trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110

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Haven't heard the phrase "redding up" since I was a little girl in Pa. My family didn't use it, but I had neighbors who did. And that's eastern Pa., too.

I used to work with a wonderful young man from Bosnia. He would often ask me to explain where common phrases came from -- he was very anxious to speak fluent American English. Usually I could tell him, but there were occasions when I was completely stumped. He would often come close to a slang phrase, but not quite make it -- once he called someone "fluffy" rather than "flaky." We laughed till we cried. Used that phrase around the office for a long time.

O/T but Re: your Bosnian friend, you will appreciate's hilarious


Do you have Schlotzsky's where you live? ohemgee they were my faves!!!!
We only have one left around here and I ADMIT...I cheat about twice a year and eat one! YUM!

Now I have to locate a Schlotzky's for lunch!!! Those are my weakness.:facepalm:
Good morning - regarding JA's weight loss, IMO, she has lost weight and looks like carp due to (self-inflicted) stress. The migraines and cold sores are a further indication of this being stress-related. If you have ever been through a stressful time in your life - divorce, loss of a loved one, etc. - you know that weight loss is a common side effect of a body under stress. The calorie guidelines for the jail fall under the category allowed for an active woman, JA sits in a chair all day. Princess Jodi has no one to blame but herself for her current situation.

Morning foghorn. I think you're right.

IMO she is a psychopath. Now imagine what she is thinking and feeling at this point. A big element in the personality of a psychopath is the need to control. I think she was fine up to the point of her cross by Juan. Up until then she felt in control. Then she leaves the stand, greater loss of control. Doc S has a less than stellar performance, sand is leaving the hour glass. Potential last witness for the defense, coming closer to complete loss of control. Rebuttal, closings and then the moment of truth. No control. I think we'll see more this as she externalizes that stress.
I tend to think a doctor has seen her since she has recently been popping pills during trial and Wilmott is running around screeching that she wants her to take her medicine.

I know this won't be popular but that isn't my goal. I tend to also think that between JM and the jury questions she received while on the stand it became rather obvious to Ms. Arias that her well practised art of lying is not working. If you check the daily tapes of this trial you can see the degradation of her appearance since her time on the stand. I don't know that I believe she has migraines but I do believe that reality is slipping under her fog and she is starting to realize that her law of attraction bs isn't working at all, other than she may have realized that all the lying has major consequences which she never realized because she has always gotten away with her rotteness.

Add in her open gestures to Samuels while he was on the stand, it seems very obvious to me she figured out he wasn't helping her pile of lies. I can see how this hitting her would stress her out to the point we are now seeing. She is not stupid and no matter how much of a liar she is, it has to be getting through to her that all the lies are not holding up. With LaViolette, she is listening to someone describing her to a T - she's freaking out that the jury may be thinking the same thing. By the time JM gets done with LaViolette, she may well be being wheeled in and out on a stretcher. She is not dumb and she is very protective of herself - reality has to be particulary frightening for such a broken person. JMO

Plus, no strawberry frappawhatevers and no warpaint ever again has got to be alarming for her. Not that I have an ounce of sympathy for her.
I think too, she knows this is her curtain call. If indeed, this is the last defense witness, her time for "smiling and saying CHEESE is OVER". She'll have to just sit and take whatever JM is going to dish out during rebuttal.
Was it ever revealed WHY JA was hitting and kicking her mom (besides the fact that JA is a psycho beotch)? tia

IIRC JM's questions both included the phrase "for no reason". Draw whatever conclusions you like.
Haven't heard the phrase "redding up" since I was a little girl in Pa. My family didn't use it, but I had neighbors who did. And that's eastern Pa., too.

I was born in NYC & grew up in Allentown PA. Say? Do you pronounce water "wudder?":floorlaugh:

I never got the accent--I'm more of a Texan since we moved here when I was 16.

I do miss the Shoo Fly Pie, Birch Beer, pierogies & cheesesteaks! AND the pizza! They can't make a proper pizza here in TX.
As I taxpayer of AZ this hardly seems worth the hours of billings I will have to pay just to find out how MUCH of my money is being spent without finding out why.

I bet 1.5 million. :twocents:
[Snipped] So I could respond to this...

Hee hee... I am a Ga REDNECK through and through!
bet that surprised you diddntit?
I am thinkin bout makin me summthin soon.
Does this look good?
My gluten free fav!

Ahhh, yes - that's right. I remember reading some of your posts now that talked about Georgia. So you guys share some of the same slang! :toast:

And the baked breakfast casserole looks yummy! While you're cooking, I'm going back to cleaning.

OT .......but thank you Georgia for Shane's Rib Shack. AZ is the proud location for the only one west of Louisiana! Omg nom! nom! nom!

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
She's not burning more than 1800 calories/day sitting around in court or in her cell. With that number of calories, she should be gaining a pound every 4-5 days. She a manipulative BPD.

Since we are now doing math here, a bit early I might add but that is assuming she eats all her 2600 calories which I might add are not typical of 2600 calories, IT IS JAIL FOOD, she probably does not eat everything, seriously this has got to be taking a toll on her. Her breakfast is split in TWO and that is all she has from possibly 3 am til 6 pm when she gets back to jail. she has probably missed the supper time meal and a tray is saved for her but is cold and cold goulash probably really sucks so she may not eat much if anything at night.

This trial has been going on for a while, it has to be really difficult all the transferring from jail to court and the meal situation, I can easily understand a migraine or two.

Yeah I know she is in jail.....
I've always thought the same thing. This is possible ONLY if Travis stood still the whole time.....MAYBE she body slammed him????:great:

I agree, i posted this thought before.... if he is a wrestler and they are both crouching down, why go through the trouble of standing up, picking her up, then slamming her down. A wrestler would go into an immediate takedown, putting his body on top of hers, pin her to the floor. If he wants her dead then wrap his legs around her neck, choking her and there were be no chance of her getting back up...the end
What I think JA's problem is is that most of her calories are in the evening meal and she doesn't like the slop so she isn't eating enough. She is basically starving herself. I am not sure what they do when a prisoner refuses to eat and it affects their trial. Anyone know?

ETA A handful of walnuts goes a long way in getting your body fueled.

Not sure about the rules about prisoners but typically a NG tube is put down one of their nares(of their nose) and fed specialized nutrients(hospital strength ENSURE) or a special IV access is placed and a substance called TPN is infused. I would be happy to volunteer to put a NG in for Jodi. :blushing:
Since we are now doing math here, a bit early I might add but that is assuming she eats all her 2600 calories which I might add are not typical of 2600 calories, IT IS JAIL FOOD, she probably does not eat everything, seriously this has got to be taking a toll on her. Her breakfast is split in TWO and that is all she has from possibly 3 am til 6 pm when she gets back to jail. she has probably missed the supper time meal and a tray is saved for her but is cold and cold goulash probably really sucks so she may not eat much if anything at night.

This trial has been going on for a while, it has to be really difficult all the transferring from jail to court and the meal situation, I can easily understand a migraine or two.

Yeah I know she is in jail.....

I understand what you are saying and agree that lack of eating could be causing the migraine.

I guess, though, I liken it to the fact that I work a lot, am a law abiding citizen when I can be and there are plenty of times that I come home to meal already cooked/eaten and am too tired to even heat it up and try to eat it. Its the consequence I face after working all day.

I think until we know for sure what time she is actually getting that morning meal since it has been reported by a guard that it is 7 am not 3-4 am, its possible that she is just not eating a great deal after being in court all day. It happens.

I think too, she knows this is her curtain call. If indeed, this is the last defense witness, her time for "smiling and saying CHEESE is OVER". She'll have to just sit and take whatever JM is going to dish out during rebuttal.

Yes ma'am - the curtain is getting close to coming down and JM is going to be putting on some witnesses that most likely will seal her fate. All control for the little princess will be history...not pleasant for her. Would be pretty darn appalling to her if Mr. McCartney shows up, Walmart rep, Tesoro rep, a Mesa PD forensic fellow, another expert and whoever else JM has up his sleeve. Premeditation will be the name of this game. She is not a happy camper, her lies exposed, her reputation tarnished, she can't handle it.
It's not just about calories it's about when you get them and what else comes woth them. 2600 cals of pop in the morning and nothing else the entire day isn't going to do you much good. She has been prescribed meds for the migraines or something which means a doctor has seen her. Just give her a couple energy bars throughout the day, not for her but for the sake of Travis' family and getting the trial through with properly.

Not sure you are reading all the posts correctly. She gets the same opportunity to eat her meals as we all do. During the week when she is in court she gets her morning ration of food in a sack bag along with something to drink. She gets fresh bread which is enough for more than one sandwich and approximately what looks like a 1/2 cup of peanut butter, two pieces of fruit (grapefruit and an orange for example), cookie or cracker and two cartons of milk. When she is in court she is served her breakfast at 7:00am and she gets to eat the rest for lunch when they have the lunch recess. At no time does she have to eat all the food she is given for the day at one time. It is the same as any of us packing our lunch and bringing it to work with us. Packing a lunch for the kids to take to school. No different. She just does not get a hot meal at lunchtime.

Jodi complained on Tuesday and they gave her a powerbar. My guess is she tried it early yesterday to get another powerbar (probably tasty compared to what she normally eats) and it backfired. The judge sent her down to the holding cell or back to jail for her meds. Obviously she did not take her medication when she was suppose to, more likely she did and lied about it.
Since we are now doing math here, a bit early I might add but that is assuming she eats all her 2600 calories which I might add are not typical of 2600 calories, IT IS JAIL FOOD, she probably does not eat everything, seriously this has got to be taking a toll on her. Her breakfast is split in TWO and that is all she has from possibly 3 am til 6 pm when she gets back to jail. she has probably missed the supper time meal and a tray is saved for her but is cold and cold goulash probably really sucks so she may not eat much if anything at night.

This trial has been going on for a while, it has to be really difficult all the transferring from jail to court and the meal situation, I can easily understand a migraine or two.

Yeah I know she is in jail.....

I have eaten many cold dishes. If a person is hungry they will eat it cold imo. She doesn't want to eat the slop and especially not cold if in fact she gets it cold.
Since we are now doing math here, a bit early I might add but that is assuming she eats all her 2600 calories which I might add are not typical of 2600 calories, IT IS JAIL FOOD, she probably does not eat everything, seriously this has got to be taking a toll on her. Her breakfast is split in TWO and that is all she has from possibly 3 am til 6 pm when she gets back to jail. she has probably missed the supper time meal and a tray is saved for her but is cold and cold goulash probably really sucks so she may not eat much if anything at night.

This trial has been going on for a while, it has to be really difficult all the transferring from jail to court and the meal situation, I can easily understand a migraine or two.

Yeah I know she is in jail.....

The problem with Jodi is that she decided she was not like every single other inmate in the history of this jail, not that there is a problem with the food.

Why is it more difficult for Jodi? Is she different than every other inmate--and there are ones who are pregnant!

It sounds like she is deliberately not taking her medicine, whatever that is. Adults take meds that they require without having their lawyer insist on it. It's like all the "suicide ideation" they say Jodi had--it's BS. It's a tool to manipulate. Jodi is incarcerated, so she's limited in what she can control.

Canceling the trial is BIG for Jodi--she has so little control over her life that she must take great pleasure in inconveniencing everyone involved.
If her lawyers really believe that she is not getting enough calories or that they are not spread out evenly then they can make a request for additional snacks during the day and it would probably be granted. They don't because she doesn't really have migraines. It's just strategy.

If she really needs more food then give it to her. More protein, more carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, sugary snacks, juice. I don't care as long as the trial continues and we have closing statements soon!
Yes ma'am - the curtain is getting close to coming down and JM is going to be putting on some witnesses that most likely will seal her fate. All control for the little princess will be history...not pleasant for her. Would be pretty darn appalling to her if Mr. McCartney shows up, Walmart rep, Tesoro rep, a Mesa PD forensic fellow, another expert and whoever else JM has up his sleeve. Premeditation will be the name of this game. She is not a happy camper, her lies exposed, her reputation tarnished, she can't handle it.

As I said earlier this morning yes this is my train of thought. Remember:


One of our court observers said she sat next to a friend of LaViolette's and she was terrified to testify in the case. She must have been talking about Juan. Personally, I would give the money back and run for the hills!! lol

I do feel sorry for her since I believe she has helped many woman and men deal and overcome abuse issues. I will not be watching court today since I cannot listen to anymore of her stories. On to work...........
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