trial day 32: the defense continues it's case in chief #91

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Two points of interest.

If the shelves in Travis's closet couldn't hold the weight(or would have flipped up) of Jodi then she wouldn't have been able to get the gun like she said she did.
This would mean that she would have to have brought the gun with her.
She also said that she grabbed the gun with her left hand which would make it even more unlikely as it would be a farther reach to get the gun.

The other is the knife.The ME said that the knives from the kitchen knife block were not the knives that did the stabbing.
If you see the stab wounds to Travis's back the blade of the knife was a very wide blade(wider than any of the kitchen knife) so if the kitchen knives were not used in the stabbing then she would have had to bring the knife with her.

Either one of these senarios would prove premeditation in it's self.
Mick Jagger says it's time to start:

OT but thank you for your husband's service and your family's sacrifices!

And so sorry that you had to hear Samuels' talk about Arias and soldiers. I got so mad when I heard that. :furious:
I am not sure why people are giving the judge a hard time. She is giving more leeway because she wants to make sure if JA is convicted and gets DA that there is no valid point to over turn. She is is doing an awesome job..

I agree with her approach regarding leeway and such. However, that should have nothing to do with the lack of reprimanding the DT for their unprofessional behavior and numerous requests for sidebars.
I'm so happy to have joined WS. Everyone is so supportive and kind. Thank you everyone for all your insight, intelligence, thoughtfulness, and I just want to give everyone a big (((((((HUG))))))


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I knew the DT would give up on this! HAHA yay!
Wow, at this rate: "Ok, seated, noting the presence of the defendant and counsel...we will now take our morning recess."
I think they are holding up court because, you know.....They gotta make sure Jodi's lunch arrives before they can resume. :giggle:
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