trial day 36: the defense continues its case in chief #106

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:furious: OMG ... is anyone watching this HLN Show ? I have it on in the background.

:furious: I just do not think I can sit here and watch this ...

They have Peter Odom on and he is saying that Travis was abusive ... Dude, you got this totally wrong ! Jodi was the abuser !

I just can't believe HLN is going this far ... I mean are they trying to be "fair and balanced" ? Really ?


The question of the night for their jury to decide is if Travis abused Jodi or not. Peter Odom, as a defense attorney, is arguing the point for the defense which is Travis was abusive. Vinnie Politan takes the position of the State that Travis was not.

Crazy thing is that JA did not request a lawyer. That is how slick she thinks she is. She went on and on to the detective thinking she would really walk out of that interrogation room. Scott free.

She wanted to represent herself in this trial as well!!!!
on hln after dark,as much as i don't like that lady attorny who defended FCA i have to agree with what she said there.

she was used not abused,happens to hundreds of people everyday
OMG ... now HLN has Linda Kenney Baden on ... seriously, who cares what she thnks ?

Channel is now changed ...

Something weird just happened.

I think.

I just listened to Linda Kenney Baden speak and...
I agreed with her.

I don't do mushrooms.

Help! Did this just happen!?
JA= "wow I see this stuff on TV all the time" (in re her TV interview)

Crazy thing is that JA did not request a lawyer. That is how slick she thinks she is. She went on and on to the detective thinking she would really walk out of that interrogation room. Scott free.

I don't call that crazy.

I call that indicative.
FWIW, I was appalled by the ridiculing of Dr. Samuels' physical appearance.

I think that sort of mean, pointless and childish crap has no place here. We are supposedly above that.

Name calling is the crutch of the desparate and defeated. Is that who we are?

Why? If we are upset that team JA brought in someone unprepared, made no sense whatsoever, did sloppy work and supported this murderer for money, then WHY must we as court watchers stay above the fray and be politically correct? Why can't folks make jokes to relieve the tension and stress? Just don't agree with you on this one.
There is a good chance she will be a formidable opponent, however, in the end I believe Juan Martinez will win.


I hope you're right. He really needs to tread carefully here. She ain't no Dr Doolittle.
Dr Drew show just took a dive......

Yeah, no kidding! That Lauren Lake woman, who was on standing in front of her diplomas :facepalm: also used to be a host on HGTV (well after she was a lawyer) where she re-did people's kitchens. I would wager a small bet that she's never, ever tried a DP case. Ditto for the omniscient Mark Eiglarsh (sp?). Boy, all those defense lawyers sure love to rag on JM though. I'll put my bets on the 30 year prosecutor over the 30 year old lawyers. Just sayin'. :facepalm:
JA= "wow I see this stuff on TV all the time" (in re her booking)


I am seriously officially addicted to this gif. If you're trying to start a cult or something I'm beginning to baaaa.... hahaha :floorlaugh:

Something weird just happened.

I think.

I just listened to Linda Kenney (sp?) Baden speak and...
I agreed with her.

I don't do mushrooms.

Help! Did this just happen!?

i thought the same,i seen her and thought oh no :facepalm: but she actually made sense that time
Great idea but I don't think so . Here's the closet photo and there's a blue shirt. I do believe however that she absolutely was well aware of all of Travis' photos. I wonder where he kept it , if it was at his house or on his computer etc. She must have seen it!


I get misty eyed whenever I see Travis' closet ..... all those shoes lined up so nicely .... never to be walked in again....:tears:
Has this been talked about yet...

Part one of the day at 1:22:20 (on croakerqueens upload) sorry I'm not sure on the linking rules ....

JM is writing down #7 "sense of foreshortened future" only he accidentally misspells foreshortened and Jodi snickers with Wilmontt who also giggles about it.

I find it incredible that someone on trial for MURDER facing possible death sentence would snicker and laugh feeling smug over someone else's small error!!
Narrcisst with zero sense of self awareness!
Give it a couple days, and everyone will be making fun of LaViolette too! I have ZERO respect for Dr. Samuels, as he was unprepared, his work was sloppy, and YES, he looked liked Gus Searcy.

Well, not "everybody" made fun of Nurmi's weight, Wilmott's clothes, or Dr. Samuels' hair.

And if LaViolette spews garbage on the stand, then I will criticize THAT. Not her appearance.

Please do not assume "everybody" is so petty. :(.
The question of the night for their jury to decide is if Travis abused Jodi or not. Peter Odom, as a defense attorney, is arguing the point for the defense which is Travis was abusive. Vinnie Politan takes the position of the State that Travis was not.


:seeya: Thanks, I am so confused right now -- following this and another case, which I will not mention so as not to derail this thread ... LOL !

But I changed the channel when I saw Linda Kenny Baden :floorlaugh: Just can't handle the CA "left-overs" ...

FWIW, I was appalled by the ridiculing of Dr. Samuels' physical appearance.

I think that sort of mean, pointless and childish crap has no place here. We are supposedly above that.

Name calling is the crutch of the desparate and defeated. Is that who we are?

Unless it's really funny. ;)
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