trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #88

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Gee, if only she'd worn makeup everything would be different. She would have looked pretty, done her pelvic thrusts for Flores, he would have been captivated by her beauty and sexuality, stopped everything right there and married her within weeks.

If only she'd worn makeup.

SusieD, I think you have the makings of a book there!
That is what it is really all about, he traded testimony for dental work. All the BS about him bartering treatment for dental work is just that, bull@$#!.

it's sleazy.

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Makes you wonder what else he may of done and wasn't found out?

Just my own opinion.
WOW Great Observation! I hope JM enlarges this pic and shows it in court! It LOOKS SWOLLEN and BRUISED to me too!!!

Sometimes I kind of have doubts about her being left handed because two of the times she cut her Finger on glasses, it was always the right. If she is reaching back and rotatating margarita glasses at work, wouldn't she be using her dominant hand? Sometimes i think that she actually said she was left handed to throw authorities off? Then she comes up with she's Ambidextrous. I dont know why I even try to figure her out. It is not doable :banghead:
Anyway, thanks for the pic's.

Thanks! It looks pretty clear on my PC, but probably not high enough resolution to have uploaded here.

As for trying to figure out this woman, I'm with you. TOTALLY not doable. And, frankly, I'd be scared if I COULD make sense of her! She's a scary piece of work! :moo:
IMO Jodi answered some questions that any human being can manipulate and lie about. To me when he was describing fight or flight, he was describing what Travis went through as he was being murdered by that psychopath. I think this jury will see through all the "fog" just like so many people already have.

Not sure if anyone has seen this.... Jodi Arias Murder Trial Day 31. The camera was still running after court had ended. Starts 0:16 - YouTube

Jodi Arias Murder Trial Day 31. This ran after court had ended. Just thought it was interesting to see interactions after cameras were suppose to be off.


:eek: What was JA carrying out of the courtroom ? Is that allowed ?

:waitasec: Was it her "coloring books" ?
I'm wondering why none of the talking heads have mentioned her sneaking whatever from that folder on the defense table.
Amazing (imo) that they are building -to scale- the crime scene "set" on HLN. Closet, bathroom, hall...
Wonder if the court could borrow it.

Holly Hughes on Evening Express (HLN) last nigh said the defense would never agree to that. It would have to be exact closet brand, exact materials, exact flooring. All likely implausible. But hey, I'd help pitch in just to see it happe. I know there's no way those pegs could support her without flipping over. My daughter learne that hard lesson when he was 6 and trying to reach a toy I took away from her. Almost caused her stitches. No way Jodi could have pulled that off.
Thank you....It has what I wanted to hear...when she described Travis being on his knees and begging her to go get help....I BELIEVE this is true...I do believe he begged her to get him help..and she just kept on stabbing him...there is a special place in hell for her.

Jumping off your post here. What has bothered me from the beginning is that as she is concocting the ninja story, she keeps stumbling over the "she" references with "I" references and consistently stated that the gun shot was first, knife attack second. She had not seen the crime scene photos or forensics at that time. Yes she is a liar. However, I think there are elements of truth in her story which is why Flores let her tell it, trying to glean what might have been truthful. If, and a big IF, we were to go on the autopsy and crime scene reports, excluding the ME testimony, this might be the closest we come to the truest version of events.
Vinnie Politan ‏@VinniePolitan
Monday #JoseBaez defends #JodiArias in front of our #JodiJury on "HLN After Dark"... Monday 10pm eastern on HLN

I think I'll skip this show on Monday night. :rolleyes:
OMG just took a phone call outside and stepped back in to hear HLN blasting a foghorn as part of segue back to Arias coverage from commercials. ROFL!
Makes you wonder what else he may of done and wasn't found out?

Just my own opinion.
Right?! Maybe it's just me, but can't help but think Jodi had his number the SECOND he walked in to meet her. Here's a guy she could manipulate in her sleep....girl, pleeeze..
Vinnie Politan ‏@VinniePolitan
Monday #JoseBaez defends #JodiArias in front of our #JodiJury on "HLN After Dark"... Monday 10pm eastern on HLN

I think I'll skip this show on Monday night. :rolleyes:

Oh please, Next he will be giving Nurmi advice, :banghead:
I've seen it now. Everything with the murderess is calculated. She knows there are cameras in the room.

Besides all the playing for the cameras, did ya notice how she picked up the trashcan and SNOOPED about what was in there. I bet she did the exact same thing at Travis's - went through every inch of his house.


First I thought this MUST be a spoof. But I guess it's not.

Why didn't the jurors see this mess? That's pretty frightening stuff!



Yes! I thought it was a parody video! It's just too bizarre. This is really like out of one those exorcism movies.
OMG just took a phone call outside and stepped back in to hear HLN blasting a foghorn as part of segue back to Arias coverage from commercials. ROFL!

I love love love the HLN foghorn!
After watching the nut cracker and the Global Sex/fog yesterday, my wife and I noticed how much his test reports matched almost exactly the way Jodi has wanted to project herself to the jury. She had plenty of time to work/manipulate those tests into her overall picture or scheme of things. She just knew that it would come into play someday. Dont know if anyone caught it yesterday but at one point when nut cracker was belching up some sex stuff a shot of Jodi showed her with a nice little grin on her face. Kind of like an I told you so kind of look. It was the devil inside.
I'm a really bad judge of character. Seriously! It's a flaw I'm aware of. I really liked this guy at first. I found him credible. Likeable- not anywhere near a Gus.

But now i must admit Matinez is going to mop the floor with his bahoofey over the NJ sanctions brought to light yesterday on HLN.

Martinez will point out that Samuels moved out of NJ not long after he was sanctioned and likely his career and reputation suffered. Samuels was court ordered to take courses in "ethics and boundaries" !!!!

Holy crapola! That is NOT the legacy you want in trying to support a defendant who lacks both ethics and boundaries!

I hope Martinez does his homework this weekend. I almost feel sorry for what I suspect this guy will soon face from the Martinator - but hey, he asked for it when he referred to his discontinued clientele practice as being "over that". Sort of like "I did my time with those poor bastards". He opened that door.
If most of what Dr S does is be an expert on trials, he should be use to
the prosecutor (or defense) person against him.
Right?! Maybe it's just me, but can't help but think Jodi had his number the SECOND he walked in to meet her. Here's a guy she could manipulate in her sleep....girl, pleeeze..

I think you are right "Pornocciho" saw him coming a mile away.
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