trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #108

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Running for cover!:hills:
And what's worse, it's an INCOMPLETE hypothetical. Conveniently left out years with his grandparents. :furious::furious::furious::furious::furious:

My faith is in our Juan. He will make it right.

Bless his heart for stopping LaViolette in her tracks before she destroyed the Alexander siblings any further.
Is this how all murder trials go??? Cloak the murderer in a robe of innocence and portray the victim as someone who had it coming??? Disgusted by today's testimony more than any day of testimony by defense witnesses so far...
Pretty much when a woman is on trial, IMO.

I call it the weaker sex defense - it's disgusting.

That isn't to say that no female defendant has never been abused by her victim, but almost every trial I have watched where a woman murdered a man, the defense tries to paint the victim as an abusive a-hole who had it coming.

If Jodi were a man, this DV expert wouldn't even be up there. The defense wouldn't have dreamed of smearing the female victim in such a way. If they did, every feminist group in the country would be marching on the courthouse.

But unethical defense lawyers don't bat an eye at trashing male victims.

All just IMO.
Yikes, this is like watching paint dry... someone wake me when its Juan's turn please???
I am not sure if I just read JA's lips while talking to Nurmi at the very end of clip where judge says we are at recess but I swear . . . Jodi said something like . . .have you seen this? what is this? to Nurmi . . ..

any lip readers here . . .. hopefully a clip will be up soon to review.

Not a lip reader but that is exactly what I thought she said.

This line of questioning has me so enraged I felt compelled to share myself with all of you thoughtful sleuthers. My father was a violent alcoholic who beat me bloody, broke bones, knocked out teeth and spit on me. My mother left me with him. When I was 20 I found his body after a long tortured death by self poisoning. My son is my treasure, my gift. I am not nor have I ever been suicidal. I do not drink. What I endured as a child was so horrific that I have chosen a better life for myself and my child. I am devastated and insulted by the insinuations being allowed by this DT and this expert. This family is being violated again and again. When does it stop.
I need chocolate. Anyone care to join me? I bought a bag of chocolate eggs today and I could do some damage.

Oh sure! I will join you. Just if I can run outside and smoke a cig every once in between going to town on the chocolate. I need a balance. It keeps me sharp.:great:
I have come to the conclusion that these paid experts will say anything and everything about anybody as long as they are getting the almighty dollar.
This is why I have such a hate for these people,they have no compassion what so ever.
As far as I'm concerned as soon as they got to the little boy stuff about Travis and how he would be screwed up it officialy is open season on this wrinkekd up old sea hag.
These man bashers are as screwed up in the head and should see a shrink themselves.
I guess when the doctors give a baby a slap on the butt that is where abuse strarts and even after your dead you can still be an abuser in the after life according to these wackos.
Is this a murder trial or a three hole circus.

Actually, all this expert has done is answer the questions put to her. She doesn't have the ability to control what she is asked. She said nearly 100% of abusers come from an abusive household. She didn't say nearly 100% who come from an abusive household become abusers.

I'm still reserving judgment on her. She isn't the devil.
I decided I would tackle the kicthen and scrub my cabinets, re-line the bottoms of the shelves while I have this woman on in the back ground. I was hoping if I did something boring and painful enough to my back she might sound more interesting.

I am STILL more bored listening to her.
Now everything is laying in the dining room un-finished. Hubs is going to be thrilled when he gets home. :facepalm:
What in the holy son a biscuit, fudruckers, cotton picking does this seminar have to do with JA? can be abused. But now she is saying it is irrelevant because men still like to be in control when you abuse them. You need an coaxing them into the shower, getting them to sit down and then going in for the kill.

BBM. I so needed that right now. Thank you!:rocker:
Never mind---JSR--you just answered my question. I agree 100% Adversity can make us so much stronger. Way to go, and Travis was an excellent example of making a difference.
Has she related any of this specifically to Travis though? I have missed most of her testimony, but what I have heard is just generic descriptions of the dynamics of abusive relationships.

Right! She is a public speaker. She is not testifying, it seems more like she is at one of her speaking engagements.
There are many walking wounded on Websleuths and many have made the choice to not be abusers.

walking wounded
Use in a sentence
walking wounded
casualties, as of a military conflict, who are wounded but ambulatory.
Informal. persons who have been damaged or defeated psychologically or emotionally by their experiences in life.

I'm crying, it's so beautiful. Thank you for this post:heartluv:
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