trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #87

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Oh gosh, did anyone see Andy Cooper do The RidicuList? JVM's appearance was rather disturbing...
it just dawned on me when i read this that this is where she could have hid the knife and the gun. In the pocket of the bathrobe hanging by the shower. Omg how handy!!!

a BiG WOW!

Judge Seidlin (former state judge in Florida, handled Anna Nicole Smith), commenting on Juan's aggressiveness on the After Dark HLN show: "He's not on a date with her, he wants her to die by lethal injection!"

Loved that comment by Judge Seidlin!


He also believes JA will be found guilty!
BBM could you point me towards those? Thanks!

ETA I am impressed by JVM's opinion for once..says JM has to be aggressive.

I've never been able to do this before - hope this works. If not, it's post #828 :)

"Do we have any objections to the brain."

That made me laugh. Judge seems irritable. As you can tell I am just watching part 2 as I just got home.

Ugh. Hope it's not too much of a yawner...
In the Grand Canyon State we have two choices: the needle or the gas chamber. It's up to the convict to choose. So far the needle seems to be the most popular.
In the past two years, executions have picked up the pace here in AZ.

Good. My friend has a message for Jodi:

Oh Wing, I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter! That has to be horrible. I remember vividly the morning I got a call from my aunt that my uncle had called the police in mom BPD mom's city (she lived several states away from me and her brothers and sisters at that time) because she emailed a suicide note to us and he looked at his email first. I remember how it seemed like eons while I waited to hear from the police and paramedics if she was alive, and all the awful thoughts going through my head while waiting (this sounds horrible but I didn't know if I was wishing for her to be alive or not because it had/has been such a rollercoaster with her). I remember all the phone calls with the ER and the ICU, only to find out she was basically perfectly okay, just sleeping off a hangover that was made worse by Ativan. Then the hospital getting her into a rehab program and her checking out of that program in less than 12 hours...I can't get those seared images, sounds, thoughts, etc out of my mind, I can only imagine how much worse it would be if I had found her actually deceased.

My mom has BPD so I understand the suicide attempts and how they affect you too...making you always on alert, always anxious, always worried about your BPD loved one. My counselor has helped me with that by assuring me that from what she know of my mom from me that my mom will never successfully commit suicide unless it's actually by accident meaning that her suicide attempts aren't earnst attempts at ending life, but rather attempts at gaining the attention or other behavior from someone else she's looking for. I hope you've found a way to diminish your anxiety and hyper-alertness too.
You join the other strong souls that have shared their stories. I'm am truly in awe of what so many have gone through, and come out the other side healthy enough to share, and help others.
You, and many other have my admiration. Prayers sent for peace and goodness to all who have been so hurt.
makes them. I wouldn't worry. I get no sense from anyone that there are serious worries about the jurors "bonding" with this murderer.

Has anyone seen the footage from yesterday, when the jury was coming back in I believe after lunch, JA smiled slightly and nooded at them (or one of them). If I can find the link, I'll post it. But it makes me VERY nervous.

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Judge Seidlin (former state judge in Florida, handled Anna Nicole Smith), commenting on Juan's aggressiveness on the After Dark HLN show: "He's not on a date with her, he wants her to die by lethal injection!"
I think they switched judges because Judge Joe was a little on the belligerent side last night. haha
Question: When JA testified on the stand, was the jury situated in a position where they could watch her straight on....or could they only watch her from the side? The reason I ask is that we all witnessed her facial expressions of rage, anger, contempt, and distain, her lips curled, when being cross-examined by JM. If looks could kill, JM would be dead. I know that I had chills running down my spine when I looked at her. This woman is not a 'victim' - she is the victimizer. Her eyes are evil incarnate. We saw what Travis saw in his final moments. I only hope the jury saw it; otherwise, they could never realize the full extent of her Jeckyl and Hyde personality. JM is often referred to as a 'pit bull', but he proved that JA is not afraid of pit bulls, much less naked men in showers. She has no defense!
I was relistening to yesterday's testimony about taking photos of her neck that JM wasn't allowed to show. Why was she taking pics of her neck on June 3rd 2008, the day before the murder?

Jodi Arias Trial - Day 30 - Part 2 - YouTube starting at about 52:00

My sense at the time was that she was just holding the camera in front of her face while driving, narcissistically taking photos of herself, while on the way to murder Travis. I took it to mean she agreed that she photographed her neck because her neck was in the shot. But I could be wrong.

The actual content of what the defense witness (Samuels) is testifying to is correct and (mostly) valid, but it has *nothing* to do with JA or this case.

She planned a murder, she hid her activities, and this is before she was traumatized by the horror of her own violence. She executed the murder. So memory lapses and PTSD and any other behavioral issues he talks about are moot. Who cares if she claims she can't remember what she did? She did it and she admits she did it. There are pictures. 29 stab wounds is not self-defense.

Hiding/disposing of weapons, bloody clothes, creating false alibis, and all the other things she did are also not about a person who acted in self-defense. It smacks of pre-planning, then premeditation, and finally, coverup.


But how can his content be right when so many people, myself included, who have gone through trauma, have no memory gaps and cannot forget?

Jean C. just did a wonderful job talking about how amazing Juan was in another DP case where he put a woman on death row. 4 months of the trial and at the very end he pulled out the smoking gun and got the conviction.

The man has patience beyond compare. He is truly brilliant and I get butterflies when I think about what he could have up his sleeve. Some gigantic bit of truth that will drive it all home and end this thing with Justice for Travis and his poor family. I want those people to walk away and attempt to begin the grieving process. It's not going to bring Travis back but it's the most that can be done for them and they have the best person ever to get it for them.

See, I think he already pulled out three or four smoking guns!!!! I think he already drove it all the way home and then back!!! This trial has been a landslide win for him so far.

He proved premeditation. He impeached her on the gas cans (which goes to premeditation), with the receipts and math. He impeached her on the pedophilia attack nonsense with her text messages and emails. He impeached her on her contention that she was the unwilling victim of sexual abuse by playing the whole, nasty sex tape she made showing her egging Travis on and being outwardly and aggressively sexually explicit. he refuted her gun in the closet nonsense with step by step break downs of the murder and how it could not have gone the way she claimed it did. he got her to repeatedly change her testimony to fit what she kept realizing he was proving. He got her to stand up and do that improbably ridiculous "linebacker" pose which was so transparent it was laughable. Almost all the defense witnesses actually became prosecution witnesses.

I can't see what else he needs to do. He's proved his case and then some.

sorry for the slight o/t, but just had to ask if everyone's page has the french sexy ad at the top right of their page?.... I've never seen it before and its in all French, is the ad and has a woman in just lace panties embracing a nude dude(atleast all visible areas are nude, save her lacy panties).. the pic looks like one from steamy romance novel everyone have this ad??

darn it,,i got a ad for a pedophilia self help at home:waitasec:

Okay you guys, what are you all looking at!! Clear your cookies. Those ads pop up based on things you have searched for or clicked on in the past!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!

P.S., Martin L, I think you were probably looking up the possibility of jodi's claim that she got pamphlets at the mall to give to Travis regarding his pedophilia. Your computer has tracked that search!!!!
I also don't know that the jurors are being positively influenced by any of his psychobabble. If he starts with the crime scene stuff I'm not sure he becomes any more credible and I'm sure Juan can rectify any damage. But, honestly, I don't see how even this judge can let that kind of testimony in-it's clearly the province of the jury to decide what the crime scene shows in terms of premeditation or not.

It sounds like he's giving his own little twist on the standard behavioral profiling/crime scene stuff about disorganized vs. organized. He's not allowing for the effect of the victim not dying easily enough and forcing the perpetrator to go into a murderous frenzy. It's not like after she stabbed him the first time she could go "whoops! My bad!" and leave when he didn't die right away.
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