trial day 34: the defense continues it's case in chief #98

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Well unfortunately we have snow on the ground and a temp of 10 degrees today. Surely the flowers are blooming in AZ though and that's where we need the hope!
How did this even get to be said in court anyway? I missed most of yesterday since it came on late. I had to pick my kiddo up then we had homework and study time. I did not get to go back over that part and hear for myself how it was said or if there was an objection. If that is not hear say then what is? Heck you can not say so and so told me this is. He made it seem like he heard it in an interview done by someone else. Newspapers and news on TV have been known to take things out of context, snip and clip to get the biggest OMG moment all the time.

I was surprised Juan did not object but maybe he would prefer the jury infer it was just another pointless last minute lie, and not waste valuable court time on it. It has no bearing on his case.

I'm sure most of you have seen that, but I just came across it. GAH!!! That's so depressing people are falling for her spewage. I know it's a tiny minority, but it's unsettling.

Taking the contrarian position is an interesting phenomenon.

There are many seemingly reasonable people who upon being presented with a series of facts will somehow reach an entirely erroneous position and indeed cling to that position. I deem these people members of the “flat earth society”.
For these people the horizon is flat and their experiences even in a commercial airline tell them that their perception of a flat horizon is the correct one. Outside cues from observers or investigators will NOT disabuse these people of these false beliefs. I cite the example of the Branch Davidian Cult in Waco Texas. The followers of David Koresh were quite simply deluded. And these acolytes persisted in their delusions.
It is also interesting to observe the psychology of interested people who after hearing the evidence consider that JA is either innocent or telling the truth about her abuse and memory lapses. These people lack the capacity for valid critical thinking. For reasons that are unclear they will cling to a conclusion that is not justified. It is likely that this population of people would be inclined to see conspiracy behind many public policies.

Holding unswervingly to false beliefs does not necessarily lead to adverse results. This species of false beliefs is inconsequential. This brand of beliefs stands in contradistinction to consequential beliefs such as the denial of gravity. People cannot fly nor survive long distance falls. Therefore most people are firm believers in the existence of gravity based on personal experience.

People can maintain a belief in the Easter Bunny or that JA is innocent and still navigate ordinary life without ill effects. Confessing unpopular or bizarre beliefs is also a means of maintaining group cohesion. Belief systems can differentiate “us” vs “them” OR “friend” vs “foe” and thus become a mechanism for self-identification.

The members of Websleuths take comfort in the community of believers = namely those who regard JA is guilty and worthy of serious retribution. Based on this metric we could say the world is made up 2 types of people – those who believe JA is scum and those who don’t. It is highly unlikely that the twain shall ever meet.
I disagree about CA. I think she was horribly ugly and dowdy during trial. In real life, she was a fairly pretty girl.

They have done a number on JA, that's for sure. Your description is perfect. She's the dowdy, mousy little librarian now (no offense to librarians). I didn't think she was pretty before but I certainly see how others would. I think they would have more chance at sympathy from the male jurors if she could at least wear a little makeup. She's absolutely frightening the way she looks now which plays into the psychotic killer look IMO.

Totally agree -- with the glasses, bangs and long, limp dark hair, she keeps reminding me of Andrea Yates.
Looking at the last headshot of Travis in the shower. I'm convinced that the killer had pulled out her weapons at that point. He looks like he's afraid for his life. I used to have a shower just like Travis' and is no way that even I (a petite woman) would voluntarily sit down there. It would be claustrophobic and just plain uncomfortable.

Travis would have never sat down in there (to relax or whatever) especially with JA (a woman he was increasingly weary of) around. He was forced at gunpoint. I think JA used the gun to threaten Travis. Simply showing him the knife wouldn't do. Had that been the case Travis would have opened the shower door himself and tried to wrestle the knife out of her hands. He would have had the upper hand.

I think the killer brought the gun in order to corner Travis and also as a back up in case the knife thing didn't finish him off. So Travis was forced to sit down. I think she stabbed him when he was in that most vulnerable of positions. I don't agree that she first stabbed him when he came out of the shower towelling himself. Why would she have asked him to sit if she did not want to attack him at that point? I don't know what exactly went off after that but I'm convinced she started stabbing him while he was sitting down in the shower.

I've never seen anyone more evil than she is. I have no sympathy for her whatsoever and I don't care if that makes me less 'good'. My heart overflows with love and compassion for Travis and family and I won't rest till the killer is convicted of first-degree murder.

Rose222, I agree with you 100%. I believe that is exactly how that scenario played out. First of all, those shower photos, unnatural, forced. In that sitting position, with that gun pointed at him, he was a sitting duck. Travis knew he was cornered and I have a feeling he was trying to talk her out of it/reason with her. That last look on his face, disturbing, knowing he's in imminent danger. I think she lunged at him, (like Glenn Close did Michael Douglas in Fatal Attraction) stabbed him in the heart, him trying to defend himself in that sitting position, maybe even forcing him down onto his back, not being able to immediately get up (at best taking 3-4 sec) hence, the defensive wounds on his hands, goes over to sink starts coughing up blood (per ME she nicked his bronchus). She continues stabbing him in the back at the sink, he tries to flee, on all fours crawling, continuing to attack him relentlessly, he's yells he cannot feel his legs as his body is starting to shut down, he could not defend himself any longer, well... we know the rest, all in 62 seconds. I hope the jury awards her with the title, DEATH...ROW...INMATE.
There's something I really want to say here...and I hope it's taken in the spirit that it's offered.

Reading through the posts this morning, I've seen a few instances of people saying that their own personal relationships are being affected because of disagreements over this trial. Don't let this trial come between you and your loved ones. It's not worth it, and to some degree, it allows Jodi Arias power over YOU.

Fortunately, my husband walks in the door and says, "Have they killed her yet?" but even if he didn't support my POV, I wouldn't let the trial come between us.
I think it is compassion. I assuage my guilt at feeling any sadness for people like Jodi and the boys of Steubenville in remembering that what I am feeling sad for is the human potential they had and squandered, and the child they once were. I get a little stymied when the conversation turns to 'the bad seed' sort of dialogue, as I am not sure if I believe or understand how sociopaths become (are they born? are they made?) sociopaths, but anyway.

A behavioral geneticist has done a lot of work in this field. David Lykken believes sociopaths are created as a result of parenting, peer, and societal influences. A psychopath is born, with very similar traits to a sociopath, that no amount of influence (through early childhood development or anything else) can possibly rectify.

I can understand compassion for the girl Jodi was...I have a similar sympathy for my ex, who experienced horrific abuse I'm certain led to the development of his disorders. At the point their behaviors become a choice to abuse or hurt others though is when and where my sympathy must also end, for my own personal mental health.
I disagree about CA. I think she was horribly ugly and dowdy during trial. In real life, she was a fairly pretty girl.

They have done a number on JA, that's for sure. Your description is perfect. She's the dowdy, mousy little librarian now (no offense to librarians). I didn't think she was pretty before but I certainly see how others would. I think they would have more chance at sympathy from the male jurors if she could at least wear a little makeup. She's absolutely frightening the way she looks now which plays into the psychotic killer look IMO.

It's the hands that give me the shivers!
Good morning my fellow friends, seekers of justice for Travis!

Does court start at the normal time today?

OT : if you are so inclined, will you please say a prayer for my grandma? She had a heart attack last night. She seems to be okay but she is my world, shes 91 and very frail, and I'm so scared for her. Thank you!

(((Hopeful One))) Praying for her and you!
sorry if this is already been mentioned...still catching up

why on earth have we just thrown in this knife attack at 13? this is a total fabrication, because suddenly they realized that just claiming PSTD as a underlying factor in the

FOG ( omigod who believes this?)

but hey, why not use it as an excuse for murder too? I think mr.1970's newjersey sex therapist is just as much of a con artist as Jodi and is turned on by her.

absolutely nothing he says addresses the fact that the real jodi arias is a sociopathic, psychopathic, liar and murderer. ...probably the most important thing to remember.

mixed up on top of crazy with a smattering of nuts.
Why exactly are you wasting time with your kid's homework when you could be watching the trial?! I mean, he/she will have homework again, right? You need to get your priorities in order here. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

I know... Im sorry I let several people down since I watch the trial and report to them each night what happened or tell them the parts to pay attention to when they watch it on youtube. So disappointed in myself. :)
So true and so sad!

I disagree about CA. I think she was horribly ugly and dowdy during trial. In real life, she was a fairly pretty girl.

They have done a number on JA, that's for sure. Your description is perfect. She's the dowdy, mousy little librarian now (no offense to librarians). I didn't think she was pretty before but I certainly see how others would. I think they would have more chance at sympathy from the male jurors if she could at least wear a little makeup. She's absolutely frightening the way she looks now which plays into the psychotic killer look IMO.

I agree also, CA looked like crap without her make-up, tan and tight little clothes.
With Jodi it is the look she gives Juan every now and then. It is pure evil. You can see her temper rising and then you can see her rein it in because she knows/catches herself.
I read somewhere that they believed it was a 4" blade.

Autopsy findings indicate that the blade portion of the implement JA used to lacerate TA's superior vena cava was at least 1.5" wide -- sharp on one edge and dull on the opposite edge -- and more than 3" long.
I agree. Every time I look at them I think, "those ugly bony hands killed Travis in the worst way possible." It's horrifying.

there used to be a kind of study on hands that they would use to identify certain traits...I will research...wonder what it would say about those huge wormy man hands.....

Just logging in. Missed court after 5:30 and reading recap. Did court seriously get cancelled because someone hurled?? Maybe they were sick of listening to the doc spew biased favoritism while reading off his notes because he knows utterly nothing of value about this case.
I think it is compassion. I assuage my guilt at feeling any sadness for people like Jodi and the boys of Steubenville in remembering that what I am feeling sad for is the human potential they had and squandered, and the child they once were. I get a little stymied when the conversation turns to 'the bad seed' sort of dialogue, as I am not sure if I believe or understand how sociopaths become (are they born? are they made?) sociopaths, but anyway.

I feel absolutely NO compassion for JA But I did for the boys in the OH rape case. When I saw them crying, it broke my heart, which then made me feel horrible because how could I feel bad for people who did something so evil?? But you have a very good point here and it makes me feel a little less crazy.
Not too amazing ALL of Travis friends immediately thought of JA as a suspect in his murder.

SERIOUSLY?? Sleeping in his house CROWDED with his friends , uninvited, under the Christmas tree???

I know right! I heard that last night also. She was/is an Ultimate stalker.
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