trial day 32: the defense continues its case in chief #93

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Now, don't take this as a defense of the Psychologist AT ALL. I do have one thought with regard to some of the disorganization and he should have re tested etc.

Working in medicine along side a doctor, we have everything you can imagine at our fingertips, the patient comes to us, we are on our turf, we can do full service whatever they need, we have their chart, computers, you name it we have it.

A thought was running through my head when he was scrambling for some documents and talking about using a pencil vs. a pen. I imagine it is somewhat difficult to truly examine a patient in prison. He can only bring in certain things, he has to load up and bring the stuff he needs, it's possible he can't use pens in that room (they are not usually allowed) I don't know how optimal this testing and therapy environment is?

This would be a far cry from having her come to your office sit down, private and quiet and you can control all the testing conditions, you have your computer at your fingertips and your staff to take results and and get them analyzed etc.

So I give him a teeny weeny "A for effort" in trying to do such a complex thing inside what must be a tiny room, block walls and two deputies guarding her...

I would need to know more what was allowed. (it won't really change the answers, it just makes it hard to really test someone properly)

Then each return trip has to be approved by the State of Arizona (or they approve 2 at a time maybe) There is probably a ton of red tape just getting to see this person in Prison.
JUST A REMINDER>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.

Turn off HLN right NOW - unless you want to back an attorney who is a disgrace to Caylee's memory.
Here is the problem, the answer sheet (raw) has both his and her writing, in pencil. He then took it and transferred the answers and re-wrote them. He filled in some for her and then admitted, he may have written a thing or two incorrectly.

Ok that spells "throw that test out" Do over with proper controls on this thing and don't touch her paper

Just to clarify, that yellow legal pad with notations were from the PSD, or PDS test, right? I didn't hear them mention the MMPI...
I missed today- at the hospital getting an infusion for remicade. I'm doing the earbuds/ streaming next time till the meds knock me out. Apparently, Dr S became beneficial to the state? I need a recap. Still groggy from meds. Thanks.
I wanna know if Dr. <modsnip> played hide and seek with Jodi behind bars... Did she show him her bits? And he still sent her that gift?

Well it HAS been established that he is willing to barter for his fees.
I'll just mute Baez. I want to see the mock set/reenactment
After Dark is really great show. Tonight they are deciding if she is guilty of attacking Travis or did Travis attack Jodi.

I had to turn it off when I saw them bring out Mr. Baez for the "defense."
I think terrorism is the perfect word for what Jodi was doing to Travis. I can't think of a more descriptive word.

I agree!! But dd was saying that was was JA was experiencing (or claiming to experience) ...

Did i misunderstand? Oh please don't let Minor think I'm an idiot :please:
OMG, Judge Larry S. (of the Anna Nicole trial), the emotional creepy judge on HLN soon. I'm telling you, after this trial is over, I will not be watching HLN again. They are pimping this horrific murder for all it's worth and I am truly disgusted!!
I absolutely do NOT get/see/understand why so many (cave) men are so easily pulled in/attracted to JA?? Her personality is well, there is none!! It's terrible at best, and extremely lame & boring at best -- and don't get me started on her looks because I've honestly never seen her as being remotely attractive (even when she was at probably her best w/ the bimbo hair/look way before she killed TA). I know it seems shallow to make a stink about this but I'm doing so with good reason as I am baffled how she gets men so easily entranced & is able to pull them so quickly/easily into her wicked web right alongside her sorry, pathetic, ship's going down quickly booty hole?? There has been SO many men that have lied for her & do so while jeopardizing themselves/their livelihood/etc & they do so while not being in any kind of official relationship status with her. My boyfriend doesn't get it either in regards to why so many (men & [shame on you ladies] women) try to claim that she's so great looking. The comments he makes about her (both how she acts as well as her looks, but it's mostly always something about her ugly mug) on a regular are wayyyyy harsher than I've ever said - and considering that I think that she's fugly as all heck (both inside & out), I can be pretty brutal in regards to my own comments on/about JA. The only thing that I can think of that's causing this magical/mystical "Law of Attraction to JA" is that it's an lame/old/ugly man thing because it seems all of the men that I've seen that are -or have ever been- infatuated with her fit into this kind of description of a man (who can blame an older not-so-attractive sexually neglected man for jumping at the chance w/ JA because they know the probability that they get laid by JA after showing her 5 min of attention is almost a guaranteed certainty as well all know full well how easy the nympho JA is). I don't include TA in this list because IMO he was never infatuated w/ her; it was purely about the sex. Anyways, it just drives me nuts that WAYYYY too many keep falling on the sword to try & protect/save/rescue one of this world's confirmed biggest who has nothing to contribute to the world & has caused nothing but pain & turmoil since arriving here (on earth). Thanks for letting me vent!!! Does this drive anyone else nuts, or is it just my own issues? lol

*I must add that I DON'T ever agree with a woman bashing another fellow woman (about her looks, life, career, ect) just for sport as all too many do nowadays, but I WILL make an exception for those women who are on this earth who don't deserve to be included with the rest of us women. Such examples are JA and an Anthony from FL. They are monsters; not women and they only lend to giving the rest of us women a bad name. So I bash JA w/ good reason.

I'm with you 100% on this post. I didn't see this as a vent, you hit on one of the major issues of this case. Without question this trial has become what it is because of the physical appearance and apparent allure of the defendant (which I, like you, do not understand at all).

Clearly in the media and elsewhere it's like there's some additional mystery as to why a "beautiful" woman like JA would commit such a crime, like her one time long blond straight hair and petite frame gives her privledge and exemption from the horrible traits she obviously has like rage and violence and the ability to manipulate.

I understand it's simple with the men with her: sex, sex, sex. I've heard several people who knew her (men and women) talk about her sexual energy and how she oozed a really strong seductive fatal attraction type energy. I know this type of woman and they are always bad news. I've seen all sorts of men get involved with them, sometimes just for the thrill to see what it's like and to see if they (the men) can handle them.

She is no different than any other murderer, doesn't deserve any more consideration than the next brutal killer, she is worse and more calculating and dangerous and anyone who is blind to these facts and her "beauty" is delusional and needs to snap out of their fog ASAP.
Regarding the number of "sidebars" -looks like a good drinking game.
Why aren't they using scale sized actors? Vinnie is way taller than jodi....this is irrelevant ....
BBM- two I can think of straightaway.

1) I was 100% against her allowing the DT to present an edited version of the phone call.

2) Allowing Wilmott to backend ANY of the crime scene information for Samuels to add his two cents.

Adding a couple.

I don't think she should have ever let in any pedophile accusations without zero proof!

I think she should clamp down when there are objections. When Juan objects, the defense continually keeps saying things before the judge rules on the objection. It happened today when Juan objected to foundation and JW starting arguing the objection..stating they did lay foundation prior to the judge saying a word. Not proper court decorum. JMO
OMG, Judge Larry S. (of the Anna Nicole trial), the emotional creepy judge on HLN soon. I'm telling you, after this trial is over, I will not be watching HLN again. They are pimping this horrific murder for all it's worth and I am truly disgusted!!

Agreed. Dumb. and thank you for reminding me of the no stippling again from gunshot.

I wish Jodi would just say what happened and her soul free. :banghead:

Why aren't they using scale sized actors? Vinnie is way taller than jodi....this is irrelevant ....
Wow are you able to keep up with the trial tv?

yeah i watch on ustream,it works out quite well here time wise.
if trial starts at say 10, here thats 5pm.

im glad im so far away cause i'd end up wanting to go to court and just scream :Eek:
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