Defense and the whole theory so you go from a possible accident to homicide and even premeditated. Why go there? If you cannot go for a plea deal admit to certain aspects that take away from the States case, get the duct tape, trunk, etc out of the equation and leave it as proof ... Was it accident or murder?
I am absolutely cringing in anticipation for when the defense team takes their turn. I can barely watch most of the cross . . . must mute Baez and peer in horror through my fingers as Cheney Mason speaks with the voice of a certain cartoon rooster. I wonder if it will be like staring helplessly at an airplane crash or stumbling upon very graphic photos on the internet? I don't want that stuff seared into my brain, but here I go anyway.

Everything the defense does is cringe worthy, I for one am anticipating every mortifyingly embarrassing moment with heartfelt satisfaction.

I am awaiting the defense implosion......patiently.
I am absolutely cringing in anticipation for when the defense team takes their turn. I can barely watch most of the cross.

I feel precisely the same way. So far in the case, I've evaluated the arguments, evaluated ICA's body language, evaluated the presentation methods of the State.

Once the Defense is allowed to present their case, I'm afraid all evaluation may go out the window. As things stand now, my opinion of the Defense team in general is poor; my opinion of their arguments up until this moment is also poor. They just haven't (IMO) done this in a logical or professional manner at all. Add in the preposterous theory from the opening statement, and I'm sorry. I just won't be able to analyse this unemotionally. I've found myself more frustrated with each passing day. I can only imagine what it'll be like once it's JB's turn to shine.

Holy cats.
The only way out of this is to put Casey on the stand to say it was a memorial. Otherwise it is extremely damning evidence that Casey wanted to get rid of her daughter.

I wish I believed that were true. Baez can easily ask the question that will give the jury the opinion it was done as a memorial tribute. ICA will not have to testify and the jury will get the message. Of course it will be objected to but will be too late.

Just my opinion.
Does anyone know if Casey's diary will be allowed in evidence? I am thinking in particular of her entry several days after Caylee's "disappearance":

"I have no regrets, just a bit worried. I completely trust my own judgment I know that I made the right decision. I just hope that the end justifies the means.... This is the happiest that I have been in a very long time."
I am absolutely cringing in anticipation for when the defense team takes their turn. I can barely watch most of the cross . . . must mute Baez and peer in horror through my fingers as Cheney Mason speaks with the voice of a certain cartoon rooster. I wonder if it will be like staring helplessly at an airplane crash or stumbling upon very graphic photos on the internet? I don't want that stuff seared into my brain, but here I go anyway.

Petey, at klast! I know I am not alone....I too mute Baez and turn on closed captioning. :great: It works so well.

Cartoon Rooster?!!! :floorlaugh: oh my gosh he does............:floorlaugh:
la_cavalière;6664588 said:
Does anyone know if Casey's diary will be allowed in evidence? I am thinking in particular of her entry several days after Caylee's "disappearance":

"I have no regrets, just a bit worried. I completely trust my own judgment I know that I made the right decision. I just hope that the end justifies the means.... This is the happiest that I have been in a very long time."

Was it ever established with certainty when the entries were made? IIRC, there was some discussion on HLN last week that it hadn't been.

Was it ever established with certainty when the entries were made? IIRC, there was some discussion on HLN last week that it hadn't been.

IIRC, it was established that it was produced in 2004, so couldn't have been written in 2003- had to have been backdated...
Yeah but we kind of did hear people say otherwise. Some of the same people who said she was a 'good mother' also said she brought her child to parties, left her child alone on an apartment balcony while she was back in another room with her boyfriend, and allowed her little girl to sleep in bed with ICA's lover. I think her friends didn't have much of a frame of reference for what a good mother in ICA's circumstances might look like, and ICA's family wanted desperately to see a good mother in her (at times). Even still, CA reportedly said that she'd take Caylee away from KC, or that KC wasn't being a good mother because of the partying, etc.

I agree. I would venture to guess that the only reason Caylee came complete with backpack, snacks, videos is because CINDY packed her stuff in advance. In essence, Casey acted in more of a "big sister"-role...bringing the "snothead" places when she HAD TO. Oh how pissed she must have been when Cindy said NO to the Puerto Rico trip!!

We already know there was resentment towards Cindy for always wanting to be in control... and when Caylee probably started talking more and Casey couldn't control the situation any longer, she had to kill her...Caylee finally became more of a thorn in Casey's life than she was worth.

love how Casey told the detectives that ZFG used to tell her what a good kid Caylee was, " and how well she was raised. Actually all my friends used to say that."
And she tells them she used to call Zanny often to check on Caylee. What a headcase. I am actually surprised the psychologists did not find she was batzhitt Krazy.
I'm sure the psychologists did give Casey a mental health disorder diagnosis. What they didn't do is diagnose her as" insane." Which means if she is found to be guilty she, by law will be held accountable for her own behavior. She clearly has the ability to distinquish between right and wrong and thus is not insane, just mentally disturbed.

I think if she was to be diagnosed using the new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) available May 2013 she would most likely be diagnosed as: Antisocial/Psychopatic Type. This diagnosis will include the following explanation:

Individuals who resemble this personality disorder type seek power over others and will manipulate, exploit, deceive, con, or otherwise take advantage, in order to inflict harm or to achieve their goals. An arrogant, self-centered, and entitled attitude is pervasive, along with callousness and little empathy for others’ needs or feelings. Rights, property, or safety of others is disregarded, with little or no remorse or guilt if others are harmed. Emotional expression is mostly limited to irritability, anger, and hostility; acknowledgement and articulation of other emotions, such as love or anxiety, are rare. There is little insight into motivations and an impaired ability to consider alternative interpretations of experience.

Temperamental aggression and a high threshold for pleasurable excitement are typically associated with this type, linked to reckless sensation-seeking behaviors, impulsivity without regard for consequences, and a sense of invulnerability. Unlawful or unethical behavior is often pursued, including substance abuse and physical violence. Aggressive or sadistic acts are common in pursuit of personal agendas, and sometimes pleasure or satisfaction is derived from humiliating, demeaning, dominating, or hurting others. Superficial charm and ingratiation may be employed to achieve certain ends, and there is disregard for conventional moral principles. General irresponsibility about work obligations or financial commitments is commonly present, as well as problems with authority figures.

I think this is an apt diagnosis for Casey. Just my humble opinion.
The problem is I don't think she is miserable. jmo
Yeah, I think you are correct, Casey seems to roll with the punches when she has little control over the outcome. She finds her "life meaning" in her "here and now" and works towards contolling the best outcome for herself with little regard to anyone else. I'm baffled by the workings of such minds. I understand the how and why people become psychopaths (my humble opinion). Mental illness is a nasty aspect of reality and undiagnoised mental illness has been linked to criminal behavior. We as a society really need a better method of diagnosing and treating this type of disorder. Maybe Casey will be instrumental in providing the psychiatric world with a broader understanding.
Isn't it a shame that Caylee never got to know her Daddy or his parents...*sigh*

Unfortunately, Caylee's "Daddy" is either a despicable, irresponsible, heartless coward, or else he suffers from alcoholic/drug-induced blackouts and has no recollection of meeting or sleeping with Casey Anthony. I say that because there is no way he hasn't seen Casey's pictures and learned of missing Caylee in the last three years. His silence speaks volumes about him, and it's all bad.

Caylee was probably much better off without him around her, but if his parents were good people, they might have made a big difference in her life, and even changed the tragic outcome of it. If they visited Caylee often, or if they forced their son to excercise his parental rights and responsibilities, they'd have soon caught on to Casey's evasions, or caught her lying, or stealing, and they wouldn't have just "gone with the flow" like George and Cindy.

That's all fantasy, of course, but hey, I can dream, can't I? :innocent:

I just realized we've gone off topic, so to try to connect this/us to the actual topic: I wonder if any of the jurors who are grandparents, and who saw Cindy weeping, will eventually set some of their sympathy aside and start wondering the same thing--where are the father's parents and why were they never located and told they have a granddaughter.

I also wonder if JB is going to lambast CA for being so willing, and even "eager to keep the father out of the picture and have Caylee all to herself."
The prosecution should be doing the better job at this stage of the trial. I think Jose did a decent job with Dr. Vass. He showed how Dr. Vass is into experimental use with divine rods to find buried bodies. Even though that is a hobby of his it still could lead to some doubt with his other techniques for decomposition are experimental as well.

I agree, and I know that I am of the minority here, but I think JB did a decent job on Dr. Vass and also with the FBI chemist. I was not impressed with the testimony of Dr. Vass, I was expecting more. I don't think the prosecution is proving their case beyond a reasonable doubt. I have followed this case from the beginning,watching all of the news shows and lurking on this site. I do think she is guilty, but when I objectively look at the case as presented by the SA, I don't think they have proven it enough yet for the jury. I think if I was sitting on the Jury and only used the evidence presented in trial so far, I would have to find her not guilty. I would think it is a strange and bizarre case and probably a homicide, but I would need more evidence to even send someone away for life. (I also have a paralegal background, and I know experts are bought - it is done all the time unfortunately - you only use the experts that will support your case- they are in my opinion almost always biased -
so maybe I am not putting enough emphasis on the expert testimony in my decision). Can't wait to see what they have this week.
Unfortunately, Caylee's "Daddy" is either a despicable, irresponsible, heartless coward, or else he suffers from alcoholic/drug-induced blackouts and has no recollection of meeting or sleeping with Casey Anthony. I say that because there is no way he hasn't seen Casey's pictures and learned of missing Caylee in the last three years. His silence speaks volumes about him, and it's all bad.

Caylee was probably much better off without him around her, but if his parents were good people, they might have made a big difference in her life, and even changed the tragic outcome of it. If they visited Caylee often, or if they forced their son to excercise his parental rights and responsibilities, they'd have soon caught on to Casey's evasions, or caught her lying, or stealing, and they wouldn't have just "gone with the flow" like George and Cindy.

That's all fantasy, of course, but hey, I can dream, can't I? :innocent:

I love your picture of Hawk. My Dad's last dog was a Doberman. She was a great dog.

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