trial day 35: the defense continues its case in chief #100

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Acute Stress Order. Now that's a completely new term Wilmott.
Jodi learned how to use a gun and swing a murderous knife right in the middle of Fight or Flee instincts. It's truly amazing.

Woke up to a vague memory near the Hoover Dam.

Sure, sure, we don't believe you at all, Samuels.

Samuels saying, "But in dissociative amnesia there's nothing there, nothing gets recorded.
Repressed memories gets portioned off. Whole area cut off from the brain, but are repressed and those memories can come back." Huh? Astronomy lessons now.

Anyways, I'll just go with the facts - Jodi planned this murder and stole a gun to go do it.
Enough already! Doesn't JW know when to call it quits? She's lost the jury with all of this psychological babble. They're so over it.
I noticed some of the jurors refered to her as "Ms.Arias" others as "Jodi". Willmott and Dr.S are calling her "Jodi". That is seeming way to relatable and "humanizing" her to be likable for lack of a better word.

Repressed memories aren't accepted as being a real phenomenon in mainstream psychology...again...stuck in the paaaaaaast

Are you saying that my recovered memories of being kidnapped by a Satanic coven where babies were sacrificed in the '80's DIDN'T HAPPEN???
I think the doc is describing exactly how Jodi perceived the relationship. I think Jodi felt "abused" and Jodi felt like Travis had all the power and Jodi felt like she went to extremes to accommodate Travis and Jodi felt like it was the end of the world if Travis didn't call her for a couple of days.

No doubt this is how she described the relationship, but that does not mean that it bears any resemblance to reality -- it only reflects Jodi's distorted perception.

Plus I bet she didn't disclose to the doc that she slashed tires, sent threatening emails to Travis' girlfriend, followed Travis and invaded his email and social media.
I totally agree with you but blame-shifting with constant and persistent victim mentality is very often a hallmark of psychopathy (and Cluster B disorders). Jodi's been the victim in every relationship she's ever had - from parent to partner.

It should have been a red flag for any psychologist as evidence itself of a disordered personality, requiring a closer examination.

I personally believe all psychopaths feel abused, mistreated, disrespected as a general state of being. No one can ever live up to their expectations and treat them how they believe they should be. Their entire relationship mantra is 'idealize, devalue, and discard'. Literally.

This is a really great article that describes that process for those interested: http://psychopathyawareness.wordpre...ationship-cycle-idealize-devalue-and-discard/
Oh, keep going Wilma...JA does not remember anything after Travis fell on her and she rolled away. Not until near Hoover Dam. Juan is gonna prove you WRONG!

Sorry to quote myself. Wilma is making it worse by getting the doc to say JA did not form any memories at all - not just repressed memories. So, when it comes out JA does remember, it will be worse. Love it!!
didn't he say yesterday she likely wouldn't have been able to move him???
I thought the doctor was not allowed to go to where he is now going?
he met with her 12 times.. they are acting like he is the KNOW ALL END ALL and knows everything about their relationship. OMG judge can you stop this nonsense!!!!! they are desperate.. SHUT UP

He met with her 12 times, and 1/2 those times, 6 to be exact, she was lying.

I don't think he knows what he's doing.

I just want Juan to ask Samuels "Whether JA premeditated killing TA or in self defense, is it possible she would still suffer PTSD?" I would imagine in either situation, she would suffer PTSD. Just as anyone else would whether planned or not. (Of course I believe Jodi premeditated killing TA). I know Samuels have skirted around, giving soldier or police examples but if I am correct and listening well enough to the trial, Juan has not simply asked this question has he? That question would bottom line, enough said IMHO.
That's not what her story has always been! At first she wasn't there. Then, the Ninjas!
These jurors are going to need therapy when this is over.

Doesn't this defense team think there is a point of diminishing returns?
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