trial day 35: the defense continues its case in chief #100

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Exactly. She probably did have suppressed feelings that all came to head at the beginning of June.

I did not like this question though. They were insinuating that she had a pent up anger due to all the crap she was taking and when the gun accidentally went off, it was like a dam breaking and all the anger unleashed on Travis. One juror may be sympathizing with her. Hopefully the rest will remind this person of the premeditation and the bold faced third gas can lie on the stand.

ETA: Or better yet, they will be dismissed. Also might be the same person who asked about Travis' delay in reaching the closet door. They are trying to give credence to her story...ugh.
Well, from the autopsy pics we all know Travis did try to fight...and he did try to flee down the hall...this testshittoney is making me sick.
sigh. This is just mind numbing. Every bit of info he used in order to make his diagnosis came from the defense (not biased at all I'm sure) or JA (clearly a model of truth telling and accuracy).

Samuels: JA and TA had a tumultuous relationship. How do I know, JA told me so

About that whole shaking thing. Just speaking for myself I have a similar response to being reminded or confronted with memories of my abuse, like getting a letter in the mail from my ex.

I never, not once, though I was extremely fearful and always on eggshells had such an attack while still in the relationship. I did feel the fight or flight response but actual anxiety from experiencing the abuse, like panic attacks or fragmented memories, didn't start for me until the abuse was out of my daily life.

Theory goes I didn't experience it until it was 'safe' for me to. Just my experiences though. For what that's worth.

My apologies! No offense intended to true victims of domestic violence! I just don't believe for one second JA IS one. TA, on the other hand...
Symptom: I have pain in my shoulder.
Eventual dx: ectopic pregnancy
Whatever Mr.Dr.Samuels, you limited the scope to the first symptoms she told you.
Geeze, this guy seems to know an awful lot about stuff that doesn't fall under his domain. He's an architect now, commenting on Travis' closet.
It could be that the judge/attorneys changed a word such as killing, murder, etc., to "the event" so that it is not perceived as prejudicial.

Rationally I understand, but it still angers me. Dr. Strangelove referred to his murder as "the incident." I know he can't say" the savage murder of Travis Alexander," but c'mon. The incident?
put distance between her and her fear? surely if she were fearful of Travis, 500 miles is plenty of distance between them but WE ALL KNOW SHE DROVE TO ARIZONA to see him uninvited and unexpected!!!!!! this is SO stupid.
This Samuels' aggressiveness and insistence (wants to speak on behalf of JA) only makes it seem like he really really likes her. Fond of her.

That's a very good observation. He is acting like a patient's advocate - yet she wasn't his patient. He was only there to perform an evaluation for the court.
The book he SHOULD have given her is HES JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU
I have a shot of JA flipping off dr, can't figure out how to post it ????

I posted one in the thread that just closed but I then realized it might violate the TOS - even though I don't think that's what she actually did.

But paused at the precise moment, it appears that way - I just don't think the mods would be keen on it - it is a vulgar gesture (even if unintentional so I'm not posting it again) :) jmv. THIS is why the girl in the scary movies always runs UPSTAIRS! to get away from the boogeyman.... I never knew!
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