trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #108

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FWIW, I don't think the death threats against the Defense is anything new. They have been escorted by Deputies for a while. I think it's just been reported in the last couple of days. Shouldn't have anything to do with what's going on in court right now.
Did you have super vivid dreams on chantix?

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Not to toot my own horn but I quit smoking cold turkey, about 1 year ago. Not a day goes by that I don't crave or dream about a cigarette. I have been told that it takes years for the craving to dissipate, if it ever does.

There are times that I feel so weak that I swear a semi truck wouldn't be able to drag me away from getting to a 7-11 for a pack of yellow American Spirits. The memory of smoking is so intense.

The two things that really helped me. Intense physical exercise and prayer.
I never tried doing it with pharma assistance.

May the force be with you.
God bless you Maggie! You are a gem and a gift to your son, thank you for sharing.

To answer your question it stops when the 12 jurors decide her fate and vote death for little miss Jodi Arias- it can't come soon enough for me, but still here I wait! Justice IS coming- of that I am certain.

Thanks for the kind words. I know you are right about the ending of this madness. Through this mind numbing testimony, like so many others, I was jolted by the "hypothetical" which mirrored Travis and his siblings childhood. There are no words for how disgusting this ploy was and there are no words for how disheartening it is to watch this family suffer the exploitation of their own story for this hideous creatures gain.
We are back . .. please be seated and Ms. LaViolette please take the stand
Death threats against the defense? Say it isn't so (snark).

From what I'm reading on the board and on FB -- I am NOT surprised.

(not that any of us would do such a thing, but the general public isn't so understanding - KWIM).


Death threats?

*sigh* FGS.
I have this mental image of torches and pitchforks...
On my own personal sideBAR here I realized I had mini champagne 4 pack in my car and am stepping outside the box and drinking it with an ice cube. With my chocolate eggs. And fighting with a furniture delivery person who I'm sure wishes she had not contacted me at this particular moment to want to reschedule a delivery in Sedona in two days that I have had arranged for weeks. Oh no she di-int.
I hate this B I really hate her. I can't take a high road's a raw hate.

Oh my gosh me too. I found myself just seething at her, "I hate youuuuu.", through gritted teeth, chin jutted toward my computer screen, just willing her to feel my presence and my hatred.

This thing is getting to me.
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