trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #108

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I won't even say "I told you so" - and it's going to get worse she calls him a PEDO

there's just no way her even saying that could corroborate what JA said. she never even met the REAL victim here and doesn't know one thing about him.

i just think TA's blog about his childhood should come in when JM gets up there. it was a testament to what he HAD overcome. has nothing to do with this nutjob he got mixed up with.
I can't watch today, so I am merely scanning these boards. I am not sanctioning the implication that Travis was damaged due to his upbringing. In fact, I am glad that they will stoop so low. I resent the fact that the family has to listen to this BS, but ultimately I think it will help the jury give her the DP.

All one has to do is too remember his closet, his home, his car...his MOTIVATIONAL speaking FGS, to remember that Travis was not some deprived, damaged abuser. Even though he felt pressured by his religion to find a suitable mate, there were no procession of women who testified to Travis being a horrible controlling abusing man.

This is going to backfire as sure as the testimony of RS did...I can't wait.
Travis had obviously overcome his upbringing. Ask his friends and siblings who have talked about this. Travis made himself bigger through his work and his faith. His siblings also seem to be doing well.
there are many of us who came from horrible situations who turn out great.
what - disagree ALV -Nothing is close to 100%
JM's line of questioning and her insinuations are a disgrace to the profession of lawyering.
I want to know how many LONG DISTANCE "abusive" relationships ALV knows about. Do other women really drive for hours to get to an abuser? When they aren't even married or have children????

While not even remotely indicative in this case, this trial (heck I keep bringing up the fact that JA and Travis were hundreds of mils apart, myself!), real abuse often escalates when his/her 'target' moves away.

It is (can be) incendiary. In my case it was explosive...

... but not 'physically' (in formal terms) but the hell was twofold beyond what I already thought was the worst.

Just iterating that this is a real problem. Disturbingly, it is only a factor in this case if the abuse expert actually acknowledges who the real abuser is. Without that, I feel like a FarSide dog...
those of you that have read why I am so involved in this trial know my hubby had it hard growing up.......he is successful in business, spoils me, is an awesome dad....the list goes on and on.

I am offended!:furious:
I am so disgusted right now.

This is right up there with the CA case and calling George Anthony out on being sexually abusive to CA as a teen.

How do these people (the defense team) live with themselves? Disgusting. Disgusting.
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Thank god, obviously Willmott didn't get the memo about not boring the jury to death.
My stepmother was violent with all 3 of us (she also had a phd in social work). She stopped hitting me after I kicked her down a flight of steps after snapping w her chasing me hitting over the head with a spatula or something. I was in college. I have never been an abusive person unless we are talking about abusing myself. Or attracting crappy men.

KCL, we might need to start a support thread for you regarding that attracting crappy men thing when this trial is over...You deserve better!
I am not sure if I just read JA's lips while talking to Nurmi at the very end of clip where judge says we are at recess but I swear . . . Jodi said something like . . .have you seen this? what is this? to Nurmi . . ..

any lip readers here . . .. hopefully a clip will be up soon to review.
I'm on HLN and not there yet, but that is despicable. I will say that his childhood could have set him up to be naive and victimized by the lkes of Jodi. The term "adult children" of alcoholics/addicts has a rather literal meaning when it comes to relationships and how much you'll put up with. ime and :twocents:

Alyce thinks everybody was abused. I'm glad I went into Art and Accounting rather than this psycho babble.
I predict JW will keep this witness on the stand until Thursday 3:45 pm. I hope I'm wrong.
Hahahaha. JA's pizzed about something. She says to Nurmi as she points at something on the table..."Ok. What is this? What is this?" Priceless. What a little <MOD SNIP>! I wish I knew how to make snippets from you tube! Did someone else catch that?

If the last 10 minutes, LaViolette lost all/most of the goodwill she'd built up with a good many of the jurors.
JA desperately seeking juror eye contact as the jury files out for a break. Waiting for her to start with the dog whistles!
watch the swinging pendulum, you are getting sleepy , your eyelids are getting heavy, you will be asleep when I snap my fingers and count to three..
when i snap my fingers 3 times you will be in OZ...
don't forget your Ruby Slippers:)
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