trial day 36: the defense continues its case in chief #106

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A mother NEVER lets a child move out, no matter how difficult that child is. A mother is responsibe for that child from the moment it is born until it becomes an adult. Not that I have any sympathy for JA, I think she is a dispicable person, but more should have been done for/with her in her youth.

I disagree.

If a child of mine kicked a dog so hard it was never seen again, and kicked & hit me....that child would find themselves in a RTC so fast their head would spin...especially if there were younger children in the home.
Righ!!? Lets just say for a minute she was really attacked and killed in self defense, would you then go buy a gun, the very thing you used in a killing that horrifies you so much you have PTDS and must live in an alternate reality and go off camping with a bunch of males?? Defies logic.

i totally agree, i think she got the gun because she figured that the police would go, oh she has a different gun so she couldn't possibly been the one who shot him, didn't she tell det. flores in the interrogation tapes she had a gun? it's like see? i own something totally different, wasn't me.
I've said it before: this woman is like nothing I've ever seen - and, frankly, I'm grateful.

I'm so sorry you had to go through that! I recently discovered a friend of mine was not who I thought she was at all. She fooled everybody - including her own family. She was not violent (at least, not yet) but she did lie about absolutely everything. I reassured myself that if the people closest to her didn't know, then how could I?

In no way do I think I was stupid or gullible, nor do I think you were. These people are master manipulators. They show you the person they think you want to see and they are very good at pushing the right buttons.

BTW, I think it's wonderful that you escaped his grasp and can share your experiences with others!

Thank you for your kind words. If anything, experiencing people like this gives us a finely tuned BS detector!
so sorry, but I think missed something-is there a picture of Travis with spidey-type undies? if so, is this in his closet?....
but it accentuates her EEEEVIL...

i feel the same way about 'tot mom' on any forum. her face makes me wanna barf, ya know? if too many people dont like i'll switch it over, don't want to give anyone any post traumatic issues looking at her.

(at least peeps will remember me when i say something)

Please don't think of changing it back based on my reaction :) You have every right to have any avatar that fits the WS rules. That was just my knee jerk reaction! It definitely screams 'evil' which is what she is LOL
I'll take some meds and head off any PTSD!:floorlaugh:
The comment below was posted under some video so I copied it because I wanted to look into it. I re-watched 90% of the jury questions on days 28 and 29 but didn't find the part about any knife. I know I heard her talk about it too so perhaps I overlooked it. But does any WS member know where/when she talked about the knife?

Because if this is true, this is huge in my opinion. Many things Jodi says almost have double entendres attached but there's no way this can be misconstrued as anything else EXCEPT that she got the knife from the dishwasher.

I don't believe it proves premeditation per se (for the entire lying trip to Arizona proves that) but it would be extremely poignant for Juan to let the jury know about this little faux pas----if true.

Jury question 3/6
BREAKING ~ Jodi Arias Trial; Jurors Ask Jodi Arias Questions 3-6-13 FULL - YouTube

Jury question 3/7
Jodi Arias Murder Trial Day 29. Morning Session. Jury Questions Continue. - YouTube
The ME and Le both said the knives from the kitchen were not used to stab Travis.
They know this because the knife that did the stabbing had a 1 1/2 inch blade and none of the knives from the dishwasher or kitchen matched the right size to make the wounds.
The ME can be quite exact as to size,they can tell if the knife was serated blade,double edged.and exactly how wide the blade was.
I agree I don't think he had feelings for her either. I think he is at fault for not being cynical enough to question anything she told him. I think he believed her in the beginning and wanted to do something to help her, it's a fine line between evaluating someone and wanting to help them. He crossed the line and made poor judgements but I just think he felt sorry for her situation. He was convinced by her tears and tales of woe and abuse, I think she worked him over in that way, he just wasn't professional enough to separate his evaluation process from feelings of sympathy for her.
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When the defendant claims self-defense doesn't the burden of proof rest on the Defense?

No, it's the prosecutions burden to disprove it. From AZ jury instructions,

"The State has the burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant did not act with such justification [self-defense]. If the State fails to carry this burden, then you must find the defendant not guilty of the charge."

Most states are like that.
Aha! Right, but the reason Jodi bought the gun in Cali was to bring on the camping trip for protection.

And I think her going on a camping trip presumably in the middle of nowhere with several men, as the lone female in the group, will go a very long way to discredit it.

This woman's only article on "abused males" was an attempt to downplay the abuse. She is extremely biased in favor of females. She hates men with a purple rage and everyone will agree with me once her direct is over with.

Funny, but I did not see that. She talked about being involved in a program to guide men to be more responsible fathers. That takes a great deal of patience in a person, male or female, to be able to counsel men who just don't want that responsibility. From the sounds of it she is very proud of the program and how it has helped men become better fathers. That does not sound biased to me. I just think her main focus is counseling those who have been abused and women just happen to be more likely to report it than men. Some men don't realized they are being abused or in an abusive relationship. I'd say Travis was one of them. jmo
i don't think that's why she's lying about the knife attack. she's lying about it because it's the most horrific, awful aspect of this murder. she will never admit to remembering having that knife in her hand (except for dropping it) because it makes her sound like the monster we know she is and puts that picture of her stabbing him in the minds of the jury.

it's been a plan from the beginning to deny any memory of using a knife----a very calculated move on the part of the defense. it distances her from those autopsy photos and that's what they want.

Very well said.

Also, first stab in :rolleyes: and she could have run out....but she chose to stay and butcher him.

In reality, she chose to butcher him period.
Agreed, I think we need an expert to testify why men should not trust, yikes. Does anyone recall if a name or names of people involved in this camping trip plan were mentioned? I wonder if it's true or merely a story to cover up a recent weapon purchase?

IIRC, Jodi did mention a few names, but she couldn't remember everyone who was supposed to go. Additionally, she talked about needing the gun for "protection" against these "friends" because after June 4 she no longer felt safe.

Well, if the killing was accidental, as she claims, wouldn't she be scared to death of guns?
I am shaking my head at JA and JW dressing in the same colors. Could this be JW's idea or is it JA's. I also wonder what the jury thinks about it, could it be how silly they look, or could it be 'how stupid do they think we are' ?

I'm thinking it has to be the DT's idea, because someone has to supply JA with clothing.
Did I ASK you where your own dictionary was??!!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:


someone take her squeaky-wheeled luggage crammed full of notes away from her.. immediately, I'll grab the handwritten dictionary, version 15, everyone else get all the other versions from her, she needs an intervention!
It would be nice if JA would stop scratching her head/scalp I mean come on!
There has been a lot of armchair psychology about JA and we even have a thread here on the subject. Yesterday we learned more about JA both in testimony and her police interview tapes. Her physical aggression towards her mom and kicking of the dog help to support beliefs that she has a personality disorder that goes way back.

I'm wondering how much more will come out on this subject.

JA did testify that she was held back in kindergarten, IIRC. Do we have educators or child development specialists here who can help us understand why this may have happened? My thought is that she showed developmental delays or behavioral problems???

I've wondered if she has some kind of learning disability (don't know what kind) which might account for some of her behavior. It's possible she has ADD, which manifests itself in a bunch of different ways. Here's an article on ADD which shows the differences in boys and girls:

One of my sons has ADHD with the emphasis all on the hyperactivity. He doesn't have concentration problems, but didn't really learn to sit still until well into his teens. He still doesn't go to the movies since it requires sitting for two hours. School was extremely difficult even though he was very bright.

I am NOT suggesting that this is any explanation for Jodi's behavior -- she's a psychopath. But it might be a reason why she did so badly in school.
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