trial day 34: the defense continues it's case in chief #98

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The girl who was tipsy and was helped by Travis is on NG right now.

Of course she tells a totally different story then the ridiculous story Jodi told the court. The girl even states that Jodi got her into the bathroom and confronted her. Told her Travis and her were an item and that "he is hers". To make sure she new that. Jodi blocked the doorway and wouldn't this poor girl out until one of the girl's friend showed up and rescued her with out even knowing it.

This to me is much bigger news then Travis' eye ball!

This friend of Travis' told Jodi that Travis was like a brother to her. This poor girl has to explain herself when a good friend helps her? Jodi is infuriating.
I have a question about the gun in the closet and the stolen gun. I need to read up, but if anyone can answer for me, I'd appreciate it. Did forensics determine Travis was shot with his own gun or was he shot with the stolen gun? Or do we even know? I guess they are the same type gun? I'm lost on this... TIA

No, the gun that shot Travis has never been found.
Travis didn't have a gun, Jodi made that one up on the stand.
OMG, the drunk girl that Travis helped is on NG now! BTW, a lovely girl and presents herself well.

Clancy Talbot says Jodi got her into rest room and told her Travis and Jodi were an item and she wouldn't let Clancy leave. Her friend had to get her out of the restroom. Jodi confronted her! Threatening behavior and strong reminder that Travis was her's.

Says Jodi is not someone with low self-esteem, she's can hold her own and is a very good manipulator.
Dr. Drew ‏@DrDrewHLN 1m
Next: Men have revealing information about #JodiArias. They say she invited herself on their vacations - One man even calls her a cancer.
Also new on the Interro tape, is when she says she didn't call his family because she didn't want to sound "OBSESSIVE" Really Jodes, who'da thunk? ;)
The two people in the retina reflection was posted here weeks ago! Just confirming what others have asked:)

And well debunked I might add.
Dr. Drew ‏@DrDrewHLN 1m
Next: Men have revealing information about #JodiArias. They say she invited herself on their vacations - One man even calls her a cancer.

LOLZ .... was she taking her own bunny for the camp stew? Knew it. Maybe the gun was to force them to take her :)
and here's the photo clearly showing the reflection in Travis' eye does in fact SHOW ONLY ONE FIGURE STANDING IN FRONT OF HIM..

Dear God NG just put up the last photo of TA and said there are 2 people in the iris of TA right eye... Good Lord Why Did She Do That? Nothing like throwing gas on a fire. This will only be BAD for the Pros. Jesus Mary and Joesph please make it stop!

I agree it's not at all helpful, just cheap sensationalism without any foundation. Some of these deleted/recovered photos were enlarged by Police from thumbnails. Blow them up even more and pixelation means you can barely discern the structure of the eye. Miniature reflections? No that was debunked long ago.

This reminds me of Victorian times when photography was in its infancy. Slightly different I know, but it was wondered then if the final image seen by a murder victim would be preserved on their retinas. Needless to say no amount of close-up photography ever revealed a murderer.
Can anyone tell me why, this late in the game, we are getting "brand new footage"????

I mean, where has it been? Why is it being released now?

Makes no sense to me.

Testimony today was boring as heck, so this gives NG an excuse to yell BOMBSHELL!!
Also new on the Interro tape, is when she says she didn't call his family because she didn't want to sound "OBSSESIVE" Really Jodes, who'da thunk? ;)

Do you have a link to this video or does anyone? I haven't seen it and NG isn't showing it for whatever reason! TIA! :)
Eta : I take it back! It's on now!

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Someone just told NG that JA was given an asprin today for her migraine. Trust me, as a former migraine suffer (none after my divorce, thank you), asprins don't take away the pain! You can't even stand light or motion. JA lies again!

I've never had a migraine but have known people that have had them. They look like they are in actual pain.

Didn't Jodi get a lunch today??
Dr. Samuels made it sound like diagnosing dissociative amnesia is a relatively simple matter. I'm no expert, but as a layperson who's had a family member experience a possible amnesiac episode, I can tell you it's not as simple as being seen by a psychologist a handful of times and having him or her render that diagnosis. In our situation, there was a full battery of physical tests, including an MRI of the brain, a sleep-deprived EEG, a second EEG monitored constantly over a period of 3 days, neurological testing and a series of neuropsychological tests, to first rule out a physical brain disorder. The history of drug and alcohol abuse, as well as prior "blackout" episodes also had to be considered. Additionally, there were psychiatric conditions had to be ruled out. Even after all of that, dissociative amnesia was never conclusively diagnosed.

Straight to the point, it's always been my understanding that dissociative amnesia is more a diagnosis of exclusion, and it isn't usually made until a whole host of other conditions - physical, psychiatric and psychological - has been ruled out.

I didn't see any indication from Dr. Samuels' testimony that any other tests were done to rule out other conditions. And his basis for diagnosing PTSD seems (pun intended) pretty shaky to me, too.

At the end of the day, he comes across as a hired gun, and a disorganized and unprofessional one at that! I hope the jury is seeing right through him. It will be interesting to hear their questions for him!
maybe if you put the photo under a strong enough microscope you can see the perp's DNA too.
Same "logic".
Do you have a link to this video or does anyone? I haven't seen it and NG isn't showing it for whatever reason! TIA! :)

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Don't have a link yet, waiting for something on FB, saw it on JVM though.
OOOH yes................the dating segment, big fight. Love it.
The body language experts on HLN have got a lot better in last couple years :)
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