trial day 36: the defense continues its case in chief #105

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I am a little nervous now. I think Samuel toughened up and he also explained away and justified a few things. He looks slightly less incompetent now than last week, imo.

One good thing that bJuan got out there is her violence against her mom.

JUOR QUESTION; Alternative reality vs Cover your arse...

Great question and the doctor was NOT believable in terms of the Ninja Story. He is trying to say it was an involuntary, subconscious defense mechanism, not a lie to cover up guilt. LOL Yea right.

The calls to a dead mans answering machine...thjose were subconscious defense mechanism too?

Didn't she make that call, delete it, do another, delete it again, until she thought it was 'natural' sounding?

totally that horse is
I thought the doc didn't talk to her after her story change of self defense
so sorry...I missed the jury questions...does anyone have them?
:waitasec: Guess Willmott forgot the fact that her client, testified on the witness stand that she did things to cover up the fact that she committed the crime.
ohhh! Good read on the juror question about the books guys, I was worried that one of the jurors was giving him a pass since he gives them to other clients.
OH good God. This is so stupid...I expect another "can you get PTSD with a bad hair cut" question. Like dr. did you ever consider that Jodi couldn't do sleep and was under stress a consequence of what she did to Travis? it was her being afraid of getting caught, and the stress since just guilt?
I hear that. All the folks with PTSD that I know (including me) would be so triggered by this trial the DT would have to hire a CNA to get me cleaned up and dressed for court.

THEN we would have to talk about how to manage my behavior when they got me there. I know what avoidance is, believe me.

Amen from a fellow sufferer.
Can you imagine when Alyce takes the stand... I don't know if I can handle Willmott or Nurmi asking her about her years of experience, etc etc... I am ageing a lot quicker because of this trial...:curses:
Alternate reality associated with acute stress. Once the stress is removed...why did she still have the defense mechanism of making an alternate reality when she met with Det. Flores.

Samuels says Jodi was still in conflict still, in distress, yes, it would still be the defense mechanism.

Willmott won't quit though. WE may NEVER get RID of HIM, not today anyways.
:waitasec: Guess Willmott forgot the fact that her client, testified on the witness stand that she did things to cover up the fact that she committed the crime.

Imagine that!

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Please please please learn when less is more, Ms. Wilmott. You are a liability to your client right now. Get past this witness and move on!
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