trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #109

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Just a thought on Travis' nice house vs. her grandparents' more modest home;

I don't know if her grandparents owned their home outright or were still holding a mortgage, as "crappy" as it is according to some, but Travis had two mortgages on his house and according to his texts to JA where he says he is trying to save his house, he wasn't able to make those payments easily.....I think I would rather own a home that I can afford even if some people make fun of it as opposed to a really nice home and a closet full of custom made clothes with a lien on it.

Jodi's grandparents are not on trial and their home is a perfectly nice one. :(. They bought what they could afford. How is that shameful?

Thank you FrayedKnot. I was one of those people who made a snarky comment. It was disrespectful and small of me and feel bad about it. My apologies to anyone who was offended.
Welcome!!:seeya::seeya: My opinion based on my experience with animal abusers is whatever they admit to doing, multiply it by ten. If she said she kicked the dog, she probably killed it. Whatever she did to that cat she enjoyed it. And it always sticks in my mind what she said to the detective about the blood in the shower being from her giving Napoleon a bath. Whether she was just making up excuses it is still jolting that in her mind it sounded like a reasonable explanation that giving a dog a bath results in bloodshed on the shower walls. That is one ******d up bath she gave that dog. I agree she is a psychopath, evil to the core. People that hurt animals unable to understand and defend themselves are scum and twisted sister here is just a wasted blob of DNA and needs to evaporate. Whew, I feel much better now!!!

TY! :seeya:

BBM: :what::eek: OMG I hadn't heard that!!! :what:

I agree people who hurt animals are evil. JA fits that description to a t.
I saw the bottle of emu I'm hard do you have to squeeze an emu to get the oil out of em? :what: :floorlaugh:
I thought I saw her on the latest girls gone wild video! Was she the one wearing the nurse hat, twirling her bikini top over her head like a helicopter propellor ?

Miss ya nurse!

Linda I don't know how to bring over a quote from an old thread but I was LMAO at the picture of the dog in a snood you found for me! I love it!!!! We should see more dogs in snoods lol!
TY! :seeya:

BBM: :what::eek: OMG I hadn't heard that!!! :what:

I agree people who hurt animals are evil. JA fits that description to a t.

I truly do think there is a smidgeon of truth in all of her lies. She probably hurt that dog. :(.
Well, before I turn in. To a lump of snoring pinot......

I just want to say that I still have a good feeling about ALV. But if she isn't honorable, then she, along with anyone else who tries to further a career or turn a buck on the back of Travis' murder, is, IMO, a vulture.

And there are already too many vultures trying to make their mark. I hope she isn't one and that she helps JM like it appears she already has.

Tell Mr Knot to feel better!
I truly do think there is a smidgeon of truth in all of her lies. She probably hurt that dog. :(.

She killed that dog...dogs come back, even to abusive owners...they're loyal till the end. That poor dog hobbled off to die. IMO
Calling it a night here all. Stay safe and sleep well. Prayers for all WSers and for the family and loved ones of TA :) See you all tomorrow!
I'm on blackberry watch. Promised my 83 year old mom I would come pick them for her so she can make blackberry jelly. She's calling me to come as soon as they get ripe.

I love your Mom! Blackberries are my favorite!
Nursie is here! she just helped me quickly rid of purple emu blowing margins I think! Although I need to post that again ! Steely is toooooo cute being purple! Just gotta figure out how to make his EASTER EMU COLORING smaller so he doesn't give us all a *advertiser censored*!

Wow that is a first for me!
Linda I don't know how to bring over a quote from an old thread but I was LMAO at the picture of the dog in a snood you found for me! I love it!!!! We should see more dogs in snoods lol!

Here ya go


Little Princess Leia action...
I moved to my tablet and bed. What song is that?
I understand and agree that Travis was immature and less experienced than Jodi.
But, I guess repulsiveness, vile, untrustworthy, dangerous is what others are describing. I don't like using the word evil because some think I mean possessed and I don't believe in that from a religious aspect.
I just can't wrap my head around why Travis didn't sense what others did.
Maybe it was simply raw sexual attraction and the rest seemed off about her but he was willing to look the other way for the sex.

I agree that Travis was naive to the wiles of a creature like Jodi. He was accustomed to the Mormon girls he met and the mostly Mormon PPL female poulation. I believe that SHE was the one who was the intial sexual aggressor in their dating arrangement. By first offering up oral in the car, I then think SHE convinced HIM that "anal wasn't as much of a sin", since she was the one with a long-time proclivity for that type of thing. He, like a lot of guys was thinking with the wrong head, but I doubt any of his Mormon buddies had run across the type of person she was, with a twisted, dark,um, "bedroom curriculum" as she put it.

The thing is, he DID finally see what everyone else did, he told his friends that he might be found dead, he sent her the texts telling her in no uncertain terms that he was DONE with her and it was OVER, she was OUT of his life and he had figured out that she was a manipulating, lying, snooping, hacking, tie-slashing sociopath that had done something(?) so unspeakable that he was threatening to expose her if she didn't leave him alone.

Too little, too late, that delusional, diabolical, gold-digging slunt was going to make him pay with his life, his memory and his reputation for "just not being that into her".
We need to speed up this trial and get a verdict watch. North Korea is threatening a missile strike on Hawaii which would take only 30 minutes to get here! I have a lot of time invested in this trial. :please:
I am glad we now know that ALV did not interview Jodi the stalker.
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