trial day 36: the defense continues its case in chief #105

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Well he is trained in empathy but, his client...missed the sign up day for empathy because she has ...none!!! ZERO!!
Thank you for making me smile - this may be the first smile I have had since this trial has started.

Is it just me - or is Dr. Samuels overly argumentative? How can he be so upset by being asked questions?

If I were on the jury, I would think that "this guy (Samuels) is not interested in diagnosing Arias ... this guy just wants to get his way ... this guy is worst than a two year old child trowing a tantrum over his mother not letting him lick the bottom of his shoes."

Since Samuels is a witness for the defense - I would think that Nurmi/Wilcott would ask Samuels to stop being so combative as it looks very unprofessional.
I quite agree, Thurston. I think he wanted the publicity of appearing as a witness in a high profile trial, touting the knowledge and expertise that came with a free decoder ring, and so wish I were in Arizona just so I could say:

'Hey doc, how's that working out for ya?' :biggrin:
Definition of SEMANTICS
: the study of meanings:
a : the historical and psychological study and the classification of changes in the signification of words or forms viewed as factors in linguistic development
b (1) : semiotics (2) : a branch of semiotic dealing with the relations between signs and what they refer to and including theories of denotation, extension, naming, and truth
: general semantics
a : the meaning or relationship of meanings of a sign or set of signs; especially : connotative meaning
b : the language used (as in advertising or political propaganda) to achieve a desired effect on an audience especially through the use of words with novel or dual meanings
Any spouses of lawyers here - do you get 'cross examined' like this at home? Do your teenagers? just wondering

Mr noZme has a mind just like Mr Martinez's. In business he is all facts, figures & no BS. At home is an old softie!
Looks like JM is wrapping it up.

This makes me mad. Why can't the text in its entirety be brought in for the jurors to see?
This really is like Wild Kingdom....
Juan is a honey Badger to the DT's sloth and meercat....
This makes me mad. Why can't the text in its entirety be brought in for the jurors to see?

It sounds completely biased for the judge to allow the DT to bring up the text when it's to JA's benefit and to make TA look like a jerk, but the state can't use the SAME text to show the entire communication????
I think the jury understands that there is a lot more to the texts than what they've heard.
The numbers did not matter! WTF! What he!! DOES matter to Samuels?
If I had photoshop, I'd paste Samuels' face over Famke Jansen's since he's such an empath. (ref ST:TNG episode)
Can he bring up the part of the email they wouldn't allow in rebuttal or closing
hmmm..i think that JM needs to get to where he is going...we have going down this road of questioning all day. I think he is going to lose the Jury unless he sums all this us!
Holy cats this is unreal. "Are 15, 16, and 17 number, yes or no?"
Well, good doc, what about the empathy for the victim who was brutally and over-killed by the defendant? Makes me so angry!!!!!!!!!!! :furious:
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