Trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #86

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I want to see what her experts have to say BUT I have a horrible feeling Nurmi or Wilmott is going to start their testimony with "when Jodi was a child ...", and drag the poor jury through every day Arias described on direct. "How did that make her feeeeel?"

NOOOOOOOOOOO, if they start with the wooden spoons first I will poke needles in mye eyses lol

eta, good morning every1
I don't know if I can sit through all this babble without throwing something at my monitor. Got my hip wader boots on...
It has, has, has to be done by the end of May. . .I'm going on vacay the beginning of June. I don't want to have to send the family without me. . . .:what:

I hope your not giving up a trip to Hawaii :floorlaugh:
I remember from the court minutes that Juan had a heck of a time getting ALL of Alyce's notes - there is something in there Juan wanted, and will exploit.
Is he allowed to bring up exactly how much their "opinion" was worth to the DT in a monetary sense?

Yeah but he wouldn't necessarily, the prosecutor also has a paid expert he is bringing to testify in rebuttal. Everybody pays the experts.
Sounds like a bunch of reasonable people over there. I mean, innocent until proven to be a sociopathic murderer who butchered an ex-boyfriend...and all.

First they were drinking the KC koolaid and they are still sipping it. Now the Arias fognesia has taken over them which first symptom is delusions. Poor people. What else can we expect of them.
It's true this questioning might seem kinda boring to everyone of us who are familiar with the "power and control" wheel. But this is the testimony I tuned in for. I want to see how the DV specialist is handled by both the defense AND the prosecutor.
Melanie checking in! :seeya:

Dinner ready (teriyaki chicken skewers) with white rice and egg rolls. Laundry on, beds made, cats fed. I'm even in my jammies since I don't have to go out for the rest of the day.

Let's get ready to rumble :great:

Morning to all my WS'ers.


Sounds delish! Yum.
Hi wenwen. Just wanted to tell you your welcoming invitation "guilted" me into joining. haha Thanks.

Ahhh . . . . . I am so glad you did! Looks like you are enjoying being a member so I am not going apologize for your "guilt".

Glad to know that people really do read and consider my invites (pleas).

to start, everyone should cruise over to the JA innocent site. Now they are trying to say that the 2nd receipt JM produced for SLC Utah gas is FAKE. LMAO

Went over to that site the other night when some here were talking about it.

How can people believe such stuff, :what: twisted

unbelievable I had to leave there after reading some of the garbage.
I m surprised her team doesn't recommend she be so snappy to JM. Her personality is not near an innocent person, it's so so apparent she's guilty. Snarky, stare eyes and evil.

And the occasional flash of uncontrollable "duper's delight."
I think the trial will be over and a verdict reached. In October we'll still be hearing from JA on the stand speaking on her own behalf in the penalty phase though. I predict she bores the Judge to death at that point and then we'll start over with her second M1 trial for killing her. :floorlaugh:

If that happens she might get dragged from the witness chair by the jurors and taken back to the jury room and beaten to death. lol
Time to put your waders on. . . methinks it could get deep in here today. . .

I have mine on and I put a pair of socks over top just in case. I'll probably still have to throw out my floor mats after this ride.
I SO wish Jennifer Willcott was going to cross examine these expert witness!!! She's quick, snappy and FAST. I'm beginning to wonder what her role is during this trial - she gave a good Opening Statement, IMO.
I found out this morning I received a huge promotion and I will begin training for it soon BUT that means I cannot listen to the trial once that happens...quite sure I cannot postpone the promotion.............decisions, decisions.....just kidding, but seriously can this trial PLEASE speed up!
Congratulations!! That darned real life has a way of intruding. lol
If they have a conscience and they aren't doing it for the money, they should.
Exactly! And it seems as though they would (or should) be concerned over their reputations as well!
Good morning/afternoon, good people! :heartbeat: to everyone posting information and links. I really appreciate it!
I finally have to make a decision today...

I watch General Hospital at 1pm (central) which is now with the timechange, no longer lunch break! LOL!!

Monday and Tuesday no trial. Yesterday, I set my DVR for GH, then we got a Pope so it was preempted.

Now today, when possibly the most ridiculous yet boring testimony is coming...GH might win out. LOL!!

I will give it a go for 30 minutes. Are all of you going to be doing less trial watching and more living during the next couple of days?
I caught that too but knowing Jodi she will say she went to one in California. I don't think she practiced mormonism once she returned to California. Her reason for joining was Travis and to put up a front that she was a devout Mormon to Travis and his friends. Once she went back to CA she most likely didn't bother with keeping up the front.

Oh I know that. She converted to every single guy she dated's Religion. I was just showing another lie that was thrown in yesterday. That she said she saw the Bishop AFTER June 4th.
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