trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #109

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I just woke up. I'm not feeling well again. Is there any reason I should watch the afternoon session?

Here you go honey! Feel better dear! :blowkiss:


You got that right! :rocker:

Juan is just taking a break as he already his cross line up and ready to be delivered in Juan-style. :rocker:

Jodi still has not said a disparaging word about Travis. Yet we are to believe this LONG hypothetical about his past.

Why is Juan not objecting to talking about irrelevant stuff? Why isn't he objecting and saying Travis has not had ANY psychological evaluation or diagnosis as a troubled child, abuser or anything else. NEXT.
This one from back in 2012 (when I think some of us were stress-smoking courtesy KCA....)

WS discussion of E-cigarettes

Of course I can come up with an excuse for smoking more, just like I can for eating more, but I can honestly say that I have been smoking more since I started following this trial. My moods swing too thanks to whatever happens that particular day in the courtroom. It's not an obsession, it's actually and honestly caring that TA gets the justice that dear boy deserves. I really am glad to have you all here at WS to go through this with. I learn so much, laugh when I seem to need it most, and really appreciate the other viewpoints. As always, YOU ALL ROCK.
Holy crap, I'm blinded by emu cream! Just popped over to say I'm rested and ready to head back to court tomorrow for the ENTIRE day. I gotta see that hearing in support of my girl Beth. I'll check out the jury and how they're relating to Alyce. And I gotta be there for the fam if she decides to go down any roads that will be devastating.
I doubt it. She is def more professional the Doc $ so far.

I don't get that sense from here. I sensed "douche bag" the moment he opened his mouth.

We have the same 6th sense on this...roflmao
Well, if we see new members named Judy Walmart and Capt. Kirk Crunch I think we'd have a clue. Especially if they're posting stuff like:

I know Jodi and she's a sweet loving young lady.

So she killed a guy, haven't we all made a mistake at one time or another we wish we could take back.

Did you know that TA NEVER put his spare change into the charity box at McDonald's?

Jodi has never actually had blonde hair. It looks that way because of the lighting in the pictures.

Two gas cans? Three gas cans? Seriously does it matter?

C'mon who hasn't stalked and slashed the tires of an ex loved one before?

Going homicidely nuts on someone is just another way to say I love you.

Oh please, even a five year old could come up with a better post than that.

Did you know that TA was really, really, really, really, really, really protective of his camera.

Travis had a gun, Travis didn't have a gun? Really, in the grand scheme of things does it matter? Maybe Jodi brought the gun because she had a premonition that she would be attacked by him. I bet ya never thought of that didja.

Is it getting foggy in here or is it just me?

I think being called a three holed wonder is so debasing. I can't see how anyone would like that.

Does anyone know a good recipe for donuts?

Quit picking on the defense attorneys. You have no idea what it's it must be like spending time with that *advertiser censored* day in and day out.

Do you think God sends defense attorneys like us them to hell?

OH DAYUM! LMFAOPMP! :cheer::woot:
You got that right! :rocker:

Juan is just taking a break as he already his cross line up and ready to be delivered in Juan-style. :rocker:

Ok that's it. We need a dance move.

Called Juan-nam Style.:great:
Holy crap, I'm blinded by emu cream! Just popped over to say I'm rested and ready to head back to court tomorrow for the ENTIRE day. I gotta see that hearing in support of my girl Beth. I'll check out the jury and how they're relating to Alyce. And I gotta be there for the fam if she decides to go down any roads that will be devastating.

Hey, it could be worse...could have jazz in your eye..;)
Holy crap, I'm blinded by emu cream! Just popped over to say I'm rested and ready to head back to court tomorrow for the ENTIRE day. I gotta see that hearing in support of my girl Beth. I'll check out the jury and how they're relating to Alyce. And I gotta be there for the fam if she decides to go down any roads that will be devastating.

Did I blow margins with post #447? Doesn't look like I did, but report to me or mod if I did.......sorry!
Ooo, oooo, digeridoos and vegemite? :rocker:

Ewweww....sorry my Aussie friends ...but vegimite is blecchchhy...I was raised on poi (Hawaii thing) and I still cannot do vegimite.....(cue Men At Work song.....)
Holy crap, I'm blinded by emu cream! Just popped over to say I'm rested and ready to head back to court tomorrow for the ENTIRE day. I gotta see that hearing in support of my girl Beth. I'll check out the jury and how they're relating to Alyce. And I gotta be there for the fam if she decides to go down any roads that will be devastating.

UHH... JW did that today, the witch!

Give them our :heartbeat:

As I say this tears are running down my face!
Your sister pegged you hun! may she RIP!
Katiecoolady! You go girl!
You are an inspiration to us all!
No...because no names were given out or details that would make it obvious as to whom she was referring to. HIPAA is very easy to work around for purposes like this.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

Thanks, I don't know all of the details about hipaa, but it just felt so wrong lol. I really think that if I were a client of hers I would be mortified if I were to see her up there today. I wonder if she asks her clients to sign some kind of authorization to release limited information...or something that allows her to use their stories. I don't know, I guess she probably wouldn't have to, but...I don't know...she just felt like a gossipy neighbor or something.
LOL....Do you really think the defense team is hanging out there? If they are, I just want them to do me one big favor.


Oh yeah ... Producers at HLN and some flunkies that work for the defense team trolling social media sites every night.
No doubt in my mind.

It was brought up during the Orlando Creatures trial that Baez & company had a team of flunkies going thru all the trial watcher forums and other social media sites (tweets, etc) nightly.
To get reviews on what "John Q Public" was thinking of their daily performances.
Then, perhaps tailor the course of their attention depending on what people were saying.

Sooooo agree with you that the defense team look foolish coordinating their outfits each day.
It's so obvious - jury must see it too.
It's an old trial trick to dress the defendant in a style that might be sympathetic to a jury.
I can see covering a gang tattoo and stuff like that ... Makes good sense.

I've watched trials where they dress a 30+ woman up in shirts with PeterPan
collars and knee socks ... To make her look young, innocent - ergo incapable of committing such heinous crimes.
This jury must be wise to these old tricks too.

This case is beyond the pale though.
The matchy-matchy outfits every day look ridiculous.
Like jr high school girls talking the night before to decide what to wear to school the next day.
Gimme a break. Jurors are wise to this baloney.
Dressing JA up each day in a carbon copy of Willmotts outfit - does NOT fool anyone into suddenly thinking "oh look at that defendant, she dresses like a professional attorney, no way she could murder anyone"
Really Willmott?
Same idea with the chair lowering of JA's chair ... To make her appear small, meek, and innocent.
Just found the 'nervous breakdown' video from HLN, someone needs to tell Jodi that she is not in one long 'let's all talk about Jodi' reality show and she is actually on trial for her life.

Me me me me meeeeeeeeeeee..... Enough about reality, let's talk about meeeeeeeee....
Why are none of these tapes allowed in? She is so obviously messed up. Why is she allowed to be up there on the stand making up whatever she wants while a videotape (real evidence) of who she is and what she said and did are not allowed? I just don't understand this.

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