trial day 36: the defense continues its case in chief #106

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I'd tell you why it took so long to post, but I'm sure you wouldn't believe me anyway. So here it is. It should have been posted about an hour ago.

JMO, but if anyone believes that she was trying to avoid the event they're looney. In my opinion avoiding PTSD is not thinking about the trauma at all, it just comes back due to certain triggers. Like a soldier hearing a car backfire or a balloon burst

Good Evening: What exactly do you mean by the BBM portion? TIA

What I mean is that, for instance, a soldier wouldn't approach a casual acquaintance and talk about something that horrified them or caused them great distress. They might with a psychologist or psychiatrist, but not a casual acquaintance. That's just my opinion. Also, sending the iris's and writing the 18 page letter to the family and sending it, doesn't seem like PTSD to me. Instead it seems like someone trying to divert attention away from themselves, or to get sympathy, or to grind the pain into the family or all of the above.

IMO, PTSD is set off involuntarily, in most cases. I believe that people who have real PTSD are trying to suppress the memories. They're not bringing them up in such an unusual way.

In fact a friend of mine's father in law was an ambulance EMT. One day he saw something so horrific it put him into a state of PTSD. I don't know that he was clinically diagnosed, but everything added up to that. He refused to talk about it to his son, his daughter in law, a psychiatrist or anyone else. I think he was divorced. He had to live with her and her husband for some time before he was ready to live alone. I haven't seen her in a long time, but last time I talked to her he had his own place, but was still keeping it to himself.

BBM: I could be wrong but I think the judge ruled that the cards can't come in b/c the cards were allegedly sent to JA b/c Nurmi thought he was leaving the case. I think JM was trying to get the defense to open that door so he could bring the cards in.

Yeah, I know the judge said they can't come in. So it seems that he was violating that order. If the defense had said something about the cards then that would open the door. After being told he can't go there, I don't think he is, or should be, allowed to get away with that. JMO
the other cat story came from her co-worker he told about Jodi taking care of someones cat for 2 weeks. By taking care, she meant Jodi admitted to leaving it in a room with a bit of food and water and ignoring it until 2 weeks later.

When I'm under a lot of stress, usually because I'm procrastinating about something important, I have a recurring bad dream theme: I'll suddenly realize that I'm supposed to be feeding the fish (I haven't had fish as pets for about 30 years, but that's beside the point), but I forgot and they haven't been fed for something like 4 months. Even worse is when I dream that I was supposed to be taking care of a BABY or TODDLER and didn't change its diaper for a couple of days or more. Things like that. I feel HORRIBLY guilty within the dream, and when I wake up I reassure myself over and over that I would, of course, NEVER do that in real life.

So when I hear about her doing something like that FOR REAL, it just reinforces to me that she is the stuff of nightmares.
The prosecutor just said "he called her Three Salacious Names. If the defense had asked that same question ... it would back to all about sex.

Unbelievable ... the psycho said "so do you want me to read the part about the three hole wonder"? Crass, like the defense.
I just want to know if it was business cards or the loving type cards. Bring them in.


Thanks Steely for keeping me up. I was going to bed. xoxo
Thank you. I couldn't read the pages of her journal he had up, but he also had a shot up from her myspace page where she said for the last six months she had not believed in the laws of attraction (paraphrasing b/c it's late) and I remember next to that there was a picture of what looked like Alladin's lamp on her myspace page.

I edited my post to say you got me thinking. You are probably right. I remembered reading it on screen but I think I confused it with the handwriting comparison. So sorry. At least you aren't like JM and asking me, "Do you have a problem with your memory?

I love Juan, but he could reduce me to a blithering idiot in 2 seconds flat.:facepalm:
BBM: So, even if Juan Martinez wins the case, it has nothing to do with him and the case he has presented before the jury? This doesn't even make sense. You aren't the first person to state this, and it's a tough pill to swallow. The investigation team and the prosecutor, if there is a win, deserve all the credit, in any case.

I guess some people are seeing the guilty verdict coming, and now have to state the prosecutor would have nothing to do with it when it's handed down. That's not even logical. :moo:


In theory, yes. If there is sufficient evidence, any prosecutor should be able to argue the case.

They all get credit, but it's true that even though this prosecutor argues his case, a successful argument is not because of him. Any prosecutor should have the same result.
BBM: I think that was from her myspace page was it not?

Jodi blog: Something to think about
May 4th 2008

The Law of Attraction (here we go again)

I read that blog a couple of weeks ago so think she wrote that she had quit believing in it about 6 months prior to this date.
One thing the judge could use more often is the striking of statements.

Edited. Someone mentioned she did strike this which is good. Should help prevent appeal potential.

I'm surprised by that too. During the trial I was a juror at, the judge would tell us to disregard the statement if the objection was sustained. At least that's how I remember it from like 8? years ago.

Dr. R. Samuels also stated that JA developed an "alternate reality" (now there's an oximoron for you) to suppress the trauma of the event. My question to the good doctor would be why would she create an alternative reality to suppress something she has no memory of?

Great question!!

I just want to know if it was business cards or the loving type cards. Bring them in.


Thanks Steely for keeping me up. I was going to bed. xoxo


If I had a nickel for every time a woman said that to me!! :what:
Jodi blog: Something to think about
May 4th 2008

The Law of Attraction (here we go again)

I read that blog a couple of weeks ago so think she wrote that she had quit believing in it about 6 months prior to this date.

BBM: So that would be December of 2007. At least I got that part right. :great:
I edited my post to say you got me thinking. You are probably right. I remembered reading it on screen but I think I confused it with the handwriting comparison. So sorry. At least you aren't like JM and asking me, "Do you have a problem with your memory?

I love Juan, but he could reduce me to a blithering idiot in 2 seconds flat.:facepalm:

Well, do you? :floorlaugh: J/k of course. :blushing:
When I'm under a lot of stress, usually because I'm procrastinating about something important, I have a recurring bad dream theme: I'll suddenly realize that I'm supposed to be feeding the fish (I haven't had fish as pets for about 30 years, but that's beside the point), but I forgot and they haven't been fed for something like 4 months. Even worse is when I dream that I was supposed to be taking care of a BABY or TODDLER and didn't change its diaper for a couple of days or more. Things like that. I feel HORRIBLY guilty within the dream and reassure myself over and over that I would, of course, NEVER do that in real life.

So when I hear about her doing something like that FOR REAL, it just reinforces to me that she is the stuff of nightmares.

Here's a weird dream for ya. I had this dream for several months if not a year. A few years ago.

In the dream; I was taking college courses and one of them was a math course. I looked at my schedule once but couldn't remember where the class was. So I stopped trying to find it and just skipped it for the whole semester. Then I found out where it was just before the final exam and I was torn about going or not going. It really creeped me out. In the middle of the dream I kept trying to find the classroom and couldn't and I was panicking. :waitasec:

Dr. Freud, paging Dr. Freud.
The death itself is not evidence of first degree murder. Just of murder. Manslaughter is murder. (well - maybe it's different in the US > but here - manslaughter (voluntary) is a provoked murder).

The prosecution presented several circumstances to support that the murder was planned, not spontaneous. It rests on believing whether or not JA brought the gun. As there is no evidence she did so (just a contention by the prosecution) - I'd be reluctant to find for 1st degree. But I'm pretty strong in the belief that a capital case needs to be held to a very high degree of proof.

Regardless - I'm not on the jury - so just sharing my ideas here - and reading others ideas.

I actually said "hating and demeaning" - which should be quite different from "discussing". I'm a firm believer in discussion.

Hi Katie - I noticed you're new to the forum like I am. In case you didn't see it, I wanted to let you know there is a premeditation thread that may help. There's a lot of good information in there about premeditation as it relates to this case.
:seeya: Pleasant dreams kids! :countsheep: Hopefully I won't have to nap during the JA trial tomorrow.
Here's a weird dream for ya. I had this dream for several months if not a year. A few years ago.

In the dream; I was taking college courses and one of them was a math course. I looked at my schedule once but couldn't remember where the class was. So I stopped trying to find it and just skipped it for the whole semester. Then I found out where it was just before the final exam and I was torn about going or not going. It really creeped me out. In the middle of the dream I kept trying to find the classroom and couldn't and I was panicking. :waitasec:

Dr. Freud, paging Dr. Freud.
I got nuttin' :notgood:

The prosecutor asks the psycho: "Do you remember that you "blurted out that she was suicidal"? Ouch!

The psycho did not report that she was suicidal to the jail because he claimed that did not know who to report it to? Then he testified about how to report a suicide in jail.

The more the psycho talks, the more he backs himself into a corner. He's a bit like Jodi. He thinks that he's smarter than everyone else, so he commonly tells half truths. He can be discarded as a witness.
Night Steely, won't be long for me now either, but I have to stay up long enough to sample the fresh donuts I'm smelling in the kitchen
Hi Katie - I noticed you're new to the forum like I am. In case you didn't see it, I wanted to let you know there is a premeditation thread that may help. There's a lot of good information in there about premeditation as it relates to this case.

:welcome: Both of you! :seeya:
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