trial day 32: the defense continues its case in chief #93

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Note to JM ...

If Samuels brings up "multi-level amnesia" today, he's really Gus in disguise.

What a "multi-level" tomb looks like:

I hate to be 'that person'...

but I'm about to be 'that person'...

(In my defense, I'm on vacation and in a different time zone, so I'm ALL thrown off.)

How many hours until the trial starts up again? (I promise to email myself the times, so that I never have to ask again.)

Thanks so much.

From Tigerbalm siggie.
If you are unsure some posters have it in their siggie or it is always on page 1of the thread.

Most days trial scheduled to start at
10:30am PST (11:30am MST, 12:30pm CST, 1:30pm EST)
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Not that the trial should be entertainment, but that was probably the most entertaining expert testimony I've seen. Usually, the expert stuff is such a drag, but I was LOLing at times.

JM is starting to remind me of Colombo, if Colombo had more attitude.
I sometimes hear a bit of Eminem in Juan's voice. is really getting in the way of this trial. So I am relistening to yesterday's testimony and catching up.....BUT....the only place I can find to listen is a link through the Jodi is Innocent site and just the thought of being on there makes me do any of you wonderful WS'ers know somewhere else that has the entire trial taped....Thank so much!

and let me say this LOW SELF ESTEEM???????????? are you kidding me? I have seen people with low self esteem and she is NOT one of them!!!

I missed yesterdays smack down and life in general make it difficult for me at times. I caught it here last night though and it was awesome! :great:
One thing that angerd me about last nights HLN and their twist of how the murder happend was they had this women with a gun pointing it at the Travis impersonator.
They should have had a replica 25 semi auto handgun in this womens hand.
They should have had her holding it with both hands like jodi said she did.
If they had of showed a real size 25 cal semi auto gun people would have been able to see how small these guns really are and not a replica of a real sized 9mm or 45 gun.
The whole scene they portrayed was not right including the shelving width and the fact the shelves in Travis's closet were much wider and held up by little pins which the shelving in the mock up were not.
The shelf the gun was on supposidly was much higher and could not be reached from the floor without climbing up onto the shelves.
The hallway floor and walls in the real crime scene was coverd in blood and not just a couple of spots like they were showing.
The shelves were only about 6 or 7 in wide and not like the real shelves that were 12 or 14 in wide and held up by 2 flimsy little pins.
The reason the company rated the shelf weight at 40 lbs is because that is all the weight they will hold without the shelf or pins breaking.
The manufacture of these shelves wouldn't rate them at 40 lbs maximum weight if they would hold 120 lbs.
How can a spent shell casing be kicked with socked feet that are coverd in blood and nothing is transferd to the shell casing.
These are very small shell casings in real life so it would be unlikely it could be kicked and especialy into the air .Even if it could be kicked how would it be kicked for it to land on top of a blood puddle.
The human body can hold up to 5 pints of blood so if Travis was stabbed 29 times and had his throat slit this is a lot of blood that had to go somewhere.
His body had lost all it's blood by the time he was dragged back to the shower.
I say if your going to put on a mock murder at least build everything to the exact specs of the crime scene and not skip 80% of the reality of such.

The problems with HLN doing this is that a lot of people who have not been watching this whole trial might believe the crap HLN is portraying as truth.
If you compare his CV with that of another expert, with over 3 decades experience, it is extremely telling. His formal education ends before I was even born. The advancements in PTSD research alone in that time could move mountains. He admitted on the stand he preferred to read summaries of studies and research rather than the actual empirical process. Which is frankly a little frightening all on its own and makes me grateful he isn't actively treating patients.

He has no peer reviewed articles; he hasn't taught a course in anything, anywhere; hasn't seen a patient therapeutically in years according to his testimony and last evidence of any continuing 'education' (which could be argued all on its own, really) comes in 2005.

And he most certainly does not follow any of the guidelines of administering a psychological assessment, even forensically, with which I am familiar.

So...I'm left with he was the best the defense could get (which says it all) and the defense erroneously believed a flawed expert was better than none at all.


I noticed that too especially not treat PTSD patients. Most of his patients were sexual/intimacy issues. A far cry from PTSD unless he treat only patients who were raped which I don't see that happening.

I agree he did not follow any protocol. I have to admit I did not like studying testing, stats and research in college. I snoozed through those classes. Sooooo (as Jodi says) I always sent clients/patients to psychologist to do the necessary testing. I always requested the MMPI after they had been cleaned for at least six months.

Of course, I am sure there are new tests these days since the days I practiced.

Samuel has a BIG problem with client boundaries that is for sure. He knows how to be sucked into a sob story and forget the purpose of his job. Then everything becomes all mixed up where he looses his objectivity.

I havn't had a chance to watch the entire trial so I havn't had a chance to watch JM throughout it. I have the hear the word "bulldog" used to describe him and his methods. The word that comes to my mind when I watch him is "relentless"
I honestly don't think JM is concerned with what the pundits on HLN, Nancy Grace, Dr. Drew and all the rest think of the "job" he is doing or his methods. I wouldn't be surprised, after this trial is over, we never see him on any television shows giving his advice.
I believe that this man is relentless for 3 reasons:
1) He is a prosecutor. He takes pride in his job. He enjoys his job. I think he is as relentless in every case that he works.

2) The victims family. In this case it is TA family. He wants justice for Travis and for them. He is passionate for them and their family and their pain and I believe he embodies their pain, frustration, and desire to see justice done.

3) IMO.. JM despises JA. I think this is personal now. I think its more than winning the case and getting the DP. I think being in the very presence of JA makes his skin crawl. Her arrogant and snippy attitude is disrespectful not just to JM but also to TA's family but the Justice system itself.

Everyone has their description on JM and his methods. My impression now and what I will always remember long after this trial is over is that JM is "relentless"!
When Samuels said he didn't have some important document and it's probably on his desk, I was SO hoping there would be a quick edit to Judge Judy saying "Where did you think you were coming to today -- a TEA PARTY?"

(I bet about a dozen WSers wrote this yesterday - sorry, can't catch up with all the posts!)
You know that feeling you get, when you are 'embarrassed' for someone? When anyone - friend, stranger - does something to literally embarrass themselves, and it's so awful to watch - you almost want to look away, or dig in your purse, or look around feverishly - anything to relieve that YUCKY feeling of mortification (for them?)

Yeah, that was how I felt watching the cross, yesterday. Especially as he was flip-flip-flipping through his papers, trying to find the item, that of course, is 'on his desk'...that was how I felt when JM caught him up on the test answers - when he sputtered around, after being caught in a non-truth (IMO).

I felt awkward. I didn't want to watch, but I did want to, at the same time.

Ended up muting it and going back to watch it after my cheeks went back to normal - I'm Irish, I blush easily, and with this guy - I was blushing a LOT - he made a fool out of himself.

(Well-deserved, IMO, as he has no professional ethics whatsoever IMO, but, still awful to watch.)
Is the defense team just going through the motions at this point? It certainly does not seem like they are trying.....Can't think of why they would have put Dr. Samuels on the stand yesterday if they were actively trying to prove her self-defense claim.

JMO but the defense team has only one onjective - trying to keep her from getting the DP. My general view is they have overlooked a lot of things, maybe because they are disorganized, overworked :)D), just not paying attention, or consider it outside their focus. However, this SNAFU with Doc Samuels reflects extremely poorly on the team as a whole. But as always they have a defense - their client is a liar who under no circumstances is ever going to admit she premeditated this murder and she meant to do it exactly how she did. I seriously doubt they got any more truth or help from her than Travis did. She, Ms. Arias is in control.
This post is very helpful, thank you. As a lay person, I find all these classifications really confusing. Jodi seems to fit ALL of them. Narcissitic, histrionic, borderline, you name it, she's got it. Or so it seems to me. I always thought ASPD and psychopathy were the same thing. What are the differences?
Mainly what it takes to get to that diagnosis. ASPD is diagnosed based on behavioral patterns where psychopathy is diagnosed around personality traits. Someone can be a raging psychopath and not fit the criteria of ASPD at all. And someone could have ASPD, or more common, a comorbidity and not be psychopathic at all.

They're very similar in lack of empathy, flat emotional affect, deception, manipulation, etc. I'd say ASPD are more prone to angry outbursts and less calm than their psychopathic counterparts; more likely to commit crime; poorer impulse control; etc. Think of psychopathy as a better controlled version of ASPD, I guess. They're more likely to hold jobs longer (even careers spanning decades); have long term relationships, etc.

I'm including some links that probably explain it far better than I could.$UBUG/repositorio/10281817_Arrigo2.pdf

ETA: I'm sure many already know this but psychopathy isn't a current mental health diagnosis outside the realm of forensics. Not according to the APA's DSM anyway. ;) The closest to it anyone will find is a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder and therein lies the problem.
I havn't had a chance to watch the entire trial so I havn't had a chance to watch JM throughout it. I have the hear the word "bulldog" used to describe him and his methods. The word that comes to my mind when I watch him is "relentless"
I honestly don't think JM is concerned with what the pundits on HLN, Nancy Grace, Dr. Drew and all the rest think of the "job" he is doing or his methods. I wouldn't be surprised, after this trial is over, we never see him on any television shows giving his advice.
I believe that this man is relentless for 3 reasons:
1) He is a prosecutor. He takes pride in his job. He enjoys his job. I think he is as relentless in every case that he works.

2) The victims family. In this case it is TA family. He wants justice for Travis and for them. He is passionate for them and their family and their pain and I believe he embodies their pain, frustration, and desire to see justice done.

3) IMO.. JM despises JA. I think this is personal now. I think its more than winning the case and getting the DP. I think being in the very presence of JA makes his skin crawl. Her arrogant and snippy attitude is disrespectful not just to JM but also to TA's family but the Justice system itself.

Everyone has their description on JM and his methods. My impression now and what I will always remember long after this trial is over is that JM is "relentless"!

Great post, especially the part I bolded! Thank you :great:
I'm watching the Wilmott direct on TruTV. Several times, the Dr. said (basically) 'Poor widdle Jodi had all this stress because she had no one to talk to about what she had done' Well, boo-effing-hoo!

First of all, you should have never murdered Travis. AND 911 would have been more than happy to listen to Jodi. There were multitudes of people who would have listened to her.

What did the 18 page letter to Travis' siblings say?
He didnt seem to me to have any lack of education or experience. Whicb makes it all the more strange that he would vet up there unprepared. Maybe your average prosecutor isnt nearly as good as JM? --- The defense attorneys DEFINITELY should have known better.

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Yep, he was a bumbling mess! I wondered whether he was just so arrogant he dismissed JM's abilities? Did he not think Mr. Juan would check into each and every one of the "doc's" findings?

Either tremendous, albeit, misplaced ego, or tremendous incompetence, imo.

JM mopped the floor with this guy.
I missed yesterdays smack down and life in general make it difficult for me at times. I caught it here last night though and it was awesome! :great:


Awesome isn't good enough. I don't think there's a word for it yet, any suggestions?

Incredisome? :waitasec:

Does anyone think Gus Jr. stopped at Walmart on the way home last night and bought some Depends for today? :floorlaugh:
He didnt seem to me to have any lack of education or experience. Whicb makes it all the more strange that he would vet up there unprepared. Maybe your average prosecutor isnt nearly as good as JM? --- The defense attorneys DEFINITELY should have known better.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2

That is what bothers me. How could defense let Samuels testify to information he knew was false? And Nurmi knew it was false. It was one thing at the time of the test but when she changed her story they still went with the test on her lies. Did her attorney's also think it was okay for him to buy her a book and have it sent to her in prison???? Wouldn't that be an attempt at some type of treatment for her? jmo
Samuels was a joke! Martinez took command of that courtroom and knew exactly
where he was going with his cross examination. Yaaaaayyyy Juan!!!
seriously, I don't know how else to classify any mental health professional who would send an incarcerated admitted killer awaiting a death penalty trial a book recommended for those described as:

What would possess anyone with a modicum of common sense to send a person who stabbed someone 29 times, slit their throat and shot them in the head and who was awaiting a death penalty trial, a book like this? It is seriously deranged. It is so inappropriate as to itself cast doubt on anything this guy could possibly say. It's as bad as his insistence on "low self esteem". Really, is that her biggest problem? Not her being an admitted killer who can't remember the three different ways she killed someone she allegedly "loved", but it's her low self esteem which is preventing her from living up to her potential?

I agree...and he said he sent this to her because she was suicidal? Really? This is the best book he could come up with??
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