trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #87

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There's no question that they know everything about this guy including what his underwear size. Every expert is scrutinized in detail by the other side for any dirt they can use to discredit them. That's standard operating procedure for any attorney.

OMG, have you guys seen his website? Its one big advertisement to DEFENSE attorney's selling his willingness to SHILL in court for ANY criminal!
His livelihood is NOT about treating people with disorders - oh no -That's NOT what he does! He ADVERTISES as a PAID TESTIFIER!! That's IT, 100% - His website SAYS THIS, it's ALL he does!! SMH, I've never seen anything like it.. If anyone is familiar with this kind of despicable work, please tell me what Juan is permitted to do with someone like this?
on dr drew they had footage of her going out of court with that notebook in her hand. I guess it's hers.... not a secret message system

Who says she didn't retrieve and/or send back a message? The orange file is hers for sure. Do you remember the magazine chute?

She sure looked sneaky pulling out her stubby ikea pencil!

That's what she tried to make it sound like but JM made a point of referring to her photograph on June 3rd. He wasn't allowed to show the pic but that is what he was referring to...

I don't get it. She hadn't seen Travis in person in months, right?
On February 7, 2002, I got home from work to find my 27 year old daughter had died. She had BPD and had been hospitalized 5 times in the last 15 months for overdoses of prescribed medication. The mental health counselors thought it was just fine to give her 3 month supplies of heavy duty meds. I had spent the last 12 years trying to keep her alive long enough for her to realize that her life had not passed her by and that she could still go back and finish college.

Anyhow, for the next year, year and a half, I would relive finding her, rolling her over, feeling how cold she was, her precious kitty was just going crazy. When police and ambulance arrived, I was asked a lot of questions....I know they had to. I worked about 25 minutes away and I would just blank out driving to or from work. When I relived it, I went through all the physical reactions too. Heart pounding, hyperventilating, etc. After two years I finally threw in the towel and got help from a therapist. MY PTSD made me relive the nightmare, not forget it!
Big hug…BPD is so hard.... more hugs!!!
OMG, have you guys seen his website? Its one big advertisement to DEFENSE attorney's selling his willingness to SHILL in court for ANY criminal!
His livelihood is NOT about treating people with disorders - oh no -That's NOT what he does! He ADVERTISES as a PAID TESTIFIER!! That's IT, 100% - His website SAYS THIS, it's ALL he does!! SMH, I've never seen anything like it.. If anyone is familiar with this kind of despicable work, please tell me what Juan is permitted to do with someone like this?
Love the word "shill" and "shilling" is exactly what he's doing.

HAHA loved when BOZ questioned Jay Ward about that.
I had to go back and watch Boz's cross of the conspiracy theorist, forensic computer expert wanna be who couldn't even secure his FB privacy settings. :giggle:

Boz's cross of the witness

He made 3 posts on WS, here they are if anyone is interested. :lol:

I don't get it. She hadn't seen Travis in person in months, right?

Right. Yes. Exactly. And he implied that she had taken a photograph of her own neck on June 3rd. Weird huh? It wasn't allowed in. Can you deduct why?

I don't like JW's smirk, she also gets a lot of her facts wrong and has to apologize for leading with the wrong info. *sigh*
She reminds me of Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde. Wilmott sounded equally clueless when she questioned the ME. She was sweet questioning the virginal GFs of TA but how she could possible be the best option this DT has for questioning experts and people of science is beyond me.
OMG, have you guys seen his website? Its one big advertisement to DEFENSE attorney's selling his willingness to SHILL in court for ANY criminal!
His livelihood is NOT about treating people with disorders - oh no -That's NOT what he does! He ADVERTISES as a PAID TESTIFIER!! That's IT, 100% - His website SAYS THIS, it's ALL he does!! SMH, I've never seen anything like it.. If anyone is familiar with this kind of despicable work, please tell me what Juan is permitted to do with someone like this?


He's permitted to decimate the guy's theories, credibility, lack of real knowledge about the defendant or expertise (like assuming her diaries to be true and accurate) in dealing with such an individual, etc. - and he will :)
OMG, have you guys seen his website? Its one big advertisement to DEFENSE attorney's selling his willingness to SHILL in court for ANY criminal!
His livelihood is NOT about treating people with disorders - oh no -That's NOT what he does! He ADVERTISES as a PAID TESTIFIER!! That's IT, 100% - His website SAYS THIS, it's ALL he does!! SMH, I've never seen anything like it.. If anyone is familiar with this kind of despicable work, please tell me what Juan is permitted to do with someone like this?

No attempts to hide what he does. Remember the refrain, liar for hire.

There are people who choose to work as victim's advocates and do amazing work.

Then we have JA's team.

Sorry to quote myself but I just had what passes for one of Arias' evil thoughts. Could she have got the bruises from someone else, then when she went to see Matt and DB told them they were from Travis??? THEN photographed them?
I think it strange that he is talking about slicing his head in half.......

This is a bit boring. Would I be missing anything if I just skipped today's witness and caught up on It's always Sunny in Philly.
What are we all going to do when this trial is over :panic:. Well said Hopeful One, I am going to miss each and every person here when this is over. It's going to be a painful withdrawal. :(

That's why God invented the Jury Room, my friend. :)
Sorry, I didn't mean to bring my own tragedy into this forum...but I was ( and am), so appalled that JA is trying to claim PTSD....
I am at a loss for words
I gotcha'. I still don't understand why her defense wasn't temporary insanity. It would have made more sense than self-defense.

It's actually self-defense AND temporary insanity. The whole fog thing is trying to be used as the temporary insanity part... if it weren't for this fog and she was able to think like her normal self she would NEVER have done such terrible things. The defense uses this fognesia excuse as both to make it appear that the fog state is what made her overkill Travis as well as the excuse to not testify about those things that incriminate her. Their whole case is a hail mary pass, but what else could they use as a defense of this vicious liar? Putting Jodi on the stand at all was madnes, but with no one else to testify about supposed abuse she suffered by Travis or any witness to what happened other than herself their defense strategy had to put her up there. But putting her up there was what has killed their case... Jodi lost if all by herself.
What are we all going to do when this trial is over :panic:. Well said Hopeful One, I am going to miss each and every person here when this is over. It's going to be a painful withdrawal. :(

It will seem odd at first but there will be plenty of people still discussing the case. So don't worry about withdrawal. By the time you think you can move away....there will be something that catches your eye...and then there you go again.

..Unfortunately, there is no shortage of heinous crimes and missing people. Many of us have been through quite a few cases together.
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