trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #108

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I have a question that I don't know the answer to - Did Travis ever claim to love Jodi? I know she love-love-loved him but does anyone ever know if he said it to her? ALV claims all of this behavior for "intimate partners" who love one another. JA and Travis may have had a physical relationship but was there anything more than that? Travis seemed to have plenty of other girlfriends who he was amazing with. TIA!

Nothing says love like a bag of Cinnabons! :great:
Yes, this is standard defense trial fare. In every murder trial I've ever watched it was either the victim themselves or (in the case of a child who was murdered) the family who was disparaged in some way as a defense tactic. Really, it's all defense attorneys can do to try and make their murdering client less evil. IF they can make a jury hate the victim then they (think/believe) they can get their client off or at least a lesser conviction. Most of the time it fails. Most people use common sense and most juries follow the instructions and the law to decide their verdicts.

This is such a standard strategy it's not even interesting. All the vitriol and anger is wasted because no one believes this crap and it won't help the murdering monster in the end.

It's not personal. It really isn't. I know it *feels* personal, but it's just typical defense flotsam.
ALV really needs to stop looking so offended when there's an objection. Someone tell her it's not ALL about her, and in fact may not have anything at all to do with what SHE'S saying, but about the question. sheesh..

I noticed that, too. ALV seems to bristle when she's not allowed to continue telling her stories.
WildAboutTrial ‏@WildAboutTrial 8m
Juan and Det. Flores are whispering something to Travis' family. A few chuckles are exchanged. #JodiArias
I know- I want her to answer the other question as well: what % of people from abusive childhoods go on to be abusers (way less than 100% and Travis wasn't one of them).Without answering that question also, her information about "100% abusers come from abusive childhoods" is misleading IMO.

FWIW...not all abusers come from abusive childhoods. This is a joke. I here it brandied about by experts like its true. I know better. I was abused as a child and wouldn't even think of doing that to anyone! And I have four children and eleven grandchildren who would tell you so. I hate it when these so called experts repeat this. Just not true! And criminals use this as a defense all the time! Ugh, so irritating!
This expert is like stuck in a way back when people thought the earth was flat. Granted the studies she is mostly referring to were revolutionary at the time. None have anything to do with JA and none take into account the number of women killers that are sadly on the rise. Also, she can't adequately testify specifically to Travis, any actions, or his childhood.
Ok, we get it. Women don't like to report abusers. So, JA didn't report the abuse. We can move on now.
I figured the broken finger scenario would pop up before long..... I was watching her hands earlier and nothing is wrong with her finger when she is unaware of the camera.
What I want to know is how many women she has seen that have lied about being abused in order to escape being prosecuted. I would say that would be 1, but she will not admit it because she is getting paid.
Many of the women don't make police reports. Does that mean the abused men do make police reports?

This testimony is getting TOO GENDER BASED!
Is it me or is everyone here going Rabid?

Today's witness has certainly pushed some hot button's. :(

I don't know about rabid but a lot of people have been upset that this woman is making Jodi into the victim when the examples she has given are more closely in line with Travis being the true victim.

I know as a DV survivor I have been highly upset and offended by AVL trying to make a murderer into a victim.

Guys, what you are all failing to realise is that JA is an xx, which means she never has to take responsibility for killing someone with a penis. Because there's a 100% chance the xy was abusive.

yes, I'm being sarcastic.
If this progresses as I think it will, I don't know how TA's family will be able to refrain themselves.
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