trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #87

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Surprises me that Joey Jackson is saying on HLN that Juan Martinez is possibly too aggressive making jurors
sympathize with Jodi. :sheesh: Are you kidding, Joey? I want him to body slam her!

:nono: You're wrong, Joey Jackson.

For once, JeanC. is doing a great job giving Juan the credit he deserves. I just shudder to think what could
have stayed hidden from the jurors without Juan.

Juan ripped Jodi's mask off, IMO, and she is not human under it. :what:
I know, HLN's doing some goofy JA after dark thing.. I can't watch.. They're getting worse & worse about dumbing it down.. Beth Karas and Dr. Drew seem almost embarrassed at times.
I'm hoping they're wrong. That would be kind of like stooping to the DT's level by attacking the character of the witness, and not the testimony (kinda like WS TOS LoL isn't it?). I'm pretty sure JM won't stoop to those tactics. He'll be able to discredit him based on his testimony without going there.

It is absolutely relevant to this man's credibility if he lost his license to practice in one state because of unethical behavior. That's information the jury should have.
NOTHING surprises me when the Ninth Court Circus of Appeals is involved.

yes. And it is rare to get off DR here....though like in Katiecoolady's case there is sometimes stupidity in a judge. In this case, however there was no evidence that she did the crime. Thankfully if JA makes it to DR there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that she won't get off DR ever. She can join Wendi Andriano and Shawna Forde with their crimes that they will never leave DR for.

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Judge Seidlin (former state judge in Florida, handled Anna Nicole Smith), commenting on Juan's aggressiveness on the After Dark HLN show: "He's not on a date with her, he wants her to die by lethal injection!"
Oh Wing, I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter! That has to be horrible. I remember vividly the morning I got a call from my aunt that my uncle had called the police in mom BPD mom's city (she lived several states away from me and her brothers and sisters at that time) because she emailed a suicide note to us and he looked at his email first. I remember how it seemed like eons while I waited to hear from the police and paramedics if she was alive, and all the awful thoughts going through my head while waiting (this sounds horrible but I didn't know if I was wishing for her to be alive or not because it had/has been such a rollercoaster with her). I remember all the phone calls with the ER and the ICU, only to find out she was basically perfectly okay, just sleeping off a hangover that was made worse by Ativan. Then the hospital getting her into a rehab program and her checking out of that program in less than 12 hours...I can't get those seared images, sounds, thoughts, etc out of my mind, I can only imagine how much worse it would be if I had found her actually deceased.

My mom has BPD so I understand the suicide attempts and how they affect you too...making you always on alert, always anxious, always worried about your BPD loved one. My counselor has helped me with that by assuring me that from what she know of my mom from me that my mom will never successfully commit suicide unless it's actually by accident meaning that her suicide attempts aren't earnst attempts at ending life, but rather attempts at gaining the attention or other behavior from someone else she's looking for. I hope you've found a way to diminish your anxiety and hyper-alertness too.

I am sorry for you having to deal with a BPD. It is very difficult, to say the least.

Wing, OMG...I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Perhaps because Travis never went after her in the first place, was incapacitated by the initial injury (which I believed left him momentarily at the sink coughing up blood) while his attacker continued to stab him? Poor Travis never had a chance to grab his bathrobe.


Sorry, not buying JA's version at all, FOG or not.


It just dawned on me when I read this that this is where she could have hid the knife and the gun. In the pocket of the bathrobe hanging by the shower. OMG how handy!!!
I just want to know why Travis couldn't catch her when she ran or why he didn't reach for his bath robe first before dealing with her.

Gads! the jury has to wonder the same thing.

Hi Whisp

I've been wondering if ja might have kneed TA in his private area and began the stabbing when he stepped out of the shower.

I do not believe anything she says about June 4th.

I also believe the knife came first.
Where can I watch the Jean C show you are referring to???

Jean C aka "jinxasaurus" was on this show on right now with the Mock Jury. It's an extra show on HLN that they snuck in there which is going to interfere with my nap time.

The Mock Jury is voting on whether Juan is too strong a prosecutor. 11 NOT GUILTY, 1 GUILTY

See, I told you Joey Jackson. :yes:
Thanks! Boy, you can bet that JM has this dirt on the dude. What he did was so unethical. It really kills his credibility (not that he had any to begin with).

Of course I'm way behind and it's impossible to catch up. Can JM admit this into evidence?
Where can I watch the Jean C show you are referring to???

It's on HLN, a show called After Dark. It was at the very beginning but she speaks on and off through out the show. It's almost over now but maybe they put it up on their website?

It's been focused around whether or not Juan Martinez is being too aggresive.

I'm still waiting for that finger of hers to go up her nose.

If it does I will immediatly make a clear spot in my sig for it. probably right next to Nurmi doing the same.

I was relistening to yesterday's testimony about taking photos of her neck that JM wasn't allowed to show. Why was she taking pics of her neck on June 3rd 2008, the day before the murder?

Jodi Arias Trial - Day 30 - Part 2 - YouTube starting at about 52:00

I've been wondering the same thing and came to the conclusion that she already had marks on her neck on June 3rd and that she took photos of them that for some reason were "not allowed". I guess they weren't allowed "in" and we'll find out about them after trial?

I just want to say how proud I am of all of you. I've been here since the dinosaur ages and never have I seen such a following and cry for justice since Caylee.

You all are amazing.
After feeling like throwing up many times, I finally got a good laugh from NG's show tonight. Notice she referred to Dr. Samuels as "Dick" and she made mention of the global amnesia.
Since it's temporary she said, Ah, it's been 5 yrs. when will she get over this. something to that effect. I was thinking the same thing.
Mark E. described him pretty closely last night on Dr. Drew when he referred to the hired experts. Uh red nose, bald with curls on the sides and a horn that honks. Pretty good without knowing who was coming up today. :floorlaugh:
One thing I can't figure is the gunshot not immobolizing Travis. She had to have disabled him quickly and I can't believe a knife could do that.
Why because he was strong enough to fend her off and grab it from her. The ME said the gunshot came last, BUT importantly he also said the lack of blood pooling in the brain could have come from the decomp. Something everyone keeps skating over.
IMO he jumped out of the shower because he saw her taking pics of him that he didn't want if anything. But she DID go there with the intention of, " I'll entice him with great sex and he'll take me to Cancun, otherwise he's a dead man. So she gave it one last try and when he said no, she proceeded with her plan. All premeditated !! :banghead:
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