Trial break: The State vs Jodi Arias; trial resumes 4 February 2013

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Personally, I don't think it has to do with body building/working out.

I think more likely it is signifying his (re)commitment to chastity, per this explanation:

My apologies to those who have seen me repeat this, I just know it comes up again and not everyone is able to keep up with reading all pages, since these threads move so fast.

I brought this same article up eons ago, and was also ignored. Maybe you and I are the only ones who think this "new age" explanation fits right into JA's character. I think it to be a strong possibility.
Had a thought about why JA put TA in the shower when she could have left him where he died. I wondered if water had a symbolic meaning for her. I seem to recall posters describing the Mormon baptismal ritual where they are "dunked" in water, washing away sins (?). Could she possibly have thought SHE was absolving him of SIN? Horrifying thought.
I brought this same article up eons ago, and was also ignored. Maybe you and I are the only ones who think this "new age" explanation fits right into JA's character. I think it to be a strong possibility.

Thanks guys for posting this again. I did notice that a short piece of tape (about 3 inches) is used. I think the tape on TA's arm and the tape found in the laundry room are much longer than that. Just MOO, of course.

I'm not sold on either explanation that we've come up with.
Personally, I don't think it has to do with body building/working out.

I think more likely it is signifying his (re)commitment to chastity, per this explanation:

My apologies to those who have seen me repeat this, I just know it comes up again and not everyone is able to keep up with reading all pages, since these threads move so fast.

I'm glad you posted this again. Thanks. I believe this is why he had duct tape on his arm, and it also adds to the theory that he didn't want to have sex and may not have actually had sex with the murderer that day. I think she was trying to take compromising pictures of Travis and planted the KY. There are no pictures of them having sex.
Nurmi did not want to defend her. How can you? Of course he is thinking slowly. What in the heck could anyone come up with. It's like a fifth grade basketball team playing an NBA. What can possibly be done?

That is why I say that this should be ended. There is nothing to be gained but more pain and misery for the innocent survivors of this slaughter

I'm referring to style. They have read interrogatories, deposed and researched these witnesses. I would expect an attorney to plan his strategy and tactic for each witness and be prepared. Anticipate: what do you want to ask; what will the other side ask; and how will you rebut? In other words, prepare and have rhythm and flow. Sure, you have to figure out some unexpected things along the way. But these guys are formulating thoughts on the spot. It doesn't feel like they prepped as well as Juan did.

Anyway, jmo, I find it frustrating to listen to the defense. It's like the HLN talking heads said: "for some attorneys, the jurors perk up and pay attention, and for others, they think "oh, not this guy again..."
Had a thought about why JA put TA in the shower when she could have left him where he died. I wondered if water had a symbolic meaning for her. I seem to recall posters describing the Mormon baptismal ritual where they are "dunked" in water, washing away sins (?). Could she possibly have thought SHE was absolving him of SIN? Horrifying thought.

She was washing her DNA from his body.
I don't know her mom at all but I have noticed this too and wondered the same. My goodness as a mother I would be horrified in so many ways I can't count them on both hands! I have wondered if the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree! But like I said, I don't know her mom at all.

Do they allow JA to be on some sort of tranqs?

Mother must be on some kind of drugs as well, don't you think?

Otherwise, there is no explanation except about the apple and the tree
No worries. There was no third party, I was listening to one on one convos he had previously taped to determine which ones we needed since nothing was labeled. My apologies if I wasn't clear enough ;)

Wow, you must have had some pretty nice $ for all those hours!

Hmm, call me for some work at home opp if you ever need help!
I brought this same article up eons ago, and was also ignored. Maybe you and I are the only ones who think this "new age" explanation fits right into JA's character. I think it to be a strong possibility.

At least we finally found each other! :seeya:

I knew I had seen someone else with a similar theory and I could not remember who the poster was.

I am kind of surprised that it was not discussed in any of the LE interviews, or in the trial.

In a way, I can see how this could be an element of motive, if TA said I am not going to have sex with you anymore, Jodi, that might be the final straw for her.

But then you have to explain the naked pictures, where Travis is obviously naked with Jodi around. So even if he did say something to this effect, he apparently changed his mind and maybe decided 'oh, this one last time'.

And, it appears he removed it before his shower, as his shower does not seem coerced and it is by now removed and apparently crumpled on the floor.

So if he changed his mind about being chaste, that is kind of anti-motive.

I also think a big element of motive was him travelling with another woman. And, just MOO, he had been putting her off, trying to cut all ties with her in the weeks leading up to the murder.
I'm glad you posted this again. Thanks. I believe this is why he had duct tape on his arm, and it also adds to the theory that he didn't want to have sex and may not have actually had sex with the murderer that day. I think she was trying to take compromising pictures of Travis and planted the KY. There are no pictures of them having sex.

I'm going more with this theory too. The timing of him having the duct tape on his arm doesn't coincide with him working out. In the picture it looks like he was just waking up or just after sex. Imo
****commercial break****

Just woke up from a dream where Billy Crystal showed up and asked how he knew me to which I replied "I was in Harry Met Sally with you". To which he replied "you lost 20 pounds? You're pretty fat now so you really got big!".

Greetings from Feverlandia. I really really really need to get better today as I'm 2 hours from home and want to be in court all day tomorrow . And I may as well go-ahead and tell you I was approached by a producer from Dr. drew who asked me to be a guest on the show tomorrow to talk about victim family / court watching issues. I gotta get better.

And one final note, don't you think Lifetime Movie Network was created for people who are stuck in bed all day? Wassup with that?
I have never known a man in 48 years that can hide the fact he is controlling or abusive in a relationship. That is his make up, his personality, his flawed character.

Whether it be a work associate, a client, a friends husband or significant other. Spend 1 our with him alone or in a group and that personality comes out.

I would really challenge anyone that says that "kind" of personality and behavior can easily be hidden from the entire outside world, and only comes out when alone with a woman.

To that I would say, you are not a good judge of character, or you are young and don't have experience with people and men. Not a criticism, but I am always open to being told that maybe I just did not see it. But everyone not see it? No way

Maybe you are super-intuitive, but I absolutely disagree. Abuse is amazingly secretive. Both the abusers and abused parties go to great lengths to hide it from others. It's part of the process of manipulation, control, isolation and shame. Maybe not always, but usually. IMO.
No need to do any tests or recover the car. She killed him, she rented the car, any blood would belong to Travis or her.

What would be the point?

plus it was so many weeks b4 they could locate the car it would be impossible to collect any evidence - anything they would even find would be tainted
I'm glad you posted this again. Thanks. I believe this is why he had duct tape on his arm, and it also adds to the theory that he didn't want to have sex and may not have actually had sex with the murderer that day. I think she was trying to take compromising pictures of Travis and planted the KY. There are no pictures of them having sex.

Hi blahblahblah! (love AD!)

I missed your post when replying to Justice, so looks like there are three of us now.

It does seem possible they did not actually have sex, but just seems so weird he would get naked with her if they were not going to have sex; and let her take a picture. He is doing that hand signal (I am old, don't know what it means, would have been 'peace' in my generation) to the camera. So it doesn't seem like the picture is being taken surreptitiously.

I don't know, I wish I could piece it together . . .

I do also think she was gathering blackmail material and threatening to expose him to this fellow LDS and PPL colleagues and friends.

Maybe this was the time he just said, go ahead and do what you are threatening, I am no longer going to deal with you and will just take whatever comes. And maybe when she really felt she had no more power over him, she realized her only option (in her mind) was to kill him.

All MOO.
Sorry but i enjoyed reading your post. :) Just had to tell you :)
I never had kids...only cats..well im 27 so i have time but one thing that i know...well i might share some infos here but... after that i got my tumor removed...i coped with...ahhh booze...and ended up getting mom REFUSED to bail me out, refused to have me back home...and we are not talking about a murder here...a stupid : drunk in public and giving the finger to the cops...

I hope.. that if i do get kids that none of them will end up in jail for life or in trial for something like this...CLEARLY....Hell my mom would never attend the trial..i know that for a fact...Ok we all freaked out and did some stupid things; jealousy...eating ice cream all night and crying over an ex....but i dont see how her mom can be there all the time and laugh...Your blood ....your own daughter did something so bad and you can still laugh....

please DON'T be SORRY, I am enjoying YOUR post, as well! :)

I have cats too, LOL. You DO have time, but don't wait TOO long!

My own folks have passed, so I cannot ask them what they would do. My initial sense is that they would NOT be there. Thinking about it some more, though, MAYBE they would! Yipes! THAT horrifies in itself to try to imagine!
And THAT is where the *but for the grace of...* enters in, for me, and it is just TOO horrible to imagine.

I DO AGREE with you about JA's mother's laughing being extremely repugnant to witness!

I only know that when I was 13 and my favorite person in the whole world (an older brother) was killed in a vehicular accident, the ONLY way I was ABLE to get THROUGH the next day was having my best friend,to talk to about it, on the phone, and that was because she made stupid jokes and got me to be able to laugh and cry at the same time. I was not able to share my grief with my own mother and feel understood so I avoided talking about it with her altogether at that time. I mean, EVENTUALLY, we were able to talk about it, but when the hurt was still RAW, there was something inside me that NEEDED to be able to laugh, even though what I was feeling was NOT funny, and I consider myself very blessed to have had such a close friend who was able to recognize that and to be able to give me what I needed (some stupid jokes) to cope. She is still my best friend and I am still blessed! In any event, having had that experience may be how I am able to empathize, somewhat, with that very galling behavior on the mother's part.:twocents:

Thanks for sharing, popoju. Glad your tumor was removed, hope it doesn't grow back, glad you've got the booze under control, I've been done with cigarettes for about 1.5 years, and THAT has made me FAT, but regardless of whatever bad habits we are struggling with, at least neither of us has killed anyone or had offspring kill anyone, and I for one am GRATEFUL for that. LOL. Hugs to you. And hope you and your mom ARE on good terms at this point. :)
There's a marathon of Wives with Knives on ID. It's superbowl sunday. Coincidence?
My guess is he did not die right away and got out of the shower, crawled (where that accidental photo was taken showing him bloodied) and he crawled as she followed him, he did not get far from the photos, and could have crawled back if she is standing there with her knife, he was trying to get away, all of this easily could take place in 3 or 4 minutes that it took him to die. He could easily have crawled back toward the shower not even knowing where he was crawling to, I am sure he was getting woozy and barely conscious.

Thus ending up back where they started, so she may not have dragged him far, or much at all. He could have even pulled himself up at the sink where she landed the final to the throat slice, evidenced by the extreme blood splatter.. and she just shoved him sideways one or two feet, falling into the shower into the position I see in the evidence photos... backed him up and pushed...down he goes.

(AS amazed as everyone is that she landed such a violent attack, we might be equally amazed at how long and hard he fought this, and in fact did not get dragged around much at all)

You don't need to guess that Travis didn't die right away. The blood spatter expert's testimony was very clear that Travis was on the move, on the ground, being stabbed, and bleeding.
As far as evil, I have been in this discussion before.

I believe we are created in God's image which means that we have the capacity to continue to become more loving, etc.

We have free will. Choices.

But some people have less choices. Kids who are locked in closets and starved. Kids who are sexually abused. Etc. They suffer with the scars and I just cannot figure out the justice in this,

Loving homes with stability are what we need. Those of us who have grown up that way have far less to overcome than the children who were victimized.

Unless a child has a chemical imbalance, I do not believe I have ever seen a troubled child who did not have issues in the family.

I worked with children for thirty years. Sometimes it was not real obvious until later. Perhaps a family having infidelity, but that was not discovered until later.

Or drug or alcohol abuse. Not always apparent or denial by the family. Lots of things that don't stand out like bruises but cause dysfunction in the family.

Children pick up all kinds of cues as they do not have the sophisticated language skills or the clever manipulations that adults perfect over time,

It sure would be nice to know what happened to help Jodi along the path of criminal,

She is responsible because she knows that she had to cover up her crime. But where did that convoluted thinking come from?
****commercial break****

Just woke up from a dream where Billy Crystal showed up and asked how he knew me to which I replied "I was in Harry Met Sally with you". To which he replied "you lost 20 pounds? You're pretty fat now so you really got big!".

Greetings from Feverlandia. I really really really need to get better today as I'm 2 hours from home and want to be in court all day tomorrow . And I may as well go-ahead and tell you I was approached by a producer from Dr. drew who asked me to be a guest on the show tomorrow to talk about victim family / court watching issues. I gotta get better.

And one final note, don't you think Lifetime Movie Network was created for people who are stuck in bed all day? Wassup with that?
Get better get better get better! Third times a charm!
Seriously though I hope you feel better soon. I had it too and it wipes one out! So lots of rest juices and chicken noodle soup!
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