trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #88

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Remember she said her shoulder has never been the same? Look at how agile she moves her arms in that headstand video. People with hurt shoulders usually have to keep their arm closer to their body.
I used to work in an office of psychotherapists, both adult and pediatric/adolescent, psychologists, LCSW's etc... Only one of them performed forensic evaluations. He selected the cases very wisely. He would perform evaluations on both victims and perps. He was often not chosen as the expert witness because his conclutions were unfavorable for the party requesting it.

Dueling doctors and dueling experts are par for the course in all types of litigation. I am well known in my industry for refusing to "play the game" of two extremes and settle in the middle. No way. I want an honest opinion and then we negotiate accordingly.

More often than not, the purchased opinion does not withstand judicial scrutiny and will not be persuasive enough to carry weight with the trier of fact, or with a jury.

The best part about this "expert", and I use that term as loosely as :::censored::::, is that Juan is going to wipe the floor with him. I know that everyone "deserves" a defense, but there should be boundaries to that defense. I almost feel a little sorry for Dr. Samuels because I think that whatever issue JM might miss...the jury sure won't. He won't be able to rehearse his answers and do the "both are correct"...unless he has been learning from JA by watching her testimony every night.

Bottom line...the state expert will be judged to be have been the more substantial medical/expert opinion.
wow...just checking ala whatsherface in Italy...

wow...just wow....quacky sex therapist from NJ? in the 70's???? can you think of anything more pervy???? in mormon land?

this is the wildest trainwreck ever!
that video just re-enforces her remorselessness and total lack of empathy, guilt to me. She is not acting like an abuse victim and had total clarity while trying to manipulate LE while lying. All I see is evil so I'm glad it's out.

I agree completly, I just find the timing odd. A ploy from the DT
I really don't think the judge would preclude any of the police interrogation videos. I think, for whatever reason, neither side has chosen to use this clip...yet, anyway.

If we're talking about doing handstands or whatever, I'm not sure the prosecution would want to use that. One reason-two words: Amanda Knox

Didn't seem to hurt her any and the jury may only associate it with a gal who was acquitted of murder.
OMG! I just saw the clip of the "headstand" in the police interrogation room.There are no words, I am floored!

ETA: and this was at the time of her arrest? I'm thinking she is joyful about her coming notoriety as a murderess! She will finally be able to bask in the glow of the attention she will receive for so brutally murdering Travis.
this is the song JA is singing in the interrogation...(the "it might change my memory")..
Dido- Here With Me
I didn't hear you leave
I wonder how am I still here
I don't want to move a thing
It might change my memory

Oh I am what I am
I'll do what I want but I can't hide
I won't go I won't sleep
I can't breathe until you're resting here with me
I won't leave I can't hide
I cannot be until you're resting here with me

I don't want to call my friends
They might wake me from this dream
And I can't leave this bed,
Risk forgetting all that's been

Oh I am what I am
I'll do what I want,
But I can't hide
I won't go, I won't sleep,

I can't breathe,
Until you're resting here with me
I won't leave, I can't hide,
I cannot be until you're resting here with me

Whoa. That actually gave me goosebumps, creepy goosebumps... Knowing what she was planning and acting out at that time. Maybe even listening to that in the car on her way to Mesa. Hubby saw the "Here with me" video just now and said "They need to kill her. She's fubar." Yikes. That's so not like him. He's a teddy bear grandpa.
ETA: if you watch the music video to the end, she sneaks up the stairs and into a man's room and gets into bed with him while he's sleeping.
And according to this report


She was doing all this after crying in front of Flores!
This piece of work aka Jodi Arias is getting on my last nerve and, after seeing that handstand video, I'm feeling even more incensed.

A great poster upthread whose name I've forgotten (but I think I "thanked" them) posted something about how Arias is an empty shell, devoid of anything real internally, no depth, no nothing there... paraphrasing here but I totally agree.

She's like a sponge, sopping up pithy phrases, emotions, attitudes from any source around her - mostly songs, tv shows, angsty movies, self-help blather - and then regurgitating them back to society in an effort to pass as a human being, like some pod person from a bad sci fi film.

I poked fun at her yesterday with my Jodicentric Lifetime movie parody but really, I think that if she were a pinata all that would tumble out of her - after being smacked REAL HARD - would be a mash-up of MTV videos, cheesy made for TV movies and Oprah Book Club excerpts.

Thanks to whomever posted the Dido lyrics - I didn't need to see the video to further understand just how VACUOUS this chick is. I imagine her in her tiny, cluttered bedroom in Grandma's house in a one-horse town, miles away from Travis and what she probably thought was the pinnacle of her social world, doodling in her journal while listening to some emo the-world-done-me-wrong music...

It's too bad we can't time warp the Heaven's Gate group to the present because I truly believe she would have flourished in a cult....then she could have joined them in their spaceship and spared Travis and the rest of the world from all her evil.

Boy, she winds me up!

Great post! Thank You for putting into words!!!
Gee, if only she'd worn makeup everything would be different. She would have looked pretty, done her pelvic thrusts for Flores, he would have been captivated by her beauty and sexuality, stopped everything right there and married her within weeks.

If only she'd worn makeup.
This board moves way too fast for me to ever catch everything. I don't remember hearing or reading about her confronting Mimi at the memorial service. Can you tell me more about this or link to a discussion/article?

Thank you.
Ok, got it kinda. I picked it up listening to Day 1 audio only on Youtube, but it's also here on HLN's time line of testimony from Day 1.

5:43 p.m. ET: Hall says Alexander's roommate went into his bedroom first, and said he noticed blood. Hall says she stopped looking when his roommate found blood. Prosecutor Martinez is asking Hall about a memorial service in Mesa, Arizona, shortly after Alexander's death. Hall says Arias attended this service, and Arias introduced herself to her. Hall says Arias told her she was upset about Alexander's death. The defense is starting their cross examination of Hall now.
IMO Jodi answered some questions that any human being can manipulate and lie about. To me when he was describing fight or flight, he was describing what Travis went through as he was being murdered by that psychopath. I think this jury will see through all the "fog" just like so many people already have.

Not sure if anyone has seen this.... [video=youtube;LGYHuDDLDQ8][/video]

Jodi Arias Murder Trial Day 31. This ran after court had ended. Just thought it was interesting to see interactions after cameras were suppose to be off.
Remember she said her shoulder has never been the same? Look at how agile she moves her arms in that headstand video. People with hurt shoulders usually have to keep their arm closer to their body.

that was my first thought when ja was stretching over the back of the chair in the interrogation video. :moo:
I used to work in an office of psychotherapists, both adult and pediatric/adolescent, psychologists, LCSW's etc... Only one of them performed forensic evaluations. He selected the cases very wisely. He would perform evaluations on both victims and perps. He was often not chosen as the expert witness because his conclutions were unfavorable for the party requesting it.

Dueling doctors and dueling experts are par for the course in all types of litigation. I am well known in my industry for refusing to "play the game" of two extremes and settle in the middle. No way. I want an honest opinion and then we negotiate accordingly.

More often than not, the purchased opinion does not withstand judicial scrutiny and will not be persuasive enough to carry weight with the trier of fact, or with a jury.

The best part about this "expert", and I use that term as loosely as :::censored::::, is that Juan is going to wipe the floor with him. I know that everyone "deserves" a defense, but there should be boundaries to that defense. I almost feel a little sorry for Dr. Samuels because I think that whatever issue JM might miss...the jury sure won't. He won't be able to rehearse his answers and do the "both are correct"...unless he has been learning from JA by watching her testimony every night.

Bottom line...the state expert will be judged to be have been the more substantial medical/expert opinion.

I'm a really bad judge of character. Seriously! It's a flaw I'm aware of. I really liked this guy at first. I found him credible. Likeable- not anywhere near a Gus.

But now i must admit Matinez is going to mop the floor with his bahoofey over the NJ sanctions brought to light yesterday on HLN.

Martinez will point out that Samuels moved out of NJ not long after he was sanctioned and likely his career and reputation suffered. Samuels was court ordered to take courses in "ethics and boundaries" !!!!

Holy crapola! That is NOT the legacy you want in trying to support a defendant who lacks both ethics and boundaries!

I hope Martinez does his homework this weekend. I almost feel sorry for what I suspect this guy will soon face from the Martinator - but hey, he asked for it when he referred to his discontinued clientele practice as being "over that". Sort of like "I did my time with those poor bastards". He opened that door.
Amazing (imo) that they are building -to scale- the crime scene "set" on HLN. Closet, bathroom, hall...
Wonder if the court could borrow it.
Possessed so profoundly that she is a Devil's Reject! Can't get any worse!
Will somebody please PM me and tell me: Who released that bizarro video of Jodi doing a headstand and singing, and why right now??? tyia
Amazing (imo) that they are building -to scale- the crime scene "set" on HLN. Closet, bathroom, hall...
Wonder if the court could borrow it.

are they really? Wow..I too have expected a team of Home Depot lookin' guys to rush in & assemble the closet in like 30 seconds! :) Then Martinez asks her to step down ~ and without TALKING ~ go ahead and step up to get the gun, ma'am.. LOL, how great would that be??
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