trial day 36: the defense continues its case in chief #106

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I just want to know if it was business cards or the loving type cards. Bring them in.


Thanks Steely for keeping me up. I was going to bed. xoxo
Putting this out there as I remember it....It could have been a dream....but I heard Nurmi say that the cards were for him......anyone??
OK a couple of things.

Why is the media STILL finding "unaired footage". I mean, how can that be?

The detective is SO FRUSTRATED with Jodi, sitting there listening to this bizarro world dog abuse story. I mean, seriously? The girl is going to sit there and do her "fake crying" while throwing out this "oh poor me I kicked my dog and it ran away and I never got to say sorry" story?

I'm with Flores. If she can't say sorry for what she did to Travis - which I for one have still never heard her say to this day - why should he or us believe she is sorry for that, since she made about herself?
She said after starting her career working with battered children and women, it was hard to work with the men that abused them. Who can blame her? But she also offered up, im sure to the displeasure of the DT, that men have come in abused, and men can be abused as well. :) i think her testimony will be fairly unspecific to Travis, noncomitted, and easily flipped by Juan.

Even less pleasing to the defense team was her reference to having worked on a stalking case. Since JM has touched on this subject with Lisa, it should be interesting to see if he takes a little stroll down this road. JMO, he should.
Based on feedback from others here after I got my smartphone, I downloaded ustream app. and do the AZfamily feed which you search for once you download. Better buffering and no skipping like my computer does, lol!

Do you know if there is a ustream app for ipad?

I am usually working during trial but have this week off so I can watch.

Yesterday I ended up using my laptop to stream and the ipad to read and post here.....but I might reverse that.

TIA :)
I think anything that makes fun of people that has nothing to do with their character, etc. is just low and petty. Like Jodi's body parts, her appearance, Samuels' appearance, Nurmi's appearance, etc.

It's just mean spirited. I have brought this up before.

I agree with you, except when it comes to JA. She brought this all on herself. It was her own unforgivable and heinous actions that placed her in the position of being scrutinized and criticized all the way down to the cellular level. Where she's concerned, it's open season, within TOS of course.
I missed it, is there a clip?

The cameras were left rolling during the PM break yesterday. The above clip starts at 19:30 and runs for ten minutes. After being released as a witness, the Doc is waiting around (maybe for his check!) while the DT is at the bench with the Judge.

He and JA are just a few feet apart yet there is no interaction betwen them whatever, not even eye contact. Court etiquette probably indicates he shouldn't get too close but not even a smile?
Here's a weird dream for ya. I had this dream for several months if not a year. A few years ago.

In the dream; I was taking college courses and one of them was a math course. I looked at my schedule once but couldn't remember where the class was. So I stopped trying to find it and just skipped it for the whole semester. Then I found out where it was just before the final exam and I was torn about going or not going. It really creeped me out. In the middle of the dream I kept trying to find the classroom and couldn't and I was panicking. :waitasec:

Dr. Freud, paging Dr. Freud.

In my professional opinion, you suffer from Transient Global Avoidance Syndrome with an overlapping condition which affects many men...Chronic Directional Assistance Abstinence.

Now, my profession just so happens to be actuarial/employee benefit plans so please take that into consideration before acting on my diagnoses.
Doc Samuels looks like the little kid who gets sent to the corner but just can't help turning around to watch what is going on while his "time out" continues.
Morning. I have to catch up but I did see this post in the observers thread from our KCL.
I just wanted to post it because it might ease some minds....hopefully.

katiecoolady katiecoolady is offline
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Hi Honey...I'm hoooommmeee...

Starting with dessert first I"ll just share from the convo we had with Beth at the trucks before leaving for the evening (new hair looks mahvelous btw)

She said that in an extended hearing with LaViolette before the trial it was decided she can testify to NOTHING having to do with Travis being an "abuser". She can only testify to Jodi.

Maybe you know this...I didn't. This really deflates the defense balloon.

That matches my hunch that Ms. LaViolette would focus on how abuse/neglect in her early years scarred Jodi, and how things Travis said/did triggered those memories. Samuels said Jodi told him her parents loved all their kids except her. That could be true. LaV may point to the disparate way TA and Jodi met for sex in secret and communicated mainly via phone/texts, while Travis publicly dated "nice" girls and hosted parties where Jodi wasn't invited, as something Jodi would see as abuse, even though their relationship was consensual and Travis wasn't knowingly leading her on.
Putting this out there as I remember it....It could have been a dream....but I heard Nurmi say that the cards were for him......anyone??

He did say that, but it was not true, JM was all over it. Logically, really, why would someone give a card to a prisoner to give to her attorney, really?
He had cuts on his hands, so could he have grabbed the knife after he was shot?

Did she point the gun at him when he was in the shower, he grabbed the gun, he (a former wrestler) deflected the shot from the center of his head to the side of his head? Was he shot in the shower, lunged out, she stabbed him in the back several times as he leaned over the sink and as he crawled down the hall towards the top of the stairs, she slit his throat at the end of hallway. The gun shot seems more likely to have come first. A knife in the heart first ... wouldn't he have dropped dead at the foot of the shower, and would a wrestler have been able to deflect a woman with a knife from stabbing him in the heart first? He doesn't seem to have enough injuries on his hands for a full fledged knife attack defense.

I think that she meant to shoot him in the head and have him drop to the foot of the bathtub, but instead she pulled the gun, he grabbed it and turned her hands enough to deflect the shot to the side of his head. Then he probably lunged toward her and that's why the gun was no longer in her control after one shot (she claims that she dropped it). That's when she pulled the knife, an apparent back up plan. He most likely grabbed the sink when he realized that he'd been shot, bled all over the place, and realized that she was now stabbing him in the back ... maybe he turned and grabbed the knife before crawling down the hallway and died when she slit his throat ... all within 62 seconds. Then she dragged him down the hallway - now in a fog because things didn't go as planned - to the bathtub where she had it all planned out. His getting away and down the hall was not in her "alternate reality".

Wait, what?

I'm not trying to be annoying (though I may seem that way to you :) ), but your emphasis on wrestling puzzles me.

1. What is your source/citation for your description (multiple times) that Travis was a 'wrestler' or 'former wrestler'?

2. What (about the gunshot) makes you think it came first? Because it seems forensics seem to differ on that point... what explains the lack of blood from the gunshot wound, do you think?

3. How/why do you include the bathtub? (Kidding - I'm guessing you meant shower)...

I'm just curious about your theory when far simpler explanations of events that jive with the forensic evidence say something else... Granted, JA is basking in the power rush of knowing the answer to all these questions but, ever the brat - she's playing it/us for as long as she can.
JA is so full of sh@!, she is lying in that "I kicked a dog once" snip. OMG, she is thinking up the story (lies) while she pauses before she says "that I can remember". Watch how dramatic and - quickly - she goes into "I kicked a dog once".

She had to take time to remember the dog kicking story, then tells Det. Flores that "it changed my world as far as the treatment of animals". BS BS BS

C'mon verdict! MHO
He did say that, but it was not true, JM was all over it. Logically, really, why would someone give a card to a prisoner to give to her attorney, really?

When Nurmi claimed that, JM answered, "I was there.."
Dont think many Defense Attorney's get real excited about being "APPOINTED" to defend a murder.........It's a job that they have to do, Unless their OJ"s attorney's who get paid millions, that isn't the case in this situation...

$250/hour in a trial that is knee deep in delays, sidebars, etc. adds up pretty quickly for Wilmott and Nurmi. OJ could afford to pay his attorneys millions.

I'd like to see other cases where Wilmott and Nurmi are forced to receive such good compensation for their time as public defenders.
That matches my hunch that Ms. LaViolette would focus on how abuse/neglect in her early years scarred Jodi, and how things Travis said/did triggered those memories. Samuels said Jodi told him her parents loved all their kids except her. That could be true. LaV may point to the disparate way TA and Jodi met for sex in secret and communicated mainly via phone/texts, while Travis publicly dated "nice" girls and hosted parties where Jodi wasn't invited, as something Jodi would see as abuse, even though their relationship was consensual and Travis wasn't knowingly leading her on.

I agree. But they will have to be very careful with this since they had Dr. S and PTSD as the major problem for the way she acted.

I actually don't believe she was abused as a child either. I think she has such a fractured personality that she has to be the center of attention. And when she is not, internally she is unloved and the outcast. But, her own actions force that. She doesn't get that people have boundaries, because JA has none. Even sexually, she had no boundaries. A person should have boundaries in that area. If you are comfortable go for it, if not boundaries.

JA definitely has issues mentally. You can't fix what is broken with her.

PS: Kicking a dog is abuse. /QUOTE]



She kicked this poor dog (why? Why the heck would a dog get into diapers - which were in the garbage? Why? Because the dog is freaking hungry! If it isn't hungry, then it is stressed - because it was tied up in a yard, alone (and probably hungry - including starving for attention).

Dogs often get into garbage even if they are not hungry, nor stressed. But that is no reason to kick a dog. Actually, other than defending against an attack, there is NO reason to kick a dog. From what i understand, sociopaths often engage in creulelty to animals and move on from there.
When Nurmi claimed that, JM answered, "I was there.."

Whaaaa? Now I am cornfused.

JM was in JA's cell when she received the cards? Or when Samuels mailed them?

And how is that even possible?

I need more caw-feeeeee!
Of course I don't care about her looks/sexual preferences/etc. but I'm unable to respect or like anyone who is willing to testify for the Defense in this case.

There is overwhelming evidence that Arias is guilty of first-degree murder and no evidence of Travis having been an abuser.

Hopefully this expert won't be as bad as Samuels but color me biased in any case.
Whaaaa? Now I am cornfused.

JM was in JA's cell when she received the cards? Or when Samuels mailed them?

And how is that even possible?

I need more caw-feeeeee!

I also missed the whole thing..or my memory is gone. I thought Jm was talking about being there in the interview with the SR and SR didn't mention the cards were for Nurmi, but for JA.

I may not even be thinking about the same thing! Its been very hard to keep up!

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