trial day 32: the defense continues its case in chief #92

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Dr Wayne Dyer - when I started to read "The Secret" I realized right away it was the same as Dyer's speeches and books.

Oh how sketchy... he's buying and sending her books through Amazon.
I may be the exception, but this Judge is trying a DP case and has to consider all motions.
No way do I feel she isn't qualified, no way do I feel she is pro one side or the other. I've liked her all along and find her fair and un biased.
These trials have become the new "reality tv". It's disgusting.

As much as I love a live trial, I am beginning to believe that they should be taped and shown afterwards. Maybe starting with verdict watch.

I have all the confidence in the world in this jury. After that other farce of trial we watched I believe this jury will do the right thing.

Once the other jury failed at their attempt at fame and money, I believe that folks are taking these cases much more seriously.

JMOO MOO 2cents, etc.

I have said this many times, we have gotten away from justice and turned into a circus, it's frustrating. The system has come up with so many new reasons why it's okay to kill someone. Makes me ill JMO
I think the defense should be ordered to provide a copy of 'The Gift of Fear' to every single person that has been forced to have any contact with Jodi in any capacity.
That is inappropriate for this doctor who's supposed to be evaluating her to be buying her books with his money and having them sent to Jodi.
I don't see the Judge being pro either side. She's more anti mistrial or overturned verdict.


What's wrong with the judge is that she can't make quick or consistent decisions about the objections. She's all over the place. That is NOT the function of the judge, it's to control the courtroom and to ensure that evidence goes in with conformance to the law.
I like that he is being snarky with Juan. Showing his true colors. Bought and paid for opinion! Unethical, doesn't know boundaries. Not talking about JA, the "doctor".

OMG..he sounds like JA on the stand. :floorlaugh: She got her technique from Samuels.
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