trial day 32: the defense continues its case in chief #92

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Seems like Juan has something important to introduce no?

NOW I would like the judge to impose the "no more speaking objections" rule that JW asked for... she's gonna be chirping like an angry ape. She needs to shush.
IMO It's reasonable to believe that Jodi had a bunch of adrenaline pumping and was in a "fight or flight" mode - but not because of any threat from Travis. She was in a "fight or flight" mode to get the crime scene under control before she was discovered by a roommate. It was her motivation to avoid getting caught that caused the additional stress as she manipulated the crime scene.
He thought Travis was found in the TUB. He has no idea where the body even was. :banghead:

And he says it would take extraordinary strength to move TA's body. BULL>

Juan is on and we get 4 pages in like 10 seconds
so JW complains about juans "speaking" objections and what does she go and do right off the bat?

I get the feeling with Wilmott this is about winning more than anything.
Our so called justice system has become a joke; i just saw a case on Investigative ID where this woman killed her husband and she confessed. next thing ya know she changed everything she had confessed to; now she was abused, physically and mentally, she has PTSD and all the same stuff that Jodi is alleging (minus the pedophilia); it is standard fare now that defense attornies use in these cases and it is disgusting. trash the victim, put the victim on trial. I too am furious.

It's called the "Criminal" Justice System ... the victims almost have no voice except for the evidence that is left behind. The system is designed to give the criminal the benefit of the doubt and put ALL of the burden on the representative for the victim (prosecution). There needs to be some revision and new rules in this constitution. I am appalled that Baez was able to get away with the nonsense he presented in that trial. I still can't get over it. That jury infuriates me even more in that they said "well, we don't really know how the death occurred". WELL ... geesh ... they weren't supposed to know that .. there was no video. The circumstantial evidence presented by the prosecution was overwhelming and I am still having trouble getting over that verdict. One thing I WILL say is the defense team did a good job picking a totally stupid jury, unable to even deliberate from the evidence produced. We are living in a dumbed-down society in every way.

Sorry for the rant ... I turned off the live feed awhile ago ... I'm just infuriated The kind of testimony we are be subjected to is just frickin' ridiculous. Seriously .... what is wrong with this "Justice System"? IMO there needs to be someone held accountable for their actions (or lack of actions) ... and I am JUST not seeing that in some of these recent high profile trials. Just sickening!!!!!!!!!!
All JM has to do is discredit this guy and make it obvious that his paid testimony was tailored to this lying defence.
It wasn't planned? I hope JM asks him about the gas cans, turned off phone, and lying to everyone about where she was.
I do agree adrenaline will give you super strength... Fight or Flight... that's all you got Wilmott?

Doesn't explain the aftermath.
Did Jodi write the good "doctor" the script? Was he yelling at her when she shook? I thought she started having problems with she was a teen-aged and her dad knocked in the door or some stuff like that, never mind about Jodi staying out late and not coming home. Poor, poor Jodi. Give her back the 9mm gun she bought after she slaughtered Travis and the knives she hid in her books and turn her loose on society, says the good doc. Who would Jodi's next victim? never her fault.
FFS!! Sidebar now! Get him Juan......
Lets all send JM a burst of mental clarity and support....
String him up JM and then break him down!!!!
oh fgs,why are they taking an early recess now?

they are doing everything to stop juan even asking him any questions at all!!
How does Willmont think Travis got back into the shower? Did he walk back himself?

She then stabbed him in the back as he ran..he thought he could be safe there? I mean somebody being stabbed might have illogical defense thinking?
She may have said"Get Back Into the shower" or something like that and he struggled getting there?
Or maybe he crawled hard to say.. this so-called dr talks about JA and her shaking and fright what about Travis?
Nurmi whined out loud everytime JM objected....JM even has to say is the way this works....the Judge NEVER once said anything to the DT.....unfair practices Judge
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