Trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #86

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i cant wait for the foreman of the jury after the penalty phase to stand up and say "we're f'ng going to kill you Bit*h!!!!
Why does she smirk no matter what's being said? Voices in her head?
Did he just say they "couldn't function?" Oh my. That can't be good considering everything JA did AFTER THE CRIME!
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial
#JodiArias stares blankly towards the good doctor as he continues to share with everyone how awesome he is.
I'm gonna take a nap! Be back later

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AFAIC, any testimony of these "experts" about Jodi's mental defects, personality disorders, etc. are moot because Jodi herself told us that she has no mental health issues and has never been treated for same. :moo:
Methinks that Jodi will soon "space out" and not listen to this testimony.

Yep. She was checking out the jury a lot in the first 2 minutes of Gus II's testimony, but now is back to zoning. Its not about her yet, so it must be irrelevant, yes?
WHY is this important? Jodi was not a police officer who killed someone in the line of duty. It's horse <bleep>
Wow - this guy sure likes himself. You would think being a psychologist he would know that beating one's drum too much is a turn-off for most. Think of the jury!

He also overtestifies - he "forgot" some of his jobs. He has Jodi's fognesia.
I'm not watching. Just listening. First time hearing JW question a witness. She sounds JUST like Reese Witherspoon in "Legally Blonde!"


I just logged in and started watching. I had the same thought! But my first thought was that this was Gus on the stand!
I have listened to every word...but have heard nothing!

Why would any defense think this was a good idea? This laughing between them seems so inappropriate, or am I being too snarky?
Man, this guy seems to have his fingers in a awful lot of pots!

7 hours of Family Court MH training??? HAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAA!! (Actually, it's not funny. Not at all).
So I'm clear - sex therapist who works with transgendered cops who shoot people ?
I cannot stomach this creepy jerk. Turning my phone off and will catch up later.
Good luck to those of you following chubby cheeeks.
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