trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #109

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Juan has already battled fiercely with LaViolette in at least one court hearing recently per Jinkasaurus.

Oooh! I would love to take a peek at that!

ETA: Sorry, I just realised you said 'recent hearing'. That's the one about computer or picture then. I misread your post as a recent trial.
ok something here is making me feel really bad, because I have always had dogs over the years and once when I was a young mother , up all night ministring to two sick babies ( twins)...I came out into the kitchen for the umpteenth time to get a bottle or something and I stepped in dogpoo, and slipped and fell into a puddle of pee...and when my naughty dog came running in wagging his tail, I lost it and kicked him with my bare foot...

my dog yelped and I felt HORRIBLE...I was so mad...worst night ever...

I hope this doesn't make me a Jodi in anyone's eyes...since I have felt guilty over it for 30 years...

my little pup wasn't hurt and went on to have an enviable life....

but still...

I guess the difference is Jodi has no real guilt about anything she does.

I believe that is an entirely different set of circumstances. One can only take so much. Being up all night with one baby is hard enough, it can break a lot of people, but two sick babies? I don't think what happened that night could fairly be used to show the content of your character, especially not if it is still bothering you enough to mention it after all this time.

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I saw the picture of him laying in the shower on a site last week. It is really confusing since that shower stall is so small. Also at 1:32 I think that is when she pulled out the gun/knife. He seems startled in that picture. It makes sense that he is starled and then he is forced to lay on the floor.

Does the photo at 1:30 look like his front or back to you? He was manscaped but that looks more like the front than the back to me. What do you think?
Awwww, you both have wonderful hubbies!!! Don't get me wrong....mine is very supportive of my trial addiction! He just doesn't follow them like I do and most of the info he has is what little he picks up in passing from the TH's! So his perception of what is actually the truth is a little misconstrued to say the least!!! So he was telling me what he thought about the trial and JA and, websleuther that I am, of course I am very passionate about my opinion and we got into a little disagreement. He can't figure out why I am so adamant in the way I see things in this case!!! Actually, I didn't mean to sound like he was being a butt, he just doesn't get all caught up in it like I do!!! :blushing:

My husband (and kids) cannot understand why I not only watch the live stream all day at work (shhh) but I record it on HLN in case I miss something. Plus I record JVM, NG, and Dr. Drew. I also listen to the trial on my smart phone on my way home from work. My husband will call, interrupting me, and I'll tell him I can't talk, "Trial is on!" He still gets annoyed and says, "Seriously???" Hehehee!! You'd think he'd get it by now! Maybe he's a slow learner.
I'm an old cynic when it comes to defence expert witnesses, in any trial.

I expect LaViolette to earn her $300 per hour, and so does Wilmott.

I think her attitude will decide Juan's approach, but he'll get the job done. :twocents:

Oh she'll definitely earn that 300 bucks an hour when JM gets to question MAM :giggle:
Seems to me that her assistant's license was cancelled because her Supervisor's license was revoked, I'm wondering why HIS license was revoked:

"This registrant may only practice psychology under the direct supervision of a licensed psychologist or board-certified psychiatrist. The supervisor(s) is/are identified as:





It was revoked 7/30/97 because he had a sexual affair with a patient and tried to bribe a minister to discourage her from suing him.

Since LVA's assistant license said she could only work under his supervision, she was effectively out of a job.
Seems to me that her assistant's license was cancelled because her Supervisor's license was revoked, I'm wondering why HIS license was revoked:

"This registrant may only practice psychology under the direct supervision of a licensed psychologist or board-certified psychiatrist. The supervisor(s) is/are identified as:





I read this morning in the earlier pages of this thread that the man named above was sleeping with a client, and his license was revoked. Im thinking around page numbers 15-19 - somewhere around there.

ETA ^^ poster above beat me to it. :)
My issues with this expert are that she only references the woman/female/her as the victim and the only mention/opinion/experience of men she has given is about them as the abuser. This expert is testifying to hypotheticals as if they are facts and that is so completely wrong on every level there is.:furious:

I think ALV has dealt with people she sees that have gone through the court system. Meaning people (men) that have been charged with domestic assault and are going through the court system. I don't think she is basing her theories on the general population and walk ups that have come to her for counselling. I think by the time she has counselled or assessed her clients there has been court involvement. Very biased IMO.
When his turn comes he will point out that many of the symptoms and all the
weird behavior is in fact[ door opened?] that of MS.Arias Killer jilted girlfriend stalker tire slasher, doggie door entry sneak, sneaking into emaiIs, voice mails, places in public taking pictures for no reason in gyms and other public places..
digital photographer as her profession?
A cover up for her bad behavior is more like it..
ok something here is making me feel really bad, because I have always had dogs over the years and once when I was a young mother , up all night ministring to two sick babies ( twins)...I came out into the kitchen for the umpteenth time to get a bottle or something and I stepped in dogpoo, and slipped and fell into a puddle of pee...and when my naughty dog came running in wagging his tail, I lost it and kicked him with my bare foot...

my dog yelped and I felt HORRIBLE...I was so mad...worst night ever...

I hope this doesn't make me a Jodi in anyone's eyes...since I have felt guilty over it for 30 years...

my little pup wasn't hurt and went on to have an enviable life....

but still...

I guess the difference is Jodi has no real guilt about anything she does.

But you didn't go on to brutally murder someone.

What everyone is doing is taking this unfathomable event and working backward looking for signs that led up to this behavior.

Unless your life is in imminent danger've been subjected to some type of long time abuse and just couldn't take it any longer, people do NOT just snap like this and kill another Human being.

In the world of 7billion+ people, I'm sure at least 1 billion of us have been cheated on, or lied to, or disrespected by a partner or perhaps even hit....but are natural instinct is NOT to butcher them in the shower after a 12-week (500 mile distant) relationship.'s not you sweetie. Nudging a pet with your foot or even lightly hitting one is a normal reaction when they are a pain in the arse and we run out of patience that we'd normally have. As long as it's not a pattern of's no big deal.
But in Jodi's case, that incident along with all the other strange behavior, creates a different type of picture/pattern than it would in you or me.
<respectfully snipped by me>

I don't think this at all. Why? Because this heffa is SO vain and narcissistic that she wouldn't ALLOW them to dog her up if they could. No, this is a matter of someone in jail. They have no access to makeup or hair care products. A relative of mine got into drugs and at one VERY low point stole checks from a roommate for money and got arrested on a DUI charge. She prides herself on her looks and usually straightens then curls her hair and when we went to see her one day (while incarcerated) her hair looked like a bush. I said "what happened there" and she said they allow NO products except what you can buy at the prison store. I am sure if JA could, she'd be applying the make up ALLLLL day long.

No, I meant everytime I look at her now she looks like Andrea Yates. Especially when she stares and has that vacant look in her eyes. I don't think they were trying to make her look like Andrea.

She does look pretty homey now. I bet it is eating her up inside that she cannot be pretty. Wonder what she thinks when she watches the videos (48 hours) and sees the old pretty Jodi? After is all about her.
Does anyone know what Travis's mother and father died of? They both died at a relatively young age.
Oh, I love that one! I was struck with how dangerous the high seas are--there are a whole 'nuther breed of criminals who exist on tropical islands!

I'm a true crime book fiend--although it's pretty hard to find any well written ones anymore. Remember the good old days of Fatal Vision & books that were 350+ pages? At least it's fun to reread the good ones like Helter Skelter!

You should check out a documentary that visits all the places in CA where Charlie & family hung out. It's from a guy that does murder tours in LA--I'll have to find out what the name is--it's very eerie!

O/T = I read Fatal Vision way back and was convinced that MacDonald was guilty. Now? I'm not so sure. What do you think?
My husband (and kids) cannot understand why I not only watch the live stream all day at work (shhh) but I record it on HLN in case I miss something. Plus I record JVM, NG, and Dr. Drew. I also listen to the trial on my smart phone on my way home from work. My husband will call, interrupting me, and I'll tell him I can't talk, "Trial is on!" He still gets annoyed and says, "Seriously???" Hehehee!! You'd think he'd get it by now! Maybe he's a slow learner.

I might be divorced before this trial is over :giggle: My family are NOT happy campers either. Especially since the time change, here in the East it's on till 8pm or later!
Seems to me that her assistant's license was cancelled because her Supervisor's license was revoked, I'm wondering why HIS license was revoked:

"This registrant may only practice psychology under the direct supervision of a licensed psychologist or board-certified psychiatrist. The supervisor(s) is/are identified as:





Wow, you're good! I apologize if this was already asked, but why would she be only licensed as an assistant? Two days of her credentials back to the 60's - she said she worked with others, but not only under their supervision.
Could this have been in a different area than she normally worked, or while she was preparing for license in something?
Does anyone know what Travis's mother and father died of? They both died at a relatively young age.

His dad was killed in a motorcycle accident on Travis' 20th birthday. :(
Not sure about him mom.
Oh she'll definitely earn that 300 bucks an hour when JM gets to question MAM :giggle:

I can't help but wonder if the jurors will get ticked today if she spends the 5 hrs talking about no one to do with this case while they earn a pittance. I know I would be calculating their fees and looking for immediate relevance. jmo
Anyone know what Dr. DeMarte, the prosecution expert, used to make her evaluation of JA? Just the file, or was there an interview/s?

I've been wondering if she interviewed Arias for the SARA evaluation, and not a guestimate on Travis.

It appears neither DeMarte nor LaViolette can opine on Travis, but I haven't seen anything yet that says DeMarte cannot introduce a SARA on Arias. :please:
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