trial day 33: the defense continues its case in chief #94

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Did anyone notice when Juan asked the doc about his memory - it almost seemed like he had heard that phrase before....
When was the last time he claims to have talked to tattle tale Arias? Or was he able to be in the courtroom during testimony?

He's not allowed to be in the courtroom or watch the trial but who knows, he probably watched every day while <mod snip>.

Which, it just occurred to me, I wonder if he DVR'ed his testimony. I bet he did! Too painful to watch now though.
Did anyone notice when Juan asked the doc about his memory - it almost seemed like he had heard that phrase before....
When was the last time he claims to have talked to tattle tale Arias? Or was he able to be in the courtroom during testimony?

I don't believe doc was in court during testimony, but it's obvious the DT coached the doc and memory loss was a big issue for the DT so the great Doc Ham-wells seemed to focus his testimony on that fognesia.
My DH has been eating A LOT of crock pot meals in the last few weeks, he knows I am all-in for Travis Alexander and I want justice for him. He didn't quite get it at first. He thought the trial was just all about the 3-whole wonder sex stuff, but he has asked a few questions about the trial so he knows it's more than just that.

Last night he came home and sat down and watched JM - he gets it now. He was exhausted but he said that JM is almost hypnotic with the questioning.


Mine has been doing the cooking. Yay!!
He tries to talk to me and I can't hear him b/c I have earbuds on. Poor guy shakes his head. He has certainly been neglected lately.
Hey all - sorry to be a bother but the links to live video above don't seem to be working for me - can someone post a link to a live feed that's working for you?



It's been my experience they do not work until at least 30 mins. before trial scheduled, sometimes even closer. That might be your issue. :seeya:
I think Doc <mod snip> brought his suitcase yesterday with him to court because he thought he would only be on the stand for 1 day and then he could fly/drive home. Obviously he didn't have a suitcase full of JA case files - nope, it had to be his clothes.

and then Doc <mod snip> met JM!

Depends take up a lot of space.


Did she send you any wings? :waitasec:

Yesterday's testimony by the good dr was cringe worthy. I was torn, he seemed so likeable & fatherly. But Martinez had every right to go after him, if even 1 of the jury began to give credibility to his theory it could persuade them to not give a 1st degree verdict.
It was sad in a way, I felt sorry for him as Martinez sensed every chink in his armour & went for him. I even think he's a decent man who seems way too naive to be dealing with the likes of Jodi. As he told his story of giving Jodi the 9 dollar book it was obvious he didnt see anything wrong, he just wanted to help. But Martinez was right, it was inappropriate for a professional who is meant to give an unbiased expert opinion.
I was amazed the defense let him get on the stand letting him base his opinion on Jodi from a test he admitted Jodi lied in. His little voice saying he probably should have given her another test reminded me of a little boy who forgot to do his homework. The defense should be ashamed of themselves. They didn't prepare the dr at all for his testimony & thought that Martinez wouldn't catch them out.
Please let them put Matt McCartney on the stand, that is 1 witness I would like to let Martinez get at- Star magazine anyone??
I saw that Dr. Amen was on a show illustrating the brain scans in trauma situations. He is the type of expert that knows this stuff. It would be great if the jury had someone like him to rely on.

I'm going to have to politely disagree about Dr. Amen. He has a horrible rep in the scientific community. He sells his own brand of vitamins based on brain scans.
I think Doc Hamwells brought his suitcase yesterday with him to court because he thought he would only be on the stand for 1 day and then he could fly/drive home. Obviously he didn't have a suitcase full of JA case files - nope, it had to be his clothes.

and then Doc Hamwells met JM!

I think he included the missing cheat sheet and answers, in with the evidence that got handed over to JM actually. I re-watched yesterdays cross and from the way JM handled that whole line of questioning, I could tell he was sitting on a bombshell. Today when the Dr looks like a complete incompetent because he couldn't find his patient files, JM will whip them out.
He's not allowed to be in the courtroom or watch the trial but who knows, he probably watched every day while huffing glue and dreaming of Jodi.

Which, it just occurred to me, I wonder if he DVR'ed his testimony. I bet he did! Too painful to watch now though.

When he testified that maybe he added the part about her ankles being tied up as well, I thought "pervert". If she didn't tell him that her ankles were bound as well, it must have been his own fantasy....
Morning all! :seeya: I am so looking forward to see our Juan back in business today. I was hooting and hollering and generally :floorlaugh: to the point the cat and kitties ran for cover and DH came out and checked to see if I was okay.

I've promised myself I would be an :angel2: while Juan :bigfight:'s the good doctor.

I have a very serious problem with professionals who do not follow the ethical rules of their profession. His last admission, that he should have taken himself off the case speaks volumes. I know the jury "got it all" and will toss anything he says.

While I'm way over the hill now, from back in college and thereafter, my friends have always told me I have a talent for spotting people who are "off" in one way or another. Mind you, I only gave an opinion when asked and I knew the person trusted my intuition. I'm sorry to say I was the cause of a couple of break-ups, they believed in me so much and was normally deemed to have been correct based on subsequent behavior/character issues.

When Gus Searcy came on the stand, it took me only one look. The same with this guy. Isn't it interesting that so many of us got that same "gut feeling" when Samuels took the stand!

Doubt I'll get to post much today, but I'll be reading here and thanking as many posters as is possible. It's too dicey to refresh to get a thanks in when the button goes blooey.
Juan was noticeably "softer" on the doc after he initially got very flustered. I think this was very interesting. When Samuels was bowing up and being defiant, Juan was appropriately harsh and confrontational, but when the doctor started telling the truth and answering questions without playing games, Juan relaxed his demeanor as well.

Yes, it's quite noticeable, isn't it? He did it with Arias too. Seems once he has control of the witness he cuts them some slack, until the next round of bull s**t.
Yesterday's testimony by the good dr was cringe worthy. I was torn, he seemed so likeable & fatherly. But Martinez had every right to go after him, if even 1 of the jury began to give credibility to his theory it could persuade them to not give a 1st degree verdict.
It was sad in a way, I felt sorry for him as Martinez sensed every chink in his armour & went for him. I even think he's a decent man who seems way too naive to be dealing with the likes of Jodi. As he told his story of giving Jodi the 9 dollar book it was obvious he didnt see anything wrong, he just wanted to help. But Martinez was right, it was inappropriate for a professional who is meant to give an unbiased expert opinion.
I was amazed the defense let him get on the stand letting him base his opinion on Jodi from a test he admitted Jodi lied in. His little voice saying he probably should have given her another test reminded me of a little boy who forgot to do his homework. The defense should be ashamed of themselves. They didn't prepare the dr at all for his testimony & thought that Martinez wouldn't catch them out.
Please let them put Matt McCartney on the stand, that is 1 witness I would like to let Martinez get at- Star magazine anyone??

Love your user name.
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