Trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #86

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Is it just me or does Casey Anthony start to come off like an OK person in comparison to Jodi?

OMG, no way would CA ever come across as a normal person, lol. I do think it would be hilarious if CA & JA were new BFFs and we got to be the fly on the wall for some of their 'private' conversations.

Alright... the ignorance of the defense has become too much and brought me out of lurkdom.

Yes, you are EXACTLY right. Psychologists study the psyche, not the anatomy of the brain, like a neurologist. Their "psychologist" should know better, I am only getting my master's right now and I know better as does the astute laymen watching.

And if I EVER brought in a Time magazine article as a reference my professors would make me redo the assignment. This is not validated professional research, this is propaganda and hype, at best.

Furthermore, I suffered from PTSD in my late teens after seeing my boyfriend shoot/kill himself while I stood a foot away and had blood and brains all over me. NO FOG HERE. And I could remember every SINGLE minute detail for at minimum 5 years. Your adrenaline makes everything profoundly sharp and slow and the smells, feelings, and out of body experience stay with you for a lifetime. Anyone who has experienced ACTUAL trauma will tell you this.

Back in the 70's (that 1970's not 1770's) when I was undergraduate at University of Michigan, it was requirement of Psych students to take Physiology/Anatomy and Comparative Physiology. I loved that class.

Psychology is "ology" means study of
Psych is mind
But she will get an automatic appeal anyway. So let the DT use this expert for JA's appeal. Like others, I'm getting ssooooo tired of the fear of appeal card to justify poor judging.

In my opinion, that's at least partially to blame for why Casey Anthony got off.
Alright... the ignorance of the defense has become too much and brought me out of lurkdom.

Yes, you are EXACTLY right. Psychologists study the psyche, not the anatomy of the brain, like a neurologist. Their "psychologist" should know better, I am only getting my master's right now and I know better as does the astute laymen watching.

And if I EVER brought in a Time magazine article as a reference my professors would make me redo the assignment. This is not validated professional research, this is propaganda and hype, at best.

Furthermore, I suffered from PTSD in my late teens after seeing my boyfriend shoot/kill himself while I stood a foot away and had blood and brains all over me. NO FOG HERE. And I could remember every SINGLE minute detail for at minimum 5 years. Your adrenaline makes everything profoundly sharp and slow and the smells, feelings, and out of body experience stay with you for a lifetime. Anyone who has experienced ACTUAL trauma will tell you this.

Welcome and looking forward to more of your posts.:seeya:
Thank you. So is this guy a neurologist? How the heck can he be an expert as to cross sections of brains and what they show? And is he trying to say that Travis' brain shows he was abusive or something? That is truly beyond the pale. The judge just cannot let that in.

I'd also like to see the proposed exhibit list. Was the judge flustered with the defense or the state?

JM argued that a psychologist CANNOT testify about scientific brain stuff. He's not that kind of doctor.

The judge said this should have been taken care of in the pretrial Motion in Limine - no sure if that comment was directed at DT or Prosecution. Prosecution just saw the introduction of the new slide show this morning.
Dr. Samuels' CV (from his website):

Richard M. Samuels, Ph.D.
Curriculum Vitae

Licensed Psychologist, State of New Jersey, 1975, # S 101060
Licensed Psychologist, State of Arizona, 1989, # 3043
Diplomate in Forensic Psychology, ABPS, 1999
Diplomate, American College of Forensic Examiners, 1995
Diplomate, American Board of Forensic Medicine, 1996
Diplomate in Clinical Psychology, American Board of Professional Psychology, 1980
Diplomate in Sexology, American Board of Sexology, 1989
Fellow, American Psychological Association, 1986
Fellow, Academy of Clinical Psychology, 1994
Clinical Fellow, Behavior Therapy and Research Society, 1985
Clinical Fellow, American Academy of Clinical Sexology, 1990
Recognized by the National Registrar of Practicing Psychologists, 1976
Certified Sex Therapist, American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors & Therapists, 1976
Licensed Radiotelephone Engineer, 1964-present, FCC, Washington, DC
FCC Licensed Broadcast Engineer and Announcer, 1961-1966

New Jersey Medical School, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Newark, New Jersey
Post-Doctoral Fellow in Human Sexuality, 1974-1975

City University of New York
Biopsychology, Ph.D., 1973

Hofstra University
Psychology, M.A., 1967

Hofstra University
Psychology, B.A., 1965

State University at Farmingdale, New York
Electronics Technology, A.A.S. 1961

Member; Arizona Supreme Court Mental Health Providers Panel.

Court Appointed Psychologist in Bergen, Morris and Essex Counties, New Jersey;
Court Appointed Psychologist in Maricopa and Yavapai Counties, Arizona.

Expert Witness in most New Jersey Counties;
Expert Witness in New York City Supreme Court incl. Kings County, Queens, Brooklyn & Bronx Courts.
Expert Witness in Rockland, Westchester, Orange County, Nassau, and Suffolk County, New York;
Expert Witness in Maricopa, Coconino, Pima and Yavapai Counties, Arizona

Conducted numerous evaluations for plaintiffs and defendants in New Jersey, New York, and Arizona, for criminal, civil and domestic matters, evaluation and recidivism risk.

Sexually Violent Predators evaluations and testimony and Psychosexual Risk Assessments for sentencing in sexual misconduct matters in Arizona.

Experienced working with police officers statewide, conducting evaluations dealing with shooting trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder and other matters.

Specialized training in custody and visitation matters.

Extensive experience in cases dealing with medical malpractice, personal injury, negligence, criminal misconduct, sexual harassment and misconduct, job discrimination, corporate conflicts, custody and visitation determinations, divorce mediation and other domestic matters.

Over eight hundred hours of postgraduate continuing education in Forensic Psychology ~ most recent listed below)

Children, Divorce & Custody: Lawyers & Psychologists Working Together - Sponsored by the American Bar Association Section of Family Law & the American Psychological Association Los Angeles, California, 1997, 22 hours

Training Mental Health Experts in Legal Competency & Restoration in Criminal Juvenile Courts, Supreme Court, State of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 1998, 24 hours

Sexually Violent Person Commitment Evaluations, Arizona Department of Health Services, Arizona State Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona, 1998, 16 hours

Family Court Mental Health Training Seminar, Superior Court of Arizona, Domestic Relations Department, 1999, 4 hours

Family Court Mental Health Training Seminar, Superior Court of Arizona, Domestic Relations Department, 2000, 4 hours

Training Mental Health Experts in Legal Competency & Restoration in Criminal Juvenile Courts, Supreme Court, State of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 2000, 4 hours

Ethics in Psychology, Institute for the Study of human Knowledge, 2000, 17 hours,

Geriatric Congress, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2000, 13.5 hours

Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Annual Conference and Workshop, San Diego, CA, 2000, 17 hours

Family Court Mental Health Training Seminar, Superior Court of Arizona, Domestic Relations Department, 2001, 7 hours

Assessing Psychopathy, Clinical & Forensic Applications of the PCL-R, conducted by Robert D. Hare, Ph.D., Arizona School of Professional Psychology, April 5,6,7, 2001, 21 hours

Family Court Mental Health Training Seminar, Superior Court of Arizona, Domestic Relations Department, 2002, 7 hours

Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Annual Conference and Workshop, Montreal, Canada, 2002, 14 hours

Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Annual Conference and Workshop, St. Louis, MO, 2003, 14 hours

Current Trends in Assessment of Sex Offenders and Efficacy of Current Treatment Strategies, Dennis Doren, Ph.D., at AZATSA, Phoenix, AZ, 2005 .
BritsKate - and other wonderful survivors,

I am SO happy you are here with us. I am in tears right now thinking of all you have gone through. My life hasn't been easy, but it has been a breeze compared to what you have had to endure. Thank you for being here and sharing with us. A BIG hug to you all!!!
Thing is, it would hurt Jodi. Because it would support JM's thesis in the exchange yesterday when he showed Jodi the photo of Travis lying on the tiles bleeding profusely from what appeared to be his neck. It was when he was (quite successfully) attempting to demonstrate to the jury that Jodi's 1 minute 2 second timeline is absurd, that she would also have to locate a knife and cut Travis' throat in that 62 seconds. She feigned ignorance, and said that she didn't know how much blood might have emanated from the head shot.

I see what you are saying but my point was the ME explained the shot came last and part of his support for that conclusion is the lack of hemorrhaging because of Travis being already dead or very near death. The blood not pumping at all or certainly with no efficiency. My thought was do they somehow want this sentence read by the jury to support jodi's claim that the gunshot was first and there is a reason for the lack of hemorrhaging.

Actually, I think Juan could turn this into a state goldmine, but I will eat my pom pom's if this judge allows this in! JMHO as a non-verified anything!
My last job was with the residential program through the VA in Kentucky (before I became disabled). Many of the Vets had PTSD along with drug/alcohol addictions. They saw violence none of us have seen in our life time (most were Vietnam Vets). I don't remember them have the (fog stuff) as part of the symptoms of PTSD. That is part of their problem is they remember and can't forget reacting to civilian world as if the war violence is still around them NOT a "fog".

Something is wrong here.. really wrong.. Even in rape violence, homicide violence (witness), abuse (of all kinds) violence.. they terror won't leave which leads to symptoms of PTSD.

The syndrome is the mind/body stress immediate after the event and begins to go away as you heal and go with one's life. The symptoms turn into the disorder when, over time, the immediate stress of the violence continues to live in the nonviolent environment.

So I don't know where "fog" amnesia comes from. If it occurs in people it is so very rare and usually occurs from a very bad head injury.
It does lead to memory loss and unstable memory, which is actually quite common, the severity of which relies upon the severity of the PTSD. The hippocampus shrinks in PTSD patients, which is the area controlling memory.

That is apart from the triggering trauma too. Many people relive the trauma through flashbacks but will still have a very disjointed memory.
The Steubenville rape trial has an 11 hour day planned today...I don't think even seen an 11 hour WEEK yet with this trial!

I just truly do not understand why this court did not clear its calendar for this trial. 8:30 - 5:30. It would have been over by now.
I don't find Seinfeld funny today. That's how terrible I feel right now!

Was the defense woman right that Psychology is the study of the brain????
It is common for a killer to claim they do not remember the whole murder. This isn't due to PTSD or a brain fog. Usually they choose not to remember because they don't want to admit to the lurid details or they were in a blind rage killing frenzy. Not people who kill in self defense, cold blooded murders claim this.
Correct! It may not be allowed in! Judge will hear arguments at 1pm. Jury was told return by 1:15 she will have given it the thumbs up or down and her decision will be final

So depending on the judge's ruling, is it possible that the DT has ALV waiting in the wings and could testify today instead if there is an issue (well, not if - but how bad) with Samuels?

I guess I'm being far too optimistic that the DT would be that organized - they had to know that presenting JM with new material with Samuels *this morning* - just before trial - would cause this delay.

Could they be hoping to derail/delay to create distance (again) from the crushing testimony/cross by JM yesterday by forcing a break until Monday?

Is that SOP? Doesn't seem professional but Inal.
No.... :no: (bbm)

not to mention in the ME testimony the ME told Nurmi over and over again that he could not properly cross section the brain because it was partially decomposed (not to be gross or graphic but he had to scoop the tissue vs the ability to slice/cross section... I specifically recall this part of his testimony and will go find it)

Are you sure she was referring to Travis' brain? I did hear her say that the PPT showed cross sections of the brain, but not that the expert wanted to compare Travis' brain? I'm not a lawyer, but that seems like that would never be allowed. The expert is there to testify about JA's problems, not Travis.
I'm not a knee jerk fan of anyone, including JM, but from what I've seen of him in this trial I'm 100% sure that he can't be justly accused of being ill-prepared or of having overlooked a single atom of evidence or duty to the defense or court.

Shame on the judge. If she's having a bad day and getting snippy for no good reason she should look to her left at the defense and give them a few slaps instead of JM. Really.
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