trial day 32: the defense continues its case in chief #93

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Hate to ask, but could someone post a link to our beloved JM undoing the "dr's" testimony yesterday?:please: Missed all of the GOOD parts! Thank you!

Here ya's worth watching twice!

KNurmi specializes in defending those accused of sex crimes in his private practice.

DSamuels specializes in evaluating sexual offenders for risk.

I'll bet these 2 have worked on MANY cases together. moo

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I've been wondering that as well, although you'd think Nurmi would then have a better idea how slapdash and unprepared this guy is.
The MMPI-2 and the MCMI-III are both useful to identify psychopathic and sociopathic behaviors.
I think I love you! Thanks for sharing your insight. Just to bounce off your post too:

The PCL-R (psychopathy checklist revised) and the PPI-R (psychopathic personality inventory revised) are the preferred forensic assessments for psychopathy. The MCMI is based almost solely around the DSM - so where it can most definitely be useful in highlighting axis II disorders - it's also limited to the DSM diagnoses and criteria used to establish them.

The DSM-IV doesn't list psychopathy or sociopathy at all. The DSM V will fortunately rectify that to some degree by eliminating antisocial personality disorder and instead sort of blend antisocial behaviors with psychopathic traits. Where ASPD can be related to some degree with psychopathy most researchers (like Hare) believe emphatically they're much different disorders which use different diagnostic criteria and while a psychopath might score high for ASPD, an ASPD is unlikely to score high on an assessment for psychopathy. Hare estimates about 80-85% of criminals meet the diagnostic criteria necessary for an ASPD diagnosis but only 20% of those are also psychopathic.
Does JM get another crack at Arias or has that ship sailed?

I just don't believe he diced her up as nicely as he did Samuels. Granted, the whackjob changes her stories, is obstinate, combative and belligerent which makes his cross less fluid than I'm sure he would like. Maybe he feels that its not worth having her on the stand longer than she was since it wouldn't necessarily keep the jurors locked on to the key elements of the case.
Of all the things that "doctor" did yesterday, that was the worst. There is not one single iota of evidence that Travis was a pedophile, but this guy acts like of course it's true. GRRRR! :furious:


Well, Jodi said so, so it must be true, yes??? ;-)
What do you think is on the tape that Flores is bringing in this morning? Any guesses on who he interviewed on Thursday?

I think it has to have something to do with Samuels.

I think you're right. JM had two hours on Thursday to interview Samuels because he was planning on using stuff in his testimony that JM hadn't seen. Perhaps Det. Flores was there and taped it. That's my opinion, anyway.
I don't think Samuels forgot the question guide at home. I think he was stalling - finding out what they were going to ask him and then prepare for it overnight. I could be wrong, it was just a thought that came to mind. Surely this guy can't be THAT disorganized - to go to a nationally televised death penalty case and not bring your entire living room with you just to be safe??? is really getting in the way of this trial. So I am relistening to yesterday's testimony and catching up.....BUT....the only place I can find to listen is a link through the Jodi is Innocent site and just the thought of being on there makes me do any of you wonderful WS'ers know somewhere else that has the entire trial taped....Thank so much!

and let me say this LOW SELF ESTEEM???????????? are you kidding me? I have seen people with low self esteem and she is NOT one of them!!!
I don't think Samuels forgot the question guide at home. I think he was stalling - finding out what they were going to ask him and then prepare for it overnight. I could be wrong, it was just a thought that came to mind. Surely this guy can't be THAT disorganized - to go to a nationally televised death penalty case and not bring your entire living room with you just to be safe???

Or did he forget it on purpose? :waitasec: Personally, I think he did. :twocents: is really getting in the way of this trial. So I am relistening to yesterday's testimony and catching up.....BUT....the only place I can find to listen is a link through the Jodi is Innocent site and just the thought of being on there makes me do any of you wonderful WS'ers know somewhere else that has the entire trial taped....Thank so much!

and let me say this LOW SELF ESTEEM???????????? are you kidding me? I have seen people with low self esteem and she is NOT one of them!!!

Check Youtube - search "Jodi Arias Day 32" (I think it was) Croakerqueen usually posts same day. Good Luck!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy sIII (so please excuse the typos!)
What do you think is on the tape that Flores is bringing in this morning? Any guesses on who he interviewed on Thursday?

I think it has to have something to do with Samuels.

I was thinking it was when Judge Stephens gave Juan time Thurs morning to re-interview the good ole doc since the defense wanted him to use his presentation that was not turned over to the state. But IDK why Flores would have to get the tape, so.....
Note to JM ...

If Samuels brings up "multi-level amnesia" today, he's really Gus in disguise.
Wow...he determined she had PTSD in 20 minutes. Thats how long it took her to zip thru 49 questions.

That means it only took her 24.5 seconds to read, think about and answer each question.
Did anyone notice if we saw all the answers on the yellow legal pad paper? I'm thinking not and I'm realizing WHY JM immediately took it and put it into evidence: he snatched away the good Dr.'s crib notes! If JM thinks there is no real answer sheet, that he scored this strictly from the legal pad, Dr. Samuels had a hard time last night entering all the right answers without his "transfer materials."

Oh, goodness! JM is light years ahead of these people! :rocker:

Oh My I am never surprised how brilliant JM is. We all know he has something up his sleeve even the jurors wake up for his cross exam.
I think I love you! Thanks for sharing your insight. Just to bounce off your post too:

The PCL-R (psychopathy checklist revised) and the PPI-R (psychopathic personality inventory revised) are the preferred forensic assessments for psychopathy. The MCMI is based almost solely around the DSM - so where it can most definitely be useful in highlighting axis II disorders - it's also limited to the DSM diagnoses and criteria used to establish them.

The DSM-IV doesn't list psychopathy or sociopathy at all. The DSM V will fortunately rectify that to some degree by eliminating antisocial personality disorder and instead sort of blend antisocial behaviors with psychopathic traits. Where ASPD can be related to some degree with psychopathy most researchers (like Hare) believe emphatically they're much different disorders which use different diagnostic criteria and while a psychopath might score high for ASPD, an ASPD is unlikely to score high on an assessment for psychopathy. Hare estimates about 80-85% of criminals meet the diagnostic criteria necessary for an ASPD diagnosis but only 20% of those are also psychopathic.

This post is very helpful, thank you. As a lay person, I find all these classifications really confusing. Jodi seems to fit ALL of them. Narcissitic, histrionic, borderline, you name it, she's got it. Or so it seems to me. I always thought ASPD and psychopathy were the same thing. What are the differences?
First, I apologize if this has been addressed somewhere before. I don't believe one word of Samuels "expert" testimony but there is a possible explanation for his "unusual testing methodology" in the psychometric tests he "administered" to JA.

First, any reputable clinician will tell you that the validity of the test is dependent on several variables. The setting in which the test was administered, the method in which the test was administered, etc. While the validity of the test results is impacted by the answers of the person taking the test there are several vailidty scales that can be used to confirm or deny a specific diagnosis - these are generally built into each test.

"Dr" Samuels erred on many levels - that's a given. But the primary level that gives rise for concern is the methodology of the test. Answer sheets are provided with the PSD Test package, which also includes a manual, test booklet, 10 answer sheets, 10 scoring worksheets and one scoring directions form. The price of this introductory testing package is $69.00. Nowhere in the world of psychology/psychiatry/sociology have I ever seen an acceptable testing practice of "here's a legal pad, let me write these answers down for you, etc". The inherent bias in that type of testing just blows my mind. Anyhoo, there are tests designed for people who cannot read/write/etc and the testing bias is built into that particular type of test. So, why did Samuels "administer" this test in this manner? He was too freaking cheap to BUY the actual test and answer sheets who would have been retained as evidence in this trial. Instead his method gives rise to the thought that he did indeed complete answers for JA to show her in a PTSD light to assist in her latest defense strategy of "self defense". He lied. He's unethical. He failed.

The second test that he administered was a Millon assessment. For the life of me I cannot recall which test he stated he administered... If someone will refresh my memory I can then rip him to shred on that fiasco. Anyway, Millon assessments are generally used for developing treatment recommendations for patients. It gives the clinician a "look inside the head of the patient" to see where they are in terms of their perception, denial, etc. This is important when beginning a treatment protocol - but we all have head that Dr Samuels was treating her, he was merely assessing her. Whatever dude! (The cost for this particular test MCMI-III would be 172.00 for the test materials.)

If Dr. Samuels wanted to accurately assess JA using the MMPI-2RF wwould have been a good starting point. At a cost of $221.50 for the testing materials it's probably way out of reach for him and if he intended to manipulate the test, he woudl fail miserably!

So, this is my 1st or 2nd post here on WS. Thanks for listening to my blabbering. I cannot stand the sight of Samuels and offer him this bit of advice, "when you're in a hole, stop digging!"

Must head to work now, have tablet and phone for the Ustream broadcast. Ya'll have a great day!

Wonderful post, scubagrannie! Thank you for your insight into the testing aspect. Still scratching my head as to WHY in G-d's name Nurmi and Wilmott would risk losing their entire case on this obvious fraud! And lose, they did!!! I am not a lawyer - just an avid trial watcher, but I would think that Nurmi and Wilmott have just jeopardized their licenses to practice law. IMO, this is lawyer malpractice. Surely, Richard Samuels should be disciplined. As for JA, she is guilty not only of murder in the 1st with premeditation, she is guilty of lying under oath. Just my $0.02 cents worth. One more thing...can JA turn around and use this incident to declare a mis-trial due to ineffective counsel? I certainly hope not, since she is completely complicit,
Hate to ask, but could someone post a link to our beloved JM undoing the "dr's" testimony yesterday?:please: Missed all of the GOOD parts! Thank you!

His cross starts in part two at 57:12 cued up right here for you:

Then continues with part three:
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